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See the end of the chapter for notes.

All characters involved are over 18 years old.


Margaery was fortunate enough to be born into one of the richest and most powerful families in Westeros. She was treated like a princess throughout her life, and if that were not enough. The gods blessed her with a stunning beauty, which dazzled from the time she was a child and only increased as she grew up, until she was called one of the most beautiful women in Westeros, the Rose of Highgarden.

Therefore, she didn't really need to have an OF account, her family was wealthy enough for her not to have to work a single day in her life. But, like the other women at the top of the platform's leaderboard, she also wanted to be the most beautiful, sexiest, and most popular woman on the most popular platform in all of Westeros.

That idea had always appealed to her, as it did to many other women. So, with that thought in mind, she ended up joining the OF world. Already being a very popular model on Westergram, making the jump to the blue platform was very easy. Since the vast majority of her followers followed her and did not hesitate to subscribe to her OF. The number of her subscribers increased exponentially within days of announcing that she had created an OF account, quickly climbing the ranks and reaching the top of the blue platform's rankings, eventually reaching the top six.

Something that had always left her very unhappy and annoyed, as she ranked just behind none other than Myrcella Lannister. Both women have had the 'pleasure' of meeting before, more generally as competitors, each fighting to be the most desired model in Westeros, the most precious rose in Highgarden and the most treasured diamond in the Rock. Of course, there was no need to say that the two women never got along. Margaery was many things, but at least she knew how to be decorous and kind, as much as her fans and the people who worked for her. The same could not be said for Myrcella, her haughty and arrogant attitude was well known to everyone, both her fans and the people who worked for her.

But as always, that girl seemed to always be able to get her way. Despite her many put-downs and even obnoxious attitude, she was still very popular and much loved by the people. And even though not many wanted to work for her, due to her flamboyant and odious attitude. Lannister checks always seemed to be juicy enough to make people change their minds and put up with the spoiled Lannister princess.

And as if that wasn't enough, as in this business it was always said there was no such thing as bad publicity. For all the scandals, Myrcella's rebellious and smug attitude drew a lot of people's attention, and accompanied by her good looks, only increased her popularity. And that was reflected when she joined the OF world before her and positioned herself in record time among the five most popular women on the platform and one step ahead of her.

Which bothered her quite a bit, but unlike Myrcella, she was mature enough to let it go and not throw a tantrum about it. Though she was more than sure she couldn't say the same for Myrcella, as Margaery could bet the most precious thing, she had that the idea that a practically ordinary woman like Ashara Dayne, who came practically out of nowhere, had not only snatched the position from her, but had far surpassed her. Margaery would pay anything to be able to see the tantrum Myrcella threw at being outdone by a woman with no important name and who was much older than her, no doubt the very thought of her was enough to make her day.

On top of that, Margaery took comfort in the thought that if she started posting content that was a little ‘spicier’. It didn't even have to be explicit, it could be something similar like the Targaryen girls or Myrcella did, doing photo shoots wearing sexy lingerie sets, would be more than enough for her to surpass Myrcella and even Ashara Dayne, though she would have a harder time with the Targaryen and the Martell girl.

Although there would be a chance to surpass those women, and that was if she decided to do entirely explicit content, but she would never do that. She had no interest or obsession to resort to such low and unworthy methods for her besides that. Her grandmother would no doubt never forgive her for soiling her family name and would no doubt disinherit her if she ever exposed herself to the public as a common whore.

Although that seems to have become a very common practice among OF's most popular models now. Back when she was starting out in this whole OF world, you could count on your fingers the number of models making entirely explicit content, with Arianne Martell and Alayaya being the most popular and also at the same time, the exception. Since making explicit content didn't necessarily guarantee you success, as the public didn't care if an ordinary woman made sexual content and uploaded it on the internet.

Unless said woman, was a ravishing beauty, but there weren't many of those, Ashara Dayne being the only one that comes to her mind. And even she didn't have to make any explicit content to get to where she was now. Because what most caught the attention of the people of Westeros, and perhaps what has always mattered, was the name, the family from which the woman came. Hundreds of years may have passed since the monarchy had dissolved and with-it feudalism, but that did not imply that the great Houses that once ruled Westeros had.

In fact, it could be said that they were part of the culture of the continent, many had become extinct or lost their wealth, but many also remained, despite the passing of time. They may no longer be great lords who ruled from their castles, but they still wielded the power and wealth with which they had always been associated. Politicians, celebrities and big businessmen, heads of Westeros' multi-million-dollar enterprises, their names still meant something. And of course, such daughters who inherited their names were usually the most beautiful, popular, and famous women in Westeros. Even, she was sure that somewhere she had heard the name Dayne, maybe her nobility and fortune had disappeared, but her name and with it the genes that made Ashara one of the most beautiful women in Westeros remained.

Although, a few weeks ago someone had appeared who had completely changed the game and had completely shaken the foundations of the OF. Somehow, this person had enough power and influence to be able to completely change the OF leaderboard, making that after a long time, some women rise in popularity overnight in a way that had never been seen before, even increasing so much the popularity of one that even surpassed Daenerys Targaryen.

Also becoming the first man to enter the top ten of OF. Of course, she was talking about none other than Jon Snow. The first time she heard that name, she took little to almost no notice, after all, what harm or influence could ever have a Snow. Well, never before had she been so wrong in her life, Jon disrupted the industry and shook its foundations in a very short time. Not only being the first man to reach the highest positions, but he also incredibly boosted the popularity of the women he collaborated with. At first this did not bother her so much, since she was not so obsessed with being number one, unlike other women, but being surpassed by other women who were much more inferior to her, both in beauty, charisma, and relevance, it was certainly a hard blow.

But again, she took comfort in the idea that she was only outclassed because they did a collaboration with Jon, which exponentially increased the number of her subscribers after they filmed themselves being fucked by him. But, even so, she had no intention of doing any kind of collaboration with Jon Snow, however tempting, and stimulating it might seem.

For Margaery, like any other woman with two eyes in front of her, could see why this man had become so popular. Margaery had never been attracted to that kind of content, but being able to see Jon Snow in action was certainly something far more than titillating. The man certainly had an innate ability with women, as they didn't seem to be able to resist him and simply let themselves be carried away by the pleasure he gave them.

His popularity, good looks, and the fact that he was a magnificent lover, led him to make collaborations with women who were even above her, such as Arianne Martell and even more surprisingly, Myrcella Lannister. Margaery could not believe it, her oldest rival and probably the most influential model besides her and the Targaryen's, had shrunk to the point of making an explicit video with a man named Snow, no doubt it was something shocking for her.

But that didn't stop her from deciding, just out of curiosity, to watch the video that Myrcella recorded with Jon Snow. Which she had heard had broken all previously set records and was also the video that led Myrcella to surpass even Daenerys Targaryen. Though at the cost of an equally big price, Margaery had no doubt that Myrcella's mother, who was the head of the Lannister family, would have been very pleased that her daughter had been filmed being savagely fucked by a Northerner. And as I suspected would happen, the video was taken down just two days after it was posted and Myrcella closed her OF account indefinitely, possibly permanently removing herself from the site.

Margaery had heard almost nothing from Myrcella after that, surely her mother forcing her to stay in hiding until all this scandal died down and something else took the public's attention. But she didn't really care about Myrcella, nor that the Lannister family name had been sullied, by that embarrassing incident, in fact, she found the whole situation very amusing. What was certainly important and interesting, and what she remembered very vividly, was the video Myrcella had recorded together with Jon Snow.

In fact, any sex video of a famous woman would be very detrimental to her image, since women, no matter where they were from, would be the first to be judged. Unlike men who almost always came out of these situations very well, unless of course, they embarrassed themselves. But that was not the case with Jon, in fact, it was quite the opposite, the one who ended up embarrassing herself was Myrcella. Since as it could not be otherwise, as in everything else, she showed her haughty and arrogant attitude even in the bedroom, where she tried to control and boss around Jon Snow and use him as a simple toy that she could throw away whenever she wanted.

Although things did not turn out as she had planned, the tables quickly turned in Jon's favour. Who turned the tables and ended up dominating the arrogant Lannister girl, using her and treating her like a common whore who had paid in full and expected to get his money's worth. The worst thing for Myrcella is that she ended up fitting the role perfectly, by submitting completely to him and ending up covered in his seed as she gazed adoringly at him.

It was certainly a very stupid act on Myrcella's part to upload that video to her OF page, although the woman never gave any indication of being very intelligent, Margaery never thought she would be that naive. Hundreds of thousands of people were able to watch and morbidly enjoy her humiliation and the way she submitted to Jon. Though surely at the time it must not have mattered so much to Myrcella, for Margaery well remembered her glazed eyes bathed in pure orgasmic bliss as Jon fucked her silly into oblivion.

She herself had to admit that Jon Snow was certainly a very captivating man. To see him dominate Myrcella Lannister like that, to reduce the arrogant lioness of the rock to a mere kitten who knelt before him so that she could worship and suck his cock so eagerly, was certainly a very exciting thing to watch. Margaery had felt more excitement just watching the video, than she had in the last few years with any of her recent lovers. Including her current boyfriend, who while gallant and handsome, was no match for Jon's rugged good looks and domineering attitude. Things that were more than enough to catapult him to success on a platform that was undoubtedly dominated entirely by women. Since the audience was mostly made up of men, who enjoyed watching and following their favourite models and being able to see them in a much more intimate way.

Margaery surmised that this was one of the reasons for Jon Snow's success, as he not only had the attention and following of the male audience, who were surely attracted to the many beautiful female guests with whom he collaborated. But also, Margaery was sure that Jon Snow also had a huge following of female fans, who could not help but be attracted to him. Margaery could easily imagine countless women fingering themselves while watching this magnificent specimen of a man fucking these beautiful models, fantasizing about being the ones who had the privilege and pleasure of being the ones to ride him or dreaming that they were the ones underneath him, completely submissive to his will.

Margaery could easily imagine all that, since she was one of them. Actually, the main reason she wasn't collaborating with Jon wasn't necessarily that she was in a romantic relationship at the moment. In fact, that was one of her least concerns, since she had Dickon Tarly completely wrapped around her finger, she could simply excuse herself that she was doing it for her job as an OF model and the dutiful, dull boy would understand. Though the real problem was her family and his, Dickon might be dumb and manipulable, but his father was not, Randyll Tarly. A major businessman who was currently merging his company with the Tyrell's and his grandmother had asked her to bond with her son, and of course, she always did what was best for her family.

She could never make a video with Jon Snow, no matter how much she wanted to. She would never let her grandmother down and she would never disappoint her, she would not sully the Tyrell family name.

Well at least not publicly.

Margaery was a smart woman, she knew the way the world worked, especially for a woman like her. Being a public figure most of her life, Margaery learned to keep a mask to the world, a mask that reflected exactly what she wanted people to think of her. A practically perfect lady, polite and kind, a woman who liked to give to charity and help the needy, a woman who was almost virginal and who was never involved in any scandal with any man. In fact, Dickon was her first public partner, and supposedly 'the first man' she had ever been with and whom she supposedly planned to marry, nothing could be further from the truth.

She really didn't like Dickon at all, but she was with him, because her grandmother had asked her to. And of course, she took it upon herself to keep him completely satisfied and happy, enough for him to always do whatever she told him to do, of course. All always for the benefit of his family and to maintain their status of life and wealth. But that wasn't the only thing she pretended to do, as she wasn't very interested in helping or donating to those in need either. Sure, the idea of helping those people always made her feel better about herself, but deep down she knew she was only doing it for the benefit of her own image and to gain people's support and affection. The same could be said about her sexual or romantic life, in the interviews she always said that she only longed to find true love and she reserved herself exclusively for the right man, something completely false, since she liked to have fun and she did it every time she could. Of course, always being as discreet as possible, and she was excellent at doing so, since the first time she was with Dickon, he thought she was a virgin, when in fact she had lost her virginity a few years ago with one of her family's former security guards. And since then, she had had a few more experiences with different men, but always being very careful, after all, she had an image to take care of.

Although, obviously that brought some disadvantages, as having to keep that side of her life hidden from the public meant that she was unable to meet many different men. All of her former lovers being from Highgarden, and unfortunately for her, she found the men from her homeland too soft for her taste. Sure, they were handsome, slender, refined and very gentlemanly, but they were also very dull. And the worst thing was that they were that way, both out of bed and in bed, even though most of her lovers were more experienced than she was, it was her who usually had to take the reins in order to achieve even a little pleasure.

Sometimes Margaery simply wished that a real man would take charge and be rough with her. To have her ass slapped, to have her hair pulled as she was roughly fucked, she wanted to be used. The same way Jon Snow had done with Myrcella, instead she was stuck with men who made love to her slowly, whispering sweet words in her ear, she could never reach her climax with those kinds of men. As gallant as they were, how a knight of the roses could compare against a savage Winter King.

Margaery was not so fond of tales of men in shining armour coming to save her and reciting poetry in honour of her beauty. In fact, she was bored by those kinds of stories as she had grown up surrounded by those kinds of men and tales, instead, stories of brutish northern raiders invading their lands and kidnapping the fairest maidens to take them to their dark, cold castles and use them to warm their beds, were certainly more exciting.

Although, modifying the story for modern times it wouldn't be a savage northern raider, it would simply be a very handsome northerner. And instead of a dark, cold castle, it could be his apartment, and instead of her being kidnapped, she could go freely into the wolf's den. That idea sounded no less exciting.

A mischievous smile formed on her face as she felt the excitement sweep through her, Margaery felt terribly naughty to actually be considering this. If her grandmother found out she would no doubt be angry. Well, of course she would find out, her grandmother always ended up finding out about everything she did. But Margaery wasn't so worried about that, she knew her grandmother would end up forgiving her sooner or later, as long as she didn't get caught by the media. Dickon would not be a problem; she could make up any excuse like she was spending the night with friends, and he would easily believe her.

She was sure many would say she was a heartless woman for doing something like that to a man who truly loved her, but to be fair. She didn't love him, nor did she want to be with him, she was simply doing her duty to her family and that duty entailed a lot of sacrifice and stress, therefore. She deserved a reward and to have some fun, and if said fun meant sneaking off to meet a handsome and very virile northern man on the sly so he could fuck her brains out and give her the most spectacular orgasms of her life, then she would plead guilty. She would let the gods judge her, and she was sure they would be merciful to her, and if not. Well, it was never too late to change her religion and start worshipping the old northern gods, after all, she was sure that this northern man would treat her very well, why wouldn't his gods.


Jon couldn't believe it the first time he saw it, he had to double check to make sure it was really her, and his surprise only increased when he realized that it was indeed Margaery Tyrell. One of the most popular, famous and beautiful models in all of Westeros, even before all this OF stuff. Jon remembered seeing her in countless fashion and female beauty magazines. Back then, Jon dreamed of being able to be the kind of man who could have a woman like that on his arm. Of course, back then, he believed like all ordinary men that it was practically impossible to have a woman like Margaery Tyrell as a girlfriend, but now. Many months later, Jon had Margaery Tyrell writing to him personally and asking to meet him.

A huge, happy smile formed on his face at the sight, Jon had not had to think twice to quickly accept her request and write that he would be delighted to meet with her. Margaery replied equally as excited, though she was equally as formal and gave him an exact time at which she would appear at his apartment, after confirming that the time worked for him as well. She said goodbye just as formally, noting that she was excited to meet with him.

Since that little conversation, Jon hadn't been able to stop thinking about the rose of Highgarden. It was true that he had been surrounded with incredibly beautiful and sexy women lately, but he was sure that a woman like Margaery Tyrell was on a higher level, as were Arianne and the Targaryen women. And not just because they were considerably much more popular than the rest, but because they all came from families that had existed in Westeros for many hundreds, if not thousands of years. Many said that sleeping with any of them could be considered like sleeping with a princess or highborn lady of old. And one of those highborn ladies of the modern era was Margaery Tyrell, Jon couldn't wait to get his hands on that beautiful, delicate rose. he couldn't wait to be able to devour her and sink his teeth into her, to hear her delicious moans and see the expressions her gorgeous face would make as he brought her to the ecstasy of her orgasm. The very thought made his cock begin to harden, but the more his thoughts turned to Margaery, he also remembered something that he had at first overlooked as they chatted.

She asked or rather demanded that he not mention anything on his social about their meeting, not even to any friends or family he might have. Something very strange, but Jon accepted, although he was really surprised at how insistent she was about this request, which he found somewhat odd. Since whenever he made a collaboration with a woman it was normal for both of them to announce it through their social. It was always good to create expectation among their followers. So, he did not quite understand Margaery's reasons behind all this.

On top of all that, the conversation he had with her felt a bit more than strange. Well, in and of itself that Margaery Tyrell had written to him to collaborate together was already strange. Margaery was well known for her beauty, but also for being one of the most reserved models on the entire platform, almost as much as Ashara. She never did anything that flashy or even close to being explicit. So, for her to now contact him to make an explicit video out of the blue was very unexpected.

Although the same thing had already happened with Myrcella, as he never would have expected someone like her to end up making explicit content, much less with someone like him, but it ended up happening.

The more he turned his head around it, Jon remembered an important detail. Since Margaery was one of his favourite models, he followed her on Westergram and remembered seeing that she had a boyfriend.

Maybe she had broken up with him...

That was a possible scenario, but unable to rest easy in the face of doubt, Jon quickly grabbed his phone and logged into his Westergram account. And he didn't have to look far to find a photo of Margaery with another guy, they clearly looked like a couple and the comment that accompanied the photo, was simply composed of emojis of hearts. Putting the phone aside again, Jon began to analyse the situation.

Maybe it was an old photo that she forgot to delete?

Jon wondered. Although he could see that the photo had only been uploaded a couple of days ago.

Maybe he was aware of all this and was okay with it?

It wasn't the first time he'd encountered those types of men, every now and then he'd get messages from guys asking him to fuck their girlfriends or wives. As strange as these seemed to him, he was already familiar with cuckolds.

But the thing was, this wasn't just any couple, Margaery was a Tyrell, a family as rich and powerful as the Lannister’s. And Jon didn't want to be involved in trouble again with another powerful family in Westeros. If his memory served him correctly, the head of the Tyrells would be Margaery's grandmother, Lady Olenna or the Queen of Thorns as she was generally called. Jon shuddered at the thought of her kidnapping him in the same way Cersei had done, and demanding reparations.

Shaking off that terrible thought, and wanting to save himself any trouble, he grabbed his phone and decided to write to Margaery.

"Hi Marg, are you busy? There's something I'd really like to ask you about."

Fortunately for him, Margaery seemed to be free, as he didn't have to wait more than a minute for a reply.

"Sure darling. You can ask me anything."

Jon thought about how to phrase the question, but after debating with himself for several seconds, he figured there would be no point in complicating things any further. And in keeping with his usual manner, he tried to be as clear and direct as possible.

"Do you have a boyfriend right now?"

This time Jon kept watching the conversation until he saw the three little dots appear, indicating that Margaery was writing back to him. And he also saw them disappear, indicating that she had deleted her first message before they reappeared again, and he could read the message Margaery had sent him.

"Have you been stalking my Westergram Jon Snow?" Even through only one message he could hear her mocking tone and besides that, he noticed something else.

She was evading the question.

"I was just browsing through some of your photos, that's when I noticed there was a guy with his arms wrapped around you. Now, I'm not generally a jealous guy, but I'd like to know beforehand about the relationships of the woman I'm going to sleep with. Especially if this woman belongs to one of the most important families in Westeros. I do not wish to be in the crosshairs of the Tyrells as well." Jon sent her the message.

Margaery answered him again with a question, "The Lannister girl?"

"I'm to assume you saw the video?" Jon wrote back.

"It was the reason I decided to write to you, I must say your performance was magnificent. You must have won some sort of award."

"I guess my prize is that you decided to write me, and I can get to know you. Especially when we get to know each other much more deeply."

"I'm looking forward to that too, Jon Snow. And about your worries, you shouldn't have any. I assure you there won't be any problems, not with my boyfriend or my family."

"Then he is your boyfriend." Jon wrote back.

"I'd like to talk more about it, but I'd like to do it in person, if that's okay with you?"

Jon thought about it for a few seconds, finally deciding that a woman like Margaery Tyrell was definitely worth taking a few risks, so he wrote back.

"I trust you, if you tell me there won't be any trouble. Then that's fine with me. I look forward to meeting you in person, Marg."

"I promise to clear everything up for you once we meet. Thanks for being understanding, see you soon, Jon Snow 💋"

Finishing reading her message and deciding that would be enough for now. Jon put his phone aside and even having a couple of days before meeting with Margaery, Jon decided it would be best for now to occupy his mind with other things. So, checking the time, he saw that he had to go to the gym, change and head to workout. For the next few days Jon tried to occupy his mind with something other than the rose of Highgarden, though not with much success.


This chapter was supposed to be longer with the inclusion of the Smut between Jon/Margaery, but I've been a bit sick these last two days and I couldn't write as much as I wanted to, and even now I don't feel quite well. And not wanting to make you wait two or three more days for the chapter, so I decided to just post what I had. Next update we will see the Smut and I assure you it will be worth the wait, until then.



Hope you feel better and great work this is so Margery


By the end of the story Jon will be in the crosshairs of all the powerful families in Westeros. And unlike with Cersei, I doubt that Olenna can be tamed in the same way. Get well, soon!