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External Link: https://justpaste.it/ls/azi78/als0rx3uuxskgcl2 


Nathan Linder

Oh boy its theory time! So, Adam met Lawrence who invited him to enter a contest. Adam did with his best friend Eric. Eric ended up betraying Adam in some way, likely stealing his work or sabotaging it, and winning the contest. Eric is now helping Lawrence on his project, which is presumably the Painted World, but something goes wrong and he likely gets abandoned so Eric just becomes an imperial hangman. So the questions now are, what did he need help with? The Rot most likely, but maybe the Rot isn't the real issue, what if it's just a byproduct of whatever The Emperor is doing. Was the first Emperor a former protégé of Lawrence and that's how he knew how to forge talents? Also we can assume the voice Adam keeps hearing isn't Lawrence since he doesn't recognize it and I don't think it's the Dark Sorcer either because of the connection they have to the Rot with the ghosts. What if it's a dragon?


Hm, so will Adam figure out that Eric is likely in the Painted World since he won the contest?


"That should have peaked Adam's interest. " I believe the proper phrase is "piqued my interest". Great chapter!