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Thankfully, Ragnavi was smart enough to recognize that people needed time to cool off after her outburst. She sequestered herself elsewhere in The Village – alone – as everyone waited for the Dragonkin retinue to arrive.

Small comforts.

With the Village tour canceled, and Rob taking a well-deserved breather, he was left with little to do except review his Character Sheet in preparation for what was to come. Not just their foray into the Deadlands, but also his inevitable battle with Ragnavi. He'd gotten a sneak preview of both, one right after another, and the verdict was...disquieting.

Character Sheet.

Name: Rob
Level: 92
Race: Human (?)
Class: BERSERKER (LV 92)
Sub-Class: Crystal Bearer (LV 7)

HP: 2684 / 2684
Stamina: 399 / 400
MP: 800 / 800

Status Effects: Leveling High (Moderate, 95% Contained), Melancholia (Advanced), Determined

Strength: 65
Vitality: 200
Endurance: 40
Dexterity: 105
Perception: 40
Mind: 50
Magic: 80
Unspent Points: 5

Just 5 stat points to spend this time. Gone were the days of casually throwing 10 points here, 15 points there, laughing as he frittered away his stats like a trust fund kid blowing his allowance at Vegas. It wasn't that he'd done a bad job with spending his points thus far, but now that his Level increases were slowing, Rob was definitely feeling the weight of what each individual point represented. This was likely how normal Elatrans felt during the stat allocation process, as if a lapse in judgement would be the difference between dying to their next opponent or living to a ripe old age.

With that in mind, the question he had to ask himself was simple, yet all-important: how should he spend his current points – and the points he'd gain moving forward – to maximize his odds of survival?

Process of elimination, Rob concluded. He hardened his heart and erased his biases, reducing everything to a logical cost-benefit analysis. There could be no room for error here. This was a battlefield like any other, and he would prevail, as he always did.

Endurance was the first to be crossed off the list of possibilities. Fights tended to be more swift and brutal than a layman might expect. Stamina only ever became an issue when it reached 0, and so far, it hadn't – although it'd gotten close on several occasions. 400 Stamina and 40 Endurance wasn't that much, but it was...enough. While he would've liked to boost it, there was a clear pecking order of useful stats, and Endurance was near the bottom.

Mind was discarded next. He hoped he wouldn't regret that decision. It went against what Rob had promised his friends; that he'd increase Mind until it was 60, as added insurance in case the Gellin tried something. The memory of that incident almost spurred him to reflexively shove his points into Mind, like a still-healing wound that was screaming to be itched.

However, the Gellin were a continent away now, kept safely under lock-and-key. He couldn't let his fear of another mental prison drive him to waste stat points on a threat that had already been neutralized. Besides – with just 50 Mind, he'd previously been able to resist a mage circle headed by the Gellin Empress. It was possible that the Deadlands contained creatures with stronger Mind Magic than that, but if so, everyone was boned regardless. An extra 5 or 10 stat points probably wouldn't make much of a difference there.

'Probably' was going to be the word of the day. He probably didn't need more Stamina. He probably didn't need more Mind. Only future-Rob knew for certain, and he was never any help, the bastard. Always judging past-Rob's decisions with the benefit of hindsight. I'm doing my best, okay?

The Magic stat was eliminated next. While it was surprisingly useful, considering virtually none of his Skills had it as a Prerequisite, it mostly just let him spam Rampage. Each 5 stat points in Magic boosted his max MP by 50, equivalent to another Rampage cast. Was that helpful? Undoubtedly. Should he prioritize it over other advantages?

Probably not.

With a heavy heart, and with an image of Keira sulking in his mind's eye, he removed Strength from the list of contenders. It was a stat that he always meant to increase, but which usually got left by the wayside, as it honestly hasn't been that relevant until now. Monsters and soldiers died to his basic offensive Skills, while Blights died to Purge Corruption. Having more Strength wouldn't have affected nearly any of his major fights.

In fact...

Although Rob was alone, he furtively glanced around, like a robber in the dark checking for prying eyes. Specifically, he wanted to ensure that Keira's prying eyes weren't watching him at this very moment. Not that he was planning to voice his thoughts aloud, but every wise man knew that girlfriends could read minds.

Coast seems clear. He let out a nervous sigh. Okay. I think...that Strength is one of the weaker stats in Elatra.

It was a betrayal of everything his beloved stood for, but it was the truth. Strength wasn't that important. Similarly to Endurance, it was a stat with major diminishing returns past what you needed to accomplish your goal. Having a surplus of Stamina didn't really help, and in reality, neither did a surplus of Strength. Most living creatures in Elatra weren't particularly durable, so what did it matter if you could overkill an enemy three times over with a single swing? An attack with 1/3 the Strength would've produced the same result.

Furthermore, it was essentially the only stat in Elatra that provided zero survivability. Dexterity and Perception helped with dodging. Mind and Magic let mages fight from a safe distance. Vitality was self-explanatory. Even Endurance kept a fighter from passing out in the middle of battle.

Strength? Some might say that the best defense was a great offense, but Rob wasn't buying it. While fighters with high Strength were terrors on the battlefield, he'd bet anything that they lived loud and died fast. The sole reason Keira got away with dumping so many points into her passion project was because she had Danger Sense. Without that exceedingly rare Elven racial trait, she would have perished long ago, succumbing to attacks that she otherwise would've needed more Dexterity or Vitality to survive.

All of that was why Rob felt reasonably comfortable leaving Strength at a tidy 65. Thanks to Purge Corruption working as Blight-be-gone, the only enemy he might have trouble damaging was the Dragon Queen. He was concerned about that, but he also doubted her durability was much better than his own, and he could still be injured just fine. Ragnavi wouldn't be able to endure a full Party of Riardin's Rangers beating the stuffing out of her.

Which would be his excuse Keira asked why he'd ignored Strength again. An expanded explanation would just end with her challenging him to a semi-friendly duel out of spite – a duel which, funnily enough, he'd probably lose. Despite his poor view of Strength as a whole, Rob didn't think he could beat Keira 1 v 1 without a lucky Dauntless Reprisal or Living Bomb. She was close to the same Dexterity, would see his tricks coming thanks to Danger Sense, possessed the raw power to chew through his massive HP, and most importantly, had decades worth of combat experience on him.

Rob slouched at the reminder of his greatest weakness. Honestly, more than stats, he would've killed for a Hyperbolic Time Chamber to go training in for a few years. Inherent combat prowess – when stats and Skills were taken out of the equation – was a product of time multiplied by talent. Rob had only been fighting for ten months, close to nothing by Elatran lifespan standards, and his talent was...middling. While he was a significantly better duelist than when he first came to Elatra, someone like Zamira, who'd taken to her Class like a fish to water, would always be more skilled than him.

It didn't help that most of his enemies until recently had been mindless monsters and Blights, which left him ill-prepared to fight someone like Queen Ragnavi. He was still behind the curve compared to his contemporaries, and there was just no fixing that. Elnaril proved as much when he effortlessly dismantled Rob when they got into an actual swordfight. Maybe Jason could've held on in that scenario, but Jason was an athletic genius. Rob could think quick on his feet, and...that was about it.

Hmm. After a moment, he shrugged. Eh. What else is new? He'd been out of his depth since Day 1 here – and yet here he stood, alive, while Blights and Leaders lay dead at his feet. There was no point in contemplating a fight with stats and Skills removed from the equation when he abused those advantages better than anyone. Whether his opponents were inexperienced newbies or centuries-old masters, they all exploded when a Riardin Special was dropped on their head.

For the most part. Aberrations like the Blight, Elnaril, and Ragnavi were just straight-up more powerful than him, even with X-factor Skills like Dauntless Reprisal and Living Bomb taken into account. He'd never beat them in a fair fight...so he wouldn't bother fighting fair. Everyone had a weakness to exploit. For the Blight and Elnaril, it was Purge Corruption and their personality flaws. For Ragnavi, it would be her lack of strong allies. As long as he could keep her busy at the start of their fight, just for a few seconds, Riardin's Rangers would overwhelm her as a group.

Which led him to the last three stats in contention.

Vitality: 200
Dexterity: 105
Perception: 40

Choosing Vitality would be simultaneously efficient and inefficient. The system had confirmed that he wouldn't learn any new Vitality Skills via stat increases, and Lifedrinker meant that he could raise his max HP without needing to spend stat points anyway. However, increasing Vitality would strengthen his current Skills like Lifesurge and Dauntless Reprisal, further lowering their cooldowns. As a fighter who lived and died on well-timed Skills, it wasn't the worst option.

At the moment, though, Rob was favoring either Dexterity or Perception. And while he did have legitimate reasoning behind that decision...

He was also just fucking tired of getting out-speeded.

Seriously, the hell was with all these jackrabbit assholes running around these days? It was bad enough when it was only the Blights. They'd always been unnaturally fast for how bulky they were. But, whatever, eldritch abominations weren't known for conforming to the laws of physics. At least they were also big targets with hilariously poor self-preservation instincts. He could tolerate that much.

Then Elnaril came and raised the bar to an unattainable standard for humanoid opponents, moving so quickly that Rob could barely keep track of him. That fight had been a major exercise in frustration. He'd only needed to land one Purge hit to kill Elnaril, and it still took a distraction and combining several tricks at once to seal the deal.

Naturally, before he could begin to feel even slightly proud at that feat, Ragnavi arrived and met Elnaril's unattainable standard without breaking a sweat. Zipping around like an arrogant red blur. Making Rob's point of pride – quick reactions – nearly irrelevant.

It really pissed him off.

Cold and rational, cold and rational...screw it. I can't fight what I can't see. Snarling at nothing, he put his unspent points into Perception, intending to do the same for his next few Levels. It was the stat most closely tied to enhanced reaction times. With higher Perception, Ragnavi would appear as less of a blur, and he'd be able to activate his defensive Skills before getting knocked flat on his ass. Dexterity was less useful in that regard, being more related to the physical speed his body moved at.

And he wasn't matching Ragnavi in pure speed even if he put everything into Dexterity from here on out. With her doubled stats, she had, what, 200 Dexterity? So overpowered, Rob griped. Almost makes me have buyer's remorse. Could've gone for a speed build instead of defense. I mean, the Blight would've wrecked me if I had less HP, and 200 Vitality is already ridiculously unfair for other people to fight, and the grass is always greener on the other side, BUT STILL–

His aimless grumbling was interrupted by a system message that he somehow hadn't been expecting.

Passive Skill Learned!
Illusion Resistance
Prerequisite: Perception 50, Mind 50, experience and break out of several extremely strong illusions
Description: That which exists, should be seen – the rest is a falsehood to be discarded. When the owner of this Skill is subjected to a magical effect that alters their perception of reality, Illusion Resistance has a chance of diminishing or dispelling the effect. Results will vary depending on the strength of the illusion. This ability is a supplemental offshoot of Mind Resistance; in situations relevant to both Skills, their benefits will stack.

A vague sense of dread ran down his spine.

In that moment, he distantly wondered what a normal Elatran would've thought upon learning this Skill. Maybe something like: 'Oh, neat. That could come in handy. Probably won't, though, as Mind Magic is rare. I'd have to be extremely unlucky just to meet this Skill's Prerequisites, let alone get mind-whammied a third time. Boy do I love living in a world where the gods aren't out to get me!'

All Rob could think was: I hope I never have to use this.


"What?" Keira shook her head. "No, I'm not truly upset that you've decided to prioritize stats besides Strength. Your reasoning makes sense, and at this juncture, I'd prefer you choose whatever will keep us alive."

Currently, they were catching some private time – with Riardin's Rangers and the coalition soldiers close by, in case another Blight messenger popped in to say hello. At Keira's response, Rob let out an overly-exaggerated sigh. "Glad to hear it."

She frowned. "I detected a note of genuine relief there. Were you expecting otherwise?"


"I'm hardly so one-track minded, Rob."

"You literally rebelled against the whole Village because you wanted to pick a Strength-based Class."

Her lips curled into a smug grin. "And I proved them all wrong, too. Many of my naysayers are slumbering in the graveyard we visited yesterday."

Rob choke-laughed. It was the kind of noise someone made when they shouldn't laugh at something, tried to stop it partway through, and just ended up sounding like a demented raccoon. "Oh, jeez, my throat. Totally going to hell for thinking that was hilarious."

Keira waved off his trepidation. "Feel free to express your mirth. The other Elves aren't here right now, so neither of us need to pretend to be distraught." She glanced at the ruined buildings surrounding them. "Some say that absence makes the heart grow fonder, but in truth? I don't miss this place, nor do I miss the vast majority of the people who perished here."

"That's okay – you don't have to force yourself."

"Perhaps not. Yet after seeing our friends' faces when they paid their respects..." She trailed off with a wistful shrug. "I almost wish that I did care more. Compared to them, my well of empathy runs dry."
Rob looked at her carefully. "Does this have anything to do with what Meyneth said when you offered to kill her dad?" He cleared his throat and activated Recall. "Our friendship is not conditional on you performing unsavory tasks in my stead. I won't think less of you if you don't take on the role of our Party's butcher."

Keira sent him an exasperated look. "Committed that bit to memory, did you?"

"Of course I did," he said, with a warm smile. "Been brainstorming ways to make you love yourself as much as I love you."

Her exasperation was immediately overwritten by fondness mixed with a hint of embarrassment. They'd been together for months, and she was still weak to random compliments – although he was admittedly in the same boat. "Don't worry," she weakly protested. "It hasn't plagued my thoughts day and night, if that's what you're concerned about."

"Come on, you just said that your 'well of empathy runs dry'. You aren't heartless, Keira. Far from it."

"Heartless – no. Coldhearted? Yes."

Keira raised a hand to forestall his rebuttal. "I've accepted it by now. There are people whom I deeply care for, that much is true. However, that group is limited to a very select few. The outpouring of compassion that someone like you or Zamira shows for the average person far surpasses mine."

She chuckled. "As an example...Rob, this Village condemned and nearly executed you. It should be a nexus of resentment and bad memories. And yet you're more upset with the tragedy of its loss than I am."

He gestured towards her. "Wasn't all bad memories."

"Thank you, but I won't be distracted from making my point. I am who I am, and despite the occasional bit of self-recrimination, I no longer consider this a weakness or a failing. It grants me a unique perspective that our Party needs to achieve balance."


"Someone has to keep you from twisting yourself into knots with guilt," she plainly stated. "In the years to follow, Riardin's Rangers will become vital figures in Elatran society. Have already become, really. Dilemmas will arise that require our presence to solve. Unfortunately, that includes conflicts with no simple answer. While you are quite adept at examining two poor options and improvising a third, that won't always be possible. We will invariably make decisions that hurt people, and you will berate yourself for it, even if there was no better choice."

Her tone softened. "Paradoxically, that is one of the parts I love most about you. Still – if I can be there to remind everyone that the weight of the world does not rest solely upon our shoulders, then I'm plenty satisfied with being coldhearted. Like a salve to prevent your bleeding hearts from bleeding out."

Rob had to stop himself from contradicting her. If he removed the boyfriend-bias blinders, then objectively speaking...Keira's self-assessment was pretty accurate. It didn't feel right to stand there and nod as his girlfriend called herself callous, but it would probably be worse to deny her when she seemed content.

Except for one lingering detail. "As long as you don't–"

"Run off and take actions on my own, without consulting the Party first?" She offered him a contrite grin. "I learned my lesson after that debacle with the Titan's Fist researchers. It's also partially why I can feel comfortable being myself. Balance goes both ways. I'll keep you from descending into self-loathing, and you'll keep me from assassinating people out of expediency."

Rob chuckled. "Not the kind of relationship agreement I thought I'd ever make a year ago, but hey, I'm down."

Keira's grin froze on her face. She rapidly went through a variety of emotions, starting with panic, transitioning to contemplation, and settling on forced calm. "Rob," she began, attempting and failing to sound nonchalant. "Would you prefer to live on Earth or Elatra?"

"Both," he immediately replied. "We can commute once the dimension mages improve their spells. But you already knew that, and you're stalling for some reason."

"Shush, don't call attention to it." Keira struggled for a few seconds longer to find the right words. "So...when we travel to Earth...I'll meet your family, correct?"

Rob slowly nodded. "Yeesss? Is there an issue with that?"

"What if I'm the issue?" she mumbled.

He blinked. "That makes absolutely no sense."

"Earth is different!" she said, raising her voice. "You've told me on dozens of occasions. Warriors like me, who pick up a blade and go wading into the fray of blood-soaked battlefields, don't exist anymore. The closest analogue is your world's soldiers, yet even they don't carry a greatsword on their back at all times. Which I shall. I won't stop doing that for anyone's sake."

In that moment, Keira seemed markedly vulnerable. It wasn't a sight Rob was used to seeing on the Savage Warrior, who flirted with death like it was her favorite dance partner. "Hold on," he quickly said. "None of that is going to matter."

"I just want you to be forthright. Your parents are dear to you, and unlike how I'd intended to leave The Village before it was destroyed, I can't ask you to spurn them if they dislike me." She spoke faster the longer she went on, building an anxious sort of momentum. "So...please. Tell me. What should I expect? I can handle disappointment. Did that for years in this wretched place. If it's less of a surprise, it'll be easier to endure. Will they reject me for being a Warrior through and through?"

"I've killed people too, Keira."

His candid tone seemed to snap her out of it. She stared at him, belated realization dawning on her, as Rob laid his cards on the table. "This is something I've thought about in regards to myself. A lot. What if they hate what their sparkling baby boy has turned into? The Rob they knew hadn't slaughtered over a hundred soldiers. But while I can't guarantee anything – maybe they joined a cult as I was gone – do you want to know what I think the most likely outcome is? Close to 100%?"

He pointed at her. "We'll meet them, and I'll say: 'Dad, mom, let me introduce you to Keira. I'd be dead without her.' And then you'll be in their good graces forever. Especially after they see that I'm stupidly head over heels for you. I have faith in them, and you can too."

Keira's anxiety melted away like snow under a warm sun. "Well." She averted her eyes, redness creeping into her cheeks. "When you phrase it that way, I suppose I must sound rather silly."

"Not really. Who doesn't get nervous about meeting their significant other's parents?"

"...Fair. What of Jason? Would I meet his standards?"

"He's currently dating a girl who's made a hobby of shooting monsters, so yeah, I think he'd approve." I should contact him again. Dimensional Message will be ready to use soon, hopefully.

"Smart man." Keira exhaled, composing herself. "Then...I'll have faith. Not everywhere is like The Village. There are people who will accept me for who I am. Our Party has shown me that."

Her smile deepened. "You more than anyone else."

They locked eyes with each other. A tender moment passed between them, sparking love and attraction and desire. Normally, it would've led to activities that were very fun for the both of them.


"We can't," Rob grumbled.

"Ugh. I know." Keira's head whipped to the side as she glared at the opposite end of The Village. "Wouldn't be wise."

There'd been an unspoken agreement that sex was off the table until the Deadlands trip – and everything surrounding it – was resolved. Mostly because of the goddamn Dragon Queen. She was absolutely the type of freakazoid to ambush them while they were...indisposed, then laugh at them as she launched an Annihilation beam.

Plus, just the fact that she was nearby at all felt like the ultimate anti-aphrodisiac. It was hard to get in the mood when they were in the middle of a ravaged, decayed Village, with gravestones around every corner, and a genocidal maniac within walking distance. To attain even a semblance of privacy, they'd need to hide behind a pile of rubble or something, constantly looking over their shoulders for scaled wings and sharpened fangs. Holding back for now was the logical choice to make.

It still sucked.

Rob spoke up, fully aware that he was grasping at straws. "Maybe we can just, I don't know, make out for a bit?"

"Would we be able to restrain ourselves if we did?"

They both knew the answer.

He followed Keira's gaze, matching her glare with one of his own. I'm lucky Keira never tried using this as an argument for why we should assassinate Ragnavi now instead of later. She'd probably have convinced me.


Changes, Character Sheet, Skills List 

Thanks for reading!


Brandon Steele

Rob's perception was 40 + 5. How did he meet the requirements for that skill?

Dennis Hornsby

Thanks for the skill sheet paste!