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"I learned Lifesurge," Orn'tol said.

His statement came out of nowhere, upending the silence that, until then, had been filled by dimension mages whispering as they gathered mana. Rob did an actual double take, looking between the mages and Orn'tol so quickly that he nearly gave himself whiplash. "Wait, really? When did that happen?"

"When the Harpy Amalgamations attacked me." The boy shuddered, waves of revulsion flowing through him. "Lifesurge's Prerequisite, aside from the minimum base requirement of 60 Vitality, is that I must fall below 2% Max HP in a combat scenario. Which...I did."

Those quiet words struck Rob with a lightning bolt of guilt. Memories rose up of Orn'tol laying on the ground, convulsing, with single-digit HP and extreme Corruption poisoning.

He was about to apologize when Orn'tol held up a hand to forestall him. "It wasn't your fault," the boy quickly added. "If you hadn't cured my Corruption afterwards, I wouldn't be here today. I only brought up the Skill so that we could factor it into our battle plans moving forward."

A weak smile crept up his face. "And so that we could celebrate. Lifesurge is an exceedingly rare Skill. Useful, too, as your exploits have shown. While the manner in which I acquired it was...unfortunate, that much is expected. It wouldn't have been pleasant no matter the circumstances."

Slowly, Rob nodded, recognizing that beating himself up would just stress Orn'tol out. The boy had made a fair point as well; Lifesurge was an incredibly valuable Skill that most people would never learn. The Vitality requirement could be reached by anyone with the stats to spare, but its other Prerequisite came down to blind luck more than anything else.

There weren't many scenarios where the average person could fall below 2% Max HP and not straight-up die. If a Combat Class user had 300 Max HP, that meant the cutoff point for learning Lifesurge was a mere 5 HP. Any higher, and they wouldn't learn the Skill – and they'd be left in a critically wounded state where follow-up attacks could easily finish them off.

It had to occur during a natural combat scenario, too. A person couldn't just intentionally bleed themselves with a healer on standby, waiting to immediately patch them up once they hit the golden 2% HP threshold. The system rarely rewarded those who tried to 'cheat' their way to power. You could only fulfill Lifesurge's Prerequisite by knocking on death's door and hoping it didn't answer.

Rob had done that in his first week in Elatra, but he knew full well that he didn't count. Applying common sensibilities to him was a fool's errand. Although...

"I just checked," he said, "and my version of Lifesurge states that I only needed to go below 5% of my Max HP, not 2%. I think that's a Human thing. Fast Learner has modified some of my Skill Prerequisites before."

Orn'tol nodded, a mixture of conflicting emotions plain on his face. "In the past, I may have been envious of that. After months of benefiting from being in your Party, though, it would be hypocritical to–"

"Dude, it's fine," Rob laughed. "Be hypocritical. You think it didn't bug the crap out of me when I first came to Elatra's and saw how easy you guys made everything look? My exercise regiment back home meant nothing compared to three Levels worth of stats. Now here I am, Level 91 and abusing every minor loophole the system will let me get away with. I have become the bullshit that I hated. Which feels great, for the record – and still doesn't stop me from getting disgruntled whenever people here complain about stat and Level disparities. It all rings hollow when I know they haven't hit the gym a single time."

Stop trying to act so much older than you are, were Rob's unspoken words. Let yourself be a petulant teenager. You only get to do that once.

Orn'tol's veneer of maturity lasted a solid two seconds before cracking. "Do you know that I would've already learned Lifesurge if I had Fast Learner?" His voice rose with each word he spoke. "I nearly died in our very first Dungeon Crawl, yet it wasn't enough! 2% Max HP versus 5% Max HP was the difference between me not having Lifesurge for months of deadly combat! It's just so...so..."

"Unfair? Arbitrary?"


Rob put on a shit-eating grin. "Welcome to how I've felt since Day 1 in Elatra."

Orn'tol returned his grin with a deep scowl. He couldn't hide his amusement for long, though, and soon both of them were chuckling. From off to the side, Malika paused her work with the dimension mages to glance at them, wondering what they'd found so humorous, before getting sidetracked once again as a mage asked her a question.

"Quick thing," Rob said, once their mirth had died down. "What Level is your Lifesurge at? That would be good to know for combat planning."

"My Lifesurge is currently Level 12, heals 60% of my Max HP, and has a 15 minute cooldown. What about yours?"

"Level 26, heals 100% of my Max HP, and refreshes every 2 minutes." Rob paused. He wasn't sure if people in Elatra got envious over disparities in Skill Levels, but he'd been a young teenager not that long ago, and he knew how volatile his own ego was back then. Best to throw Orn'tol a bone. "Lifesurge seems to increase in Level every 5 stat points or so of Vitality. Same as Step of the Wind and Dexterity. Mine's at Level 18."

Orn'tol unconsciously puffed up a bit. In their Party, only Zamira had him beat in Dexterity. "My Step of the Wind is Level 23." Then, as if realizing he was starting to brag, he adopted an encouraging tone. "You'll reach that too if you prioritize Dexterity. Wait, no, you're supposed to be increasing Mind for now. Um..."

"Lord Rob!' The dimension mages rescued Orn'tol from his flustering with a well-timed call across the room. "The viewing window to your home world has been prepared!"

Rob shot Orn'tol another grin. "That's my cue. Thanks for the chat, by the way. Was losing my mind with anticipation before you distracted me. You did that on purpose, right?"

Orn'tol looked away, embarrassment coloring his features. "Any of our friends would've done the same."

"They would have, but they weren't here, so you get the thanks. Just how it works."

Most of Riardin's Rangers were off taking care of coalition business. As much as Rob would've liked for his Party to be here, he couldn't wait however long it'd take for everyone to gather together. With the Blight showing signs of activity in the Deadlands, he needed to see what was happening on Earth now.

Alas, Duran would probably sulk for days when he heard that he'd missed out on an Earth viewing session. I'll make it up to him with some history tidbits, although I'm running out of things I remember in detail. Should've paid more attention during class, but in my defense, I didn't know that I'd one day be playing the part of wikipedia for an Elf with a bottomless thirst for knowledge.

Rob approached the mages, occupying himself with random thoughts to keep the nervous anticipation from roaring back with a vengeance. He soon stood before Malika and her coterie of dimension mages, the nine of them joined in a Circle, their auras thrumming with contained power.

The head mage stepped forward, his face taut with exertion. "Where would–"

"Jason's house. We'll check there first."

With a nod of assent, the mages began.


Rob heard a sound. It was the sound of a breaking glass, of snapping wood, of tearing flesh, and more. A combination of all the noises things made when subjected to an external force. Like reality itself was groaning under the pressure.


A thin, imperceptible line appeared at eye-level, slowly widening.


It had become a rectangle. Two feet wide, three feet high. The void dissipated, as if smoke blown away by a gust of wind, revealing...


Rob let out a long, relieved breath, feeling like he'd aged a decade. He's alright. The big lug was just sitting there on his couch, talking about something with his girlfriend. No sign of the Blight anywhere in sight. It wasn't proof that Earth was totally in the clear, but he doubted Jason would be looking so relaxed if things were in emergency mode over there.

If not for Jason's oversized greatsword propped up in the corner, Rob could've even fooled himself into thinking his friend was unconnected to the Blight invasion on Earth. I'd kill to know what you've been up to, man. Bet you've got some fun stories to tell. Mine will be hard to top.

He paused, contemplating. Mine had *better* be hard to top. Jason can't possibly be involved in situations as dangerous as the Gellin mind trap or the edge of the world...right? I really don't need that kind of added stress in my life. Although, he WAS hanging around with a dinosaur man dressed as a luchador, so who knows what weird shit he's gotten himself wrapped up in.

"I swear he'll be the death of me," Rob said, with fond exasperation. "Better than not being able to see him at all, though." He gave a thumbs-up to the dimension mages. "Thanks for the assist. Means a lot to me."

The head mage inclined his head. "You are most welcome. Would it further ease your worries if you sent your compatriot a letter?"

A deafening silence blanketed the room as Rob performed his second double take of the hour. "YOU CAN DO THAT?!"

"...Yes? You were aware of this, Lord Rob. It is the method by which we create a small portal within the viewing window. The portal shall be no larger than a fist, yet that is plenty to send a letter, or whatever other means of communication you desire. We've been investigating how to accomplish this feat for weeks on end."

The head mage frowned as Rob, Orn'tol, and Malika stared at him with faces of pure bafflement. "Did we not inform you that we'd completed our research several days ago?"


"Ah. Well." The Fiend coughed into his hand. "You understand. There was much going on at the time. The invasion, King Elnaril...I suppose it slipped our minds?"

Rob was already tuning out the mage. He whirled around in a circle, his eyes desperately searching the room. "Paper. Pen. Need. Now."

"Is there any in your Spatial Storage?" Orn'tol suggested.

"Nope!" A touch of hysteria entered Rob's voice. "Just been using Messages! People with cell phones don't keep sticky notes on-hand!" One of the dimension mages hesitantly held up some parchment; Rob pounced on it like a cat on a mouse. "THANK you. Give me a sec – I was always shit at writing greeting cards."


“How’s your training with Baker going?” Jeanette asked, in a cheery voice. “Thought you’d be able to rest now that me and Lucio are helping out with the monsters, but you seem more exhausted now than before.”

Jason grunted as he let himself fall onto the couch. He sighed, sighed again, then covered his head with a pillow, as if shielding himself from the light would recharge his energy. “That’s the trap. Being ahead doesn’t mean it’s time to relax – it means it’s time to work harder than ever. The worst thing you can do is slow down when you’re in the lead.”

And they did have a lead. It was hard-earned, too. The incident with Valmight a couple weeks ago had pushed them all to their breaking points. Jason wasn’t sure which part had been worse; nearly being driven mad by visions of the infinite universe, or having to combo a half-Blight mad scientist for over four hours as the man bitched about unfair strategies.

Their efforts managed to snag them a few advantages, at least on this side. Jason didn’t know exactly what was going on with Rob and the gods of Ela...Elara...of whatever Baker said it was called, but considering everything that had happened lately, those divine douchebags probably weren’t scoring any major wins over in fantasyland either.

I mean, yeah, he mused. They’re dealing with Rob. No one can handle that guy. If the gods thought otherwise, they’re even dumber than I imagined.

Meanwhile, Jason himself was growing increasingly impossible for them to control. His Blight-eye annoyed the hell out of him, and thanks to his linked levels with Baker, he was gaining EXP twice as fast as he normally should. Mostly, though, it was his little date with infinity that had really seemed to set off the gods – to the point where they’d barely bothered him since.

At the time, Jason welcomed the reprieve. But now...now he had to wonder. Their initial reactions, and the silent treatment that followed, almost felt out of character. It went beyond simple surprise. When he'd come out of those visions of infinity with his sanity intact, the gods had been...stunned. Disgusted. Insulted. And above all else: offended.

Which was just fine with Jason. He didn’t know why that upset them, but he very much hated their otherworldly guts, so hey. Anything that pissed them off was a win in his book.

“How are you feeling?” Jeanette asked, her voice bringing him back to reality. "Are you more sure of yourself now?”

“I’ve always been sure,” Jason said quickly, his voice filled with so much bravado that it was clear he didn’t mean it. “Seriously though, what are you talking about?”

“Whether or not you feel ready.” Jeanette’s voice grew a tad severe, enough that Jason felt tempted to lift the pillow off his head and meet her eyes. “Between Lucio, me, and Baker...are you confident we can take on the gods now?”

“You’re gonna have to be more specific,” Jason said. “The creepy assholes that kidnapped Rob? Yeah, sure, I got this. Nadal on clay? Fuck no, I’m arrogant, not delusional. Need another decade of playing tennis before I'm ready for that.”

“Jason.” Jeanette made his name sound like a complete sentence, and that felt scarier than pretty much any monster he could think of. “I’m being serious.”

“And I’m not kidding,” Jason replied, all traces of levity vanishing from his tone. He took the chance to toss his pillow away and gaze at her with an intense expression. “Doesn’t matter what kind of superpowers I've got now, have you seen that disgusting topspin? Nadal would murder my backhand–”

Jason.” Jeanette kept her voice even, making the dryness in her tone hit harder. “Come on.”

He took a deep breath. While he wasn’t opposed to being candid with her, playing up a devil-may-care attitude usually gave him time to steady his nerves. “Yeah, okay...let me think for a second.”

Jason rubbed his eyes and exhaled. How did he feel about their chances of fighting those gods? Mostly optimistic, really – he wasn’t lying to either Jean or himself when he’d said that. So far, those pricks hadn’t done anything except skulk around in the background and start shit from a distance. He had yet to see evidence that they could actually fight.

But he’d be lying if he said he was thrilled about the prospect. Shadowy, otherworldly things...it’s hard to get hyped about fighting that. How do I punch something that I can’t even see?

Something else was bothering him as well. If he was being honest, while he couldn’t remember much from his visions of infinity, there was one thing that–

With a start, he bolted upright and began frantically looking around. “My sword,” he muttered, “where did I...”

That sudden chill invaded him once more. It was a familiar, distant feeling, one that Jason thought he’d left behind, yet now felt as if it had been there all along. His eyes scanned the room until he found his sword resting near the doorway. It was far. Too far. Am I being paranoid? But that feeling...

“Okay,” Jeanette said, seeming to relent. “We don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to. No need to act–”

“Shhh!” Jason slowly stepped towards his sword, as if tiptoeing through a minefield. His gaze constantly swiveled around the room, checking every corner, every shadow. As a precaution, he activated Voyeur Avoider.

A second later, he wished he hadn’t.

Twelve people are watching me, not counting Jeanette, the ability told him. That...wasn’t good. Jason was positive that they’d managed to destroy all the government listening devices in his house – Danse was a pro at finding the easy-to-spot ones, and Baker’s less orthodox methods had taken care of the rest. Which meant that whoever was watching him had to be–

A door opened in the middle of empty air.

No, not a door. A gate. A black hole. A portal. Jason immediately recognized it from his nightmares, and wasn’t sure whether to be terrified or thrilled. It was the same one that took Rob prisoner, all those months ago.

Back then, Jason had been paralyzed, unable to move as dread swelled within, drawing him closer to a void of nothingness. This time would be different. He had told himself, promised himself that if it happened again, this time would be different.

And so when the cold, otherworldly metal of chains wrapped themselves around his arms, he did not panic.

Only for his heart to start racing when he saw Jeanette rush up to him. “JASON, DON’T–”

Last time he let someone do that, Rob ended up taking his place. Not again. Jason swung his left leg to push Jeanette away – at the cost of some balance. He stomped his foot back down right away, but by then the chains were already starting to pull.



"What in blazes are you doing?" Kismet hissed.

He pressed against the shield Vivacity had constructed, pulling back when his efforts were rebuffed. While his Influence exceeded hers, they were in her domain right now, and in a god's personal domain, their will was law.

Laws could be broken, of course, yet it would require far more Influence than Kismet was willing to commit. "Cease this wastefulness," he ordered, fully aware that his words would go unheeded.

"So kind of you to visit, dear Kismet," Vivacity giggled. Her voice sounded unhinged, like echoes of the void haunting a beaten mind. "I'm afraid I haven't the time to entertain you – there are matters of importance to attend to."

A portal to Earth lay open in front of her. Binding chains had shot forth through it, tightening as they found their mark.

"Folly," Kismet snapped. "This ploy serves no purpose except to spend Influence without thought. We require every scrap of power we can muster for what lies ahead! This was already an idea we discussed and discarded back when we were less worried for the future!"

Vivacity's head turned to face him, irrespective of the rest of her body. "I'm surprised you're so opposed to this. The Human was your pet project, was he not?"

"And transporting him from one dimension to another expended a degree of mana that, as of now, we cannot spare."

"I'll use my Influence as I choose." Vivacity's right eye traveled around from one side of her head to the other, so that she was staring at Kismet and the portal simultaneously. "Come. Stop resisting, little mortal. Inevitability calls you."

Kismet opened a quick scrying portal, wincing at what he saw. "Rob is watching."

Vivacity burst into a peal of manic laughter, resounding across her domain like wind chimes overlaid with funeral bells. "Yes, YES, PRECISELY! He'll know for a fact that we have his friend in chains! You desired a weapon to wield against the #*@$&@#()*$, Kismet? Well look no further, for I shall deliver it to you! The Human will have no choice but to fight on our behalf for the rest of his meager lifespan! He will slay them to the last, and they will be scoured unto the oblivion they deserve, and our realms will remain undesecrated forever more!"

Her mental instability extended to her corporeal form, limbs morphing and eyes sprouting. Kismet bit back the arguments brewing on his tongue. None of them would make a difference by now.

He cursed himself for not anticipating this development. Vivacity had been the only one injured by the #*@$&@#()*$ during its recent incursion. While her physical injuries were mended, the psychological damage was apparently of far greater impact than he realized. How long had it been since she felt real, true pain? Since any of them felt that? Kismet wasn't sure if he could've retained his composure if he were in her position.

Unfortunately, that left him bereft of ideas. All he could do was watch and wait, uncertain of what the next few minutes would hold.


Rob's pen tumbled out of his fingers. The letter was just finished. Until mere seconds ago, it had felt like the most important thing in the world.

Now it was forgotten, slowly crumpling in an iron grip as his worst nightmare came to life before him. Chains. Portal. Darkness. Jason. No no no no no NO–

In a flash, he was by the dimension mages. They recoiled at what they saw on his face. He didn't care. "Open your portal," Rob calmly stated, in a voice that promised carnage if he wasn't obeyed. "Open it exactly where I tell you to."


Jason’s muscles were giving out.

He wasn’t sure how much longer he had left. Minutes? Seconds? This couldn’t last. He had no leverage or weapon. Jeanette was off grabbing her empowered gun, but she might not make it in time.


The statement gave him pause. In truth, a part of him wanted nothing more to go along with it. If he just let the chains drag him through to that other world, then he might be able to see Rob again. They could plan how to fight the gods – make the assholes regret involving either of them in this. After all, who could stop them when they were working together?

Maybe then he could even forgive himself for failing Rob back then.

It was so tempting. All he had to do was stop resisting.

“If...” Jason began, in a faltering tone. “If I let you drag me in there...will I see Rob again?”


“I see...in that case...it would make sense...”

For the thousandth time, Jason thought back to the day when Rob was kidnapped. Even now, he could remember the emotions he’d felt then in pristine, untarnished clarity. His frustration. His sorrow.

How he swore he’d make things right.

“It would make sense to go with you.” Jason’s voice was lower now, more quiet. His fist tightened. “But I reject your invitation.”

Almighty Resistance Level Increased! 1 → 2

He flexed his failing muscles and planted his legs firmly on the floor. “If there’s one thing Rob would want more than me rushing to save him...it would be to make you hate your life, you piece of shit gods.”

As if responding to his declaration, the chains thrashed out, attempting to pull him to the side to throw him off balance. In spite of this, Jason grinned, confident he’d made the correct choice.

That was when the cavalry arrived. Jeanette came running back into the room, her weapon in hand. She raised the Blight Gun and took careful aim. “Don’t move an inch,” she ordered. “If you do, can’t guarantee you’re going to live.”

Appreciate the sentiment, but my arms are about to snap. “Just shoot already!” Jason screamed.

“If you don’t stop moving–”


Jeanette fired her gun multiple times, too many for Jason to count. With how much the chains were thrashing, even an Olympic sharpshooter like her should've missed – but with the Blight Gun, she was more than just the best shooter in the world. When the bullets approached Jason and the chains, they curved midair once, then twice, then thrice, each angle sharper and more absurd than the other, until finally colliding with the metal straight on.

And then bouncing off of it like nothing happened, the ricochet avoiding Jason only because Jeanette diverted her bullets once again.

Seriously? Sure, the gun wasn’t much stronger than a 9mm, but with that many shots per second at that short of a distance...even if breaking the chains was impossible, the impact vibration should’ve made the creatures on the other side loosen their grip a little. Yet not only was there nothing, Jason himself didn’t feel any vibrations when Jeanette’s bullets crashed against the chains.

His first instinct was to stand there in blank, frozen shock. His second instinct was to contemplate how close those bullets had come to his face. His third instinct – the one he actually listened to – was to struggle harder. Even if I can’t break these chains, I'm not letting those fucks drag me around.


Another bullet flew past Jason’s right shoulder. This one didn’t didn’t come close to striking the chains. Instead, it seemed like Jeanette was shooting at...

“Jean, did you just fire into the portal?” Jason asked incredulously. “Do you think that’s gonna–”

Six more bullets were her reply. With no reload, no recoil, and a rate of fire that was literally out of this world, the Blight Gun was essentially a murder machine. “Have to try,” she hissed, through grit teeth. “That portal might be where those gods are. And if it can take you to the gods—” Another four gunshots. “—Then it can take my bullets as well.”

Jason couldn’t help but smile. There were few things that could’ve made Jeanette look more attractive than watching her furiously shooting at gods in order to save him. Still, it was hard to tell if she was accomplishing anything with her efforts. He certainly wasn’t having an easier time struggling against the chains, and if anything, his body was inching closer to the portal.

Enough so that even he was starting to panic a little bit.

I can’t keep screwing around like this, he screamed inside his head. There’s no guarantee that the portal leads to where Rob is. If those bastards take me, it isn’t going to be a joyful reunion. They’ll just drive me insane and use me as a hostage. I have to do something—anything—to stand my ground!

A stronger tug brought him closer to the portal now, enough that he felt a hollow void brushing his skin, like cold death breathing on his neck. I won’t—I won’t let it end like last time. I refuse to let them have their way again!


The power he’d stolen from the Blightspawn, the eye of the Blight, summoned its monstrous skeletal scales over Jason’s face. His legs felt heavier, his balance felt more centered. The chains slowed, if only for a moment.

Despite this, when he tried pulling against the chains, they still refused to allow him a single step backward. Standing his ground seemed like the most he could hope for, and that wouldn’t last forever. Jason couldn’t even curl his fingers into a fist, much less get enough momentum for a punch. What about my legs? No, those were immobilized. Was there anything free? My neck, he thought, absently. And the chains holding my limbs are kind of far apart...my back is free too.

Jason didn’t need to complete the thought – his reflexes honed in on his decision before his conscious mind did. He swung his neck and his entire body backwards, then brought his head forward in a thunderous headbutt against empty air.

Had nothing happened, the momentum caused by his maneuver would have sent him flying through the portal. But even though his head connected with nothing but air, the actual headbutt connected elsewhere.


A pulse of affronted shock radiated outwards. Even with that, Jason wasn’t sure if his Dimension Strike had managed to land inside the portal. It could be that the memory of Valmight’s Skill, the one the scientist had stolen from the gods, and the one Jason had stolen from him, was simply a distressing memory for them.

Didn’t matter either way. "You hesitated," he muttered, his voice rising to a growl. “Shouldn't have done that.”


The chains loosened for a moment. Jason seized on their hesitation and turned it into adrenaline, his mouth broadening into a wide grin. “What kind of idiot loosens the chains on a beast?” He let his laughter echo in the room, the voice of the Blightspawn inside of him trailing a second after his own. “No, that’s not what you do. Let me show you. When a wild beast is near—” Jason looped the loosened chain around his wrists, bringing it closer. “—You tighten the leash!”

He pulled.

And though bullets hadn’t shaken the thing from beyond, this time maybe he had.

Amusement ran through his mind, although he knew fear should've been there instead. It was a forced emotion. The Blight would uninstall if he stopped having fun, and without its added strength, he'd be sucked straight into the portal. Revel in the moment, Jason told himself. Keep indulging. Imagine their faces – imagine how scared they are!

That was the problem, though. He didn’t know for certain that they were scared. Maybe the trembling of the chains was just from happenstance. It was difficult to use that as a source of amusement.

I...don’t like this, Jason admitted to himself. Give me another Baker. Another Valmight. A humanoid monster that wants to duel me, then kill me. That’s the good shit right there. How can I get excited over a shapeless blob beyond a gate?

Especially when a part of him, not so deep inside, still wanted it to take him on the off-chance he could see Rob again.

Jason pushed his misgivings aside. Even if this wasn’t exactly how he wanted things, he was the only one who could fight them on their level, the only one who could keep Earth safe. He needed to keep the Install activated, regardless of what it did to his mental state.

I'm backsliding, he realized. Falling into old habits. In the past, single-mindedly focusing on a goal had nearly let the gods control him. Jeanette and Lucio had taught him that he could rely on others, to trust his friends to share some of the burden...but this was different. I have to do this – no matter what.

Jason drew a deep breath, reaching deeper and deeper inside the Install. He forced joy to spread throughout his body. A manic grin split across his face.

All to convince the gods he was having fun.

All to convince the gods they should be scared of him.

All to convince himself that he wasn’t miserable. No one's here to share this burden. No one's coming to save me.

I’m on my own.

Time for–”

Another portal opened.

The world held still. Jason, Jeanette, and even the chains seemed to freeze as they realized a second, smaller portal was there.

This one didn’t unnerve Jason like the first had, although he didn’t know why. It felt just as otherworldly, every bit as strong, yet nothing about it inspired fear in his heart.

Even when an arm holding what looked like a broken sword started protruding through. The arm and blade were surrounded by a maelstrom of crackling colors, swirling auras, cleansing light and azure fire. It was unlike anything Jason had ever seen, radiating power beyond measure.

And when he looked at it, he felt a sense of relaxation overcome his body.

“Should I shoot that?” Jeanette asked, shifting her gun.

“No.” Jason exhaled, the tension he’d been carrying for so long disappearing immediately. Ah...what was I thinking? What kind of fucking idiot am I? “At ease, Jean. Everything is chill now.”

Jeanette gestured between the arm and the chains. “What part of this is chill?

Instead of responding, Jason uninstalled the Blight inside of him, returning to his regular, weaker state. If the chains pulled, they’d be able to yank him through the portal in one go.

“JASON!” Jeanette shouted. “DON’T LET THEM–”

“It’s fine. We're okay now.” Jason sat down on the floor, feeling at peace as he flashed a genuine smile at her. “I’ve got the greatest backup a guy could hope for.”

The arm stretched forward. Auras of power crackled as it brought the broken sword down in a single, thunderous motion. Steel collided with steel, causing a shockwave to emanate across the room, almost knocking Jeanette off her feet. It was as if a crate of explosives had gone off in front of them.

For an instant, the chains resisted.

Then, with another explosive impact, they shattered. Jason heard a vague sound of agony—frustration—anger—too many emotions to count inside his head, accompanied by an incomprehensible voice from beyond the veil.

They vanished as quickly as they’d come. The sounds cut off, disappearing altogether with both portals, so suddenly and conclusively that it was like nothing had ever happened. As if they’d never been there to begin with. Like it was all just a bad dream.

Well, except for the severed arm laying on the floor.

That kinda made it hard to think of things like a dream.

“Jason are you ok– what the hell is that?” Jeanette aimed her gun at the fallen appendage. “Why is that still here?”

If this is a dream, it’s a nice one. Jason dusted off his overcoat and stood up, walking towards the arm. If he was right about what he thought that was, then he probably should’ve been panicking a little. However, something was telling him that it was no big deal. Maybe he’d glimpsed this before when gazing into infinity, or maybe he was just in a state of shock.

But most of all, as much as that guy was addicted to self-sacrifice...he was even more addicted to loopholes. No way he didn’t have something up his sleeve now that he had superpowers as well.

“What’s that?” Jeanette asked, gesturing at something clutched within the severed arm’s hand. Her gun was still trained on it. “I think it’s holding something. Besides the sword, I mean. Jason, can you take a look?”

“Was going to anyway, don’t worry.” He reached for the arm, pausing right before he touched it. Jason allowed himself one second – just a singular second – to relax and think of a happier past back in simpler times. Then he gently loosened its fingers–


All was blue.

Energy suffused him. It was overwhelming, blotting out his senses, a raging torrent of power that threatened to rupture his body from the inside.

He blacked out.

When Jeanette’s shaking woke him some time later, Jason was greeted by a series of messages cascading down his sight.

Class Synchronization Has Begun!

Gained Bound Item: Broken Shortsword!

Gained Sub-Class: Crystal Bearer (Resonance)!

Class Synchronization In Progress!

He found himself not really caring about them. They were probably important, and he’d examine them in detail when he could, but at the moment there was a far more pressing matter to attend to.

The arm – and the weapon it held – had finally disappeared. Leaving behind what seemed to be some sort of parchment.

Some sort of note.

Both of them stared at it for a few seconds. Carefully, and praying that it wouldn’t disappear as well, Jason reached down to pick up the tiny slip of paper like he would a priceless antique. The subtle crinkling as he unfurled it resounded with the force of a gunshot.

“What does it say?” Jeanette asked, her voice a mixture of emotions.

Jason drew a deep breath and closed his eyes. Man, look at me...been wanting this for so long, and now that it’s staring me in the face, my heart is racing like I’m afraid of what I’m gonna find. He laughed at the thought, nostalgia washing over him, and opened his eyes.

And then he read it aloud.

Dear Shitlord,

Rob here. Am rushing writing cause SOME people didn't give me a heads-up. I'm alive. Doing well. Mostly. Okay lots of shit happened and is happening but I'm alive. Made some friends. Killed eldritch abominations. Most importantly, got a girlfriend. She's awesome. Sorry if portal freaked you out no other way to communicate. I know weird fantasy crap is happening on your end too so DON'T do anything reckless. Stay alive. What's up with the dinosaur guy? I miss you bro. Tell my parents I’m fine. Will get back home soon as can.

Best Regards,

Jason was silent for a long while after that.

“Are you...okay?” Jeanette asked, hesitantly.

“Better than I’ve been since the first time I ever saw a portal,” Jason answered, and he meant it. A smile crept across his face, small, then as wide as his muscles would allow, until he broke out into uncontrolled laughter. “This motherfucker writes a note in a hurry, but still takes the time to write out some commas? Oh, sure, how about doing that when texting too, you idiot?”

Jason had laughed plenty since the first portal incident. Some were part of his mask; an affectation so that others could feel safe and rely on him. Some of the more recent ones – after Jeanette, Danse, Lucio, and Baker started helping out – had been genuine, even.

But this one felt more real than all others. “You better get back here soon, you bastard,” Jason said, in case he was listening. “I miss you too.”

Thank you. For having my back. Now, and always.


Thanks for reading!



Rob with the cross dimensional assist might be the best move yet