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Author's Note: In accordance with the Kindle Unlimited release, this chapter has been removed. The post itself has been preserved for the sake of the comment section.



Amazing chapter


The gellins perspective and everything learned about them in this chapter is just . Woah. Again, amazing chapter


Well then.


Ok, I enjoyed the last chapter but this was even better. Don't burn yourself out.


guys, I dont think its gonna get better


I don’t know how far we are from the end, but my goodness this is the best chapter in a LONG while. There wasn’t even any combat. It’s a testament of a truly amazing writer to make an action/adventure story the most interesting when fighting isn’t even taking place. You deserve every dollar you make on Patreon KamikazePotato.


Daaamn poor Gellin...

Jonathan Crandall

Damn. I didn't realize Rob had it that bad


"And as this System was based on Earth's concepts of idealized fantasy," If the system is hundreds of years old but based on tropes ~100 years old I have a feeling there's a ton of time-dilation going on in Elatra. Incredible chapter as always!


Thank you very much for the kind words. This was a chapter that's been on my mind for months, so it's great to see that it resonated with at least some people.


It could be an issue of alternate time speeds that changed to the same speed when the worlds were "connected" by Kismet portalling Rob over... Kinda Kismet "forcing two cruise control cars" where one is about to swiftly pass the other to go the same speed so someone can hop across, and then the speeds are synced.