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See the end of the work for notes

All characters involved are over 18 years old.


Finally arriving at his destination and entering the room where Bran would be waiting for him. Jon was slightly surprised to not only see his brother and Sam there, but Sansa and Arya were also present with them. Approaching his siblings and positioning himself on the other side of the large table, Jon spoke.

"I didn't know my sisters would be present." Jon said to Sam, giving him a sharp look.

His friend seemed to struggle with his own words for several seconds before finally Jon dismissed it and said quickly.

"I'm to assume this is an important matter. Since you've gathered us all here" Jon spoke again, this time turning to his brother.

"It is Jon, but it's also a family matter. That's the reason I think you should all listen to what I'm about to say." Bran said, his voice coming out oddly heavy.

But before he could think any more about it, Arya voiced her opinion by saying aloud.

"If it's a family matter. what's he doing here?" his sister said staring at his old, dastardly friend.

"Sam might not be part of the family, but the reason he's here is because he was an important piece in the discovery of what I'm about to tell you." Bran replied.

"Well, with that cleared up and assuming we're not expecting anyone else. Why don't you start talking Bran and let's get this over with." Jon said to his brother. But before he could begin to speak, he was interrupted again when Sansa beat him to it. Not hesitating, she asked Jon scathingly.

"Anxious to be somewhere else Jon? Or with someone else for that matter? We're your family, but you can't stand to be ten minutes apart from her."

Jon couldn't help but let out a snort, he didn't know what Sansa's problem was lately. She had practically been unbearable since he'd returned to Winterfell along with Daenerys. Quite the opposite of how she had been with him since they had been reunited at the Wall, they had never been as close as they had been during that time. They spent countless hours together, planning Winterfell's defences, organizing supplies and rations, and ordering repairs of the castle. The two had grown quite close during that time, even once they had stayed up late together and ended up drinking and reminiscing about better times all night. Since Sansa didn't handle northern ale very well, it didn't take long for her to end up passed out and him having to carry her to her bed. Sansa even went so far as to ask him to stay by her side, and obviously unable to refuse his sister, he ended up sleeping next to her.

Letting her hold him and comforting her when she murmured in her sleep, asking him to never leave her. Jon imagined that in her dreams she thought of him as if he were father, as she clung very tightly to him and seemed very helpless and frightened. Jon did his best to show her that she was not alone and that this time, he would not let anything, or anyone hurt her again.

The next morning Jon remembers waking up alone, Sansa was long gone. And over the next few days she acted like she couldn't remember or wanted to talk about it, and he decided not to pressure her to talk about it, surely, she felt a little embarrassed for acting so vulnerably. But Jon was happy to be able to see that side of her, and he wanted her to be completely sure that she would always have her brother to protect and care for her. Like any brother would do for his little sister.

But all that seemed to have vanished, as Sansa's attitude towards him became cold and distant again, and he didn't understand why.

Returning to the present and not wanting to go back to when they were children, Jon calmly replied to Sansa.

"I don't see how my private affairs are any of your concern, dear sister."

"A King has no private affairs Jon, every action you take has consequences. You should have known that when you decided to give the Northern crown to the Targaryen girl after all we suffered to regain our home. And if that wasn't enough, you shamelessly sleep with her in the chambers that once belonged to our father." Sansa shouted at him, her anger and indignation rising with every word she uttered.

Jon shook his head in disbelief, unable to believe that Sansa actually believed the words she had just spoken. But not wanting to put up with Sansa's childish attitude any longer and wanting to clear the matter up once and for all, Jon replied to his sister.

"You are right Sansa; I am a King. The crown that once rested on Robb's head now rests on mine. The same Lords who knelt before him now kneel before me. Your cousin Robin Arryn Lord of the Eyrie knelt before me, naming me protector of the Vale and general of its armies after he saw for himself the threat that looms before us. Your uncle Edmund, whom I freed after defeating the Frey’s, was smart enough to know that the best choice he had was to kneel before me and earn the protection of the North. You see Sansa, I haven't forgotten who I am or the things I had to do to get here, and I definitely haven't forgotten my duties or my responsibility to my Kingdoms or people. And for the last time, I have not surrendered my crown or any of any of my Kingdoms to Daenerys, and, yet. She decided to help us, not only to fight our enemies, but also to help the North survive one of the longest and most brutal winters ahead of us and she is doing it without the promise of anything in return. So, I don't understand where all this hostility towards her is coming from, but it has to stop Sansa, you are no longer a child who can throw a tantrum because you are jealous of someone else."

That seemed to touch a nerve in her, because her face seemed to have turned as red as her hair, surely not liking hearing that at all.

"Oh, and one last thing," Jon told her as he glared at her, "I am the Lord of Winterfell, this is my fucking castle, and the Lord's chambers are mine to use. I can fuck anyone I wish in them; do you understand that little sister?"

Sansa was furious and completely outraged, quickly turning to Arya or Bran, most likely trying to seek some support from her brothers. But Bran simply gave her a sympathetic look, as if he knew something that everyone else was unaware of, even Sansa herself. Arya on the other hand moved away from her sister's side and moved to Jon's, showing her clear support for him. Annoyed at being left alone, Sansa folded her arms, did not leave, but remained silent.

Finished clearing that up once and for all and now with the mood in the room sourer, all Jon wanted was to get back to Dany as soon as possible.

"Say what you have to say Bran." Jon said hastily to his brother.

"As I said before, this is a family matter. One that concerns all of us and quite possibly the entire Kingdom, but before we announce it publicly, I think everyone should know first. Especially you Jon, since what I am about to say, revolves around you, most especially about who you really are." Bran told him cryptically.

Visibly confused and puzzled by his brother's words, Jon asked Bran effusively, tired of Bran's rambling.

"What are you talking about Bran?"

"Father told us you were our brother, he told everyone you were his son, he told this to his King and the whole realm. But that was a lie." Bran finally said.

"That doesn't make any sense." Arya said effusively, "Father raised Jon as one of his sons, he grew up with us as our brother. Why would he do all that if he wasn't really his son."

"Because Jon is his nephew" Bran replied to Arya, causing everyone in the room to hold their breath, turning their gaze back to him, Bran continued. "Ned Stark went to Dorne to find his sister, rode with six of his bannermen until they reached the Tower of Joy. It was there that they met and crossed swords against the three Kings guard who guarded Lyanna Stark, the sword of the morning, Ser Arthur Dayne among them. Only two men survived the fight, Howland Reed, and Ned Stark. We were told that father found his sister dead from fever and the wounds Prince Rhaegar inflicted on her while holding her prisoner, but that wasn't true. Lyanna did not die of a fever; she died in childbirth."

"No, no... that can't be true." Those were the only words Jon managed to mutter, his voice cracking as he spoke to them.

He would have preferred that Bran had never revealed this to him, would have preferred that he had never known. All his life he had grown up dreaming that his mother might be a noble lady, sometimes he could even see her in his dreams, she was beautiful, and she loved him. He imagined that father had loved her so much that when she had him, he did not hesitate to take him to Winterfell, not caring if he was a stain on his honour and an insult to his wife. He would never have imagined that Ned Stark would have taken him out of pity, the bastard of the man who raped his sister.

"That doesn't change anything. Father was the one who raised him, he is our brother." Arya stated firmly again.

"It really does change everything, especially since you haven't heard everything yet." Bran told them, keeping his gaze on Jon, who still seemed to be in a state of shock, so he quickly rushed to tell him. "It's not like you think Jon, you should really listen to the rest." Jon finally raised his gaze to his brother as he continued. "We weren't told many things about the rebellion and the things we were told, were lies. Prince Rhaegar never kidnapped Lyanna; she went willingly with him."



Arya and Sansa, said exultantly at the same time.

"Before the whole rebellion happened, Lyanna and Rhaegar had already met a year before, during the Tournament of Harrenhal. Circumstances, or you can even call it fate, meant that their paths ended up crossing, and it didn't take long for them to fall in love."

"Rhaegar went beyond his wife and crowned Lyanna as his Queen of love and beauty. The day all smiles died." Sansa said, now making more sense of the prince's reckless actions, he really had fallen in love with her aunt. And the kingdom bled for it.

Bran nodded to his sister and continued, "But Rhaegar Targaryen didn't just desire Lyanna as a mistress, he desired to marry her and ended up doing so."

"How is that possible?" Sansa was the one who asked, "Prince Rhaegar was already married to Elia Martell and had two children with her."

"It wouldn't be the first time a Targaryen decided to take more than one wife." Arya was the one who answered her sister.

"True, the best known would be the conqueror. And like the first Targaryen King, Rhaegar had affection and a duty to one of his queens, but not love. Unlike the other, Rhaegar truly loved Lyanna, he was fascinated with her wild beauty, her indomitable spirit and her fierce sense of justice."

"It sounds like you're romanticizing too much how a man abandoned his family to run off with his lover. Whether they were in love or not, what they both did was stupid and irresponsible." Sansa said, cutting her brother off.

"Perhaps from the outside it may look that way, but I assure you the dragon prince was not stupid or irresponsible. Rhaegar Targaryen was many things, he was a talented musician, a skilled swordsman, and a worthy heir prince. Loved and respected by everyone around him, from the nobles to the common folk, but the man had a terrible obsession that not many knew about, only those closest to him. Rhaegar was obsessed with prophecies, especially one that spoke of the prince who was promised."

"That's a load of horse shit," Jon said heatedly, finally speaking again. "Melisandre always proclaimed to everyone that Stannis was the prince who was promised. Then when he died and she brought me back, she started proclaiming that I was the prince who was promised. Even Daenerys said she was also called that by another red priestess during her time in Essos."

Even Daenerys said she was also called that way by another red priestess during her time in Essos."

"I cannot speak for the red priests or about the way their god speaks to them, but I can assure you that their magic is as real as mine. And when the time comes, we will need their help and we should listen to what they have to say as well." Bran said mysteriously, but before anyone could question him on that, he changed the subject quickly.

"Rhaegar believed fervently in this prophecy ever since he first heard about it as a boy. At first, he believed it was about him, but as time went on, he figured out that it would be about one of his sons. Unfortunately for Rhaegar, his wife Elia Martell was a weak woman and after she gave birth to their second child, the Maester said she could not bear another child. But Rhaegar knew that the dragon must have three heads, he needed to have another child. A son he would end up getting through his second wife, a child that Lyanna gave to her brother with the promise that he would take care of him, and he would fulfil that promise when he claimed that child as his own." Jon could feel the gazes of everyone in the room on him, all looking at him with similar expressions of disbelief, but his emotions towards the revelation were different, especially when Bran finished confirming all of his suspicions.

"You were never a bastard Jon. You were always a true born, a Targaryen prince and the rightful heir to the Iron Throne."

Sansa was completely dumbfounded by Bran's revelations, surely Arya felt the same as she did. To learn that her father had lied to them all this time, had lied to mother, to the whole realm. Jon was not her son, he was her nephew, he was not her brother, he was her cousin, he was not a bastard, he was a prince, a Targaryen prince.

"Do you have any evidence on this?" Sansa couldn't help but ask.

It was then that all attention turned to Sam, who began to rummage through his pockets until finally being able to manage to pull out a piece of scroll, placing it on the table.

"When Jon sent me to Old Town to find out about the white walkers and the long night, I spent the vast majority of my time studying and researching. I found quite a bit of valuable information, like the dragon glass mountain that sat atop Dragonstone, but on top of all that, I found this." Sam said, before explaining what it was about, "It's a part I tore out of High Septon Maynard's diary, he was the one who married Rhaegar and Lyanna in a secret ceremony that took place in Dorne."

Sansa was the first to reach out to take the scroll and begin to examine it thoroughly. While everyone else kept their gazes on Jon, who had not reacted since the shocking revelation, Bran kept a watchful eye on him, Arya just looked at him with concern, Sam just felt happy for his friend, he knew how much Jon always wanted to be a legitimate son and if there was anyone who deserved it, it would be him.

But that was the opposite of what Jon was feeling right now, he hated all of this, he didn't want to accept this, he felt as if his world was collapsing around him. Everything he had believed since he was a boy was a lie, he had been living a lie. Ned Stark was not his father, his brothers were not his brothers, and he was not a Snow, not even a Stark, he was a Targaryen. He was confused, he was angry, but most of all he was hurt. He didn't understand how his father- how Ned Stark could have done something like this to him, Jon loved the man, he taught him how to be a man, how to hunt, how to behave and how to act with honour.

All he ever wanted was for his father to be proud of him, that he could look at him the same way he looked at Robb. So when he said that one of the few places a bastard could bring honour to his house was by serving the Night's Watch, he didn't hesitate to join the ancient organization. He lived by Ned Stark's words, always trying to be like him in every action or decision he made, wondering what his father would do in his position. Until that eventually led to his death, being betrayed by his own men, in the same way Ned Stark was and in the same way Robb was.

It was only then that Jon stopped acting like his father and put aside his honour in exchange for regaining his house and taking revenge on those who had hurt his family. He began to act as he always wished he could, leading his men in his own way and dealing with his enemies in his own way. But, even so, Jon still prided himself on being his son, always presenting himself as Jon Snow, bastard son of Ned Stark. He had long ago come to accept the fact that he was a bastard, to live with it and all for him to now discover that he never really was one.

I'm not even his son... Rhaegar Targaryen was his real father and Lyanna Stark was his mother.

 Bran said that they loved each other, that they were married and that he was a true son. But he didn't mention that he was also responsible for the Kingdom being plunged back into one of the bloodiest wars in its history. Robert's rebellion, all because his parents had loved each other. And what good was that what good were Bran's words or Sam's piece of paper. All the North loved Lyanna as much as they hated Rhaegar for what he did to her, if they found out that it was all a lie and that she willingly ran away with him, that the death of thousands of men was in vain, they would all turn against him. No matter that he was a true born, no one would see him as one and they might even blame him for the actions of his parents, just as they blame Dany.

The more he thought about it, the angrier he got, he felt a rage like he hadn't felt in a long time. Angry that he had to live his whole life with the stigma of being a bastard when he never really was. Angry at his parents' irresponsibility, at Lyanna's rebelliousness for running off with another man when she was already betrothed to another and Rhaegar's impudence for daring to take another woman when he was already married, abandoning his family and children. Angry at him for not being good enough to defeat Robert at the trident. But most of all he was angry at Ned Stark, he had always presumed to talk about the importance of family and how they should always look out for each other. That the lone wolf died, but the pack survived. But he had left him to die, had condemned him to a life on the wall and preferred to favour his drunken friend over him, he could have told him who he really was, he could have told him he had a family on the other side of the world. He could have gone with Daenerys and prevented all the horrible things she had to go through; she didn't have to be alone. Everything could have been different, he felt so angry he barely caught Bran's words.

"Jon, everything father did, it was to protect you. He promised your mother he would keep you safe, he took you as his bastard, lying to his friend and King to protect you." His brother told him, defending Ned Stark's actions and trying to appease his anger.

"Protect me?" Jon asked sarcastically, his voice coming out low and angry.

"He never told anyone the truth, not even his wife, never risked the truth getting out. Because if for some reason Robert had found out, nothing would have stopped him from murdering you and anyone who would have protected you, including father."

"He sent me to the wall to die!" Jon shouted at his brother, even though he knew he didn't deserve it, but he didn't care. The fire inside him burned furiously and he felt that if he didn't release it it might explode. "He knew that, if I joined the night watch I would be giving up any claim to my name or right, securing the position for his drunken friend. Besides, how was I supposed to be safe in one of the worst places in Westeros, surrounded by rapists, murderers, and the worst scum of the Seven Kingdoms, he knew I would die in that place."

Bowing his head resignedly, Bran replied. "I cannot tell you about the reasons behind all of father's actions, for he was a very private man, even with the people closest to him. Which helped him quite a bit in hiding possibly the greatest secret in Westeros."

Shaking his head, Jon turned away from the table and turned his back on his brothers or cousins now... he wasn't sure of anything anymore. He didn't know how to react, what to think, he didn't even know what to say, he wanted to curse Ned Stark, Rhaegar Targaryen for losing against fat Robert, Bran for telling him all of this, his own mother for bringing him into this world and then abandoning him. He had no idea what to do, but he was sure of one thing, he needed to leave, he needed to breathe or else he felt like he would drown. But before he could leave, he heard Arya's faint voice say.

"So, does this mean you're not really our brother?"

Jon could catch the tone of sadness and disappointment in her voice, shaking his head at his little sister he said, with all the assurance in the world.

"You will always be my sister Arya; nothing could ever change that."

Earning a slight, cute smile from her sister, it gave him enough mental strength to wearily ask his brother.

"Why even tell me all this? What's even the point? It doesn't make any difference now. Daenerys is the rightful Queen, and she will be the one who sits on the iron throne and quite possibly I will rule alongside her. And it would be much simpler and easier if I do it under the name Snow than Targaryen."

"You are the rightful heir" Sansa took the opportunity to point out, before saying. "You should be the King."

Exhausted from all this, Jon didn't even have the energy to argue with her, so he simply ignored her and focused on Bran. Who stared at him and answered him firmly.

"You have to know who you really are Jon, so you can become who you are meant to be. And you can't do that if you don't even know your real name."

"My name is Jon; it's always been Jon." He replied firmly, defending the name that had always been with him. Everything he had accomplished; he had done under that name.

But his brother seemed to think differently, as shaking his head slowly, Bran told him. "That's the name Ned Stark chose for his bastard, honouring the man who trained and tutored him during his time at the Eyrie. But that wasn't the name your mother named you with her last breath."

Letting out a snort without any hint of grace, Jon asked his brother.

"So, tell me, what's my name?"

Brandon replied with a slight smile, "Though Rhaegar had wished for a Visenya to complete the set. Lyanna always knew you would be a boy, a Targaryen like it had never seen before. So, she thought of a worthy name for a great King, she named you Jaehaerys Targaryen."

It was a good name, certainly much better than being an Egg. But it didn't feel right, it wasn't him. He had always been Jon, Jon Snow the Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, Jon Snow the King in the North, Jon was the name Daenerys moaned every time they made love, he had always been Jon.

Shaking his head, still in denial and finally feeling completely overwhelmed by it all. Jon turned away from everyone and without another word, left as quickly as possible, ignoring the calls of his siblings. He didn't know where he was going or what he would do, he just wanted to get away from everyone and everything, he needed to be alone.


For the first half hour that Daenerys waited for Jon, she managed to keep her good mood. Waiting anxiously for him, having put enough wood in the fireplace to keep the room nice and warm, and if that wasn't enough. She was fully naked on the bed, making sure to keep it warm for her man.

 But that had been a long time ago, she didn't know exactly how long, but long enough for the blazing fire in the fireplace to go out, her spirits to sour and the bed to feel cold and lonely. The only thing that still burned was her anger and indignation, Jon had assured her that talking to her brother wouldn't take long, but it had been long enough, and she wouldn't wait another minute.

How he dares to make me wait. To his Queen! She would punish him for this.

Quickly getting out of bed, and heading for her trunk, not wanting to disturb Missandei, Daenerys dressed herself. Of course, it didn't look as good as it always did when her friend and faithful servant was assisting her, but it would suffice for the occasion. She didn't know exactly the time, but she assumed it was past wolf time, the nights were getting longer and the days shorter, and though Winterfell was more crowded than ever, everyone would be too busy to pay attention to her.

Daenerys dressed in simple winter boots and black riding breeches, like those she had worn during her training with Arya. Without even attempting to braid her hair herself and preferring to leave it loose, the way Jon liked it, she went to find her lover and inform him that he was in a lot of trouble.

Leaving her chambers she met her unsullied guards standing guard at her door, she told them in High Valyrian not to follow her, Daenerys proceeded on her own. She walked through the long, dark corridors of Winterfell, the torches her only source of light, though she was surprised to see that in this part of the castle it seemed to be mostly empty, and she had no idea where Jon might be.

All she knew was that he would be reunited with his brother, but she didn't know where his family's chambers were. Fortunately, it wasn't long before she ran into a servant girl who had no trouble pointing her to the Lord's chambers.

Arriving at her destination, Daenerys thanked and dismissed the maid before entering the room. Not bothering to knock and simply trying to push the door and let herself in, and succeeding when she saw that the door was not locked. But unfortunately for her, Jon was not there.

Her next objective was to look for him in the great hall, remembering the route, Daenerys headed there by herself. It took her a few minutes too long, and she took two wrong turns, but she finally reached her destination. Daenerys found the great hall teeming with life, many Lords, knights and even her Dothraki along with who appeared to be men of the free folk seemed to be sharing a drink, no doubt enjoying the tense and temporary calm. But after scanning the room for Jon and not finding him there either, and also noticing how with every second she seemed to draw the attention of the men, Daenerys turned and left.

Running out of ideas, Daenerys remembered that in one of her many conversations with Jon, he mentioned that one of his favourite places in Winterfell, was the gods wood. So, with no better option, Daenerys headed that way. Heading out of the castle into the courtyard, where she again found quite a bit of activity, this time mostly from smiths and soldiers preparing the castle's defence. Many looked up at her as she passed, but she paid no attention to them, with only one goal in mind, to find Jon and ask for explanations and after that, she would dictate an appropriate punishment for him.

Possibly she would punish him by roping him to her bed, so that he would never think of making her wait again. She might play with him and tease him for hours, she might make him lick her for hours, only for her to return the favour, bringing him to the brink of ecstasy several times, but never giving him the satisfaction of his climax. Well, at least until he pleaded with her and assured her that he would never make her wait in a cold bed again. Holding back an excited, naughty moan, at the thought of her revenge. Daenerys quickened her pace towards the gods wood.

Arriving at the lush forest, and having forgotten to bring a torch, Daenerys was relieved that the moon was bright enough for her to see, but since she didn't know the place very well either, the path was more difficult than expected. It wasn't long before she began to call out Jon's name, waiting for him to answer her, if he were there.

"Jon! Jon! Are you there?"

But no matter how much she shouted; she got no response. But still, she kept moving forward until she finally reached the heart tree. It was certainly a breathtaking sight in the moonlight, the tree was completely white with red leaves and a face imprinted on its massive trunk, it had a terrifying expression and seemed to be shedding tears of blood. Daenerys did not follow or kneel to any god, but she could certainly feel something magical about this place, but without Jon's presence, there was no reason for her to overstay her welcome.

Turning and starting her way back towards the castle, Daenerys stopped abruptly when she could distinguish something in the darkness, something staring back at her. She froze completely when she noticed the huge, terrifying figure in the shadows, especially when those glowing, bloody red eyes stared back at her so intently.

Those are not human eyes. Daenerys thought fearfully.

The creature seemed to slowly advance towards her, Daenerys couldn't help but instinctively back away, though she knew that running wouldn't help her much. When the creature finally revealed itself in the moonlight, Daenerys could distinguish it, it was a wolf, but not an ordinary one. This one was as big as a horse and its fur as white as snow, it was then that Daenerys could recognize it and breathing calmly, she said hopefully.


The animal went from looking like a machine designed to kill, to looking like a happy little puppy that had just seen its master. Daenerys laughed amusedly as the animal ran to her and laid her down on the snow as it began to sniff and lick her. Surely, he could smell his master's scent on her. Daenerys still laughing managed to push the animal off so she could get back up, but, even so, she couldn't help but pet the huge fluffy animal. He certainly deserved all the praise Jon said about him, possibly the last remaining direwolf in Westeros, he was a fantastic animal, loyal and loving to his allies, but fierce and feared by his enemies. In general, a good boy.

Stroking him on the back of his ears, Daenerys asked the giant wolf hopefully.

"You might know where your master is?"

Lifting his head toward her, the animal's mood seemed to change drastically. Its ears drooped and its head drooped with a sad howl, Daenerys did not like that reaction at all and had a very bad feeling about it. For she also remembered the time Jon told her that Ghost and he are more connected than anyone could ever think. He could see through his eyes and live inside his skin, just as Ghost could feel his feelings.

Putting her arms under his head and forcing him to lift his gaze to her, Daenerys said.

"Can you take me to him?"

Ghost broke away from her and began to move away at a brisk pace, guessing that he wanted her to follow him, Daenerys ran after him. Trying to keep up with the agile animal, Daenerys hoped that hopefully he would lead her to Jon.


Ghost led her back to the castle, but unlike what she thought. He did not lead her into the castle, but instead took her to the side, to a large, dark door that seemed to be half hidden from view, so much so that she had not noticed it until now. Turning to Ghost and seeming that this was the place where Jon was, Daenerys did not hesitate to open the door and go inside.

The first thing she saw were stairs leading down to a lower level, barely under the first step, it seemed that this place felt completely different from the rest of the castle. Daenerys looked hopefully at the animal, hoping that it would accompany her, but that did not seem to be the case. Resigning herself to doing this alone, Daenerys closed the door behind her and began to descend the stairs until she came to a dark corridor, lit only by numerous candles and torches.

By this time Daenerys was certain that she was in the crypts of Winterfell. As she moved forward, Daenerys felt that this place was not at all friendly to her, it seemed that her presence was not welcome down there, she felt the harsh stares of the ancient Kings of Winter upon her, not wanting to spend a minute longer than necessary in this place, Daenerys walked faster in the gloomy passage. Even the air felt much colder down here so much so that Daenerys had to hug herself. Everything about this place made her feel as if she didn't belong here, just as she was about to give up and turn back, she could see Jon lying with his back leaning against the wall and his gaze fixed on a statue in front of him.

"Jon!" she yelled as she ran over to him and lay down next to him.

As if seeming to come out of a trance, Jon lifted his gaze to her and confusedly said.


Watching him closely he didn't look well at all, his breath reeked of beer, indicating that he had been drinking a lot more than usual. But that was far from the most worrying thing, his gaze seemed to be lost and, above all, he looked defeated. Daenerys was immensely concerned for him, she had never seen him in this shape, Jon had always seemed so strong, powerful, and unbeatable, as if nothing could hurt him.

What could have happened to him? What could they have said to him? Daenerys wondered anxiously.

Coming to his side and holding his face as lovingly as she could, Daenerys asked him a little desperately.

"Jon, what happened?"

"Dany..." he said again, his voice coming out weak and hollow, "He lied to me, he lied to me all my life. My life has been a lie."

Confused by his words and unable to work out what he meant; Daenerys asked him again.

"What do you mean Jon? You have to tell me so I can understand you - who lied to you, my love?"

But instead of her answering him, Jon returned his gaze to the statue in front of them. Daenerys followed his gaze and was finally able to look at it more closely, this one was not like the others she had seen. This was no King of Winter or an ancient Lord, this was a woman. She had a crown of roses on her head and seemed to have an eternal expression of sadness imprinted upon her stone face.

"Lord Stark was never my father." Jon finally said. Turning to him, Daenerys looked at him in confusion as he continued to speak. "Everyone knows that Ned Stark returned from the war with a bastard and the remains of his sister, but that was not the truth. Ned Stark returned home with the remains of his sister and her son, the one he would end up taking in as his bastard son."

Daenerys opened her eyes wide, unable to really believe it, but a part of her perhaps always knew. The way her dragons seemed to accept him so readily, how she was drawn to him from the beginning. How just like her, he managed to rise above adversity and become a King.

They were both destined to greatness.

But then a sorrow came over her, now she understood why he felt that way. Learning that he was conceived in such a horrible way.

"Everyone told me how Rhaegar was a good man, loved by all, how noble and just he was. But in the end, he abandoned his family and started the war that was the end of our family, all because he lusted after Lyanna Stark and couldn't help but kidnap her and force himself on her."

"He did not kidnap her, nor did he force himself on her." Jon told her, causing her to look at him intently again, "They fell in love, and they married in a secret ceremony in Dorne. I'm a Targaryen by blood and name, Dany."



I hope you enjoyed the chapter, soon I will be posting the poll to decide the next update, until then.


Daeron Targaryen

Jon me boy you need to realise Sansa want's to polish your broad sword.


I can’t believe that it’s the second time you cockblock us, come on we need some pure love for the next chapter. I hope Dany will kiss him to make it sure she love him


Haha, patience my friend. The smut will come, it always does. And of course, Daenerys will show him all the ways of being a Targaryen, most importantly, loving your closest relative.


Sansa is upset because she thinks her older brother was stolen from her. But she doesn't know that Daenerys may be more of an ally than an enemy, but she will realise that soon enough.