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Kismet watched with mixed feelings as Rob clipped the Corrupted Harpy's wings. While it was a preferable outcome to the #*@$&@#()*$ infesting the mortal realms, this victory would embolden the Human to act more insufferably than ever before. Triumph begets arrogance amongst those with small minds. Kismet wasn't looking forward to their next correspondence.

Still, irrespective of his personal misgivings, this was a momentum occasion. One saga had come to an end, and the sun was rising on a new era. Perhaps now–

"You must be relieved," Malid remarked.

Kismet paused, his thoughts briefly set askew by tonal whiplash. "What are you implying?"

"Your plan to subdue the Human bore no fruit. If the Corrupted Harpy had succeeded where you failed, why, that would have been quite embarrassing."

"It wasn't intended to subdue..." Kismet trailed off, sighing. "I can see that the nuances of my designs are lost on you."

Malid chuckled. "Ah, in a quarrelsome mood, I see. Usually you're content to keep such thoughts to yourself."

'Content' isn't the word I'd use. Kismet swept his gaze across the central divine planes, observing his cohorts in their natural habitat – gathered around a scrying portal to pass the time. Vivacity was clapping as she alternated between cheering for Rob or the Corrupted Harpy. Fames was cursing his doomed wager, having bet that Rob would fall in battle. Iram was collecting Fames' Influence with a boastful glee. Odium was silent, uncaring of the victor as long as blood was shed. And Malid, as ever, was being a spiteful pissant.

For some reason, the sight incensed Kismet more than it should. None of them were doing anything wrong, per se, but the lack of gravitas in their demeanor felt...irksome.

"We should discuss what to do regarding the Skills," he proclaimed, adopting a businesslike tone. "That is a problem yet unsolved."

"It would be wasted effort," Fames stated. He pulled his attention away from the scrying portal, embracing the distraction from Iram's smug expression. "Despite designing most of the system and knowing more about its inner workings than any of us here, you have been unable to think of a way to rectify this issue. Now, that isn't to say that I lay the blame for the system's faults at your feet, but worrying over it at this juncture won't help matters. We cannot alter a closed environment. You yourself suggested that restriction many centuries ago."

Kismet frowned. "I did."

"Then what exactly do you expect to change? The Skills will remain a minor thorn in our side until this world iteration has passed." Fames shrugged. "There are worse annoyances to endure – such as the sound of Iram's voice."

"Jealousy is unbecoming of divinity," Iram snapped.

"Strong words from someone whose race has been hobbled by their own Leader."

"The Harpy was taken by Corruption! I am not at fault!"

As the two bickered, Kismet went quiet, contemplating what Fames had said. Once again, he was struck with feelings of discontent. Logically speaking, Fames was correct – right now, the Skills were untouchable. However, the manner in which he responded seemed...


That was it, Kismet realized. His brethren were disgustingly complacent. He was no stranger to seeing them behave that way, but it just rankled more as time dragged on. The Skills' rebellion should have been an inciting event, generating concern and planning and debate and emotions. Instead, the others were wasting an opportunity to feel something other than detached ennui, tossing aside this rare gift as if it meant nothing at all.

Even their behavior today was maddening. Kismet had been legitimately worried about what might transpire if the Corrupted Harpy propagated his children across Elatra. In essence, Rob's war was the gods' war, with his success having a direct impact on their future.

And none of them seemed to care. What were they doing, exactly? Taking bets? Idly watching like it was an Earth movie?

Yet another waste.

I've had enough of this. With a gesture, Kismet closed the scrying portal. A tidal wave of complaints washed over him, all of which went ignored. "You cannot shirk responsibility forever," he said, glowering. "We must prepare for our departure from this world."

Vivacity let out a sigh. "Again, Kismet?"

"Vilify me if you must. I won't blunt my words merely because I am surrounded by shortsighted fools!"

The others hesitated, seeming to finally understand that he was at his wit's end. They exchanged glances, wordlessly deciding who would take up the mantle of this conversation.

Malid's impetuousness chose for them. "If bluntness is what you seek, then I am only happy to oblige. Your personality deficiencies render you wholly incapable of accepting that we are not at risk. The #*@$&@#()*$, for all they have assailed two worlds, cannot locate us. The Human and his laughable vows are even farther away from doing us harm. Nothing else is remotely worth considering."

Kismet narrowed his eyes. "What of the incident regarding Jason? I notice that you've refrained from commenting on the #*@$&@#()*$ being combined with Earth technology, and the potential threat therein."

That gave them pause. What happened on Earth recently was...disconcerting. To no surprise, they seemed unwilling to acknowledge it, sticking their heads in the sand as usual.

He'd just have to make them. "The number of anomalies within this iteration are increasing," Kismet continued, pressing his advantage. "Overlooking this trend would be the height of folly. We have survived this long by exercising prudence, first and foremost."

"I grow weary of your fearmongering," Malid grumbled. "What, pray tell, can injure the divine?
Is there any creature in existence with power that equals our own?"

"You know precisely what."

"Which is why we are here, in the divine planes. Safe."

Vivacity nodded. "Unfortunate as it is to admit that Malid has a point...I am in agreement with him. This world is still vibrant, fresh, and rife with potential. I don't want to trade that for an infinite abyss." She shivered. "Not so soon again."

Kismet closed his mouth, discarding what he'd been about to say. He reopened the scrying portal, then checked on the Corrupted Harpy, confirming that it had just expired.

No reason to hold back, then. "Why do you presume that we are unkillable?" he asked.

Vivacity tilted her head. "Is that a rhetorical question?"

"Humor me."

"You're in a mood today, aren't you? Very well. We are unkillable because we are higher forms of life. Ants cannot slay Leviathans. I see no reason to expound further."

Kismet hummed. "An exaltation of power. Our strength is unmatched, and so nothing is a threat. That may apply to mortals, true." For now. "The #*@$&@#()*$ is different. I will not hear any arguments that they are incapable of doing us harm. All of you recognize that fact, yet none of you are fraught with worry. Why is that?"

"That was definitely a rhetorical ques–"

"Be silent."

They wisely obeyed.

"Our greatest shield is not power," Kismet continued, "but rather, our location. Malid said as much before – in the divine planes, we are safe. It provides sanctuary, acting as a barrier to entry and cloaking our presence like shadows in the night."

He paused for dramatic effect, enjoying the heightened emotions of the moment. "In most cases, that is. Our sanctuary's fatal flaw is that it remains interlocked with the lower planes. For the system to function, the Skill Repository maintains a constant connection with mortals, and the Soul Repository collects their essence upon death. It is a necessary risk. If the divine planes were completely isolated, we would be unable to Influence the world whatsoever."

Subdued comprehension was dawning on some of their faces. They knew on some level where he was going with this, but couldn't yet accept it. That was fine – it gave him more time to play. "You have already witnessed how the Skills exploited this connection. It allowed them to send Rob here during two separate Locus Attunements. While only his vulnerable soul made the journey, it represents proof that breaching the divine planes is theoretically possible."

A smile crept up his face. "One last rhetorical question. What goals did the Corrupted Harpy aim to achieve?"

"...Devastating Harpy territory, killing the Dragon Queen, and tormenting the Human," Vivacity replied.

"An expected answer from someone who invariably fails to look beyond the surface of things. Now, as a reminder, the Soul Repository was fashioned to preemptively discard any souls that are tainted with Corruption. This measure has worked well so far, and the #*@$&@#()*$ were too single-minded to invent a way to circumvent it."

His eyes glimmered with delight. "Unless there was a #*@$&@#()*$ who merged with a Harpy and gained their capacity for planning. Who then infected a plethora of mortals with his own unique brand of Corruption. Who then adjusted it to be undetectable by Rob's Sense Corruption – and similarly, the protections within the Soul Repository. Who then sacrificed hundreds of tainted souls in a single Cataclysmic instant, leaving an obvious, glaring trail for his brethren to follow all. The way. Here."

The divine planes had never been so quiet as then.

Their silence was broken by the sound of scraping metal and joyful screams.

Without warning, a rift tore open behind Vivacity. She was given no time to react before a mass of entropy whipped forward and slashed through her corporeal form. Malid and Fames rushed to assist, spiriting her away from the rift and working to impede the spread of Corruption within her. As Vivacity's shrieks rumbled across the planes, her form flickering in and out, the ambient light in the air seemed to dim, as if some colossal thing was casting a shadow over all.

Kismet had known this would happen for some time now. He'd anticipated it with the unbridled spite of one whose words often fell on deaf ears. In his mind, this was to be a moment of vindication where his warnings would be proven true. To some extent, it still was.

Yet as he felt the #*@$&@#()*$ intruding upon his domain, defiling it with their presence, he realized too late that it hadn't been worth it.

A noxious scent began pervading the air. It was like a flicked switch, spurring Kismet, Iram, and Odium into action. They tapped into their reserves of Influence, halting the #*@$&@#()*$ and preventing its entry point from widening. As if set aflame, the corrosive essence of the #*@$&@#()*$ ruptured into a cavalcade of searing lights. Slowly, painfully, the rift started to close.

They would stop its advance here. Even so, everyone knew this was no real victory. Kismet grimaced as his energy was spent, lost forever.

Before the rift closed shut, a discordant voice sifted through. It spoke not with words, but with a clarity of purpose, driving its intent directly into their minds.

"FoUNd YoU."

The rift vanished, and the darkness receded.

Kismet immediately set about strengthening the protections surrounding the divine planes. Spending his Influence in this manner wasn't an issue. The gods, the divine planes, and the world they presided over was all one closed environment. Any mana they invested could be recollected at the end of this world's iteration. It was a temporary weakening that would eventually be rectified.

Not so when confronting the #*@$&@#()*$. They were opposites in every way; negatives to the gods' positive. When those forms of antithetical divinity clashed, both were annihilated, their mana expunged from existence. As such, the energy that Kismet spent to seal the rift was gone. Permanently.

However, the #*@$&@#()*$ were beings of unfettered chaos. They could not be truly destroyed. Even if it took eons, they would once again rise from the primordial soup of reality. For them, transitory oblivion was a fair tradeoff if it meant eliminating their opposites.

"These protections will hold," Kismet said, his work concluded. "I cannot say for how long. At present, we lack the mana necessary to–"

"Protections?" Malid interrupted. "Damn your protections. We must flee. Abandon this world, and begin anew elsewhere."

Too little, too late. Kismet shook his head. "The #*@$&@#()*$ have located our presence. If we flee, they will pursue."

Malid was about to respond when Vivacity stood up. While her form was stable, she was trembling, like a mortal recovering from a wasting illness. The frail god raised a shaky, accusing finger to point directly at Kismet. "You knew."

He paused. "I did."

"Then why." Vivacity's voice was stone cold, bereft of any playfulness. "Why didn't you warn us?"

And wasn't that an interesting question.

Concealing Elnaril's plan was never something he would've done in the past. Oh, he could foist the blame on the other gods, claim that it was their fault for not investigating further, but Kismet wouldn't have accepted that argument if they'd used it on him. The truth was that he had endangered them all for a fleeting moment of vindication. Vivacity's 'Why?' was more than justified.

It didn't take him long to come up with an answer.

Kismet glanced at the scrying portal – and at the Human displayed within, currently kneeling over a Harpy's corpse. Rob. One of the few mortals whose name was deserving of remembrance. Everything had changed when he became a factor. First, he was a novelty. Then, he was intriguing. Finally, he was enthralling, inspiring Kismet to bring back the Gellin solely for a chance to break his psyche. A mortal, inspiring an almighty being to act so...


Earlier, Kismet had claimed that divine planes were the gods' greatest shield. While partially accurate, that explanation was merely a subset of the whole. Caution was what preserved them. If they stayed within their sanctuary, limited themselves to low interference of the mortal realms, and hid themselves from prying eyes, it was essentially impossible for them to ever be in danger.

Yet when they overstepped...well, the results were evident when looking at Vivacity's wounded form. A thousand victories meant nothing if they ended in one avoidable defeat. The Corrupted Harpy had made similar mistakes on a smaller scale, choosing to torment and then duel Rob rather than infecting the Loci of Power at his first opportunity. He jeopardized long-goals for the sake of satisfying short-term emotions. In that sense, anything that provoked the divine to act irrationally was a bigger threat than even the #*@$&@#()*$.

And threats of that magnitude needed to be eradicated.

For a moment, Kismet considered pulling from his wealth of Influence to smite Rob then and there. The act would drain him severely, but it could be done. However, that too was an irrational thought, born from a lingering notion of shame and embarrassment. One did not discard a pawn with such useful skills so readily.

Purge Corruption can kill them. *He* can kill them. Unlike the residents of the divine realms, Rob could annihilate the #*@$&@#()*$ without suffering a penalty in return. His only limiting factor was an energy source that renewed automatically. Furthermore, his method of annihilation seemed to be more permanent, as if it was somehow an improved variant of the gods' own mana. Kismet could think of no better weapon to wield from afar.

And this way, the Human would entertain him for just a little while longer.

"Why I neglected to warn you is irrelevant," Kismet finally answered. "What matters is how we proceed moving forward."

The others gaped at him in disbelief. "You're going to sweep this under the rug?" Vivacity protested.

"I am." Kismet charged himself with Influence, the same as a mortal flexing their muscles. "If you disagree, then by all means. Attempt to enact punishment."

They said nothing. Eventually, Malid sighed. "I preferred you when you were sulking in a corner."

"Fear not, as I am sure that will resume once we inhabit our new world. Before that, however, we must survive."

Kismet explained his plan to them. Their faces went through a variety of emotions, with begrudging contemplation chief among them.

"Don't like it," Fames muttered. "This will diminish our stores of emergency Influence."

"Is there an alternative strategy that you'd like to propose?"


The makings of a grin crept up Kismet's face. "Then be at ease. A plan which you dislike, yet still agree with, is usually one very likely to succeed."

"Hold that thought," Malid said. He gestured towards the scrying portal. "If you want the chance to execute this grand design of yours, then I suggest we intervene. Now."

Kismet peered into the portal. His eyes widened. "Ah. So we should."


Well this sucks.

That laconic thought was all the emotion Rob could summon right now. Since the start of the day, he'd assaulted the city front gates, been ambushed by Living Bombs, fought Amalgamations, been put in a Gellin mind trap, spoken with a dead person, lost Goroth, lost Cyraeneus, dueled Elnaril, and fell from the top of a collapsing building. He was kinda hitting his limit on...everything.

The Dragon Queen crash landing in front of him wasn't helping either.

It felt almost comedic how the two of them were just staring at each other in uncomfortable silence. Rob had always imagined that this confrontation would be more bombastic. He would declare his intention to end her reign of terror, she would rant and rave about how filthy Humans must die, and he would retort with a brilliant comeback worthy of the history books, like how her mother was so fat she needed to put points into Strength just to walk down the driveway.

Instead, the terrible and mighty Dragon Queen was gaping at him with befuddled shock. She'd completely blue screened at the sight of him. Rob wasn't faring much better – although in his defense, the numerous broken bones were making it difficult to organize his thoughts. Gaining a single Level in Vitamin D(efense) hadn't been a super great tradeoff for shattering his legs. Especially right before meeting Elatra's public enemy #1.

I have maybe five seconds until she snaps out of it. The thought was like a lightning bolt, electrifying his mind with a burst of urgency. He activated Quick Thinking and hastily reviewed his options. I'm low on HP and out of MP. Waymark is down. Regeneration is weakened. Lifesurge is broken and on a long cooldown. If I summon HP Potions, Queenie will kill me. Only way to heal is through Lifesteal or Dauntless Reprisal.

Could he? Rob looked at Ragnavi, examining her condition. This was probably the pot calling the kettle black, but at the moment, she looked like shit. Torn flesh and ripped scales were evident all over her body. It was as if she'd been attacked by an angry mob – not that an angry mob could have done anything except tickle her with their pitchforks.

Sylpeiros estimated that her Corruption was eating into about half of her max HP, Rob thought. Based on those wounds, she's lost another half, give or take. That puts her at 1/4 of her full potential. She's vulnerable.

And he was in no position to take advantage of it. While Rob wanted to blame that on his condition, if he was being honest with himself, little would be different even if he wasn't running on fumes. The Dragon Queen's injuries did nothing to lessen the suffocating aura of power surrounding her. It was like gazing into a black hole, knowing that anyone who got too close would be crushed to atoms before they had the chance to realize they were dead.

Her decidedly normal appearance only served to heighten the effect. When Elatrans spoke of the Dragon Queen, it was sometimes with hushed awe, sometimes with virulent hatred, but always with an undercurrent of genuine fear. She was regarded as more of a living natural disaster than a person.

With that said, this was the first time Rob had seen her humanoid form, and his kneejerk impression was simply: She looks like Meyneth. Not in the sense that they were related, just that they were both ordinary Dragonkin. Tall, statuesque, well-built, and with scales covering half their skin. Ragnavi was obviously older, seeming in her early forties, and her scales were red compared to Meyneth's gold, but aside from that...nothing particularly memorable. She was just a person.

A person who could probably end civilization if she put her mind to it.

Rob suppressed a bout of manic laughter. For all that people called him bullshit, this creature standing in front of him was Elatra's true outlier.

He glanced at his Party screen. Thankfully, everyone was okay despite the top of Elnaril's fortress...exploding, or something. They'd probably been hunting Amalgamations in the lower floors at the time. Rob considered calling for reinforcements, but by the time his allies got here, he'd already be a stain on the pavement. Telling them about his predicament would just put them in danger for no benefit whatsoever.

Living Bomb is available, he thought, beginning to grasp at straws. I can tag her with it when she gets close to kill me. And since I'm heavily wounded, Blood for Blood will increase the Bomb's damage enough to finish her off.

Except that Ragnavi possessed Heat Immunity, one of the Dragonkin racial traits. Living Bomb was a combination of concussive force and an expanding ball of fire. Much of its damage would be nullified. That was assuming she wouldn't merely dodge out of the way right when he activated the Skill, which was a distinct possibility if she was anywhere near as fast as Elnaril.

Fuck. Okay. If I can goad her into hitting me with a big ticket attack – like that ridiculous laser beam she used on the Blight of Broadwater – Dauntless Reprisal will wreck her. He actually thought this had a better shot at succeeding than Living Bomb, but unfortunately, Ragnavi's weakened state was working against him here. Did she even have the MP for a big ticket attack? She might just default to rushing forward and twisting his head off. No fuss, no muss.

Living Bomb and Dauntless Reprisal, two of his strongest Skills, were longshots. And if both of those gambits failed, then he had...

Nothing. He had absolutely nothing.

As Rob waited for a burst of inspiration that never came, the pitiless afternoon sun beat down on his face, as if giving him a taste of the cremation that was soon to follow.

This wasn't how it was supposed to be. They'd planned for this encounter. He was meant to be higher-Level, in tip-top condition, with all his friends and allies backing him up – not isolated and half-dead, left to the Queen's tender mercies. Have to think. There has to be something. I've come too far to let some crazed asshole do me in.

Gradually, Ragnavi's confusion gave way to fury as she understood what she was seeing. At Rob's quickened rate of thought, it was like watching a car crash in slow motion. Maybe I can–

He froze. That was an awful thing to do, wasting time when it couldn't be wasted, but his reaction was unavoidable. Because in that moment, within the deepest recesses of his mind, and for the first time in months...he'd heard something.

A hint of static.

Rob opened his Character Sheet and immediately honed in on the only piece of text that mattered.

Status Effects: Leveling High (Moderate, 95% Contained)

Like a worm slithering out of upturned soul, Leveling High's presence made itself known. Just a sliver, but that was more than enough to make Rob's skin crawl. Faint whispers encroached upon his thoughts as the embodiment of uninhibited violence began to speak.

{Consider fleeing.}

Rob blinked. Can't. She'll catch me if I run.


It fell silent.

"You." Dragon Queen Ragnavi took a step forward, her eyes glinting with mania. "You."

For a brief moment, Rob accepted that he was about to die. He proceeded to ruthlessly stamp that notion into the ground. Regardless of what happened next, he was going down swinging with defiance in his heart. Anything less would be an insult to the people who cared for him.

"Yeah, it's me," he answered, his body creaking as he sat up straight. "My name is Rob. And for the record, it is definitely not nice to meet you."


A distant explosion cut her threat short.

Rob knew what it was even before he craned his head around to look. After all, he could sense it. Far, far in the distance, a towering plume of Corruption was ascending skyward. Like a lance of pitch-darkness spearing upwards to the heavens. Somehow, it exuded an aura of triumph, as if a great victory had occurred.

Okay so I HAVE SERIOUSLY HAD ENOUGH SURPRISES FOR TODAY, HOLY SHIT. Rob was close to blowing his top. The only thing stopping him was the Dragon Queen standing nearby – losing his composure in front of an enemy Leader would've been more embarrassing than every awkward high school moment combined.

Once he managed to calm himself, he continued examining the plume, unsure of how long it would last. It's...to the west, I think. In the direction of the Deadlands. Located on the literal opposite side of the continent. And he could still see it from here.

A sigh escaped his throat. "Gonna be a problem."
"What in Tylrud's name is that?"

It took Rob a second to process that the apprehensive voice was, in fact, the Dragon Queen asking him a legitimate question. Just like her physical appearance, her voice came across as disarmingly normal. Elnaril had been way creepier to listen to.

"Corruption," Rob plainly stated. She didn't deserve an answer, but, eh. "Lots of it."

Ragnavi shivered. "The Blight rises in the west."

The Blight rises in the west.

Rob and Ragnavi practically jumped out of their skins. Without warning, an overbearing voice had begun speaking in their heads.

Heed our words and listen well, people of Elatra. This is an edict from your gods. By our decree, this war of senseless bloodshed must end. Your final battle draws nigh.

Both of them were surprised for entirely different reasons. Ragnavi was surprised at the voice, while Rob was surprised that she was surprised. It meant he wasn't the only one hearing this. As far as he knew, the gods had never contacted other people before.

Lay down your weapons and make peace with each other. Preserve your strength, then march to the Deadlands. The Blight awaits there. If it is not stopped, everyone you know and love shall perish.

Ragnavi's mouth was wide open with shock. Unfortunately, Rob was too busy multitasking to appreciate the sight, splitting his concentration between the gods' decree and the frantic Messages he was exchanging with his Party members. Apparently, Sylpeiros could hear everything as well. Rob spent an entertaining few seconds convincing the man that he wasn't going crazy.

What came next made them focus their full attention on what the gods were saying.

The Human known as Rob holds the key to your survival. Do not harm him. With his unique Skill, he can fell Blights and cleanse Corruption from those afflicted with it. Together, as allies, you may yet avert the second Cataclysm that is to come.

We shall provide support from afar. Go, and fight knowing that our grace will guide your path.

The divine edict came to an end, leaving two very confused Leaders alone in an empty, dilapidated street. Ragnavi looked up into the sky, then down at Rob, and then up again. She sputtered, struggling to convey her assorted feelings with the eloquence that was befitting of a Leader.

After a few seconds, she gave up trying. "Are you fucking kidding me?"

For his part, Rob's mind was spinning with theories, conspiracies, and a boatload of questions. Before any of them took root, he heard one final line in his head. Based on Ragnavi's lack of reaction, they'd said this bit only to him.

You're welcome.

He understood what they meant a second later, when Ragnavi turned to stare at him, a hungry look in her eyes.

"You can cleanse Corruption?" she asked, insistently. Despite her having received a message from the gods, been informed of a Blight uprising in the Deadlands, and then ordered to enact a ceasefire to end the war, it was evident that this was all she truly cared about.

Rob considered the best way to answer. The gods were clearly throwing him a bone here. He wanted to reject their 'gift' on principle, but alas, too many people would be sad if he died. "I can."

One instant, Ragnavi was standing on the other end of the street. The next, she was looming over him, her hand wrapped around his throat. Rob went perfectly still, feeling like a deer in the headlights as he tried to avoid making any sudden movements. Ragnavi's claws dug into his neck, breaking the skin and drawing lines of blood. Going by her bared teeth and the tension in her muscles, she seemed to be using the full extent of her self-restraint not to squeeze.

"You're pretty fast," Rob nonchalantly wheezed. Elnaril with his silver aura had her beat, but Ragnavi easily outclassed everyone else, including Elnaril without speed boosts. "Guess you don't skip leg–"

"Quiet." Her voice took on an edge of desperation. "Prove yourself. Prove you can cleanse my Corruption. PROVE IT NOW."

Recognizing that he needed to choose his next words extremely carefully, Rob erased any semblance of sarcasm from his tone. "Purge Corruption uses an energy source that gradually regenerates. At the moment, I only have a sliver of that energy remaining. I used the rest to kill Elnaril."

"You dare defy – wait. You killed Elnaril?"


Ragnavi opened and closed her mouth several times. "How...when...no matter. If what you say is true, then you possess enough energy to cure a small amount of my Corruption. Do so."

Hmm...sure. It'll serve as a good proof of concept. Rob expended the last drops of his Purging energy to remove roughly 1% of the Dragon Queen's Corruption. It was like scooping a single bucket of grime from an entire pool filled to the brim with garbage. The change was so minor she might not even be able to notice it, but luckily, numbers don't lie. "Check your Character Sheet."

Her face went from skeptical to awestruck in a heartbeat. Tears glistened in the corners of her eyes, and the grip on Rob's throat lessened by a fraction. "Tylrud was right," she whispered. "It's lesser. None of my Healers could do anything. I thought..."

You thought that you'd be stuck with this for the rest of your life. Rob was well-acquainted with her look of undisguised relief. He'd seen it numerous times on all the people he'd cured. It never failed to raise his spirits – unless it belonged to a genocidal maniac, anyway.

Ragnavi exhaled, releasing months of pent-up anxiety in a long breath. "How long does it take for your Purge Corruption energy to replenish?"

"About twenty-four hours."

"Then I shall bring you to my camp. Accommodations will be provided. When you are prepared, cleanse the rest of my Corruption. In return, your life will be spared, and your alliance will be granted safe passage home."

She was exercising an impressive level of decorum for someone whose eyes flared with hatred whenever she glanced at him. Rob paused, mulling over her offer. It was tempting. He didn't believe a word of it, but escaping with Waymark tomorrow would be child's play. That was certainly a safer prospect than rejecting her when she had a claw around his throat.

Although...it would set a bad precedent, wouldn't it? Ragnavi seemed like the type to interpret anything except aggression as a weakness to be exploited.

Better to nip this sort of thing in the bud.



"I'm not going with you, and I'm not curing your Corruption. Simple as that."

For a second, Ragnavi seemed about ready to bite his head off. "WHY?!"

Rob rolled his eyes. "Why do you think? I'm alive right now because you need me. When you stop needing me, I'm dead as disco. The funny thing is that I'm prone to trusting people too quickly, and purging Corruption is basically my favorite hobby, so I would've done it no strings attached if you weren't such a murderous bitch."

The Dragon Queen's voice lowered to a dangerous tone. "I could crush your throat, Human."

"But you won't. I've had major Corruption poisoning. I know *exactly* what it's like." He met her gaze, unflinching. "Even your everyday upstanding citizen might be driven to kill if doing so would cure them. You? A person like you would do anything."

With her free hand, Ragnavi poked a claw into his stomach and began peeling his flesh like an apple skin. "Rid me of this affliction, or I will inflict upon you the worst tortures imaginable."

At that, Rob could only smile. "I guarantee you don't have the slightest clue what real pain is."

He expected her to fire back. Instead, Ragnavi flinched, seeing something in his smile that was unnerving enough to give her pause.

Huh. You know, the way I process pain is prooobably an issue I'll need to address down the line, but if I can turn my mental neuroses into a negotiating tool, then fuck it. Waste not, want not.

"Let me tell you what's about to happen," Rob continued. "You're going to let me go. The two of us are going to return to our people. We'll inform them of our brand-new alliance. After we get situated, we'll meet up, join forces, then travel to the Deadlands. And since the gods asked so politely, we'll slaughter the Blight while we're there. Do that, play nice, and I promise that I'll Purge your Corruption."

He let the filter down, allowing a hint of madness into his grin. "Or are you going to suffer in pure, unrelenting agony for the rest of your miserable life?"


Ragnavi screamed. It was a sound wreathed in emotions of all kinds; rage, anguish, frustration, and more. She kept it going for ten long seconds – impressive set of lungs – before releasing Rob's throat and jumping into the air. Within moments, she'd swiftly transformed into an enormous, imposing Dragon.

And then she was gone, soaring off into the distance, her scream resuming as a draconic howl.

Rob merrily waved her goodbye. "See you soon."

Message Received From Party Member: Keira
Keira: Did I just witness the fucking Dragon Queen flying out of the city?!

He burst out laughing. It was all too much. His laughter echoed across the streets, encapsulating the demented energy of someone who'd stared death in the face and told it, in no uncertain terms: better luck next time.

Eventually, he calmed himself and collected his thoughts. Keira's Message deserved a response, but first, he had to go over everything he knew.

The gods saved my ass. It has to be because of Purge Corruption. That's why they highlighted it in their message. They need it so badly they were willing to burn a bunch of Influence to contact multiple people. He paused. Does that mean I'm too big to fail now?

Probably not. They were just using him. Just like they were using the Dragon Queen as a weapon aimed at the Blight. Just like she was using him to Purge her Corruption. Just like he'd be using her as a meat shield. All the gods' edict had done was create a haphazard 'alliance' where everyone was using everyone else. It was destined to implode the second the Blight was gone.

Perfect. Rob's grin deepened. For him, this was an ideal situation. It afforded him extra time to boost his Level and empower Lifedrinker. And once he was ready, all his biggest enemies would be in one place, ripe for the backstabbing.

He couldn't have asked for more.

Message Received From Party Member: Keira
Keira: Rob? Are you well?
Rob: Oh, me? I'm doing awesome.
Rob: I'll fill you in as I walk.

No rest for the weary. He chugged some HP Potions and stood up, ignoring his protesting legs. They were still broken, but they'd manage, same as always. Besides – his feet actually felt light. As if each step was bringing him towards the end of a long journey, now in sight.

As he made the trek back to headquarters, explaining everything to his Party, Rob amused himself by wondering which of his enemies he was going to kill first.


Author's Note:

Five books down, one to go! Feels surreal to be in the homestretch of this series. Fun fact - the original outlined version of this chapter had it ending directly after the gods' edict, with Ragnavi screaming at the sky and Rob sitting there in confusion. After deciding that this ending would be funny only to me, and in the interest of not being beaten by an angry mob, I decided to move some of the intro Book 6 scenes to this chapter.

I'll be taking a two week break starting today. A detailed schedule update will be posted tomorrow. And as always, thanks for reading, everyone. Your support has meant the world to me.


Jonathan Crandall

Hahahaha that was awesome! I didn't expect any of that with the gods


Amazing use of Deus Ex Machina. Kismets a fickle bitch, huh? Love this series.

Dennis Hornsby

You were right in one of your assumptions. It would have been hilarious as shit to end there. But you have most definitely been beaten by a mob, then had your hospital bills paid for so you could keep writing.