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Before I start with the chapter I would like to thank my most generous Patreon, TheDog. He was the one who requested this story and I hope he and all of you enjoy it. Also a thank you to all my other Patreons, we are already 150, I really appreciate all the support. Nothing more to say, enjoy the chapter.

All characters involved are over 18 years old.


Ned rushed to the room from which he had heard the shrill cry of pain. And his suspicions were confirmed when he opened the door and found Lyanna lying weakly on the bed, a large pool of blood stained the sheets covering her.

 "Lyanna!" Ned shouted as he approached her and knelt beside her.

"Ned, is that you?" Lyanna said faintly, but, even so, a slight smile appeared on her lips as she saw her brother again, at least one last time.

Just then one of the midwives, handed a baby boy to Lyanna, who quickly did not hesitate to wrap him in her arms and kiss him lovingly, before turning to her brother, who was staring in surprise at the child in her arms. Lyanna knew she had little time left, each passing second, she felt weaker and was making a desperate effort to simply keep her eyes open. So, giving her baby one last kiss, with the little strength she had left, she stretched out her arms and handed the child to her brother.

Ned did not hesitate to hold the baby in his arms, before he felt Lyanna's hand rest on his arm and as she gave him a firm squeeze, she told him.

"That's my son, Ned. My true born son" despite her weakened condition, Lyanna spoke clearly, "His name is, Jaehaerys Targaryen. You have to protect him; you know what Robert will do if he finds out who he is. Promise me, Ned, promise me you'll protect him. Promise me."

When Lyanna saw her brother's heavy nod, she finally stopped fighting, her arms dropped limply, and her eyelids closed. She didn't mind dying, as long as her baby was safe, the only thing she regretted was not being able to watch him grow up and become the King he was destined to be.

With that terrible thought, her world went black.


Very slowly, Lyanna felt herself open her eyes, she still felt extremely weak, and her throat felt terribly dry. Moving slightly, so that she could see the room, she found herself being approached by her brother, who showed his happiness at seeing her still alive.

"Lyanna, thank the gods. I thought I'd lost you too."

Although she too was incredibly happy that the gods had given her a second chance, she needed something much more urgent than showing her happiness. So, in an extremely hoarse and dry voice, she managed to say to her brother.

"Jae? Where is my son, Ned?"

Lyanna tried to move a little more desperately, but Ned quickly stopped her, calming her down as he said.

"Take it easy, Lya. Jaehaerys is simply sleeping, look at him he's right there."

Lyanna turned her head to where her brother was pointing, being able to see a small cradle where her son was sleeping peacefully. She wished she could be strong enough to get up and hold him in her arms and fill him with kisses and hugs, that he could fall asleep on her chest, listening to the soothing throbbing of her heart.

"Here, drink some." She heard her brother say again, turning to him. She saw that he was handing her a flask of water, she didn't hesitate and gulped it all down, soothing the pain in her throat.

"How long have I slept for" Lyanna asked her brother, handing the now empty flask back to him.

"Almost three days." Was his reply, before elaborating further, "You lost so much blood, it's a near miracle you're still alive."

"The only miracle here is my baby. He's the only good thing that came out of this whole war."

"How can you say that?" Ned asked indignantly, after hearing his sister say such words, "Our father and brother are dead, the kingdom is still divided and in complete chaos. All because of your and Prince Rhaegar's irresponsible actions. Running off with an engaged woman when he already had a wife and children, abandoned his family and plunged Westeros into war while hiding here with you."

Not being able to believe that her brother of all people would blame her for everything that had happened. But without ducking her head, Lyanna defended her actions. "You are a fool brother if you think I started this war, our own father along with other great Lords of Westeros have been plotting to remove the Targaryen's from the Throne for a long time. Why do you think our father sent you to the Vale or because he wanted Brandon to marry Hoster Tully's daughter or because he betrothed me to Robert. The North has never been involved in the politics of the South and now all of a sudden, the heir and only daughter of the Warden of the North are betrothed to the heirs of the other great Southern Lords? Rhaegar knew about this, and he was in favour of his father's removal. That's why he organized the tournament at Harrenhal. But unfortunately, King Aerys was suspicious about this and also attended the tournament, though he was unable to carry out his plan and meet with Father and the other lords, it was there where we met".

Ned knew nothing of it, it could never have occurred to him that his father was plotting against the crown. But Lyanna's words made sense, the North had never associated with the South until now, but still. Even if what she said was true, that did not excuse her actions and he did not hesitate to tell her so.

"That does not take away from your actions, Lyanna. You were an engaged woman, and the prince was a married man, everyone thought you had been kidnapped."

"You always knew how I felt about being betrothed to Robert, but you chose to ignore me just as Father did. You took the place of your drunken, womanizing friend instead of mine, Father just looked at me as a bargaining chip in favour of winning the Stormlands, no one took into account how I felt" Lyanna scolded him, before revealing the whole truth to him. "Elia knew about me and Rhaegar, he never abandoned his family. And I decided to leave with him because he was the only one who listened to me and understood me. I was never the woman Robert thought I was, I would rather serve on the wall than be a wife whose sole purpose is to spread her legs and squeeze out child after child as he drinks his way to an early grave. Even now I'm sure in his mind he fought this war for me, that he killed my husband in my name. Tell me Ned, how many whores has he fucked on his way to get to me?"

Ned remained silent after that, not knowing how to answer her, and not wanting to argue with his sister anymore, he decides to ask her heavily.

"What do you plan to do now?"

Before Lyanna could answer they, both hear the door open, Ser Arthur Dayne let himself in and did not hesitate to kneel before speaking.

"Your Grace, I am glad you are well as well as the prince. I bring news from Dragonstone."

Nodding at the knight's words, Lyanna told him. "What news do you bring, Ser Arthur."

"Queen Rhaella has given birth to Princess Daenerys Targaryen at Dragonstone, unfortunately the Queen did not survive the birth. Fortunately, Ser Willem Darry, took the princess and along with Prince Viserys, and they were able to escape Dragonstone before Robert's men could get their hands on them. I presume their destination would be Braavos, we should set sail at once if we wanted to catch up with them."

"You can't seriously be thinking on fleeing the continent." Ned said flatly to his sister. "You can't keep running away from your problems Lya."

"And what other choice do I have, you know very well that Robert will force me to marry him and will kill Jaehaerys as soon as he knows who his father is. And I will not let that happen, not for nothing in the world" Lyanna spoke firmly, with no intention of backing down.

 Ned thought for long seconds about his situation, trying to find some way in which his sister would not have to escape from the continent. Where she would have to be constantly on the run from Robert's assassins. Fortunately for him, something occurred to him, and he finally said to Lyanna.

"I will claim him as my own."

Both Lyanna and the legendary knight, raised their gazes at him, trying to understand what he was referring to.

"I'll pass him off as my bastard" Ned finished by saying. "If Robert thinks it's my son, he won't hurt him. And even as the new Lord of Winterfell, I will see to it that your betrothal to him is annulled, you will be free of him and your son will be safe, I assure you."

But Ser Arthur Dayne did not like the idea at all, quickly saying in a tone of disapproval, "The crown prince having to pass as a mere bastard?"

"He would be safe!" Ned shouted, glaring at the knight, before returning his gaze to his sister. " He would live without any fear that an assassin could appear and attack him as soon as his back was turned. He would be safe, he would grow up in a castle, along with my children, he would have a family. If you escape now, you will live in exile for the rest of your lives."

Lyanna seemed to contemplate his words, but Ser Arthur spoke again, this time pointing out something very important.

"The crown prince has his father's eyes; how could you explain that to the usurper?"

At that moment Ned remembers seeing Jaehaerys' deep, dark indigo eyes when Lyanna handed him over to him. But in the face of such a problem, a quick and effective solution appeared in his mind, for those kinds of eyes were very similar to someone who had flooded his thoughts for a long time, so he did not hesitate to say.

"Lady Ashara has similar eyes."

As soon as he said those words, he unleashed fury in the king's guard, who approached him threateningly, saying furiously.

"You plan to involve my sister in this Stark?"

"My only intention is to protect the child, and that is the only solution I can think of to explain the colour of his eyes" Ned defended himself, before turning his almost pleading gaze to his sister and adding. "A life in exile, is not the life you want for your son or yourself, you know Robert will haunt you and I won't be able to protect you. Maybe you are right, and I made a mistake in not listening to you, maybe I should have supported you and gone against this marriage, maybe none of this would have happened. But now I am the Lord of Winterfell, let me protect you, let me protect my nephew, come back to Winterfell with me and maybe, things can go back to the way they were before."

Though they both knew that nothing would ever go back to the way it was before.

Lyanna still holding Jae in her arms, thought of her brother's words. And despite everything, she still trusted Ned, he was a Stark to the bone. And a Stark always keeps his promises, but before accepting. She wanted him to know very well, that her son was the rightful heir to the throne and when the time came, he would need his help to take what was rightfully his.

"If I accept your proposal, brother. I don't plan for Jae to live his whole life as a bastard, the day will come when I tell him who he really is, who his father really is and what his true claim is. And when that day comes, it will only be up to him, what happens next. If he chooses, to take back what is rightfully his, will you stand behind him Ned? Will you take the side of your blood, or will you choose the drunkard of your friend again?"

"By the gods Lyanna!" Ned exclaimed, unable to believe his sister's words, "You don't think the Kingdom has bled enough, if Jaehaerys tries to take Robert's throne, there will be war. The Kingdom will be divided again, tens of thousands will die again."

"They will die for their King!" Lyanna shouted back, "Jae is the rightful heir, Robert is a usurper. He killed my husband; he sits on my son's throne, and he wears his crown."

"After the Mad King killed our father and brother" Ned reminded her, before also adding, "Maybe Robert is all those things you said, but he didn't start this war. The Mad King did when he sued for my head and Robert's."

"None of that matters now Ned" Lyanna told him, tired of this back and forth with her brother, she just needed an answer. "Jaehaerys is the rightful heir, and you know it. And you must choose Ned, if you want my son and I to stay in Westeros, you must swear to me that you will protect us and when the time comes and if he chooses. You will support Jaehaerys in taking what is rightfully his."

Ned felt that Lyanna was being unfair to him, he had already lived through one war and had no desire to live through another. Or even worse, that his own son would have to go to war for that damned throne, Robb was about the same age as Jaehaerys, both boys would most likely grow up as brothers and he was sure that his son would follow his brother to war. He knew all too well the impetus of young men to prove themselves.

But also, a part of him thought that, if the boy grew up in Winterfell, he could be a father to him. He could teach him the right ways, to be an honourable man, just as Jon Arryn had done for him.

That might even be a good name for the boy, Jon Snow. Ned thought.

So, having made his decision, Ned lifted his gaze to his sister and said, "I swear, I will protect you both and when the time comes and if he chooses, I will support Jaehaerys in his claim to the Iron Throne."

For the first time since she awoke, Ned could see his sister smile, before she said, "Thank you Ned, I always trusted you to make the right decision."

"Your Grace-" Ser Arthur tried to speak but was quickly cut off by Lyanna.

"I appreciate your advice, Ser Arthur. But the decision is made, I am going home with my brother" Lyanna said firmly, silencing the knight.

Just then Jae seemed to wake up as he began to cry, attracting the attention of everyone in the room. With a smile Lyanna said to Ned.

"Please bring my son to me. I want to hold him."

Doing as his sister asked, Ned stood up and took Jae from his cradle and carried him in his arms. Watching the baby as he carried him to his mother, who seemed to calm down being in his arms and stared at him with his dark indigo eyes, which seemed to reflect the flames of the torches in the room. They were very similar to the Dragon prince's and very different from Ashara's warm violet eyes, Ned prayed that Robert would not notice the difference. Fortunately for the boy, he also saw the small dark locks sticking out of his head, if he had also inherited his father's hair, it would have been almost impossible for him to hide.

The boy had been favoured by the gods.

Experiencing the light weight of a newborn also made him wish he could be with Catelyn again and hold his own child. If it were up to him, he would never set foot in the south again. He only wished Jae and his son would grow up in a time of peace, he would make sure to raise Jon well, he might even give him a castle and arrange a decent marriage for him. But as he held the child in his arms, Ned remembered something they said about the Targaryen’s.

Every time a Targaryen is born into the world, the gods flip a coin. And the world holds its breath, waiting to see which side it lands on. One of greatness and the other of madness. For a Targaryen, those are two sides of the same coin.

With that terrible thought in mind, he finally reached Lyanna. Who quickly cradled Jae against her breast and began to suckle him. Ned watched the pure love reflected in Lyanna's eyes as she looked at her son, and prayed to the gods that the child would be more of a Stark than a Targaryen.


Ned would never have expected his return to Kings Landing to be this way. Though he had hoped to return with his sister, he would never have expected to do so with a child and a Kings guard. But there was nothing he could do now; he had agreed to this. So, wanting to get it over with and return home with his sister and see his wife again, Ned stopped the carriage near the Red Keep before saying to Lyanna.

"You should stay here, it's better if Robert doesn't see you." Lyanna nodded, also with no desire to see Robert. Ned took a deep breath, before finishing saying all he wanted to say, "And also, it would be better if you gave me the boy."

Lyanna raised a furious and indignant glare at him, at the same time tightening her grip on Jae. Before finally telling him sharply, "You're out of your mind if you think I'm going to let that monster even come near my baby. Not after what he did to Elia's children."

Ned wanted to say that Robert wasn't the one who murdered Elia's children, but he was tired of arguing. So, instead, he tried to use reasoning.

"What do you think will happen, if for some reason Robert comes out and sees you with a child in your arms. We talked about this, I agreed to protect you and the child, but I can't protect Jaehaerys Targaryen, not now. But if I introduce him as Jon Snow, my bastard son, he'll be safe, Robert won't hurt him."

Finding no ways she could debate against her brother's logic. Lyanna looked fearfully at her son who was still sleeping in her arms, before giving him a loving kiss on the forehead and finally deciding to hand him over to Ned. But not before holding his brother's arm tightly and warning him seriously.

"If that wretched son of a bitch does anything to my son. I'll kill him myself or die trying."

"I believe you." Was Ned's simple reply, before he began to head for the red Keep. With Ser Arthur at his side, surely sent by Lyanna to make sure Jae was safe.

Passing through the great gates of the red keep, Ned was not surprised to see Robert seated on the iron throne, Jon Arryn was standing beside him, but also Tywin Lannister was standing next to them. Robert was the first to see him, and as he expected he shot out of his chair and rushed over to him.

"Ned!" he groaned loudly, his voice echoing throughout the throne room, "Where is she, where is my betrothed!"

Ned saw Jon and Tywin approach them, he also noticed that the cold, calculating eyes of the Lord of Casterly Rock were the first to notice the child in his arms.

"Lyanna is outside."

But without even being able to finish what he wanted to say, Robert quickly tried to pass through him as soon as he heard what he wanted to hear. Wanting nothing more than to go to Lyanna, but just as quickly, Ned positioned himself in front of him, blocking his way.

"What are you doing? Move out of the way, Ned. I want to see my bride" Robert barked loudly.

"She's alive Robert, but she's not well. She is no longer fit to be your wife or anyone's wife." Ned told him heavily, trying to sound as sincere as possible.

Confused and quickly enraged at his words, Robert questioned him sharply. "What do you mean she can no longer be my wife? I fought this war for her, I won this war for her, you kill that dragon spawn in her name and now you tell me she can't be my wife. Are you telling me that everything I did was for nothing?"

"And what do you plan to do Robert, are you going to force her to marry you, are you going to force yourself on her the same way he did?"

Robert stopped his gaze on him, he looked so angry that Ned thought about the possibility that he was going to hit him and maybe that would have been the case, if Jon hadn't decided to intervene.

Putting his hand on Robert's shoulder, his mentor said to him. "Remember the circumstances Lyanna was involved in, Robert. If Ned says she can no longer be your Queen, I'm sure there's a very good reason why he says so."

Robert's anger seemed to disappear completely, replaced by a dark cloud of sadness. Speaking again, only to ask him heavily.

"What was it that bastard did to my Lyanna?"

"Prince Rhaegar was as mad as his father, and in his madness, he kidnapped my sister, abandoning his wife and children. And you know very well the rumours that surrounded the mad King and about the things he did to Queen Rhaella."

Robert gritted his teeth so hard to the point of pain, all he wished was that he could kill that bastard again. In his anger, his eyes finally rolled to the other adult figure standing in the middle of the great hall, his eyes filled with rage as they glared at Aerys Targaryen's Kings guard.

"You, you damned bastard, you were one of the friends of the dragon spawn that helped kidnap my Lyanna. I will have your head" The rage flowed through Robert's body again, and he tried to pounce on the legendary knight, but was once again stopped by Ned.

"Enough Robert, enough blood has been spilled already. He is only a Kings guard, he was only following orders, just like Ser Barristan and many others. And just like them, he has surrendered." Ned said, trying to calm his former friend in arms.

"He is right Robert; you spared many men in the war when they surrendered. Ser Arthur Dayne is known as a man of honour and a great knight, he deserves to be treated as such" Jon Arryn said, backing him up.

With an angry growl, Robert said. "When Ser Barristan and the others surrendered, they were on their knees. I don't see him on his knees, acknowledging me as his King."

Ned turned his head to the knight who looked very reluctant at the idea of kneeling before Robert. But his gaze reminded him that there was something far more important at stake than his pride, fortunately Ser Arthur was smart enough to remember that. And though very awkwardly, he knelt before Robert declaring.

"My fate is in your hands, your Grace."

Robert observed with a grimace the knight kneeling in front of him, before saying. "I still don't trust him."

To which quickly, Ned told him. "You don't have to let Ser Arthur come with me to Winterfell, you'll never have to see him again."

"Why not send him to the wall?" Lord Tywin finally took the opportunity to speak, "I'm sure they could use the skills of a man like Ser Arthur Dayne."

"Why do you wish him to go with you to Winterfell Ned?" Jon asked, before adding, "Does it have anything to do with the child in your arms?"

Causing Robert to finally notice the baby he held in his arms, who despite all the commotion was still sleeping peacefully. Unperturbed by what was going on around him.

"This is my son, my bastard son. I named him Jon." Ned said, giving a glance to his mentor, who despite having disgraced his wife and fathered a bastard, couldn't help but show him a slight smile. "He will never know his mother, and due to the circumstances of his birth, he will not have an easy life. So, I would like him to grow up surrounded by the few relatives he has left."

Robert looked at Ser Arthur who was still kneeling, before returning his gaze to the boy. It wasn't hard for him or Jon Arryn to connect the dots, as they had both seen him dance and be close with Ashara Dayne.

"Lady Ashara?" Jon Arryn asked, wanting to confirm his suspicions.

To which Ned replied with a nod before saying, "She did not survive the birth."

Though painfully for him, what he said, was not a lie. The first stop they made was at Starfall to meet Ashara so she could help them cover up for Jae. But they could never have imagined what they would encounter. Ashara Dayne had given birth to a stillborn baby, grief and pain were what drove the sweet woman he once knew to jump from one of the castle's highest windows. Ned remembers seeing Ser Arthur's grief at hearing such horrible news, quickly blaming him, thinking he was the one who had impregnated her and then abandoned her. But he assured her that he had never lain with her sister, the man despite being in a state of mourning and rage knew that he was not a man of lies, finally letting him go.

But what hurt Ned the most was to be almost certain that he knew who the father of Ashara’s late child was. There had been only one other man at the Harrenhal tournament who had approached the beautiful lady, his brother. He loved his brother Brandon, but he also knew his nature. The only reason he didn't have bastards scattered around the north was because father made sure the maidservants drank moon tea. He also knew of the times when Father had to give them a generous amount of silver and send them to another castle, for when Brandon was drunk, he would not take 'no' for an answer and had often forced himself on them, even though he always seemed to regret it the day after.

Ned prayed that this had not been the case with Ashara, during the short time he had shared with her and the few words they had exchanged. The beautiful woman had left an imprint on his heart, not only was she an extremely beautiful woman, but she was also sweet and very noble.

She did not deserve any of this.

"A King needs a Queen" Tywin Lannister's deep voice, brought him back to the present. "And if what Lord Stark says is true, Lady Lyanna is not fit to be Queen. Your Grace, you need to find someone suitable for the position."

Snorting wearily and returning to sit on the throne, Robert said. "Here is the part where you offer me to marry your daughter?"

"Cersei is a more than perfect candidate, a Lannister and a blooming, untainted maiden. Besides, that the union of our houses would help repair the chaos that caused all this war" Tywin recited formally, making sure to tick off all the benefits that came with marrying Robert to his daughter.

Jon Arryn also approached Robert and leaned over so he could whisper something in his ear, something that did not seem to be to Robert's liking, due to the grimace he made, before shouting.

"I'll think about it, and I don't want to hear any more of it."

Lord Tywin did not seem at all pleased to hear that, but simply deigned to nod, before finally withdrawing.

"Ned! Bring the boy, I want to see him." Ned and Ser Arthur flinched when they heard Robert say that. Fortunately for them, they knew how to hide it well.

With slow, but steady steps, Ned approached the throne where Robert was. And finally reaching him, he stretched out his arms and handed Jae to him. Holding the baby a little awkwardly in his arms, Robert seemed to analyse him for several seconds before raising his gaze to him. Robert had a serious expression and a piercing gaze, Ned waited with slight trepidation for his next words.

"It seems the boy inherited your grim expression, Lord Eddard Stark" Robert said, ending with a shrill laugh. Loud enough that he was finally able to wake Jae, who quickly began to whimper and flutter in Robert's arms.

Ned wasted no time and quickly scooped him back into his arms and backed several steps away from Robert.

"I'm sure you're anxious to get back to that frozen moor you call home. Isn't there a way I can convince you to stay? At least until Jon finishes convincing me and reciting to me the benefits it would bring to have the Lannister’s on my side?"

"It has been over a year since I saw my wife and so far, I have not been able to see my first born. I longed to meet Catelyn again and the son she has given me, besides, I don't like standing here at all" Ned finished by saying as he looked around his surroundings, wondering if he was in the exact same spot where the Mad King had killed his father and brother.

Robert nodded at his words, understanding very well what he was referring to. Rising from the throne, Robert approached him again, standing beside him, he said.

"Are you sure I should not see her? I want to see her, at least one last time."

"She is not the woman you once knew Robert. I'm sure it would do more harm, than good, if you saw her now." Ned told him.

Robert nodded heavily, before telling him, "You go to your wife, Ned. And I'll try to survive this snake pit they call the capital." Giving a glance at Ser Arthur who was still kneeling he finished by adding, "And take him with you, just seeing those kinds of eyes again, makes my blood boil again."

Finally, standing up Ser Arthur said in a monotone voice, "Thank you for having mercy on me, your Grace."

Robert's only response was to let out a disgruntled snort and a sour grimace.

Wanting to get it over with at once, before anything went wrong, Ned took his leave of Robert. With a simple, but meaningful.

" Farewell, your Grace."

With a slight smile, Robert replied. "To you, Lord Stark."

With a final nod, Ned turned and almost shot out of there, Ser Arthur close on his heels. When they finally re-crossed the great gates of the Red Keep, Ned was finally able to let out a prolonged sigh. Lowering his gaze to Jon, he saw that Jon was looking at him with large, amused eyes, a small smile on his face. As if somehow, he knew they had gotten away with it. Lyanna quickly ran to them as soon as she saw them and took Jae from his arms, cradling him protectively against her, before finally asking.

"So, I'm a free woman then?"

Nodding to her, Ned said. " We're going home Lya."


Of course, his first stop before arriving at Winterfell, was Riverrun. Where he was greeted by his wife, who after not having seen him for over a year, couldn't help but greet him with an eager and warm embrace. Also introducing him to his son Robb, although unfortunately for him, the joy and happiness with which he was received, was suddenly extinguished when Catelyn saw Ser Arthur Dayne and Lyanna, especially the boy she was holding.

With a heavy sigh, Ned knew he had to be the one to explain the whole situation to his wife. He made sure to tell her everything that had happened as they had agreed, introducing Jon as their bastard son. And as expected, Catelyn did not take the news well at all, he had left her pregnant and alone for months, only to return with another woman's child in his arms. Although she seemed more indignant when Ned also mentioned that the child would come with them to Winterfell and grow up with Robb.

After hearing all that, Catelyn's attitude changed drastically, for months he did not see that warm and loving wife again. Catelyn went so far as to refuse to share a bed with him. After months of being separated from her, and despite now having her by his side, he could not enjoy his wife's company, it was certainly a hard blow for him.

Another thing to deal with was the animosity between his wife and Lyanna. For his sister took to heart, Catelyn's looks of displeasure and comments towards Jon. Although Ned understood, he wished that his sister could have been more sympathetic to Catelyn. Although after Catelyn called Jon a 'bastard' derogatorily in front of Lyanna, his sister almost lashed out at Catelyn, fortunately for his wife, he was around to stop his sister.

After that, Catelyn became much more reserved with her comments towards Jon, preferring to stay as far away from Lyanna and Jon as possible. Although fortunately for him, that event also caused Catelyn to become close to him again. He did not like the enmity between his sister and his wife at all, but he was almost certain that there was nothing he could do about it, only pray that Robb and Jon would not inherit the same grudge against each other.


Fortunately for Ned, both boys seemed to grow up at an accelerated pace and very closely together. They played, trained, and learned as if they were brothers, neither seemed to mind the enmity that seemed to exist between their mothers. Though another issue to address was how shameless Lyanna was with her treatment towards Jon, she overindulged and pampered him, so much so that Jon grew up thinking she was his mother. And even though Lyanna sometimes reminded him that she was his aunt, you could see in her face how much she enjoyed Jon referring to her as his 'mother' and most of the time, she didn't even bother to correct him.

Ned tried to talk to her about it, but Lyanna quickly shut him up and ignored him.

"I couldn't care less what people think, Ned. Jon will grow up being loved, and you will do well to remember our agreement. One day he will know I am his true mother, and he will know who his true father is, just as he will know his true name."

Ned wanted to dissuade her from doing that again, he wanted to tell her that Jon could have a peaceful life being his son here in the north. He could find a good wife and command a castle, but he knew it would be in vain. There was no way to make her sister back down, the only hope he had left was to be able to teach Jon, which was the right way. That a new war for that damned throne would not be worth the tens of thousands of lives that would be lost.


Jon scampered Robb through the gods wood, both his brother and he had wooden sticks that in his imagination were swords as they played at being great characters that they admired. Robb was the last Winter King, Torrhen Stark and Jon was none other than the conqueror, Aegon Targaryen the first. His Aunt Lyanna enjoyed telling him the stories and accomplishments of the old Targaryen Kings and princes of the past. Obviously, he could not help but be drawn to such stories, about legendary knights, warrior princes. But, above all, dragons.

Jon dreamed of being a great dragon lord, a conqueror, of having Valyrian princesses as his wives. But now, he found himself being challenged in single combat by the Winter King for the right to rule over Winterfell, and wanting to prove himself as a true conqueror, Jon accepted his challenge. As the Targaryen King that he was, he carried the legendary Blackfyre sword in his hand, and the Stark also fought with a Valyrian sword, Ice.

Their combat was legendary, bards would sing songs and maesters would write the story of when the dragon and the wolf clashed. As much as the northern soldiers, his own loyal men, along with their wives and dragons watched the confrontation. His swords rang out violently, his arms burned with fatigue, but still he continued to swing it, knowing that a single mistake could cost him his life.

The fight lasted for hours. Which in reality was a couple of minutes. Finally, the Stark King fell before one of his feints, a movement that had made him win countless fights, where he dodged the attack of his enemy and with a quick turn, he landed a hard blow on his opponent. Although in reality, Robb only stumbled on his own and he took advantage of that. The Stark fell hard to the ground and positioning himself over him and preventing him from standing up again, with his sword over his jugular, Jon said.

"It's over Stark, Winterfell is mine. Surrender and I will show you mercy."

The man glared at him with contempt and anger at being outmanoeuvred. Although Robb was only upset that he had fallen. But all the same accepting his defeat he said.

"Winterfell is yours, your Grace."

Finally breaking the fantasy, Jon removed himself on top of his brother and began to jump up and down euphorically as he happily proclaimed.

"The Targaryen’s win, the Starks surrendered, I am Lord of Winterfell!"

But his joy was abruptly cut short when he heard Robb shout at him.

"You're not a real Targaryen Jon, you're a Snow. And my Lady mother says you will never be Lord of Winterfell, for you are a bastard."

As soon as Robb said those words and saw his brother's expression transform into one of sadness, he quickly regretted his words. He knew how that word affected Jon, as he always saw him annoyed when they heard people whisper them to each other. And he had even witnessed how his Aunt Lyanna reacted to anyone who dared to call him such a word in front of her. Feeling curious about it, the first thing that occurred to him was to go ask his mother, who she explained to him that Jon was not actually his brother, as she was not his mother. Therefore, he was not a Stark, but a Snow and unlike him, he would not inherit any land, title, or name from his father.

Hearing that, Robb felt very bad, and his next question was that if there was anything he could do so that Jon could be a Stark. To which his mother quickly changed her attitude and told him bluntly that no, that he was his father's only heir, that he would one day inherit Winterfell, that one day he would marry a noble lady who would bear him children who would be named Stark. It is his birthright, not Jon's, for he is a mere bastard, they have no right to anything.

Even knowing all that, Robb had let his anger get the better of him and called Jon a bastard. He wanted to apologize to his brother, but before he could do so, Jon spoke first, saying.

"We should get back, it's getting late. Father might get upset."

Jon's voice sounded hollow and full of emotion, but before he could speak, Jon had already started to leave. Robb decided he would do it later, after all Jon was his brother, he was sure he would forgive him once he apologized properly.

Though what Robb would never know was that Jon would never forget those words. And that having said them, would cost him many things in the future.


Jon couldn't shake Robb's words for the rest of the day. Even his uncle Ser Arthur noticed that his mind was elsewhere, instead of being focused on his training. Letting him go early, Jon spent the entire day thinking about the words Robb had spoken to him, even though he had heard those same words before. Always as whispers and murmurings among the soldiers and maidservants, he had even come to hear them from Lady Stark, though no one dared speak such a word when his Aunt Lyanna was nearby.

Jon had learned long ago what that word meant; he had already lived six name days. Jon understood all too well why he was a Snow and Robb was a Stark. Though Lord Stark was his father, Lady Stark was not his mother, making him the bastard, and even though he knew what it meant, hearing it from his brother had hurt more than he could have imagined. A reminder that he would never inherit anything from his father, that when he grew up, no noble Lady would wish to marry him or even see him as a proper match. Fortunately for him, before he could sink any further into those depressing thoughts, he heard the door open.

His Aunt Lyanna entered his room with a big smile, always wanting to rock him to sleep or tell him a bedtime story, even though he was no longer a baby. Though being the intuitive woman, she was and the one who knew him the most, it didn't take her more than a few seconds to realize that something was bothering him. Rushing over to him and sitting down next to him on the bed, Lyanna ran her long fingers through his scalp, soothing him of any worries before asking.

"What is it my little wolf, is something bothering you, did someone say something to you? Tell me who it was sweetie, tell me their name and I promise they won't bother you ever again."

"I'm not a baby anymore, Aunt Lyanna. I don't need you to protect me all the time" Jon complained. Not enjoying her treating him like someone who needed to be saved all the time, though he did enjoy her cuddles.

"Oh, my little wolf thinks he is a man now that he has lived six days in name. Now he trains with a sword alongside his uncle Ser Arthur so that one day he will be a great warrior, even better than his father." Jon obviously thought his aunt was referring to Ned, completely oblivious that Lyanna was referring to someone else. "I still remember when my little wolf would come running into my rooms when he had a terrible night terror, asking me to sleep beside him through the night."

Jon remembers that well too, especially the nightmares. It was almost always the same dream, he found himself alone in the crypts of Winterfell, where the ancient Kings of the North were resting. Though these did not look very pleased with his presence, always judging him with their hard stone eyes, shouting at him that he did not belong there, that he was not one of them.

"But I don't care how big you are Jon. You must always remember our little agreement, whenever we're alone, with no one around us. You have to call me Mom." Taking her face and raising his gaze to hers, he finished by saying. "You haven't forgotten that have you, my little wolf?"

"But you're not my real mother." Jon told her, his voice coming out with a hint of sadness and disappointment.

Cradling his face lovingly as she ran her fingers across his cheeks, Lyanna told him as she pouted exaggeratedly. "Do you hate the idea of calling me mother that much?"

"No, of course not." Jon replied, for it was quite the opposite. There would be nothing more he wished for, than to have been Lyanna Stark's son.

"Remember Jon, you are my special boy, there is nothing I wouldn't do for you. Just like a real mother" she told him with all the sincerity she could muster, hugging him and finishing by saying. "Then there's nothing wrong with you calling me mom, at least when it's just the two of us."

"But I'm not special. I'm just a bastard, aren't I? There's nothing special about a bastard," Jon said, his voice cracking slightly.

It broke Lyanna's heart when she heard her boy say such things, at that very moment she wanted to confess the whole truth to him. But she knew it was not yet the time, her son was strong, she just had to hold on a little longer. And even though she couldn't tell him the whole truth, she could make sure he knew, how truly special he was.

"Oh, my boy, I would never lie to you. You don't know how really special you are." She told him.

"But how can I be special, Robb is father's heir. He will carry his name; he will be the next Lord of Winterfell" Jon refuted her.

" Aye, you're right. Someday Robb will be Lord of Winterfell and, even then, I can assure you that he is nothing compared to you Jon. I can go as far and say for the same for Robert's son or the son of any other great Lord of Westeros. No one is as special as you."

Confused and intrigued by her words, Jon asked. "How can you assure me of that? How can I be more special than Robb or Prince Joffrey. I am only a Snow."

"You trust me, Jon?" Lyanna asked him. And despite his many doubts, Jon did not hesitate to nod.

"Then trust my words. I would never lie to you, my sweet boy. I promise you that one day you will see how special you really are, everyone will. Whether they be handmaids, soldiers, or knights. It doesn't matter if they are Tully’s, Baratheon’s, Lannister’s, or Stark’s. They will all come to see you for who you really are, and they will kneel before you. You will not be Lord of Winterfell; you will be Lord of the greatest and most important castle in Westeros. Noble ladies and princesses will vie for your attention, you may choose any or all of them if you wish. For all is yours for taking, my sweet boy."

Excited and intrigued by his aunt's words, Jon asked hopefully. "You promise?"

"I promise, my love." Lyanna said sealing her promise with a light, but very loving kiss. "But remember, just like our previous agreement, this has to be our little secret, okay? The world isn't ready for them to know how special you are yet."

Jon nodded fervently, now feeling much better, before assuring her and saying. "I won't say anything."

Lyanna rubbed her long curls before congratulating him with a big smile and telling him. "Good boy, sleep now. Ser Arthur told me you were distracted today, so tomorrow you will be training twice as hard."

Jon nodded, surely already knowing that he was in for a difficult and very demanding day with his uncle, but he would endure and improve every day, until he was a warrior his Aunt Lyanna could be proud of.

Giving him a last kiss on the forehead, Lyanna said to him. "Good night, my little wolf. Dream of dragons."

"Good night, Mom." Jon told her.

Making the last thing he saw before Lyanna closed the door, leaving him alone. It was her radiant smile as he heard him call her 'mother'. Finally, Jon closed his eyes and just as Lyanna said, he dreamed of dragons, but he also dreamed of so much more.

A throne made of a thousand swords, a silver princess, a crown. But most of all, he dreamed of soaring through the skies above all, on the back of a massive white dragon. And as Lyanna had promised, he saw them all kneel before him. For in the end, they all ended up kneeling before the dragon.


This story really has a lot of potential to turn it into a much longer story. I would like to know what you think, in the next chapter we will have a time skip and we will see a more adult Jon Snow, and most probably Smut scenes. Again let me thank you for all the support and see you soon with an update of Trip to the North with the Jon/Dany/Rhaenys Threesome.


Daeron Targaryen

Hmm, good start Jon shall be the rogue prince come again.


Of all the ways I have written Jon Snow. This is definitely the one that could resemble the rogue prince the most.


I guess I should thank TheDog for requesting this, because otherwise I might’ve done so myself. 😂 Love the Jon/Lyanna pairing, and I’d most definitely love to see this turned into a bigger story, even at the cost of a more expensive subscription if necessary. Love your work, keep it up!


I have a couple of ideas, but I'm not sure which specific Queen to write about next. Maybe I'll take a poll and let you guys choose.