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Where have the Harpies gone?

Not that Ragnavi was complaining. She'd been able to enjoy a brisk, unimpeded flight towards the capital city. It was a much-needed respite from the rigors of leading an army and watching sniveling nobles grovel for her favor. Ideally, she would've liked to encounter some morsels of EXP along the way, yet this solitude was acceptable as well.

She wasn't annoyed, just...confused. Ragnavi had expected at least one squad of Harpies to accost her as she traveled through their lands. While their resistance would have amounted to little more than gnats buzzing around her ears, there was no shortage of people in this world with brains addled by the promise of glory.

Unlike her, of course. She was sensible. And like all sensible people, she was currently debating whether it would be a reasonable decision to assault the capital, alone, without reinforcements.

I knew it would come to this, Ragnavi admitted to herself. Now that I'm nearly there, though, the temptation is stronger than anticipated. Although was that truly her fault, though? The Harpies had proven that their defenses were weak. When prey unwittingly exposed its throat, anyone's natural instinct would be to seize the moment and bite down.

...One strafing run. She would allow herself that level of indulgence. It would be of minimal risk to charge an Annihilation beam, then release it onto the city as she flew past. That would stick in Elnaril's craw for weeks to come.

As Ragnavi envisioned the capital city in flames, something appeared on the very edges of her senses. It was familiar, yet at the same time, foul.

Is that...mana?


"How...awe-inspiring," Celiane tentatively remarked, eyeing the teleportation mages with open wariness. "They've transported you in this fashion before?"

"Lots of times," Rob affirmed. "It's perfectly safe as long as we take the necessary precautions. The worst you'll feel is a bit disoriented and nauseous after the teleport completes, so make sure you hold on tight to us, but that'll pass soon enough."

The Harpies seemed unconvinced. Some of them refused to look at the mages, while others were staring intently, morbidly transfixed by the sight of over a dozen Fiends gathering mana in unison. Rob knew what they were thinking – something like 'I didn't expect all the teleportation mages to be Fiends' – but there wasn't much he could do about that. "Any further questions?"

Celiane nodded. "Might I propose an alternative? Rather than utilizing untested magic–"

"It isn't untested. I actually used a similar plan earlier today." To divebomb the capital city's front gates. He left that part out; no point in reminding the Harpies that he was technically an invader.

"Of course," Celiane assuaged, in a diplomatic tone. She gestured towards Elnaril's fortress, visible outside of the room's only window. "However, if your aim is to reach King Elnaril without traversing the city on foot, then would it not be simpler for our group to fly your Party directly there?"

Rob shook his head. "We'd get spotted. Part of why this works is due to the surprise factor." Outside, the coalition was making a show of packing up to leave. Any Harpy scouts who took a peek would report back that the coalition had agreed to Elnaril's proposal. With his guard lowered, he should theoretically be taken by surprise when the assassination Party dropped out of nowhere and came for his head.

And in the event that Elnaril survived, the rest of the coalition would need to grab those packed bags and run, anyway. Waymark wasn't available yet, so there'd be no escape if the assassination Party failed. Almost every Leader-tier Combat Class user in Elatra would perish in a single catastrophic loss.

Rob couldn't help but feel the pressure mounting as the mages finalized their preparations. While this wasn't the first time Riardin's Rangers had charged into danger without an eject button to cover their asses, they usually weren't knee-deep in enemy territory, with hundreds of lives riding on their immediate success.

Well, except for when they went to Merfolk territory. And Dwarven territory. And – okay maybe this was becoming a depressingly common scenario. At least we're running out of territories to get caught up in, Rob mused. After this it's just the western Deadlands left to deal with. I'm sure that the name is a misnomer, and it'll all be sunshine and rainbows and puppies..

As he indulged in fanciful daydreams, Celiane glanced between him and the teleportation mages. "You're certain?" she asked, with a flicker of hesitance.

"Think of it this way," Rob explained. "Teleporting above the fortress means we don't have to fight Elnaril's soldiers. I'll always vote for the option that results in less death."

The Harpies winced. They didn't have anything to say to that. Teaming up with outsiders to depose an unstable monarch was one thing; watching as those outsiders slaughtered countrymen was another. None of them wanted to be responsible for Jerry from down the street having his organs rearranged by an overleveled Human.

Everyone fell silent, waiting for the mages to finish stockpiling mana and prepping their spell. Once the teleportation completed, the seven Party members and seven Harpies would rendezvous in mid-air, then descend towards the leftmost parapet at the top of Elnaril's fortress. After touching down, the Harpies would retreat, and the assassination Party would make their way through the fortress in search of Elnaril.

Originally, Sylpeiros had suggested that they fly straight towards the throne room after being teleported. He'd claimed that tyrants like Elnaril often spent an inordinate amount of time there, sitting back and laughing as their workers toiled. However, that throne room also happened to be where the unnerving concentration of mana resided. Sylpeiros withdrew his idea after Rob pointed out the possibility of a second Living Bombs trap. Better to search the residential quarters first, as that was where a Leader would be making plans in his private hours.

If all went well, they'd locate Elnaril quickly and gut him like a fish before he could sound the alarm. If they were found out too soon, then waves of Harpy reinforcements would be called to overwhelm them. Success hinged on how lucky they got, which was an absolutely terrifying thing to realize when planning for a life-or-death situation.

But what of it? Unfair odds were nothing new. The deck had been stacked against them from the very beginning, and folding wasn't an option. Their only choice was to keep playing – then cheat back twice as hard.

"We shall be ready in approximately one minute," one of the teleportation mages announced. "For safety purposes, refrain from moving while the spell is being cast."

Please keep your arms and legs inside the ride at all times. Rob shook away the sudden memory of visiting a theme park with his parents, stifling a laugh at how incongruous it was with everything else going on right now. Have I told anyone here about theme parks? That shit would blow their minds. I'll have to share some stories with them later.

If they survived.

His mirth fading, Rob turned to face his Party members, taking in the sight of them. He saw Keira, who would challenge any enemy to defend those she cared about. He saw Zamira, who wished for injustice to be wiped from this world. He saw Vul'to, who strove to fulfill his Guardian namesake with the utmost of dedication. He saw Meyneth, who'd found a second family and would fight tooth and claw to keep it. He saw the two Leaders, who'd traveled far away from home for the sake of their people.

Then, in his mind's eye, he saw the three who couldn't be here today. Orn'tol, Malika, and Faelynn, whose causes were no less worthy. If there was one unifying factor motivating all these people, it was that they each had something they dearly wished to protect. Something worth risking their lives for. Whether it be friends, loved ones, found family, or an entire nation.

And Elnaril wanted to take it from them. For shits and giggles.

Fuck that.

"This isn't a suicide mission," Rob plainly stated. "None of you are allowed to die."

"Even me?" Sylpeiros retorted, with a dry tone.

"After all the trouble I went through to get an alliance with Elven territory? If you die, I'll find a way to bring you back just so I can kill you myself."

The Seneschal barked out a laugh. "Don't make promises you can't keep."

"Is that a challenge?"

Mischief twinkled in Vul'to's eyes. "If you two are instigating a wager, then the terms must be defined carefully. For example; does it count as being brought back from the dead if you merely take an existing soul and place it within a new body?"

Cyraeneus shivered. "You should avoid such macabre talk on the eve of battle. I do not enjoy imagining my body as no more than an outward shell, or like clothing to be changed. Ugh. As if transferring souls was at all possible to begin with."

Riardin's Rangers adopted an air of innocence that fooled no one.

"...How..." The Merfolk King trailed off, then shook his head. "Later. I'm still coming to terms with what you spoke of earlier today."

Meyneth looked at Vul'to, seeking approval. When he gave her a small nod in return, the Dragonkin faced Cyraeneus, her mouth splitting into a toothy grin. "To my knowledge, soul transfer has happened twice since I joined Riardin's Rangers."

"I said later!"

"It was actually three times," Rob added. "Meyneth missed the first." That was the only explanation he'd ever come up with for his revival via Class Crystal back in The Village.

Zamira tilted her head. "Should we be discussing all this? Whatever happened to our vows of secrecy? The furtive communications traded within Messages?"

"I prefer things this way," Keira cheerfully said. "Now I understand why Rob derives so much amusement from imparting revelations unto people."

"...Admittedly, it is more entertaining than I would have initially given credit for, but we are starting to unnerve our Harpy allies."

Celiane's group looked utterly mystified as they watched the back-and-forth. They seemed to realize that there was a lot of stuff going over their heads, and even ignoring the context, hearing banter between Level 70+ Combat Class users must've been surreal. Like visiting a world summit on Earth only to hear presidents gossip about inane bullshit while discussing nuclear launch codes.

Keira looked at the Harpies and chuckled. "I fail to see the issue. You there – Celiane. Have you ever met one of the great Leviathans of the sea? Because I know the anguished sounds they make when being inflicted with a grievous wound."

This is my fault, Rob thought, feeling oddly proud. They've gotten a hit of that revelation-imparting dopamine, and now they'll never stop. My apologies to all the Elatrans who are about to have their worldviews flipped upside-down.

"Ready," the chief mage said, his voice struggling with the exertion of holding onto an exorbitant amount of mana.

That single word killed the conversation dead in its tracks. Smiles and laughter gave way to the grim, determined countenances of those who were about to step into the jaws of danger. They formed up into two lines, with the assassination Party in front, and the Harpies behind them, arms wrapped around their torsos.

Group Message Sent
Rob: Seriously. Don't die.
Rob: I...I promise I wouldn't completely go to pieces, but it would be hard.
Rob: You guys are like family to me.
Sylpeiros: I'm like what?
Rob: Oh, right, forgot you were here.
Rob: Quit ruining my heartfelt moments.

That was the last thought anyone got out before mana enveloped them.


Rob knew he would be the first to regain his bearings. As soon as the teleportation finished, and he found himself surrounded by windy, freezing air, he twisted around and lightly poked Celiane in the forehead. "Flap your wings."

"Huh?" She blinked twice, then started flapping more insistently, keeping the two of them airborne. "Zephyria preserve, my stomach. It's...no matter. Were we falling?"

"Only for a second. You recovered quickly." Rob surveyed the area, taking stock of their situation. Elnaril's fortress was far below, looking as small as a dollhouse from this high up. He could also see his Party members – and their Harpy backpacks – in various places. They'd all been scattered apart much farther than he expected, some of them hundreds of feet away. It demonstrated how inconsistent teleportation could be when the spellcasters hadn't properly attuned to a target area.

Step 1 complete. Step 2 was already in progress. He observed his Harpy allies as they regained their bearings as well, watching carefully to see if any of them accidentally let their hands slip. It wouldn't even take them being secret Elnaril offshoots for that to happen; just one hotshot imagining this as their big chance to be the hero who saved Harpy territory from filthy invaders.

Naturally, Rob had developed contingency plans in the event of potential betrayals. While his current Party members should survive a long drop onto solid stone, owing to his shared defensive Skills, it wasn't guaranteed. That 1% chance of someone landing on their neck the wrong way wasn't a risk he could ignore.

The tension gradually flowed out of him as more Messages started to pour in. Each Party member confirmed that their Harpy was conscious and trustworthy, until lastly, only one pair remained.


Even from a distance, everyone heard Sylpeiros' shout loud and clear. Rob was busy checking other people, so he'd missed what happened, but the fact that the Seneschal was presently dangling one-handed from his Harpy's taloned foot told the whole story.

"YOU FEATHERBRAINED LACKWIT!" Flecks of spittle burst from Sylpeiros' mouth, the man's face bright red with rage. Panicking further, the Harpy violently shook his leg, attempting to dislodge his unwanted passenger. "FUCKING PISSANT! I'LL RIP OUT YOUR GIZZARD AND FEED IT TO THE DISEASED BIRDS YOU CALL YOUR CHILDREN!"

The Harpy dug his other talon into Sylpeiros' hand. While that normally wouldn't have been enough to do anything, Sylpeiros was recovering from post-teleportation wooziness. In a moment of surprise, the Elven Leader let his grip slip – and just like that, he was falling, obscenities filling the air as he went.

Rob pushed himself out of Celiane's embrace. "Appreciate the help," he said, leaving her behind and descending. He would've liked to thank her more, but every second counted. It didn't take as long as people imagined to fall from high up.

Rampage. Rampage. Bracelet of Teleportation. Rampage. Rampage. The gap closed between him and Sylpeiros in short order, Rob adding his own momentum to gravity's acceleration. Sylpeiros noticed his approach and shot lightning in the opposite direction to propel himself over. The two met in mid-air, Rob hugging the Elf's torso and casting Dauntless Reprisal just in case.

Don't say it. Be serious. "So...you come here often?" Damnit.

"Fuck this territory, and fuck you too."

"Buy me dinner first." Rob gazed down at Elnaril's fortress, fast approaching. Luckily, they weren't far from their target destination, so they wouldn't need to course correct much to land on top of the parapet. He could use Dauntless Reprisal to nullify the damage he took from cushioning Sylpeiros' fall, but their landing would be the opposite of quiet, alerting anyone inside with the reverberation of impervious flesh slamming onto the ceiling.

Thankfully, he'd learned his lesson from the Titan's Fist incident, where he'd run out of MP and been forced to land on his legs and hope for the best. Rob waited patiently as the top of the parapet drew closer, closer, and closer still. When he and Sylpeiros were half a second from impact, he cast two Rampages aimed upwards. It felt like slamming the brakes on a car that had been speeding along at 80 miles-per-hour. The abrupt upward momentum canceled out their downward momentum, leaving them to fall the rest of the way at a much slower pace, landing on the parapet with silent steps.

"Impressive trick," Sylpeiros begrudgingly whispered, after the two had let go of each other. "I'd recommend you conserve your mana from here on out, though."

Rob nodded and produced MP Potions from Spatial Storage. As he chugged, he opened his Message screen.

Group Message Sent
Rob: One surly Elf rescued. No damage to either of us – aside from the Seneschal's pride.
Sylpeiros: In case you’ve forgotten, I'm still receiving these Messages.
Rob: I know. How's everyone doing up there?
Meyneth: We are well. The Seneschal's Harpy was the only one to turn traitor.
Meyneth: Upon realizing that he was alone in this regard, that Harpy looked around, befuddled, before flying away in an almost embarrassed fashion.
Meyneth: Although he spoke no words, he wore an expression that was confusedly asking why no one else had followed his lead.
Meyneth: You would have enjoyed it greatly.
Rob: Okay, that's hilarious. What exactly did he think was going to happen?
Cyraeneus: There was likely a miscommunication within the Harpy group. Assumptions were made by those who should have clearly spoken their intentions.
Cyraeneus: Am I doing this correctly? These mental Messages are fascinating. Imagine the wartime applications!
Sylpeiros: I'm imagining the concessions that I'm going to wring from the Harpies over this debacle.

True enough, the Harpies averted their gazes from Sylpeiros as they touched down with the rest of the Party. Celiane stepped forward, her tenacious spirit tempered by secondhand shame. "I must express my apologies for the actions of our...friend. Please be aware that we had no idea he was planning such imbecilic behavior."

"No sweat," Rob assured. "6 out of 7 is a good success rate."

Just as Celiane started to relax, Sylpeiros sent her a grin that was downright predatory. "Yes, I am more than willing to consign this incident to the realm of forgotten memories. We shall discuss the terms of my generosity after King Elnaril has been dealt with."

The Harpies all winced. It was a poor note to leave the conversation on, but there wasn't time to smooth things over – they had a Leader to depose. Rob bid the Harpies farewell and led his Party through a window on the side of the parapet. They snuck inside like whispers on the wind, pushing their meager Stealth to its limits.

No one was there to greet them. The first room they entered was bereft of life; an empty lodging that in the past would have housed soldiers and servants. Its occupants were gone, either drafted into Elnaril's armies, turned into Amalgamations, or simply having done the smart thing and quit after realizing that their occupational hazards had increased as of late.

Vul'to directed everyone forward, leading the Party past unopened doors. His Soul Sight could see nearby souls through walls, so he knew which rooms were empty without needing to check inside. It had been the same at Stonewarden Grant's fortress – definitely a useful tool to have when invading enemy territory.

Although it hadn't taken them long to find people back then. In contrast, Elnaril's fortress was essentially a ghost town. There wasn't a single janitor in sight, let alone the pencil-pushers necessary to run a nation. Even if Harpy territory won the war against the Dragonkin, its long-term governance was all kinds of fucked.

Rob felt torn. He wasn't happy to see the fortress cleared out – almost like Elnaril had raided his personal snack drawer – but it sure as hell made their mission a lot easier. The assassination Party searched the entirety of the residential wing in a span of minutes, finding nothing. Branching out proved equally fruitless. They were beginning to grow worried that Elnaril really had flown the coop when Vul'to suddenly perked up, his eyes drifting towards a nondescript hallway that lacked the regal furnishings of other rooms so far.

Group Message Received
Vul'to: Very large enclosure over there. Corrupted souls within.
Vul'to: I recognize their nature. One offshoot, surrounded by numerous Amalgamations.
Vul'to: The offshoot's soul is fiercely intense. Likely to be Elnaril himself.

Rob frowned. Guess it was too much to hope for that he used all his shock troops in one wave.

Group Message Continued
Rob: How many Amalgamations are we talking?
Vul'to: Forty. At minimum.
Rob: Yikes. Is he expecting us or something?
Sylpeiros: Possibly, but it is not guaranteed. Those are the precautions I would've taken had I access to his resources – and a complete lack of moral sensibilities – even if I was confident in my security.
Sylpeiros: Paranoia begets a long life.
Sylpeiros: I believe that area is meant to be a safe haven of sorts. Reinforced walls, supplies of food, and the like.
Sylpeiros: Elnaril may be waiting there until Ragnavi sets off his trap.
Rob: So he hasn't noticed us?
Vul'to: It doesn't appear so. His soul is tranquil.
Rob: Hmm. Want me to creep up next to the wall and use Living Bomb?
Cyraeneus: If it fails to kill him, he will retreat into the open skies, and we will have lost our one opportunity.
Cyraeneus: Currently, the abomination is trapped within a prison of his own making. Let us endeavor to keep him that way.
Cyraeneus: The plan we discussed before shall suffice.

They positioned themselves near a side wall facing Elnaril's safe room. Keira stood in front, her greatsword held at the ready. Reinforced or otherwise, nothing in this world was tough enough to withstand a direct hit from the Savage Warrior.

Group Message Received
Keira: On three.
Keira: One.
Keira: Two.


Everyone dashed forward in unison. Keira bust the wall open like it was made of paper mâché, clearing a path as their Party fell upon the Amalgamations like the fist of an angry god. Corrupted flesh was sent flying, blood spilling every which way as they advanced.

And in the center of it all was Elnaril. Haughty, arrogant Elnaril. Gaping at them with an emotion that Rob had yet to see on him before.


For the first time since this long, torturous war had begun, they'd legitimately caught the Blighted Leader off guard.

Rob's heart sang a song of victory as he threw his blade straight at Elnaril's open-mouthed face.


Thanks for reading!


Carlos Torres

I love how Cyraneas is like an old man using Instagram for the first time.




Of course there had to be one loser. At least he didn't manage to do any damage.


Absolutely incredible chapter

Dennis Hornsby

When did you start uploading on Wednesday rather than Thursday? Edit, did you also take a break or do you need to take one cause it's no longer like 2 weeks ahead....


Honestly just thought it was a day later than is, whoops. Guess it's an early update. Not sure what you mean by the 2 weeks ahead comment. The Patreon tiers have always been 3, 5, and 7 chapters ahead of the public releases, respectively.

Dennis Hornsby

Hey ya think you can "accidently" upload another chapter early except you do it right now?