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"That's Jason?" Keira asked. "The friend you've spoken of?"

Rob nodded, smiling so wide that it hurt. "Hell yeah he is. Knew the Blight couldn't get him. That son of a bitch is too stubborn to die."

Keira paused. "I'm very happy for you, Rob. We all are." She sounded genuine, but there was a note of hesitance in her tone. "If I may ask a question..."

"What's up?"

She gestured to the viewing window. "How can an Earth Human wield a greatsword?"

Wait, the...huh. Rob forced himself to take a mental step back and examine the scene with new eyes. Now that he wasn't hyperfocused on the fact that Jason was alive, he belatedly noticed the greatsword strapped to his friend's back. It was easily as large as Keira's weapon of choice.

The blade actually fit Jason's frame much better than hers. While Keira was capable of swinging a dense slab of metal around like a butter knife, she was also a woman of average height and physique. Her Warrior Skills and Strength stat did the literal heavy lifting for her. A Level 1 Keira could no more wield a greatsword than a Level 1 Rob could shrug off a stab to the heart.

Conversely, Jason at least appeared like the weapon suited him. Sort of. His tall height and athletic physique made it seem plausible if you squinted hard enough. Rob had seen low-Level Elatrans try and fail to lift Keira's greatsword, though, and they'd all failed miserably. An Earth human definitely shouldn't be able to effortlessly carry the weapon on his back as if it wasn't even there.

"Huh." Rob scratched his chin. "You know, that's a damn good question. Either he's on some major steroids, and we're going to have a serious discussion when I get home, or there's System fuckery afoot."

Five minutes ago, the idea of the System getting its grips into Jason would've stopped Rob's heart cold. Now? It was still worrying, but he just couldn't bring himself to get too worked up over it. Jason was alive and thriving. Everything else would be figured out one way or another.

Rob turned his attention to the people Jason was speaking with. One was a woman around Jason's age, while the second was a man who seemed to be in his mid-thirties and dressed in army fatigues. The viewing window muffled their voices, making it difficult to hear what they were saying. Rob leaned closer and put his ear directly onto the window's surface.


No dice. Even after listening for a full minute, he hadn't heard anything more than snippets. If he wanted to find out what Jason was going through, he'd be better-off looking for visual context clues.

Rob narrowed his eyes, studying the room inside the window. Out of curiosity, he cast Identify.

ERROR: Distance Limitations Exceeded

It failed when directed at any item or person on Earth. Whether that was an arbitrary restriction set down by the gods, or if Identify simply wasn't equipped to analyze things outside of Elatra, Rob couldn't say. Regardless, it meant he'd need to investigate things the old fashioned way.

A lightbulb clicked on inside his head when he eventually recognized the woman as Jeanette, Jason's girlfriend of several months. Well, several months on the date I was kidnapped. Which was...eight months ago? Nine? Kinda lost track.

Rob was pleasantly surprised to see that they were still together, especially since love was obvious in their eyes when the two of them glanced at each other. He got the impression that Jeanette was one of the main reasons Jason was able to smile right now.

The hi-tech hunting rifle strapped to Jeanette's waist had probably helped with that. Emotional support was fantastic, but when the world was going to hell in a handbasket, fire support could be an equally valid form of showing affection. Nothing said "I love you" quite like demolishing an enemy at fifty paces so they couldn't hurt the ones you cared about.

Rob wholeheartedly approved of her.

"That's Jason's girlfriend," he pointed out to everyone else. A smirk played on his lips as he heard Malika's expected squeal. "The other guy wearing a uniform is a soldier, apparently. Like the ones you saw getting chased by the Blightspawn. Never seen him before. He seems to be acting friendly with Jason, but...hmm."

"You sound concerned," Vul'to commented. "Is it not good tidings that Jason has allied with an Earth soldier? Loyal Party members are a boon during times of strife. We certainly wouldn't have survived without banding together to form Riardin's Rangers."

Rob sighed. "It isn't that simple. You're missing out on a lot of cultural context. Let's assume for now that Jason has been affected by the System, and that he can gain Levels now. If so, then I think it's likely that other humans still can't. While it's admittedly a small sample size, we've seen soldiers resorting to guns despite their ineffectiveness, and the random people walking down the street are as uncoordinated – relatively speaking – as ever. Plus, Jason is the only person we've seen with an Elatra-style weapon."

"No naturally-spawning monsters or Dungeons means less opportunity for gaining Levels," Faelynn added. "I can attest to the difficulties it causes when your territory has reduced access to bountiful EXP. Perhaps Jason has merely gotten lucky in his leveling endeavors when compared to other Humans."

"Could be. I'd prefer to plan for the worst, though, and assume that Jason is unique on Earth."

"Why would that be a detriment? If the Blightspawn on Earth are growing resistant to Thunder Rods, then your Leaders should be clamoring for the opportunity to have a Combat Class user on their side."

Rob winced. "Let me put it this way. Back before the Deserters were strong enough to fend for themselves, when Seneschal Sylpeiros decided we were on his shit list, what did we do?"

"Flee," Elder Alessia flatly stated.

"Exactly. Jason can handle himself, but being on a Leader's radar isn't always a good thing. Even if you have something to offer. Especially if you have something to offer. I'm honestly more concerned about him getting involved with the government than the System. At least the System will make him stronger – the government will just try to use him or experiment on him."

He massaged his temples. "Maybe I'm getting ahead of myself. For all I know, that greatsword is Jason's attempt at cosplay. Everyone needs a hobby."

Alessia quirked an eyebrow at him. "Do you truly believe that?"

"Fuck no, when has anything ever been that easy?"

They were interrupted by another person bursting into Jason's house. Rob stared, his eyes widening to an almost comical size. Any lingering thoughts that Jason might not be involved in weirdness were immediately blown away like a crate of Firebombs on an unsuspecting squirrel.

Because the newcomer was a man with a dinosaur head, and wearing a wrestling outfit.

...Hold on. Let me close my eyes for a few seconds, just in case all the brain damage is finally catching up with me. Mental reset, there we go, aaaand...

The newcomer was still a man with a dinosaur head, and wearing a wrestling outfit.

Jason...buddy...what in the goddamn hell have you been getting up to?

"Rob?" Orn'tol queried. "I thought you said that Humans were the only race on Earth."

He said nothing in response. Words failed him. But not Jason, apparently, who was conversing with the dinosaur-wrestler-man-hybrid-thing as if it was the most natural thing in the world. After a brief chat, all four of them – including Jeanette and the soldier – dashed out the room in a hurry.

The one silver lining about Rob's unadulterated shock was that it blunted how disappointed he was to see his friend leave.

Slowly, like an overtaxed pipe releasing pressure, he exhaled a long breath. "Gonna be super real right now, everyone. I think I just broke my neck from emotional whiplash. Is it okay if I get some alone time to think things over?"

Despite the curiosity that must have been brewing in their minds, they graciously acquiesced, filing out of the tent with varying degrees of reluctance. Only Malika and the dimension mages stayed behind to power the viewing window for as long as their mana reserves would last.

Once the others had left, Rob sat on the ground and rested his head in his hands. Thoughts were constantly popping up in his mind, returning faster than he could suppress them, like an incessant game of mental whack-a-mole. Blightspawn on Earth. System interference. Contact with the army. Dinosaur wrestler man. Christ, where do I even start?

His lips crept up into another smile. Jason's alive. I'll start with that. No matter how confusing this day got, nothing could take the purity of that revelation away from him.

Rob's eyes drifted towards the back of Jason's room. His breath hitched as he spotted an impossible item perched nonchalantly on top of a desk. Something more baffling and disturbing than the greatsword could ever be.

"Why does Jason have an ACTION FIGURE of HIMSELF?!"


Keira stood patiently outside of the meeting tent. Light had mostly faded from the sky. She'd been waiting there for approximately half an hour, but that spent time was of no consequence. Rob had waited significantly longer than that to see his home world again. When he emerged from the tent, she would be there to greet him, offering the solace of her company.

He'd need it after he inevitably came to the same conclusions as everyone else.

Rob didn't seem to realize what his friend being inducted into the System truly meant. Perhaps he was so focused on the rules of his home world that he'd neglected the rules of Elatra. Jason was a Human, and where there were Humans, there was Leveling High. The people of Earth were seemingly unafflicted by their race's curse, yet that might change if they attained the ability to Level up.

After all – there was precedent for it.

Riardin's Rangers had surreptitiously discussed the possibility amongst themselves in a group Message. Hidden from Rob, of course. If they were wrong, they'd only be causing him needless worry. And if they were right...then Keira dearly hoped that Jason's willpower was as remarkable as Rob's. She had no desire to kill her lover's best friend in order to spare him the pain of doing it himself.

Keira's ruminations were interrupted by an unwanted presence intruding upon her solitude. She crossed her arms as Seneschal Sylpeiros approached. The man was wearing his usual scowl. No surprise there; it seemed to be permanently affixed to his features.

"What do you want at this unholy hour?" Keira asked.

Somehow, the Seneschal's scowl deepened. "I must speak with the Human. Is he in this tent?"


"You're a poor liar, Warrior."

Keira rolled her eyes. "If you're aware that I'm lying, then you should also be aware of the reason for it. Leave. We do not wish to speak with you."

"And you think that I do?" he scoffed. "Our individual desires haven't mattered for weeks. Neither of us wished to go to war with Harpy territory, and yet here we are. This discussion is merely another unpleasant task that must be accomplished."

"You complain quite a bit for a Leader. I'm amazed that the Elves respect you, what with your constant bellyaching and tendency to blame others for your own failings."

Sylpeiros opened his mouth to retort, then stopped, contemplating. "I sense a grudge."

Keira shrugged. "You sent soldiers to attack us after we fled The Village. Forced us north towards hardship and death. I won't have forgotten that transgression in less than a year. I'm willing to ally with you to end the Blight, but treat you nicely?" She bared her teeth. "Spare me."

"The Human rarely ever mentions that incident, and if anything, I wronged him more than you."

"Rob is a softhearted fool willing to forgive pompous assholes who won't even use his name half the time. Don't expect that same leniency from myself."

Maddeningly, the Seneschal nodded, as if her saying that had heightened his respect for her. "I see. Then please contact Rob and let him know that I need to speak with him. I wouldn't be here if it was an issue that could wait."

Keira grimaced. "Persistent, aren't you? He's had a trying night. If it's so urgent, then give the message to me, and I promise that I will deliver it." Whether she would keep that promise depended on what the Seneschal was about to say.

"It isn't so much a message as..." Sylpeiros trailed off, scowling once more. "So be it. Rob conversed with one of my subordinates recently – a man by the name of Kenzotul. It was around when the Human publicly declared himself Leader and threatened those Fiend prisoners. Ever since, Kenzotul has become despondent. He believes that he must have misspoken, somehow leading Rob down a path of bloodshed and melancholy."

Dismay flickered in Sylpeiros' eyes. "My attempts to console him have proven woefully inadequate. As you can imagine, that is not an area I am particularly proficient in. At this point, I think that Rob is the only person who can pull Kenzotul out of this mire, as he is its source."

Keira blinked. Seneschal Sylpeiros has a subordinate he cares for? The notion was as alien as it was frustrating. Why didn't he grant this consideration to The Village? We could have...

She lowered her arms to her sides. "Admit your mistakes."


"Admit your mistakes," she repeated. "Do that, and I will inform Rob of Kenzotul's predicament."

The Seneschal's mouth fell open, resembling a fish gasping for air. "You..." His mouth twisted into a snarl. "I already stated that I wronged you. What more could you possibly want?"

"An apology."

Seconds dragged on. Sylpeiros clenched his teeth, deliberations racing behind his eyes. Eventually, he slowly began to speak, as if each word was being forcibly extracted from him with metal pliers. "I...am...sorry. My fears of another Cataclysm spurred me to execute the Human and punish those who abetted him. I acted rashly, with limited information, and others paid the price for it."

By the end of it, he actually looked tired. Keira would've pitied the man if she didn't dislike him so much. "A little too begrudging for my tastes, but very well. Your apology is accepted. I'll notify Rob, although be warned that he may not wish to speak with Kenzotul just yet. I wasn't lying when I said that his mind is preoccupied."

While she still didn't want to burden Rob at this juncture, Sylpeiros seemed liable to barge into the tent unless she relented. Besides – she could soften the blow by describing how the mighty Seneschal, Leader of the Elves, apologized with a face like he'd chewed on a lemon. Rob would derive great amusement from that mental image.

"See that he doesn't take too long," Sylpeiros muttered, "lest Kenzotul go to the grave with regrets in his heart.”

Keira raised her eyebrows. "You expect your subordinate to die soon?"

"Spoken like someone who's forgotten the weakness of normal Combat Class users. Kenzotul is not a member of your vaunted Riardin's Rangers, nor is he a Leader. He could die at any time and I wouldn't be surprised."

The Seneschal lowered his gaze. For a moment, his thoughts appeared to be miles away. Then he shook his head, locking eyes with Keira once more. "Now that I have your ear, we might as well discuss a separate topic I've been meaning to broach."

"Another? Is there a second subordinate of yours that we've managed to distress?"

"It's about what comes after the war."

Keira paused, adjusting herself to a more serious mindset.. "...I am listening."

"If fortune favors us, then the coalition's enemies will no longer exist within the span of a month or two. First, we depose Elnaril. Next, we ally ourselves with the Harpies and defeat Queen Ragnavi once she reaches the capital city. And lastly, the Blight..."

He frowned. "Who knows what the Blight will do. I'd like to say that Elnaril's defeat will finally drive the abominations from our borders, but I ceased believing in miracles long ago. Regardless, the Blight will fall in due time, and hopefully some of us will still be left remaining to rebuild what it breaks."

The Seneschal sent her an appraising look. "Your faction will play a major role in that new society. Tell me – what are the Elves within the Deserters planning to do afterwards?"

"Whatever they desire," Keira flatly stated. "We're hardly holding them hostage. None of us would prevent them from rejoining Elven territory, if that was their wish. I imagine some will. The only reason so many came with us at all is because they feared punishment over aiding a Human."

She returned his look with one of her own. "I trust that won't be a problem anymore?"

"It won't. And what of the Elves within your Party?"

Keira barely suppressed a sneer. "Are you trying to recruit us to your side?"

"No. I'm asking you to stay far away, and to never again set foot in Elven territory."

An offended, sputtering noise burst out of Keira's mouth. Before she could verbally tear him to shreds, Sylpeiros held up a hand to forestall her. "Do not misinterpret me," he continued. "If you did want to rejoin Elven territory, I would be a shortsighted fool to stop you. No nation would turn down Combat Class users of your Level."

He grimaced. "That...is precisely the issue."

After a moment, Keira grasped what he was implying. "You're concerned about the balance of power between territories."

"Indeed. It used to be far more straightforward. Power waned, and power waxed. No single nation remained dominant for longer than a few decades. Except for Human territory, what with their bizarre reproductive rate that would put rabbits in heat to shame, but their proximity to Fiend territory kept them in check."

The Seneschal let out an aggrieved groan. "Then came the Cataclysm, and the Dragon Queen's Awakening, and the rise of your Party. Three-fourths of all Combat Class users in Elatra have perished in the last decade, meaning that individually strong warriors are more influential than ever before. Nothing is as it used to be, and it didn't change for the better. A stable balance of power means peace. When there is equilibrium, conflicts are unlikely to progress past a minor skirmish. When the balance is lopsided, some nations grow bolder while others grow worried. And there will be many, many worried people when a Party is strong as yours consolidates into one territory."

"Is that supposed to be a threat?" Keira bluntly asked. "Because I have neither the time nor the inclination to bandy words."

"You forget how much older I am than you. On average, you will outlast me by over 150 years. Whoever seizes control after myself, Cyraeneus, and Elnaril all die may not be so reasonable."

"You view yourself as reasonable?"

Sylpeiros aimed a well-practiced glare at her. "In comparison to some of my predecessors? Yes. Your knowledge of historical events is clearly lacking. Be grateful that the Dragon Queen is the only true despot you've known. When multiple nations are ruled by those with blackened hearts, the world suffers."

"It could be that the opposite of what you're imagining happens," Keira countered. "I will state this now: Riardin's Rangers have no intention to wage war after our enemies have been defeated. And if other territories fear our reprisal, won't they simply...not provoke us? If anything, our existence will encourage peace."

"Lothren preserve, if only people were that rational. Someone, someday, will try something. And who's to say you won't wage war in the future? Your lives are yet young. Give it a century of political bickering and we'll see how you still feel. I've witnessed people more virtuous than anyone in your Party be hardened by the weight of years and the passage of time."

He barked out a harsh laugh. "Even unintended actions may have consequences. At the end of this war, your Party members will all be a minimum of Level 70. That's to say nothing of whatever absurd Level Rob attains. So much power in a single group is entirely unprecedented. It's equivalent to a Party of Leaders – led by the second-strongest Combat Class user in history. At that point, just one of you setting foot in another territory unannounced could be interpreted as an act of war."

The longer Sylpeiros spoke, the more strained his voice became. Visions of strife seemed to be swirling behind his eyes. He took a deep breath to steady himself, and in that moment of cessation, Keira spoke up. "Should you be speaking so plainly about all of this to me?" she asked.

"Your Party isn't comprised of fools. You'd discern this much on your own. If not, then that advisor of yours would have reasoned it out." Sylpeiros frowned. "What was their name? Belria? Annoyingly convincing bastard. I'll never understand how someone can be so persuasive after losing their Diplomacy Skill."

Keira's breath hitched. At first she thought that Sylpeiros was hinting at their secrets, that he knew about the true nature of 'Belria' – yet judging by his nonplussed expression, that didn't seem to be the case. Without realizing, he'd taken a wild shot in the dark and nearly hit a bullseye.

"Nevertheless," he continued. "In the future, Fiend territory is certain to become the dominant nation by a wide margin. What I am about to say will sound like self-serving deceit, but I highly recommend that your Party takes a step back from international affairs. While drawing attention is unavoidable for Rob, the rest of you should do your best to minimize your own influence. Abstain from skirmishes between nations. Recuse yourself from meetings of Leaders. Interfere only when the Fiend Overseers inevitably grow power-hungry, and then work to curb their baser impulses. If you can portray yourselves as completely non-threatening...people might even believe you."

Keira considered his suggestions for a grand total of four seconds. "No."

Sylpeiros' posture slouched by a fraction. "You disagree?"

"Again, no. I recognize your logic. That doesn't mean I'm inclined to follow it."


She gestured to the greatsword on her back. "Since the day I first grabbed this hilt, my path has been set. Becoming a Warrior was the most important decision I ever made. I've dedicated my life to the pursuit of strength, and the friends and loved ones I have now were gained and protected through that strength. Otherwise..."

A joyless smile crept up her face. "Well, then otherwise I would've lost more than I already have. Two parents, three fellow trainees, one Village, and hundreds of Deserters were plenty enough. You might convince Zamira or Vul'to to lessen their own influence for the sake of a theoretically brighter future, but most of Riardin's Rangers are like me, I think. We abhor the feeling of being helpless, and we refuse to be subjected to it again – or to bury more people we care about."

"I see." The Seneschal slowly nodded. "Your response is...expected. Disappointing, yet expected."

Neither of them spoke. Soon after, Sylpeiros let out a weary sigh. "Think on what I said. I won't gainsay the pursuit of power – that would mark me as a hypocrite – but don't let it turn into an obsession. You will lose the things you were so desperate to protect."

He turned to leave. "If you don't believe me, then by all means. When Queen Ragnavi arrives with murder in her heart, ask her when she was last happy."


Thanks for reading!



Amazing chapter


my timing is amazing I check Patreon and the new chapter dropped


I do like that the weight of leadership finally seems to be catching up with everyone. For so long it felt like Rob and co. was made to be superior to the leaders, while being ignorant of the judgment calls that had to be made to do things like appease Ragnvi. It’s nice to see a softening of them, showing people that truly believe in the greater good, just that holding the weight of the world on their shoulders for so long has worn them away. Meanwhile on the flip side seeing the main party’s headstrong attitude actually portrayed as a massive risk factor to those around them instead of a admirable trait which allowed them to reach the level of power that they did is refreshing.

Jonathan Crandall

Damn I love these philosophical discussions