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Hello everyone, hope you are doing well tonight <3

I'll be straight to the point since it's pretty late for me, but basically I'm seeing Patrons leave and it's making me feel insecure, to be honest. So, I've decided to take this opportunity to announce one big-ish change I'll be making and to take the time to hear from you guys <3

First of all, the big change is that, after the Machio piece, Low-res variants will be released only a month later on my socials. Basically, it means that, what I do this month in July will be released normally on here, but publicly only in August. This is done in the goal to bring you guys a new benefit for supporting me.

Secondly, like I said, I want to hear from you guys! Do you have some suggestions for me? Are there things you would like to see more off? Some things you like to see less off? Would you like me to focus less on making variants and do more pieces that go straight to the point? Or maybe you think I actually don't do enough variants. Whatever it is you would like to tell me, I'm open to suggestions to improve myself~

Finally, a bit related to the previous point, I would like to hear your comment on how I'm running things here on Patreon. Currently, you are being charged to have access to my gallery at all time. Is this OK with you? The pros of this is that everything is accessible to everyone who pay entry. The draw back is, you still have to pay during the months I produce less. Btw, I'm doing my best to stay consistent, but with school and my work at the hospital, it's not really easy.

That all said, another option would be to do like many of my peers and charge you for what I produce during the month. The pro of this is that the Patreon experience will be more rewarding to you because you paid for something exclusive during the month. The con however, is that, once the month is passed, people who didn't support me then won't have access to the artworks and will have to buy them off of me through other means at possibly an higher price.

My two cents on all this is that I personally don't like paywalls, hence why my Patreon works the way it does right now. I also don't like to limit my pieces too much because I feel cheap doing so. That said, I am open to the other option because I think it's more rewarding to you due to a feeling of exclusivity and I think it can somehow raise the value of my art. So I'm willing to change things or not depending on your opinions~

And I think that's it, can't wait to hear from you <3


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