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They found Sorenne's body after the battle was over.

At first, Rob was more confused than anything else. How? Why? Sorenne was a low-Level scout. She shouldn't have been anywhere near the fighting. In fact, Sorenne was the only Harpy casualty that day. It just didn't make sense.

Then Rob learned where she'd died: about thirty feet down the road from the building he'd initially been positioned at. When combined with the pair of daggers was she clutching in the throes of rigor mortis, what happened became evidently clear. The instant Rob went to help Zamira – and thus wasn't around to tell Sorenne off – the vengeful Harpy left her post and charged straight for the Dragonkin soldiers. Maybe she'd thought she could take one by surprise.

The lack of blood on her daggers showed how well that idea turned out.

All you had to do was wait, Rob told the corpse. I promised you revenge. And you didn't listen. Even the *Dragonkin* listened, in the end. What was the point of...

At that moment, the nearby Harpies who looked at Rob saw a man struggling to contain his emotions. To them, it was a reassuring sight, adding a measure of credence to his peaceful overtures. If this Human could feel grief for a Harpy he'd met just recently, then his coalition might truly be allies rather than foes. And they were correct – Rob was an ally, and he was indeed struggling to contain his emotions.

Such as laughter.

I met you hours ago, and you're already dead? Rob's face tensed up, his mirth just barely suppressed. Great job, Sorenne. That's got to be a record.

It was a good thing he'd practiced his poker face so much, as he genuinely wouldn't have been able to explain why he felt like busting a gut. Probably better this way, now that I think about it. If you were this impulsive, you were bound to die sooner or later. Another week of emotional investment and I would've felt a lot worse. Like...with Vevrandi.

In a flash, his mirth became annoyance, changing so quickly that it was jarring even to himself. Don't know why I'm thinking about this. Elatrans are fragile. They die all the time. What made this one any different? I shouldn't be feeling the slightest bit upset, so – why? Because I bothered to remember this one's name?

He schooled his features, then turned around, heading to join the others. Won't be making that mistake again.


Aside from one Harpy's negligence, the battle had gone as well as it possibly could have. All 170 of the Dragonkin soldiers were captured or killed, while the coalition's losses were numbered in the single digits. Additionally, the Harpies had stopped the Dragonkin supply line of Utility Class users from escaping. Not a single soul would be able to inform Ragnavi of what transpired. By every meaningful standard, the battle was an overwhelming victory for the allied coalition.

Rob was torn between wanting to celebrate and keeping his expectations in check. This situation had been a best-case scenario that wasn't likely to be repeated. The coalition only won so decisively because they'd possessed an advantage in location, numbers, intel, and surprise. Setting up an ambush within the Arieda City streets let them box the Dragonkin into a relatively small area. Without enough room for either side to use all their soldiers at once, the pace of battle was controlled by the strongest individual Combat Class users, a.k.a. Riardin's Rangers and the Leaders.

Even then, there would've been more casualties without Rob shocking the Dragonkin into a surrender...and without Zamira rushing into the fray early on. Her reckless charge did a lot to prevent the Dragonkin from rallying together at the start. The rest of her Party would never admit that, though – they were pissed when Rob tattled about what she'd done. Zamira, like most people who'd been caught red-handed doing something irresponsible, proceeded to double down and say she'd totally do it again. Just more carefully, next time.

Rob couldn't say anything in response to that. He'd used that exact logic to excuse some of his more 'inspired' maneuvers. Luckily, his friends were there to fill in for him.

"If you attempt something that harebrained in our next army battle," Keira said, "then I'll deactivate Danger Sense and fight without it."

Zamira blanched. "You can't do that. Your HP isn't..."

She pursed her lips, realizing the trap she'd fallen into. Sensing blood in the water, Keira struck. "What's that, Zamira?" the Savage Warrior began. "Were you about to say that my HP isn't particularly high? That without Danger Sense to keep me safe, I'd need to rely solely on my Dexterity and natural reflexes to avoid injury? Can you perhaps see where I'm going with this?"

Keira jabbed a finger at Rob. "I recognize that you've witnessed this fool put himself in harm's way on multiple occasions, but don't use him as an example. He at least has the Vitality to back up his recklessness, and even then he's caused us no end of headaches."

"Guilty as charged," Rob cheerfully added.

"Don't sound so happy when you say that." Keira sighed, shaking her head. "Zamira, I understand your intentions, and I respect them. But just as you reigned in my darker urges in Dhalerune City, I must reign in your lighter ones. The lives of enemy Combat Class users are not worth yours. Besides, you'll save more people in the long run by living to fight another day, if it helps to look at matters from that perspective."

Meyneth raised her hand. "I don't mean to belabor the point-"

"By all means," Keira interjected. "Do exactly that, if it would pierce through the cotton stuffed in Zamira's ears. I want to be absolutely certain she's listening to us."

Zamira winced and hung her head, chastisement writ across her features. Rob stayed quiet as he watched the dressing-down unfold, struck by a sudden urge for popcorn. This is way more fun when it's happening to someone else.

"I'll be succinct," Meyneth assured. "Zamira, while your Class is excellent for skirmishes and one-on-one duels, it's at high risk during large-scale army battles."

She gestured around the room. "Consider the rest of our Party. Orn'tol and Malika fight from afar. Keira has Danger Sense. Vul'to has armor, shields, and high Vitality. Rob is Rob. Faelynn, as a Fiend, has a naturally tougher body. Personally, my Vitality is at 75, and I'd still estimate myself at be at moderate risk, more than anyone in Riardin's Rangers except for you."

Meyneth tilted her head. "Remind me – what's your Vitality?"

"...50," the Bladesoul mumbled.

"Therein lies the problem. Avoiding injury via dodging is the type of strategy that works until it suddenly, gruesomely doesn't." Meyneth swept her gaze across the rest of the Party. "I'll go a step further. All of us, not just Zamira, should exercise extreme caution from here on out. The larger an army battle is, the more that the fate of any given soldier comes down to luck. In fact, it may be wise to put most of our stat points into Vitality going forward."

She glanced at Rob. "I suppose that won't be much of a change for some."

He struggled to keep an annoyingly smug grin off his face. Once again, a bold Vitality-heavy portfolio pays off for the savvy investor.

"That was meant to be succinct?" Zamira muttered.

A tinge of embarrassment colored Meyneth's face. "I can expound for longer, if you wish. My dearest parents gifted me with hours upon hours of battle theory lessons."

Zamira held up her hands in defeat. "I yield, I yield." She smiled. "Thanks for your concern, truly. I'll be more careful in the future."

"We'll hold you to that," Keira said, not bothering to hide her own smug grin. "Now if only I could get Rob to listen to my advice as well. Then my headaches would well and truly vanish."

"I did level up Intimidation a few times today," he remarked, with a shrug. "Does that count as listening to your advice?"

"Hah! I'll take it."

Keira raised her hand for a high-five. Rob accepted – then gripped tight as their palms connected. "Awesome!" His wide-toothed grin was a perfect match for his exaggeratedly upbeat tone. "Since we're all doing such a swell job following constructive criticism, that means you're going to listen to Meyneth and put your new stat points into Vitality, right?"

Keira froze. She glanced at Rob's hand gripping her own, realizing her escape route had been cut off. "Well...you see...I have Danger Sense, and..."

Rob leaned closer. "Right?"


Keira was still grumbling when the coalition and Harpies met fifteen minutes later for their post-battle meetup. Rob didn't care – she could grumble all she wanted, as long as her Max HP on the Party List kept increasing. Having a way to verify if she'd made good on her promise sure was handy.

After a bit of thought, Rob decided to put his unspent points into Vitality as well. When cultivating an image, it was important to stay on brand. And in a more serious sense, Vitality was legitimately the stat he would benefit from the most. Many of his strongest Skills had stat Prerequisites; if he increased Vitality, he'd Level up those Skills at the same time, shortening their cooldowns and heightening their effectiveness. Vitality was also close to reaching 200, which was very likely to grant him a powerful milestone Skill.

I'll probably need more Strength and Dexterity later when I fight the Dragon Queen, but for now, let's go with this. Rob boosted his Vitality from 170 to 185, then set back and watched as the system messages rolled in.

Lifesurge Level Increased! 20 → 23

Dauntless Reprisal
Level Increased! 18 → 21

Regeneration Level Increased! 26 → 29

He read over his updated Skill Descriptions, satisfied with the results. Lifesurge went from healing 80% HP every 3 minutes, to healing 90% HP every 2 minutes and 30 seconds. The cooldown reduction was the big thing – eventually, it would theoretically be available every minute or less, making him borderline unkillable in protracted fights. Dauntless Reprisal's cooldown also dropped from 3 minutes to 2 and a half, cementing that ideal fantasy in Rob's mind. Regeneration's slow, gradual heal was less important during combat, but he wouldn't turn down-


His head snapped up. Quickly surveying the meeting, he found that the various attendees of Leaders, representatives, Party members, and Harpies were all looking his way. "What is it?"

The Grand Overseer glared at him, appearing highly unamused. "Have you been paying attention?"

Rob straightened his posture. "In exchange for the coalition not destroying Arieda City's weapon cache, they've agreed to hold the Dragonkin soldiers as prisoners. This benefits both of our respective sides. The Harpies gain prisoners of war to use as bargaining chips if another Dragonkin army comes calling. The coalition gains an assurance that Arieda City won't join their fellow Harpies and come after us, because if nothing else, they'll need their manpower to ensure that the prisoners stay prisoners."

He retained a neutral expression as the Overseer's mouth fell open. Sorry, Nel-something, but you chose the wrong battlefield. Paying attention while not paying attention is a skill I learned in high school and perfected in college.

"That's...accurate, yes." The Overseer cleared her throat. "My apologies. Your thoughts seemed to be elsewhere. And you haven't said a word since we started speaking."

Rob gestured at Diplomacy. "Delegating things to Belria worked out fine, didn't it?" He smirked. "I think ending the battle peacefully earned me a bit of laziness."

"Your version of 'peaceful' subjected us to the most frightening blast I've seen since the damned Cataclysm. I can still feel my teeth rattling."

"And it made people stop dying, so by definition, it was peaceful."

The Overseer gave him a long-suffering eye roll. From off to the side, the Harpies were staring at the two of them in disbelief. Rob belatedly realized he and the Overseer had fallen into their usual back-and-forth – which would be a completely alien sight to anyone unused to it. Leaders weren't supposed to engage in good-natured ribbing with someone half their Level.

Should I act more...nah, it's fine. The Harpies were already plenty Intimidated by him. They'd seen him dent a city gate, cut a Dragon in half, and set off the equivalent of twenty barrels of dynamite above their heads. More than fearing him, they needed to understand that he was also a person who could take a joke. Someone with likes, dislikes, friends, frenemies, and a sense of humor.

Just a normal guy, same as them.

Message Received From Party Member: Diplomacy
Diplomacy: I don't know the exact notion you just imagined, but I'd bet money it was laughable.
Rob: And here I thought I had to worry about the Gellin reading my mind.
Diplomacy: They have my sympathies. Are you running out of pop songs to serenade them with whenever they draw too close?
Rob: Buddy, I'm just getting started.
Rob: The 2000s were a prolific decade for my kind of music.
Diplomacy: I'm so glad I have my own body now.

The Harpy-in-charge fidgeted, seeming to interpret the comfortable silence as a tense prelude to something dire. "If that's all, then we should go our separate ways," he said, in a strained voice. "We need to tend to the Dragonkin prisoners. Apprise them of their situation."

It wasn't the worst attempt at ending a conversation Rob had ever seen, but it was up there. Still, the Harpy was right in that time was of the essence. "One last thing," Rob added. "While the Gellin didn't find any Blighted Harpies in the brief period we searched the city, that doesn't mean they aren't here. Elnaril said there were about 1000 total spread throughout Harpy territory. At the risk of causing you to enforce a police state, I'd pay close attention to anyone who seems like they're acting out of character."

The Harpy-in-charge stiffened. "Yes. Of course."

Rob paused. "You don't believe us about the Blighted Harpies. Or Elnaril in general."


"Don't bother lying. Your Deception isn't the greatest."

The other Harpies sent unimpressed stares at their commander. He grimaced, donning the countenance of a scout navigating past a field of Mines. "Your assistance in defending Arieda was paramount. The city would have been lost without you. For that, we are inordinately grateful. However..."

"It's a hard pill to swallow," Rob finished. "I get it." The good will they'd earned from defending Arieda City wasn't going to surpass the Harpies' deference for Elnaril. He was their Leader, an omnipresent pillar of society who'd led them through the disastrous events of eight years ago. While these Harpies might leave the coalition alone from now on, believing that Elnaril was an agent of the Blight was a step too far.

"Alright." Rob clapped his hands together. "Let's rip this band-aid off. Where's the nearest Message Crystal?"

It took some cajoling, yet soon enough, the Harpies were leading everyone towards Arieda's sole Message Crystal. After a quick Gellin mind-check to confirm that none of these Harpies were Blighted, ten were chosen as witnesses. More would have been invited, but the Message Crystal room wasn't actually meant to hold that many people. Ten Harpies, plus Riardin's Rangers, plus the various coalition head honchos was already a tight fit.

"Here's how this is going to go," Rob said, addressing the Harpy-in-charge. "You'll connect this Message Crystal to the one in Elnaril's bachelor pad. I'd do it myself, but uh, I don't know how. After that, just stay quiet. I'll do the talking."

"What if King Elnaril doesn't respond when we attempt to connect the Crystals?" the Harpy replied, obviously fearing retribution. "What if he...proves you wrong?"

"Then no harm, no foul. Promise."

The Harpy-in-charge narrowed his eyes. Rob suppressed the frustration building within, reminding himself that the coalition was an invading force in an advantageous position of power. The Harpies had every reason to be wary. They were just performing their due diligence.

Didn't make being looked at like that any less aggravating, though. He could've at least *tried* to hide his suspicion.

Finally, the Harpy-in-charge nodded. He reached forward and touched the Message Crystal, resonating with it in a way that Rob was unable to parse. Mana flashed around the Crystal, shooting outward at an impossibly fast speed, the Crystal itself beginning to glow a second later.

Then, almost immediately, a voice spoke.


A harsh silence fell over the room, so heavy that it was like a thick smog of poison choking the words from everyone. Rob needn't have told the Harpies to stay quiet, as they wouldn't have been able to say anything regardless, their mouths and eyes wide open in petrified shock.

Rob himself was left floundering. How did – the Blighted Harpies. He can see through them, or at least get reports from them. Knew we were here. Was expecting this call.

"Hello, Elnaril." He pushed the response out, his brain gradually rebooting. "Been a couple days since we last spoke. How are things down south?"

"Adequate. The Loci...remain untouched."

"Wasn't even gonna ask, but thanks for the update."

A mild chuckle emanated from the Crystal. "You are...at...Arieda. Tell me. What do you...intend to do with...the Harpies?"

Rob considered several responses, then went for broke. He needed to provoke a definitive response – any ruffled feathers could be smoothed over later. "You haven't given us much of a choice. We'll probably need to thin their herds to ensure we don't get chased down. Congrats on turning us into monsters, you psycho piece of shit."

The chuckle returned. It was small, first. Weak. Like the ringing of dull wind chimes under a light breeze.

Then it grew. Louder, and louder, and louder, and wrong. The voice shifted, turning deep and warbling, like a great behemoth screaming from the bottom of the ocean. Static and distortion overlaid upon each other, the laughter growing louder still. It invaded their ears, snaking inward as if the sound itself was a living thing, trespassing upon their bodies and minds. Rob tried to tell the Harpies to deactivate the Crystal, but he couldn't, he couldn't speak, the sound was sewing his mouth shut and-

And then it ended. Four Harpies immediately collapsed unconscious, like puppets with their strings cut, blood dribbling out of their ears.


The Crystal dimmed, its connection cut.

All was silent. No one said anything for a long time.

Eventually, Rob turned to face the Harpy-in-charge. When he spoke, his voice trembled more than he would've liked.

"That convincing enough for you?"


Author's Note:

Gonna take a short break to rest and catch up on sleep. Next chapter will be released a week from now.

Changes, Character Sheet, Skill List

Thanks for reading!



Damn that was scary


I'm honestly surprised diplomacy hasn't had a chat with Rob considering the increasing morbidity and devil-may-care ness of his inner monologue. Rob is like, one of if not the most caring-est hero I've yet encountered in a story like this, so surely the increasing number of out-of-character thoughts should ring some alarm bells. Could also be more a frog in a boiling pot of water situation, though. Has been observing the change for a larger amount of time in-story than us and so is being blindsided by the gradual shift in tone.


A rather terrifying thought; one day, when leveling high truly breaks free, Rob might have to trade one evil for its lesser and activate melancholy resistance to cut it off from his soul like it did for diplomacy.