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See the end of the work for notes

All characters involved are over 18 years old.

A special thanks to my Patreon 'Thedog' this update is thanks to him. 


Jaehaerys could never have expected this, much less imagined the possibility that this could ever happen. When the news reached Winterfell, he could not believe it, he did not want to believe it, but the letter had been written by his own mother. He could easily recognize her beautiful and delicate handwriting, he could even feel her pain through the slight tremor of her handwriting as she wrote the terrible message and he could even see the mark of an errant tear that had fallen on the parchment.

His father King Rhaegar Targaryen and his brother Aegon Targaryen, the heir to the Iron Throne, had died during a visit to Meereen, apparently, they had been raided by pirates. Sadly, they also lost Ser Arthur Dayne and two other Kings guard, who died valiantly trying to protect their King and prince. His mother requested him to return to King's Landing so that he could be with his family at this dreadful time and suggested that he prepare for his coronation.

Finishing reading the letter and putting it aside, a mixture of feelings flooded him as he tried to assimilate the whole situation. Clearly the feelings that weighed most heavily on him were sadness and grief at having lost his father and brother. Aegon and he could not be more different in appearance, ways of thinking and ideals. But they were as close as any pair of brothers could possibly be. They grew up together, trained together, hunted together and formed an unbreakable bond, Aegon promised him that he would be his hand when he became King. Jae loved his brother and could not have felt more honoured to be able to help him in his duty as King, for he was sure that Aegon would be a truly remarkable King.

On the other hand, though, his relationship with his father was much more complicated and had only become more strained over the past few years. But, in spite of everything, Jae still considered his father to be a great man and held him in high esteem. How could he not, after all his father was the one who defeated Robert Baratheon 'the demon of the trident' in the last battle of the rebellion which decided the control of Westeros. Marching victorious to the capital, Rhaegar dethroned his father, the Mad King, and put him on trial for the many crimes he had committed against the realm and the great Lords of Westeros. But even though he could not execute his own father, that did not stop him from ordering his exile and condemning him to live out the rest of his days on The Wall.

Although the former King Viserys did not last long there. For just two weeks later, news reached the capital that in an 'unfortunate accident' Aerys Targaryen had fallen over the edge of the Wall to an instant death, something far better than the cruel man had deserved. Everyone took that as the truth and decided to move on with their lives, after all the world was a better place without the likes of Aerys Targaryen, the man who had no qualms about ordering the head of a great Lord or the complete destruction of King's Landing.

Once his father took power and the crown, he continued his work to unify and restore order to Westeros. Jae was sure that to the small folk and to the Lords, both great and small, his father was a great man and King. But few knew about the King's obsessions and how they were consuming his mind more and more. Rhaegar firmly believed that a terrible evil would strike Westeros, a winter without end and that only 'the prince who was promised' could save them all.

At first, his father believed that he was this prophesied hero, but as the years passed, his thinking changed until he firmly believed that the hero he so hoped for was his son, his firstborn, Aegon. He also believed that the dragon needed to have three heads, and in addition to having Rhaenys whom he had already betrothed to Aegon when they were only children, Rhaegar needed another son to complete the set, he needed his Visenya. Which he planned to have with Lyanna Stark, but when Lyanna returned to the capital, she did not do it with a silver-haired girl in her arms. Instead, she arrived in the capital with a black-haired boy, her mother had had him and not the girl her father wished for. In his father's eyes, he had ruined everything he had planned or hoped for so many years, especially when the maesters confirmed that due to the complicated delivery Lyanna had had, she would not be able to become pregnant again. For this could be fatal for her.

Jae always knew that his father held a grudge against him for everything that had happened, although in reality none of it had been his fault. But that didn't seem to matter to his father, as he always seemed to ignore him in favour of Aegon or Rhaenys. Though fortunately the feeling was not shared towards his siblings, with whom he was very close. The same could be said of Elia who always treated him as if he were her own son as did his grandmother Rhaella and his aunt, Daenerys. Although I could not say that he was very close to Viserys.

But sadly, during the last years his father's obsession about the prophecies and visions about the terrible future that guarded them only increased. Especially when a red priestess named Melisandre arrived in the capital and quickly began to put ideas into his father's head. Making him see visions in the flames, whispering things in his ear and it is even said that Rhaegar began to drink the shadow of the evening, which was said to be very addictive and gave to those who drank it, terrible visions that were very vivid. Gradually, his father began to withdraw from his family, preferring to listen to this priestess, even over his own wives.

Everyone worried about Rhaegar's condition, seeing him so consumed by prophecies and visions. Though, no one said it aloud, they all feared that Rhaegar might fall into madness, the same way his father had before him. After all, it did not bode well for a Targaryen King to be obsessed with flames. It was for that reason that of all his brothers, Jae was the only one who dared to speak out about it.

He recriminated his own father about how he neglected his duties as King in favour of following fanciful fantasies and obsessing over prophecies in the flames. About how he was increasingly turning away from his family in favour of following and listening to a stranger who preached a foreign religion. Unfortunately, as expected, his father did not take kindly to his accusations. He even went so far as to label him as a traitor and blamed him for all of this. The situation could have escalated even further, but his mothers and even his siblings backed him up, although that did little to appease his father's anger. As a consequence, Jaehaerys had to be forced to leave the capital and 'hide' for a while in the north. Jae didn't like the idea at all, but he only did it because Elia and Lyanna asked him to, almost begging him to do so. He barely got to say goodbye to everyone, as he had to escape the city and his father's wrath in such a hurry, one could almost say he was smuggled out of the capital to the north.

Fortunately for him, he was quite fond of the north, his visits to his mother's birthplace were always pleasant. His uncle Ned was like a father to him, just as Robb was like a second brother to him. And he also loved the rest of his cousins as if they were brothers. It had been a year since he had come north and apart from missing his family, he certainly preferred Winterfell over the Red Keep.

But at the same time, he felt guilt at the thought that perhaps he could have done more to prevent this. At the same time, though, the more rational part of him told him that one could not reason with someone who was sinking deeper and deeper into his own madness. Letting out a last heavy sigh Jae stood up, he would have to inform the Starks about the news and about his early departure, he had to prepare for his journey back home.


With the winds in his favour, Jae was able to reach the capital in less than two weeks. As soon as he landed, he could pick up the smell of shit and urine emanating from the city, definitely one of the things he hadn't missed at all about this place. Though perhaps the stinking smell of the capital was the only thing that hadn't changed, the last time he had been in this place he had been the second son of Rhaegar Targaryen, 'the spare'. Even there were always doubts about his true legitimacy, even hearing people mutter the word 'bastard' behind his back. More Stark than Targaryen, both his father and his brother had been beloved and popular princes among the nobles and the small folk, 'the silver prince' and 'the charming prince'. On the other hand, he had never possessed his natural charisma, he had always been of a more reserved nature, 'the dark prince of the Red Keep'.

But now he was no longer a prince, with the pitiful death of his father and brother, he was the nearest successor to the iron throne and his coronation as King would be in a few days and he was received in the city as such. Although he could tell that there was some uncertainty among the people about the soon to be King, there was not much fanfare or praise for him. 

Although he would not have wished there was either.

He did not enjoy his new position, he would never have wished for it, he was not born or even trained to rule. He could only take comfort in the idea that he would not be alone.


The great gates of the Red Keep opened for him as the crier announced him to everyone. Jae watched as the throne room seemed to be packed, everyone awaiting his arrival. From nobles, ladies, small lords and members of his father's small council, all of whom he could easily recognize. Possibly he should also expect the arrival of the great lords of Westeros for his father's burial and to renew their oaths before him at his coronation.

Although, Jae wasn't so focused on that, his eyes were focused on the people waiting for him in front of the Iron Throne, his family. He could not see Daenerys or his grandmother Rhaella anywhere, which meant that they had not yet arrived from Dragonstone. Sure enough, the first to come forward to greet him was his mother, Lyanna. His mother didn't seem to have changed one bit, she was still as beautiful as ever, he could never understand how his father could ignore her or Elia in favour of that priestess. Although, the answer was simple, madness.

With skin as white as snow, completely unblemished, smiling grey eyes and high cheekbones. His mother could easily be one of the most beautiful women in all the Kingdoms, being able to compete with Valyrian beauties like Daenerys or Rhaella.

"Welcome home, my son. You look strong." His mother told him with a meaningful smile on the verge of tears, barely breaking away from the deep embrace she gave him.

Jae took both of her hands in his and brought them to his lips, kissing each lovingly before answering her.

"I'm happy to be back. Though I would have preferred it to have been under better circumstances."

"We need to be strong; we need to stick together and you need to be ready for what's coming." Lyanna told him firmly. "But always remember, your family will always stand behind you."

Jae nodded and gave her one last kiss, this time on the cheek before moving on to the next woman waiting for him. Elia Martell, his father's first wife and his second mother. Like Lyanna, Elia was a beautiful woman, though with different features. Olive skin, lustrous straight black hair, large chocolate eyes, and a beautiful heart-shaped face. And unlike Lyanna's thicker, more curvaceous figure, Elia possessed a slimmer figure and modest breasts, but that made her no less attractive. 

And just as Lyanna did, Elia greeted him with a strong and profound embrace. Jae returned the hug in the same way, separating after a few seconds more than was appropriate. Raising his hands to his face, Jae wiped away an errant tear that peeked down his cheek.

"I'm sorry, I should have been here. Maybe I could have done something to stop this." Jae told her comfortingly. But Elia quickly refuted his words, shaking her head and telling him.

"No, there would have been nothing you could have done to stop Rhaegar. He no longer understood reason or words, not even from those closest to him. I'm only sorry he had to drag Aegon with him."

"I am sure that my brother would never have abandoned father. Any more than I would have."

Elia finally flashed him a slight smile, knowing he was right about that and Jae took leave of her with a tender kiss on the cheek. Moving on to the next member of his family, who was his uncle, Viserys Targaryen. Like his brothers, Viserys had the classic Targaryen looks, a tall bearing, slender figure, silver hair and light lilac eyes. Something he always disliked, as according to him, they were very 'feminine'. And only on this occasion, he could say that his uncle was right. The relationship he had with his uncle could be described as at best ' tolerable', although the truth was that they never liked each other, their personalities and thoughts could not be more opposite. Besides, he always had a feeling that his uncle wanted to be more than just a prince, so he had to keep an eye on him from now on.

 Viserys gave the slightest of bows before saying to him. "Welcome back to King's Landing, nephew. I hope your sojourn on the frozen northern moor has not affected your faculties, after all, the realm needs a fit and strong King, now more than ever."

"Thank you for your concern for my welfare, Uncle. And fortunately for the Kingdom, I am in perfect condition to fulfil my duties, but if you still have any doubts, I will make sure you have a good place so you can witness my coronation up close." Jae answered him, before moving quickly towards the last person waiting to greet him, leaving an annoyed Viserys behind.

The last to greet him was his beloved sister, Rhaenys. His sister had inherited her mother's beautiful bronze skin, but she had her father's indigo eyes. On top of that, unlike her mother's much more delicate and slenderer figure, Rhaenys was of athletic build and had large, full breasts. It was almost unreal the way her breasts seemed to defy gravity and managed to protrude from her chest. With a slim waist that flared out into wide hips and a protruding ass. With all those qualities plus being a princess of House Targaryen, Jae was sure his sister was one of the most desired women in the Realms, especially now that her betrothed had passed away.

About that, Jae was unsure how he could comfort his sister or what words might be the right ones to say. But apparently his sister didn't want to hear him say anything, as she instead opted to simply throw herself into his arms and hug him deeply, hiding her face in the crook of his neck. Sure enough, Jae returned the embrace and after a few finally whispered in his ear.

"I'm going to miss him a lot."

"Me too." Rhaenys breathed softly against his ear.

Jae wanted to talk in more depth about the subject of their engagement, but knew that now was not the right time. He knew there was a chance that he would have to take his brother's place and marry his sister, but as much love as might exist between him and Rhaenys, he was not Aegon. Rhaenys had been betrothed to Aegon since she was practically a child, had grown up knowing that they would be wife and husband, both had developed feelings for each other. Knowing it would not be an easy situation for either of them, parting from her, Jae kissed her hands the same way he had with Lyanna and walked away from her with a promise to speak more privately later.

Having finished greeting her family, Jae turned and addressed all those present and guests who had arrived in the capital and spoke.

"Preparations for the burial of my father, King Rhaegar Targaryen and my brother, Prince Aegon of House Targaryen will take place once my aunt Princess Daenerys and my grandmother, Rhaella, the Queen Mother arrive at King's Landing. Any business about my coronation and the renewal of the oaths of the Great Lords of the Realm to me will take place after my father and brother are duly buried and join their ancestors in the Great Sept of Baelor."

With nothing more to say, Jaehaerys dismissed them all and gestured to their mothers. He needed to speak with them, alone.


Jae poured two glasses of wine and took them towards Lyanna and Elia, both whispered a thanks and gave him a smile. Jae poured one for himself before taking a seat as they did, he took a large gulp before taking a heavy breath and finally telling them.

"There's something I want to talk about."

"Of course, anything we can, we'll help you with." Lyanna answered him.

"It's about the betrothal Rhaenys had with Aegon."

"What about it?" Elia was the one to ask.

"Do I have to honour the betrothal or can Rhaenys be free to marry whomever she wishes?"

Both women were silent for several seconds before Lyanna told him.

"Perhaps we should wait for your grandmother's arrival before deciding any political issues involving the family."

Jae didn't like that answer at all, quickly refuting.

"Rhaenys shouldn't be forced to marry me just weeks after losing her betrothed."

"I know it sounds difficult, but Rhaenys understands the responsibilities involved in being a princess of House Targaryen. Besides, that betrothal was arranged by Rhaegar, when he was still himself, and he did it for good reasons. And I think those reasons are more valid now more than ever. We need to stay strong and united as a family and this marriage will only strengthen House Targaryen."

Jae sighed defeatedly before nodding, he could understand the reasoning behind his mother's words, but that didn't mean he liked the idea. But just the same, he still planned to speak personally with Rhaenys. Deciding to change the subject, he asked.

"How are the preparations for the wake going?"

"Everything is mostly ready; we're just waiting for Daenerys and Rhaella to arrive." Elia was the one who answered.

"And the coronation I imagine will be a few days after that." Jae said showing his displeasure with being crowned as soon as his brother and father are buried.

Standing up and approaching him, his mother put a hand on his shoulder and said sympathetically.

"It is for the best, Jae. Westeros cannot long remain without a King, as much as the people and the Lords, great or small, need to see you sitting on the iron throne and with a crown on your head."

Jae nodded resignedly again, but before he could answer his mother, they heard someone knock on the door before opening it. A servant girl poked her head in and addressed them with their honorifics.

"My Queen, My Queen." She said to both Elia and Lyanna before turning to him and bowing, she said. "Your Grace." Turning back to his mothers, she said to them. "Forgive me for the intrusion, but there are matters that require the presence of the Queens or at least one of them."

Rising to her feet, Lyanna declared. "I will take care of it. You two can catch up, hopefully it won't take too long." Jae didn't catch the knowing look her mother sent Elia as she left the room and the way Elia tried to hide her blush as she took a sip of her wine.

Finally, alone, Jae finished the rest of his wine in just one sip before setting the glass aside, standing up on his way to Elia. Taking the glass from her hands, he set it aside before placing a hand on her chin and having her lift her gaze to him and ask.

"My mother said Rhaenys would have no problem about our possible betrothal. Would you also be okay with me becoming your daughter's husband?"

"You are the King now and the head of our family, you must do what is best for the Kingdom and for House Targaryen."

"And what about what I want?" Jae asked.


"I missed you." He told her promptly. And he was glad to hear her reply.

"I missed you too."

Taking her hand, he helped her up and hugged her against him, taking her face in his hand, he lovingly caressed her cheek and tucked a few strands of hair behind her ear as he leaned forward. Her warm breath bathed his face as he brushed his lips against hers softly.

"Lyanna may return at any moment." Elia tried to protest and pull away from him, placing her hands on his chest, but without putting any real force behind her actions.

Placing his hands on her hips, he held her body tight to his. The speed of Elia's breathing increased with her excitement as Jae kissed her soft, full lips, this time deepening the kiss. His fingers gripped the hair at the back of her head as Elia let herself be carried away by passion and kissed him back greedily, her tongue slipping between his lips. It was a slow, languid kiss, his tongue caressing hers as his hands ran up and down her back.

"Jae." Elia whispered seductively, pulling away so that her lips were only a breath away from his. "Take me to the bed."

Jae lifted her with extreme ease in his arms, holding her tightly he carried her to the bed. Laying her gently on the bed, he easily untied the dress she wore along with her small clothes and removed them, then hurriedly took off his own clothes. With his legs bent at the knees, he caressed her thighs and crawled onto the bed with her. Starting at the knee, he kissed her thigh, spreading her legs as he went. Elia let out a purring sound as Jae reached her pussy and began peppering it with kisses. His tongue ran between her lips, starting from the bottom and sliding all the way up. Letting out a low moan, she grabbed him by the hair and gave him a gentle tug.

"Jae, my love." She purred.

Twisting her finger, she beckoned him closer.

"It's been too long, I need you." She said in a seductive, eager voice.

Placing one more kiss on her clit, Jae moved up over her body, sucking and nipping at the skin of her stomach and breasts as he moved forward.

"You're beautiful, Elia." Jae told her softly.

She smiled at him and wrapped her fingers around his erection, stroking his length lightly. Pulling him forward, she placed his head at her entrance, his swollen head opened her tight lips. Releasing his shaft, she placed her hands on his hips and slowly pushed him forward. Elia gasped as he thrust into her, slowly sinking into her hot core. Her soft, wet walls stretched around his girth and a choked cry escaped her lips as she closed her eyes.

Inch by inch, Jae thrust his length inside her until his hips pressed against her spread thighs. Panting slightly, she wrapped her arms tightly around him, holding him in place as his head rested on her shoulder. Holding still, he stroked her back lightly, savouring the sensation of being inside in Elia again as he gave her time to adjust to his size as well. But Jae didn't think he could wait for long, it had been a year since he'd enjoyed this feeling, of having his cock being embraced by the hugging warmth of his lover. He definitely didn't plan on parting from her again. Running his hands down her sides, his hands brushed the side of her breasts, his thumbs rubbed her perfectly formed breasts and her hard, puckered nipples.

Jae swallowed saliva heavily, eliciting a slight chuckle from her at the expression on his face. Grasping his wrists, she brought his hands to her breasts and placed them lightly on her warm mounds. Taking them in his hands, he rubbed his thumb over the soft, smooth skin as he squeezed and rubbed them. Elia closed her eyes and moaned slightly as his thumbs brushed over her swollen brown nipples, her hips swaying slightly. Feeling the incredible pleasure surrounding his length, Jae began to move his hips slowly, moving gently back and forth. Pulling back only a couple of inches, he pushed deeper, pressing his pelvis against hers before pulling back again.

Letting out a moan, Elia grabbed him by the nape of his neck and pulled him down for a fierce kiss, sliding her tongue inside his mouth. His hunger for her increased by the second, as he began to move his hips faster and faster and his hands touched her breasts more roughly. Elia let go of the back of his neck and grabbed his ass, pulling him closer more firmly when he bottomed out and moving his hips to press her clit against him. Jae felt his climax growing too fast and struggled to avoid it as much as he could.

He wanted to enjoy this feeling for a little while longer.

Pulling his lips away from hers to catch his breath, he slowed his movements and closed his eyes and did his best to resist the urge to cum deep inside her.

"Oh, Jae. You feel so good in me." Elia whispered in his ear, almost causing him to break down.

"Fuck, I'm close." He warned her, unable to hold back much longer.

"Me too." She gasped softly. "Just a little more."

Jae bit his lip painfully, hoping it would distract him as he thrust desperately into her. The room filled with the sounds of laboured breathing, the light slap of skin against skin, and the occasional moan or gasp from the two of them. Suddenly, Elia tensed in his arms and her walls grew tighter around him, fluttering along his length.

"Oh gods!" Elia hissed, clinging to him tightly as she trembled in his arms.

With a loud grunt, Jae finally let go. His throbbing length lurched inside her as he cummed. Spurt after spurt of hot sperm splashed hard against her walls as he buried himself as deep as he could into her core. When their orgasms ended, they stayed connected, leaning against each other as they gasped for air. It had been a long time since he had felt so satisfied or relaxed. So much was his bliss that he didn't hear the door suddenly open, letting in a not so surprised, Lyanna Stark.

"You were right Elia; I think I'm more jealous than angry."

Jae quickly turned towards her mother's voice and put on an expression of disbelief as he saw her standing in the middle of the room with her arms crossed as she watched them with a slight, but funny grimace. With a smile that Jae didn't notice because her eyes were fixed on her mother, Elia said to her sister-wife.

"I'm sorry, Lya. But if you want me to share, you'll have to wait for your son to give me a couple more orgasms."

"What?" Jae asked incredulously, watching Elia's amused and 'innocent' expression and Lyanna's resigned expression, but also noticing that her gaze wandered to where Elia and he were still connected.

It seemed that Elia had confessed their relationship to her mother. And her reaction did not seem to be at all what he had expected.


This story will probably be shorter, ending in the next chapter with the Jon/Lyanna/Elia Threesome. Although I could add an extra chapter with Rhaenys or even finally make my first foursome? Let me know what you think, see you in the next update, until then.


Daeron Targaryen

You know damn well we want the foursome, no a sixsome Dany and Rhaella need love to


Need all of them dany rhaella lyanna rhaenys elia