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So my cover art guy came back with some sketches for a possible Book 6 cover art. Wanted to ask you guys which version you thought looked the best. Here's the framing possibilities they gave:

Cover Art 1

Cover Art 2

Cover Art 3

Some things to note:

1. The final version will look different; this is more of a template.

2. The original version I asked for had Rob flipping off Ragnavi, but apparently that gets you banned on amazon, so sadly we can't do it.

You can either state your favorite in the comments or vote here:




I lean toward the same feeling as the comment that said number 3 but scale the human down a hair. And the pose is kind of weird and or generic. Need some more unique expression. Is it only the middle finger gesture they ban for? Maybe the old school hand on the inner elbow "up yours" pose might slip under it? Just a thought

Dennis Hornsby

Hey where'd the book 5 epub go?


Fuck.....flipping her off would have given this generic Image allot more ooompf. Ah Well only so much you can do with a sword dude and a dragon XD