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I get what you're saying about no one recognizing Naksu's face and tbh it confused me a lot because it's not really explained. First, it's not like everyone who has seen Naksu in Season 1 don't recognize Naksu/Buyeon at all, they all feel like they have seen the face before. I think a possible explanation could be that she is just done up completely differently, acts differently, and it's been over 3 years since they've seen her. Also one of the commoners once mentioned rumors about Naksu being taller than most men, and there was a shot of Park Jin and Naksu next to each other and it clearly showed Naksu towering over him. Maybe the 'transformation' into Buyeon just wasn't perfect. Jin Mu even said that she had Naksu's face but the body is smaller and more dainty.


It’s not bad writing as to why some people don’t recognize buyeon as nasksu. The reason why is bc for park Jin and the doctor they only saw her briefly and then they saw her body burn. Everyone saw her body burn. Where as with jinmu he raised naksu since she was a child that is why he recognized her immediately but he also said at the beginning of this episode when they were at the assembly that she still looked different and things changed about her. So it makes sense as to why some people have a feeling that she is familiar but aren’t sure. And you also have to remember that it has been three years probably even more since they have seen naksu in her own body.