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<"The man you’re trying to reach is unavailable right now. Please, leave a message and – okay I can’t do this bit. You can hear me, right?">

Rob's legs trembled as he leaned his back against the alley wall, letting himself gradually slide down into a sitting position. All the strength in his muscles had been sapped by hearing the voice that was unambiguously, indisputably, Jason.

<"I swear..."> muttered the voice that was undeniably, incontrovertibly, Jason. <"You always have bad reception. Doesn’t matter where. It's a little ridiculous.">

When faced with overwhelming shock, the kind that shakes a person to their core, the human consciousness can react in a variety of fascinating ways. One such example was an out-of-body experience, which Rob was vaguely aware he was undergoing right now. Everything felt...numb. Distant. Like it was happening to a different person.

<"Did I dial the wrong number? Is that even possible? Thought I finally got this crap working.">

He could've sat in silence for hours. Hyperventilating was also an option. In the end, however, his mind managed to latch onto one small detail that Jason – fucking JASON – had mentioned. "You got what working?" he asked, speaking with his thoughts like he used to do with Diplomacy.

<"Really? After almost a year, that’s your big, dramatic, first thing you say to me?">

"Well excuse me for being surprised!"

<"Just saying. With how long you spend lost in your own thoughts, you could've come up with a better opening line that that.">

Despite himself, Rob grinned. It was hard to stay shellshocked when Jason sounded so genuinely ecstatic to hear him. "That's how it looks when someone uses their brain for things other than sports and shit-talking. You wouldn't understand, I get it."

<"I’ll have you know,">
Jason protested, <"that I made an overly-elaborate plan just a few weeks ago...to beat up a mad scientist, but it still counts. Pretty sure that's not a sport. Yet. Wonder if I can make it one.">

He exhaled. <"But for real though, been trying to contact you for days. This Dimensional Message thing wasn't working until now.">

Dimensional Message?

Rob quickly brought up his Character Sheet and scrolled down to the new Skill he'd learned right before Jason contacted him.

Crystal Bearer Tier ? Ability: Dimensional Message
Prerequisite: Crystal Resonance? Most likely?
Description: Allows you to mentally communicate with...Jason? What in the world is this? Cross-dimensional resonance was never an intended design. His atypical integration into the system has confounded many things. From what we can surmise, using Dimensional Message depletes an internal power source. While it will replenish on its own, be aware that your time per usage is limited.

A flurry of questions swirled in Rob's mind. Jason was a system anomaly? The Skills were somehow confused about a Skill? Crystal Bearer was resonating?

All of those would need to be answered. For now, though, there was something more important to say. When Rob 'spoke' again, he put the full breadth of his emotions into his words, filling them with ten months of worry, anguish, and relief.

"I missed you, man."

<"I missed you more,">
Jason replied, in a voice packed with just as much emotion.

Nothing else needed to be said. The two of them stayed quiet for a few seconds, taking in the moment.

It lasted up until they wordlessly decided that serious time was over. <"Try not to get kidnapped again, yeah? It's too quiet here without you rambling about godawful TV shows.">

"To be fair, I only got kidnapped because someone – not naming any names – stared slack-jawed at a blatantly ominous portal instead of running away."

<"And if I hadn’t done that, you wouldn’t have gotten a girlfriend, would you? So you’re welcome.">

Rob laughed, feeling lighter than air. He wanted nothing more than to chat about random nonsense for another couple hours. Unfortunately, the Skills' warning was fresh in his mind. Dimensional Message had a limited time usage, and he couldn't waste it with idle banter, no matter how fun that sounded.

"Hate to do this, but we're on a timer. Let's get down to brass tacks. First off: are my parents okay?"

<"They are, promise. Especially since we found out you were alive.">

Rob's shoulders loosened as the tightened stress-knots in them began to uncoil. He'd figured his parents were probably fine, considering how nonchalant Jason was acting, but...the confirmation still meant a lot.

"Glad I sent that letter," he said, smiling from ear-to-ear. "If they're renting out my room, tell them to kick out whoever's there. Actually, no, scratch that. Keep renting it out, but give me a cut. You would not believe how strangely poor I am right now."

<"Oh, we knew you were alive before the letter.">

Rob's smile froze. "Knew? As in, for a fact? Not just assumed?"

<"I never stopped believing,">
Jason said, as if his belief was fact. <"Although it was fun to extort a confirmation from those asshole gods.">

"From those WHAT?"

<"Do they not contact you? Aw man, are they only bothering me?">
Jason chuckled. <"The curse of being popular.">

The world was spinning. "We've been in touch," Rob said, attempting to keep calm. "They usually alternate between empty threats, long-winded bitching, and – lately – begging for help."

<"Sounds about right,">
Jason mused. <"Did they give you a bracelet too?">

"Bracelet? You mean some sort of Enchanted Item?"

<"A what now?">

Rob’s runaway panic stopped as it collided into a wall of nostalgic annoyance. "Dude, you've played enough games to guess what that is just from context."

<"I got nothing. Wait, is it like how some fighting games let you equip gems or whatever to get stronger?">


<”Oh, shit, yeah kinda like that. They gave me a bracelet that made me Level up faster when I put it on. Also started making me go a bit crazy. Then they told me that if I beat my evil clone I'd get confirmation if you were alive. Wanted me to overuse the bracelet in order to win.">
He chuckled. <"So I dumped it and beat my evil clone anyway. Piledrived him off a skyscraper, it was rad.">

Level up faster. Go crazy. Those phrases sent alarm bells ringing in Rob's mind. It was clear as day what the gods had tried to do. Not content with their failed kidnapping, they'd ensured that Jason got to experience part of the fun-filled adventure he'd missed out on – by instilling him with the latent aspects of an Elatran Human.

Fast Learner, and Leveling High.

In that moment, Rob felt glad that, unlike Diplomacy, Jason wasn't actually inside his head. When conversing with Diplomacy, they could always sense each other's emotions. It made keeping secrets pretty much impossible. And right now, even Jason might've been disturbed by the white-hot, apoplectic fury that was flaring up within Rob then, like a volcano erupting after centuries of building pressure.

"I see," he replied, in an excessively casual tone. "The bracelet is gone, right? And you aren't...going crazy anymore? No more than usual, I mean."

<"Oh, I'm definitely crazy. It just isn't the bracelet's fault.">

Rob exhaled. "Then that's fine." He forced another smile onto his face. Not that Jason could see his expression, but if he faked how he wanted to feel, maybe he could convince himself of it too. "Glad you got one over the gods."

<"I’m honestly 2–0 on them, depending on what you’re counting,">
Jason said, pretending to be insulted. <"I also got my evil clone on my side, so he’s more like, my broody clone right now. Man, I feel sorta rude just calling him an evil clone – dude’s name is Baker. Gustavo Baker.">

Rob nodded along. The more he mulled it over, the more he realized that this was a good thing. If the gods needed an Enchanted Item to give Jason Leveling High, then it meant that he didn't have it without the bracelet. Rob hadn't been certain of that until now. It made sense; Leveling High was essentially an artificial curse instilled upon the Elatran Humans, who were biologically equivalent to mana-based monsters. They weren't the same species as Earth humans. The only reason Rob had Leveling High was because the gods purposefully gave it to him as part of their twisted–

"Wait," he said, his train of thought screeching to a halt. "Did you just say you have an evil clone?"

<"Dude, I just said he had a name. And emphasis on ‘had’. Baker's a really cool g...">
Jason trailed off. <"He’s a really well-intentioned..."> He trailed off again. <"He’s on our side now. And I like the guy. Anyway, it’s your turn – tell me what's been happening over at Elantris.">

Hoo boy. Where should he even start? Rob really wasn't in the mood to recount every single thing he'd been subjected to. All the people he'd seen die in front of him. Jason didn't need to know any of that. It would be like...polluting water with toxic oil. Tainting Rob's pure memories of a simple, peaceful life on Earth.

Or maybe that was just running away from his problems. The truth would come out eventually, one way or another. Jason was obnoxiously adept at breaking through people's shells.

Luckily, there wasn't time for a long explanation right now, which made for an excellent excuse. After forming a curated list of what to mention, Rob proceeded to regale Jason with the cliffnotes version of his Elatran exploits. He focused more on the big victories, such as saving Fiendland from the Corruption epidemic, defeating the Blight of Dhalerune Mines, and stopping Titan's Fist from exploding. When it came to events like The Village invasion or the Harpy war, he tactfully glossed over the death totals.

Most of all, he focused on Riardin's Rangers. The one shining star of unambiguous good that he'd found in Elatra.

<"Holy shit,"> Jason said, awestruck. <"You made new friends.">

"Seriously? I tell you about finding the edge of the world, facetanking a nuke, and fighting MULTIPLE eldritch abominations, and *that's* what surprises you?"

<"I’ve never doubted your ability to kick ass. On the other hand...dude, do you have any idea how many times I tried introducing you to people at parties? Or getting you to come to those parties?">

"Hey! I went to half of those, and they always ended in disaster."

<"You gotta be more positive, man! That just means half of them didn’t.">
Jason paused. <"Granted, yeah, the rest kinda sucked. Still not sure how Brian's room exploded.">

Rob did – and no one must ever know about it. What kind of lunatic kept grenades in his house, anyway? Brian was lucky that....someone...accidentally set them off in private before people got hurt.

"What happened to our university, by the way?" Rob asked. "They give everyone an 'A' and install a memorial plaque with my name spelled wrong?"

<"Oh, the college is donezo. Shut down by the government for being an environmental hazard or whatever. Which just saved it from having to deal with bankruptcy – almost everyone dropped out because, evil portal. Lots of people we knew held a vigil first. More of them liked you more than you thought. Always told you that.">

Rob didn't know how to respond to that, so he bravely chose not to. "Well, I told you what's been going on with me. Ball's in your court now. Start at the beginning; how did you gain the ability to Level up?"

<"Eh, not sure.">

A mocking breeze blew through the alleyway.

"You..." Rob pinched his brow. "The people of Elatra were specifically molded by the gods to be part of the system. I was...my situation is unique." The fragile nature of his rickety, build-a-bear soul was one thing best kept from Jason. "The point is, you can't just Level up out of nowhere. That's not how it works. That's not how any of this works!"

<"I’m just built different,">
Jason remarked, with a verbal shrug. <"Okay, full rundown: Had weird dreams, killed a blightspawn, floating messages appeared. Then stuff just happened from there.">

With startling clarity, Rob realized that this was what he did to people. Nonchalant revelations. As if the listener was the stupid one for not believing something that sounded fundamentally absurd. It almost made him want to ease off on that in the future.

He wouldn't, of course, but he considered it for at least a split second.

"Let me think. Did you speak with the gods before or after gaining Levels?"


"Then the only divine influence you came in contact with was their chains,"
Rob reasoned. "Maybe that brief exposure introduced you to the system somehow? And then you integrated into it slowly, without the gods needing to intervene. Somehow."

<"That's a lot of 'somehows'.">

"I don't fucking know, man. Even the Skills think you're strange."

<"Like I said – built different.">

Rob let out a good-natured sigh. "So you started leveling up and fought Blightspawn. Actually, I'm surprised you call them Blightspawn like we do."

<"Most people don't.">
For the first time, Jason seemed legitimately annoyed. <"The media labeled them 'Outsiders'. It stuck even though it's lame as hell. You have any idea how much I restrained myself during press outlets?">

At that, Rob unconsciously leaned forward. "You're doing press outlets? As in, giving speeches?"

<"Less now that the military considers me a vital, volatile asset. They're better off selling my action figures instead of sticking me in front of a microphone where I'll mouth off.">

"You have action figures too?!"

Both of them paused, then immediately burst out laughing. Every second that passed was one where Dimensional Message's timer ticked down, and neither of them could bring themselves to care.

<"I want one of yours,"> Jason declared, after they'd caught their breath.

"Same." Rob produced his hand-carved, wooden action figure from Spatial Storage, imagining it resplendently displayed on Jason's desk. "So. Levels, monsters, press outlets, action figures. Where does your evil clone come into this?"

<"Oh right, Baker. We're cool now. He isn't really a clone – he was a blightspawn with the ability to copy people's worst fear, and mine was myself, because – not important. Anyway, the form stuck, so now he looks like me. Fights monsters too. Broke away from his 'programming' or whatever you want to call it.">

Rob's good cheer evaporated in a heartbeat. A Blightspawn that had separated from the hivemind? The last time that happened, it took over a nation and plunged Harpy territory into war. "What is it doing now? Have people been keeping tabs on it? You *need* to be careful, Jason. Blights don't just turn over a new leaf."

<"Nah, Baker's chill. He helped me infinite-combo Valmight. You have no idea how satisfying that was.">

"Who the hell is Valmight?"
Rob snapped, some of his frustration leaking through.

<"A mad scientist who performed human experimentation using blightspawn corpses. Real stand-up guy.">

That...was the least-surprising thing he'd heard all day, actually. It sounded like the kind of thing Elnaril or the gods would've done if given the chance, and they hardly owned a monopoly on being deranged bastards. Humans had long since perfected the art of committing atrocities on their fellow man.

"Okay." Rob clenched his fists, then forced them to release. "I'll trust you on this. Because you're you. But promise me you'll be ready to cut him down if he gets bored of playing the good guy."

<"Cut him down?"> Jason chuckled. <"You've spent way too much time in fantasyland if that's how you're talking nowadays, man. And seriously – I'd be dead without Baker. We've been leveling as a pair for weeks now. He acts like an edgelord sometimes, but that's about it.">

Rob didn't bother arguing further. It was easier to move heaven and earth than convince Jason of something after he'd set his mind on it. Even if he was dead wrong and liable to get himself stabbed in the back.

The only worse outcome would be if he was right. Because if that rogue Blightspawn really was on Jason's side, then it completely upended everything Rob thought he knew about the Blight as a whole. Their nature was one of decay and destruction; like entropy given physical form. The only time they spoke or displayed consciousness was to rant about how much they loved murder. It took one of them being merged with a Harpy to gain a semblance of – for lack of a better word – humanity, and he'd still directed his newfound intelligence towards maximizing suffering.

They literally weren't supposed to be capable of good deeds.

Rob hated the Blight. He'd hated them ever since the first one killed Riardin, destroyed The Village, and blasted him with a mana laser. Until now, though, his hatred was more towards that of a force of nature. Like if a wild animal had mauled his loved ones. There was rage and animosity, but outside of how he'd felt towards Elnaril, it wasn't really personal. An animal ate. A blight destroyed. They couldn't change their ways any more than a bird could stop flying.

But if this rogue Blightspawn...if Baker was sincerely making an effort to help...

It meant that an effort could be made. That the Blights' sadistic tendencies were, from the beginning, one of choice. Hell, with how powerful they were, it was even possible they'd intentionally warped their own bodies to act as vectors for corrosion.

"...Just keep an eye on him," Rob quietly said. This was too much to think about right now. While it didn't change his mission, for some reason, the notion of the Blights having more autonomy than he'd thought unsettled him to his core.

<"I promise I will have exactly one eye on him at all times,"> Jason assured, using his 'Rob is stressed so I'd better change the subject' tone. <"Hey, did I tell you about the other people I've met? We've formed a bit of a crew. Kinda like your Party. Besides Baker, there's Danse, Lucio, Jeanette – okay you've met Jeanette, but now she has a Blight Gun we swiped from Valmight that turns monsters into Swiss cheese.">

Even though Rob knew Jason was attempting to distract him, that didn't stop it from working. "We could use one of those here. Only guns we have are old-timey rifles. What's Lucio's deal?"

<"He was experimented on by Valmight. Gets a dinosaur head when he powers up–">

Rob cried out. "THAT'S the dinosaur wrestler dude I saw!"

When Jason spoke next, Rob could hear his smile in his voice. <"Hah, yeah, you two would get along great. He's like a big puppy when he isn't tearing apart monsters with his bare hands.">

"So he transforms into...a Blight-human hybrid form, then transforms back?"


Rob grimaced. "I don't envy him. If the Blight's influence was stronger, he'd have wound up as another Elnaril. Or like the possessed Dwarf in Dhalerune Mines. Blights mixing with mortal flesh never ends well."

<"You could honestly be making up half of those names and I wouldn’t know. But, ah, yeah. Very unnatural. Never ends well.">

Something in Jason's tone set off even more alarm bells in Rob's head. "Jasooon? What did you do?"


"It doesn't sound like nothing."

<"Well, you're still on edge about Baker, so I figured I'd wait to tell you.">

"Just spill it. If you don't, I'll be obsessing over it until we get to talk again."

Muted grumbling resonated across Dimensional Message's connection. <"Okay, before you get mad – ask yourself what you'd have done in my shoes.">

"That hypothetical has never, not even once, worked out in your favor."

<"I mean, fair. Look, Baker was fading away at one point – apparently Earth doesn't have mana or something – so I...did him a solid. We swapped eyes.">

Rob threw his hands up in the air. "Are you insane!?"

<"It was just one each! Worked out in both our favor. Baker stabilized, and I got a power-up. Wouldn't have beaten Valmight without it.">

"You...answer these questions truthfully. Don't you dare try to hide or minimize anything. Has your HP gone down? Are you experiencing chronic pain? Did a system message pop up warning you about Corruption?"

<"That's a 'No' to everything. I swear.">

How? Was it because the exchange had been willing? No, someone like Elnaril would've gladly traded eyes with a mortal – and laughed as caustic flesh dissolved them from within. Most likely, Jason was fine because Baker truly possessed no ill intent towards him. Rob was still wrapping his head around that idea.

Regardless... "When I get back to Earth, I am Purging the *shit* out of that eye."

<"Don’t you fucking dare, do you have any idea how cool it is?”>

Rob wanted to tear his hair out. Jason had zero concept of how dangerous what he'd done was. The risk of trusting Baker aside, it gave the main Blight hivemind a backdoor into Jason's mind and body. Rob almost wanted to run to the dimension mages and demand that they somehow make another portal to Earth, right this instant, so he could reach through and cleanse the eldritch infection within his friend.

And yet, despite his common sense screaming at him to think otherwise, the sheer laid-back confidence in Jason's voice was making it harder to panic than it should be.

<"Not a fan of this subject? All good. How about we talk about my Sub-Class instead? Maybe you can tell me more about it. Seems useful.">

Rob's eyes widened to the size of dish plates. "You have a Sub-Class?"

There was a pause. <"Are Sub-Classes not common?">

"No. No, they are not."

<"Then I'll enjoy being special. Anyway, I got it after you cut the gods' chains. Thanks for the save, by the way, real bro moment there. When I grabbed the note you left behind, I think I absorbed your arm and weapon. Started the Crystal Resonance process, whatever that was. It finished, and now I have a Sub-Class called Crystal Bearer.">

That answered some questions and raised further ones. "What abilities did you get from it?"

<"Waymark and Spatial Storage, if you know what those are. Also that broken weapon as a Bound Item. Don't think it'll help me much, but it makes for a nice memento.">

So Jason had the Broken Shortsword. While Rob would've liked to retrieve it when he went back to Earth...this was the next-best thing. At least it went to a good home. Plus, one Bound Item was well worth the price of Crystal Bearer resonating with Jason. While he'd only learned two of its abilities, if they could advance the Sub-Class to where he gained Purge Corruption...

Plans began forming. Concurrent attacks against the Blight, happening on both Elatra and Earth, Purge Corruption wielded in two dimensions at once. How would that affect them and their hivemind of shared experiences?

<"My level has been shooting up ever since,"> Jason continued. <"I think we're about ready to take on the gods. Whenever you guys figure out how to get to their home base, let me know. I'll get my squad together and we can group. Hit 'em hard in a joint assault.">

...Okay, that was a bridge too far. "No. We aren't even remotely close to ready."

<"Why not?">
Jason asked, without a hint of sarcasm. <"All the gods have done is make portals and screw with our heads. How powerful are they, really? Could be they're just talk. If they were that strong–">

"They annihilated the world Elatra used to be."
Rob called upon his memories of Valaire's last testament, found in a broken pocket of reality at the bottom of the sea. "Unmade it from the inside out. Killed...everyone. And that's just one world – this game of theirs has been repeated who knows how many times. If they were at their full power, we would have no chance, absolutely *no* chance at winning. The only reason we're in the running is because they invested too much of themselves into Elatra. But even if they're at half power, or 10%, or just 1% of what they can normally do, their upper limit has ended civilizations with ease. 1% of a trillion is still a big fucking number."

Jason considered his words for several seconds. <"I still think I can take them. 1% of a trillion is smaller than infinity.”>

Rob didn’t need to say anything. His silence was loud enough.

<"That's an excellent point you just made. Fair enough. I'll keep killing monsters with Baker, then. When you and me are both...what's the max level?">


<"Right, so like 35 more levels and I'm golden. Probably way less for you. We hit 99, and then it's go time.">

Rob breathed a sigh of relief. Jason may have been stubborn, but he was willing to listen to reason. Sometimes. On occasion.

<"Let's move on to what is by far the most important topic,"> Jason said, as if preparing to discuss matters of life and death. <"Tell me. How are things going between you and that elf girlfriend of yours? Keira was her name?">

"Pretty damn great,"
Rob answered, with a sense of comfortable warmth. "She's loving, supportive, cool, kind – to her friends, her enemies not so much – and entirely out of my league. Can't complain."

<"Still selling yourself short.">
Jason sounded like he was grinning. <"Didn't let it stop you this time, though. I'm happy for you, man.">

Rob grinned back. "I'm happy for me too. What about you and Jeanette?"

<”I was already in love with her before she got a Blight gun and saved my life a couple times. Now? Picture, like, cartoon eyes popping out of my skull every morning. She qualified for the Olympics and shoots monsters. Seriously could not love her any more.”>

"Hah, she's definitely a good fit for–"

Rob froze as he felt a subtle shift inside him, similar to being low on Purge Corruption energy. "I think Dimensional Message is close to running out."

<"Even this shit has limited rates? What a ripoff. Didn't have time to tell you about the spires or my infinity vision trip.">

"The what?"

Jason said, hurriedly. <"Have to ask this now before the line cuts out. Rob – are you okay?">

Okay. A simple word, but Rob knew exactly what he meant by it.

The future wasn't guaranteed. Based on pattern recognition, his upcoming journey into the Deadlands was going to turn into a total clusterfuck. But for now?

"I am," Rob honestly said.

Jason let out a triumphant noise mixed with victory and relief. <"All I needed to hear.">


Thanks for reading!



Shittalking with friends is the best shittalking

Spenser Hilton

"Anyway, it’s your turn – tell me what's been happening over at Elantris." Not sure if typo or sneaky Sanderson plug with 'Elantris' ;)