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Hey guys! November is coming to a clause and here's what's hopefully coming next month~

3 weeks left of school: that's right, I have school up-until the 20th and it's gonna be almost non-stop for me until then. However, I do have about 2 weeks of nothing for the reminder of the month, so hopefully I'll be able to draw in a fulfilling manner~

finishing commissions : I have about 2 commissions left (if they still want them) and one thing I want to do this month is to finish that so I can take new ones starting January~

CotM update: The big one. CotM is still on and, thanks to your feedback, here is what has changed and not. Entries will be done through google form, it's gonna make things easier for me, I hope, and tbh they're not that hard to use. You are not required to have a google account to complete it.

starting from now, there will always be 8 characters on the poll and it will be split in 2 : 4 characters from media and 4 OCs. If I receive more than 4 entries of each, I will personally handpick which of the suggestions will make it on. You can complete multiple entries but only 1 will be selected for each categories (if applicable) per user.

You can now suggest pairs and/or trios to enter together on the poll. They will share a same slot and, if they win, will appear on the same drawing.

now here's the complicated one. When there's actually a lack of entries, the reminders will be filled by either the other category (6 characters - 2 OCs or vice-versa) or, if their are lacks in both categories, I will take the liberties to choose characters that have not been suggested to complete the form with 8 characters. Hope that was clear~

From now on, I will pick 2 winners from the poll when I can. The top two, so to speak. They will not appear on the same drawing. If 3 or more characters have the equal number of votes. A tie-breaker poll will be made to determine a top two. This month, however, I'll probably only pick 1 winner, seeing how tight things will be.

Gift for artists: earlier this year, I made gifts for diverse twitter artists and I'd like to do it again, or at least something similar. This time however, I will let you pick who! All patrons, including 1$ ones, will be able to suggest 1. The post for this event and it's specificity will come up soon and later down the line, a poll will be made to do the final picking. This event will probably only be completed in January however. I already feel rushed by school, don't to feel rush by my own endeavors XD

And that would be all. Thank you for subscribing this month, and I hope to see you in December~


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