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Rob considered it a vital ability – especially in Elatra – to be able to find the silver lining in a shit sandwich. Sure, Harpy territory had been taken over by an intelligent Blight. Sure, the coalition was marching towards mortal peril in order to prevent the apocalypse. Sure, their next stopping point was a hostile Harpy city that had been poisoned against them with lies.

But on the bright side, nothing brings a team together more quickly than a common foe. Tensions among the allied coalition were fading fast now that Elnaril had threatened to create a Blight army. Petty grudges...just didn't seem that important anymore. Not when half the soldiers among the rank-and-file had directly fought a Blight or its minions, and the other half had heard horror stories that ruined their sleep worse than Keira's snoring.

The one thing that did surprise Rob was how quickly most of the soldiers believed Elnaril's tale. While some folks – such as Merfolk King Cyraeneus – kept floating the alternative of a lying Blight-Harpy, by the end of Day 1 pretty much the entire coalition was on board with the apocalypse theory. It made sense after a bit of thought; after all, these were the Combat Class users who'd managed to survive up until now.

And being a paranoid bastard was its own Prerequisite for living long in Elatra.

It was why Rob couldn't begrudge Cyraeneus grilling him about the talk with Elnaril every few hours. The Merfolk King was right to be suspicious, even if his stone-turning had produced jack squat so far. Everyone has their limit, though, and Rob's patience finally ran out on the third day, several hours before the coalition was due to arrive at Arieda City.

"You mentioned previously that 'Elnaril's coming was heralded by a surge of Corruption," King Cyraeneus pressed. "Is it not possible that the Blight-Harpy concealed a portion of his Corruption early on in order to fool you?"

Rob didn't bother looking at him. "No."

"And why not?"

"Because I said so. Skill instinct stuff."

Cyraeneus let out a regal harrumph. "Nebulous instincts are hardly a proper basis for evidence."

Message Sent to Party Member: Keira
Rob: save me
Keira: Must I? This is the most entertainment I've had all day.
Rob: traitor

"Look, how about this?" Rob cut in, preempting the King's latest inquiry. "Everything will be answered when we reach Arieda City in like, two hours, so there's no need for more questions. It'll be settled soon. And I bet you...what currency do Merfolk use? I bet you 100 Mercoins that I'm right."

Cyraeneus frowned. "That is not what my territory's currency is called, but very well. I trust you have the funds necessary to pay in the event that you lose?"

"Oh, yeah, absolutely."

Deception Level Increased! 5 → 6

Rob and the King shook on it. As if on cue, the moment they finished, Orn'tol dashed up and grabbed Rob's sleeve. "Harpy approaching," he said, pointing at the sky.

Dozens of heads immediately snapped upwards. Rob squinted, unable to see anything except clear blue marred by the void horizon at its edges. He kept his gaze steady, summoning a Spatial Storage longsword in preparation. Orn'tol had the highest Perception in the coalition, so if the young Guerrilla Ranger said that a Harpy was approaching, then he was probably right.

Five seconds later, a dot no larger than a pixel appeared within Rob's vision. It grew rapidly, the Harpy flying straight forward with reckless abandon. Normally this would be the part where a scout – having caught sight of the enemy – would turn around and report home, but the Harpy just kept coming.

A crazy thought popped into Rob's head. "Hey," he whispered to Keira. "Has Elatra invented kamikaze dive bombers yet?"

"Invented what now?"

"Oh thank god." Rob allowed himself to relax. "Hopefully whoever's up there isn't an innovator."

The coalition stopped marching and waited for the Harpy messenger to land. She damn near crash-landed in the process, panting heavily, her smile wide with...relief? "Zephyria has answered my prayers," she wheezed, tears welling in the corners of her eyes. "Dwarves, Fiends – it doesn't matter, I welcome them all! At long last, reinforcements have come!"

King Cyraeneus sent Rob an extraordinarily smug grin that screamed 'get ready to pay up.' Rob merely shook his head in response, knowing that this was far from over. "Welcome to the allied coalition," he said, extending his hand towards the exhausted Harpy. "Normally an actual Leader would greet you, but you lucked out and got me instead. I promise I'm way less standoffish than any of them."

What little air had collected within the Harpy's lungs was expelled in a dramatic gasp. "You're...you're the Human!" She goggled at him as if he was a space alien with four heads. "I've heard tales of you! And you're Level 81!"

"That is in fact a number, yes."

The Harpy messenger opened and closed her mouth several times.

"Remember to breathe," Rob advised. "It's usually important." As funny as it would be to watch someone pass out in shock at the sight of him, she had info they really needed to know. Thankfully, she seemed to realize that herself a few moments later, standing up as she picked the pieces of her dignity off the ground.

"My apologies," the Harpy stated. She breathed in, then out. "I have been discourteous. Discovering your army inspired me with renewed hope, causing me to take leave of my senses. Still, that is no excuse."

She graced them with a polite nod. "My name is Sorenne. On behalf of Harpy territory, I thank you for coming to our aid."

Rob glanced at King Cyraeneus. "You want me to take this?"

"By all means." The Merfolk gestured at Sorenne. "I am curious to see how you comport yourself in situations such as these."

Rob's Heightened Senses caught a small gulp from the Harpy messenger. "Is...something amiss?"

"Hopefully the only thing wrong is that I lost a bet." He offered her a PR-Friendly Disarming Smile™. "This is going to sound weird, as I promise we do want to help you, but can you explain why you assumed our coalition is here to provide reinforcements?"

Sorenne blinked at him. "Why else would you be? Multiple Leaders wouldn't have gathered together unless it was to repel the Dragon Queen. I did spy the Elven Seneschal at the back, correct?"

"You did." Rob tapped his finger on his thigh. "Okay, new question. When's the last time you checked in with other Harpies?"

"It's been a week." She lowered her head. "I was part of a scouting trio meant to observe how far north the Dragonkin had advanced. We..."

Her eyes screwed shut. "We underestimated them. Thought they'd be less brazen without their Queen. Returned to our home village to find it burnt and pillaged. Tried to flee, but three of the Dragonkin soldiers had a Draconic Form. They took flight. Chased. My friends were..."

Sorenne trailed off, body shaking as the grief passed over her in a wave. Everyone else remained quiet. Rob tried to think of something to say, but couldn't come up with anything besides empty platitudes. It didn't help that he was still processing how the Dragonkin had already progressed this far into Harpy territory.

Slowly, Keira stepped forward and laid her hand on Sorenne's shoulder. "Permit me to ask this," she began, in a gentle voice. "How far away are the Dragonkin now?"

The Harpy stood up straighter, remembering her duty. "Days, I think. Draconic Form is a rare Racial Trait. Their rate of travel is inhibited by the speed of their normal Combat Class users."

She reached up and tightly grasped Keira's hand. Within moments, the grief in her eyes was consumed as kindling, spawning righteous fury that blazed like wildfire. "There's still time. Arieda City won't hold, it only retained a hundred Combat Class users, but it can be warned. And when those beasts come, you can help us kill them. Tear them to shreds. Make them feel how it feels."

No one responded. Rob massaged his temples, acutely aware of how much the next few minutes were going to suck.


King Cyraeneus had gained a new partner in skepticism. Despite Rob warning Sorenne of the cold reception that might be awaiting the coalition at Arieda City, she refused to believe him. In her current emotional state, she likely wasn't capable of believing him. The revelation of her Leader being controlled by the Blight would've been a tough sell on any day, let alone now.

Rob made sure to glean a silver lining from that headache of a conversation: new information. Sorenne confirmed that roughly a thousand Harpies across the nation had suddenly died around two weeks ago, although she wholeheartedly blamed the Dragonkin for the 'mass poisonings'. It proved that at least one aspect of Elnaril's story was accurate.

Upon hearing that, King Cyraeneus didn't say a word for the rest of the trip.

They arrived at Arieda City several hours later. Its outward appearance both met and subverted Rob's expectations. He'd assumed that a settlement near the Harpy border – needing to act as a bulwark against invaders – would be large and heavily-defended. Instead, it wasn't any bigger than the average Fiend city, and the walls surrounding it were only marginally more fortified than The Village, which had been a hastily-built settlement in the middle of Elven territory.

Maybe it's on account of the Harpies' flight, he hypothesized. Compared to other races, their unparalleled mobility allowed them to retreat with minimal casualties when being attacked. Rather than defending any one settlement to the death, it might be more expedient to let it fall, then come back later with a bigger army. The city's light fortifications would also make it easier for the Harpies to reclaim it. Some buildings were even built much taller than the others, rising high above the city walls, possibly to give a flight-bound reclaiming force easy landing access.

All that was just conjecture, though. Rob could ask Sorenne to confirm it, but at the moment, discussing how well a Harpy city could hold out against attackers would be...insensitive.

"They've spotted us," Sorenne said, in a subdued tone. She gazed at the walls of Arieda City with an emotion Rob wasn't able to discern. "Why haven't they sent messengers to greet us?"

"Because what we told you about King Elnaril is true," Keira affirmed, not unkindly.


Sorenne said nothing, for a time. Eventually, she stepped forward, spreading her wings. "I shall talk with them."

Rob didn't try to stop her. He'd intended for Diplomacy to speak first with Arieda City, but one of the Harpies' own scouts vouching for the coalition would be even better. None of the Leaders had any objections, either, so they collectively watched in silence as Sorenne took off flying towards the city and disappeared beneath its walls.

Half an hour passed. Someone offhandedly asked how much longer the coalition should wait before walking up and knocking on Arieda's front door. Cyraeneus, Sylpeiros, Nerasi, and the Grand Overseer all proposed wildly different numbers ranging from twenty minutes to twenty hours. Rob was the only one to say that he wasn't sure, earning him a round of scandalized looks. Apparently, Leaders weren't supposed to admit that they might not know the right choice to make. It implied weakness and blah blah.

Freaking weirdos. What in the world did they think being Level 81 actually meant? That an encyclopedic knowledge of political warfare had been downloaded directly into his brain? It felt like people's expectations were getting loftier by the hour. He'd just have to keep denying he was a real Leader until he was blue in the face – maybe one day, someone would listen.

The whole discussion ended up being moot, anyway. Sorenne returned before they'd finished hashing out a timeframe. Her face was gaunt, as if she'd pulled an all-nighter since they'd last seen her. "The people of Arieda City wish for you to leave," she said, in that same subdued tone.

Seneschal Sylpeiros folded his arms. "Have they given an explanation as to why?"

"...King Elnaril has declared you to be an invading force. If you seek to avoid conflict with Harpy territory, then you must go."

"And you know full well why we can't."

Sorenne turned away, hiding her expression. "Yes."

Rob decided to ask a question that had been on his mind. This one was potentially insensitive as well, but it was better than letting Sylpeiros run his mouth around a distraught Harpy who was looking increasingly dead inside. "Why wasn't Arieda evacuated? If we actually were an evil invading force, a hundred Combat Class users wouldn't be able to stop us from taking the city."

Her wings tensed. "The King informed Arieda City that its inhabitants should stay. If you attack, then we...they are to defend themselves." She hesitated. "And if you leave, then their orders are to regroup with the greater Harpy army. Strike at your back."

Riardin's Rangers and the Leaders exchanged confused glances – except for Rob, who clenched his fists in grim understanding. Elnaril, you piece of shit. Want to see if we'll kill your people to make our lives easier, don't you? Fuck that noise. I'm not playing yours or anyone else's game.

Brushing past his allies, Rob stomped towards Arieda City, ignoring the worried shouts behind him. His feet moved faster, faster, until suddenly, he was standing in front of the city gates. A drawbridge-type structure stood before him, reinforced with steel.

"HEY!" Rob pounded his fist on the gate. "OPEN UP! PIZZA DELIVERY! GET IT WHILE IT'S FRESH!"

No response.

Fine. Rob summoned a crate of Firebombs from his Bound Items, stepped back, and threw it at the gates. "RIARDIN SPECIAL!"


The formerly-pristine reinforced steel was dented now, slightly bent inwards. Rob waited three seconds for Bind Item's cooldown to reset, then summoned another crate of Firebombs. "RIARDIN SPECIAL!"





After the latest BOOM, a Harpy poked his head over the top of the parapets. "Stop doing that!" he hollered down. Even from a distance, Rob could hear hushed whispers urging the Harpy back.

"I will if you open the gates!"


"Then also no." Rob eyed the gates; they were significantly dented now, really starting to crumple. It looked sad, almost melancholy, begging to be put out of its misery.


The Harpy tried to yell something, but Rob couldn't hear it over the BOOM. "WHAT?!" he called out.


"I'm just built different!"

There was a pause. "I do not understand what that means!"

"Open the door, and I'll tell you!"

"King Elnaril has stated that-"


The Harpy recoiled. He muttered something, speaking too quietly for Rob to hear, but his quivering lips told the story.

"I thought so." Rob summoned another crate of Firebombs. He leaned down, resting his elbows atop the crib of adorable little babies. "Here's the deal! Open the fucking gates, and I swear to you – on my life – that no Harpies will die! Keep it closed, and I'll chuck Firebombs until you don't have a gate anymore! Then my allies will storm inside, and without your surrender, I can't guarantee what they'll do! SEEMS LIKE A PRETTY GODDAMN STRAIGHTFORWARD CHOICE!"

Ten seconds passed.

A tortured creak echoed. The gates whined piteously as they rose, buckling metal struggling not to fall apart, yet they rose all the same.

Intimidation Level Increased! 2 → 3

Intimidation Level Increased! 3 → 4

Huh, Rob mused. He turned around, grinning when he discovered his allies standing nearby, gaping at him in shock. Guess the Overseer was right. We didn't need a complicated plan after all.


Rob's giddy mood lasted for five whole minutes. Practically a record, by Elatran standards. Then the coalition stepped through the opened Arieda gates, and he was forced to confront the realities of making an entire city surrender.

It was like being at the head of a parade procession, except the cheers of joy had been replaced with hushed looks of fear, apprehension, and loathing. The Harpies graced the coalition with what were legitimately the nastiest stares Rob had ever seen, even worse than the Village Elves back when he'd first joined. And considering that those Elves literally formed an angry mob outside of his apartment, that was an impressive standard to meet.

Group Message Sent to Party
Rob: Yikes. Rough crowd.
Diplomacy: This is on par with my expectations.
Diplomacy: What, were you anticipating a celebration in our honor?
Rob: I thought we'd get a frosty reception, but this is less 'frosty' and more 'buried deep in the Antarctic tundra'.
Diplomacy: Most of them believe this ceasefire to be a sham, and that we are here to kill them.
Diplomacy: Thank Elnaril for that.
Zamira: Can you convince them otherwise?
Diplomacy: I'm looking forward to trying. Should make for an exciting challenge.

Before any of the Leaders could address the mass of Harpies, Diplomacy stepped forth and raised their voice. "Greetings, people of Arieda City," they began, in a singsong voice that matched their Elven guise. "My name is Belria. If you could spare me a few words, I'd like to address the concerns that are no doubt plaguing your minds."

Cyraeneus and Nerasi glared at Sylpeiros, nonverbally telling him to get his Elf under control. Sylpeiros made a subtle pantomime expressing how this wasn't one of his Elves, then jerked his head towards the Grand Overseer. The Overseer shrugged in Rob's direction, indicating that this Elf was a friend of Riardin's Rangers, and good luck controlling anyone associated with that band of miscreants.

None of them said a word openly, as doing so would exhibit a lack of group cohesion to the Harpies – which meant they let Diplomacy continue to speak unabated. Rob suppressed the evil grin fighting to spread across his face. Whenever dumb political machinations worked in his favor, it almost made up for all the other times it made him want to rip his hair out.

"We are not here to conquer," Diplomacy proclaimed, to the disbelief of every Harpy present. "Let me state that with the utmost certainty. Should you cooperate, no Harpies will die today."

"And what would our cooperation entail?" a Level 30 Harpy who was standing at the front asked. Presumably, he was in charge.

If that's the best they've got, Rob thought, then they should've saved us time and surrendered after the first Riardin Special. I get that most of their highest-Level soldiers have joined the main Harpy army, but still. Riardin himself was Level 48, and he wasn't enough to protect a city from invaders.

"Our requests are simple," Diplomacy assured. "To start with, your Combat Class users must lay down their weapons. That way, no unfortunate accidents can occur, and needless conflict will be avoided."

They left out the part where the coalition was planning to break those weapons. Revealing that would just complicate the message.

In response, the Harpy-in-charge scowled. "By taking our weapons, you make it easier to slaughter our people without recourse."

"You overestimate yourself," Seneschal Sylpeiros interrupted. "We are aware that only one hundred Combat Class users reside here, and that they are of meager renown. Weapons or no weapons, your resistance would amount to nothing."

A wave of discontent swept through the Harpies. Diplomacy peered back and raised their eyebrows at Sylpeiros. Rob wasn't sure what black magic was contained in those eyebrows, because after a few moments of stubbornness, the Seneschal – miraculously – averted his gaze, mumbling something inaudible.

"Not to worry," Diplomacy continued, addressing the Harpies once more. "The Seneschal is merely emphasizing how pointless a conflict between our respective sides would be. None of us wish for blood to be spilled today."

"King Elnaril said otherwise."

Diplomacy's eyes glinted with buried enthusiasm, so well-hidden that only their friends in Riardin's Rangers noticed it. "That brings me to our second request. Am I correct in assuming that Sorenne has apprised you of what's become of King Elnaril?"

The Harpy-in-charge grimaced like he'd bit into a slice of rotten cheese, then emphatically spat on the ground. Rob got the impression that, even before the Diplomacy Skill was removed from all Elatrans, this guy hadn't exactly been captain of the debate team. "She's told us of your lies, yes. Just how foolish do you think that we are? I've heard more believable tales from drunkards attempting to charm a barmaid out of her smallclothes. Zephyria above, you're consorting with Fiends-"

"Stonewarden Grant was killed by the Blight."

A thunderclap of silence resounded across the wide streets. Diplomacy waited a few calculated seconds, then struck again. "King Cyraeneus and Seneschal Sylpeiros nearly met their ends as well. Were it not for a stroke of good fortune, they might not be standing here today. Even the Dragon Queen herself didn't come out unscathed when she, in her infinite wisdom, chose to duel a Blight in single combat."

The Leaders and Nerasi looked like they wanted to throttle Diplomacy. In spite of that – or perhaps because of it – Diplomacy picked up momentum the longer they spoke, their speech gradually captivating the Harpy audience.

"When we say that King Elnaril has run afoul of the Blight, that does not mean we believe him to be weak. Far from it. The very best of us have crossed swords with the Blight – and lost, time and time again. It is understandable that you would mistrust the words of outsiders, yet let me ask you this. Why are we here? Clearly, it isn't to make war. What purpose does our presence serve? Why would multiple Leaders gather together and rush recklessly into foreign lands, if not to rescue one of their own from the clutches of that which threatens us all?"

The Harpy-in-charge went from combative to contemplative. His wings curled inward, a body language mannerism Rob was learning to associate with deep thought. "That doesn't explain why you desire our weapons," the Harpy muttered.

"Only a precaution. While we would love to join forces in full, we recognize that some will refuse to heed our warnings. It will be much more difficult to rescue King Elnaril if his own people are harrying us at every turn."

The focus on Rescuing Elnaril seemed to be effective. Some of the Harpies were starting to buy what Diplomacy was selling, or were at least willing to browse. It wasn't working on everyone, though; a large portion of the crowd still appeared deeply mistrustful and unwilling to listen. How things snowballed from here would come down to whichever loud voice spoke up next.

Mercifully, that voice belonged to a young Harpy Swordmaster who unclasped his blade and furiously tossed it to the ground. "This is what I warned you of!" he shouted, red in the face. "Those rumors of disappearances in the capital are true!"

"Shut your mouth!" a second Harpy retorted. "That's a baseless supposition, and you know it!"

"I haven't been able to contact my siblings for days, you wing-clipped, feather-brained, lung-addled sack of-"

New voices piped up, overlapping with louder dissent and just as loud agreement. The Harpies, who minutes ago had been ready to carry out a heroic last stand against murderous invaders, suddenly seemed on the verge of a self-inflicted riot. As they descended into raucous bickering, Diplomacy turned towards the coalition and gave everyone a small, imperceptible bow.

Group Message Sent to Party
Rob: ...did you plan that last bit?
Diplomacy: I wish I could take credit, but no. It came down to a toss of the coin.
Diplomacy: And if some of them weren't already harboring doubts, this wouldn't have been possible at all.
Orn'tol: Should you not...calm them down?
Diplomacy: Why? So they can fight us?
Diplomacy: Let them tire themselves out. In a few minutes, they'll be amenable to suggestions.

That sounded like a method typically reserved for handling toddlers on a sugar rush, but Rob wasn't going to argue with the expert.


Shockingly, the expert was right. Once the Harpies resolved their mini-riot – that the coalition watched in full, afflicted with a growing sense of secondhand embarrassment – they quickly agreed to lay down their weapons and talk things out. It wasn't that they believed Diplomacy more than before; rather that any semblance of unity in their ranks had been shattered. The heroic last stand they'd imagined in their heads was gone, tarnished by the realities of internal strife.

All things considered, it hadn't even been that difficult to sway them. Diplomacy's speech was good, but just like buildings collapsed under weak foundations, an uproar wouldn't have started if the Harpies were truly as one-minded as they'd pretended to be.

Rob sympathized. From the perspective of the average Arieda Harpy, the last two weeks were a total shitshow. First the 'mass poisonings', then the Dragonkin invading, then Elnaril giving news of an invading coalition, then Elnaril telling them not to evacuate, and then that coalition turning around and claiming that Elnaril had been captured by the Blight. Little wonder that there was discord among their ranks.

On the plus side, Rob was now 100 Mercoins richer.

If I was a Harpy, I definitely wouldn't have believed the coalition without ironclad proof, Rob thought, as he walked through the city streets. Seen too many fucked up war documentaries to trust anyone who tells me to disarm for my own safety. No, wait, if I was a Harpy, then I wouldn't have watched war documentaries. The hypothetical doesn't work. What if...when I initially came to Elatra, the gods dumped me here instead of Ixatan Forest? Then the Harpies take me in, gradually accept me...until my unstable soul crumbles to pieces without tune-ups from Fiend Soul Surgeons. But then what if...

It was a convenient thought experiment to kill time as he waited for something to happen. At present, Rob was touring Arieda City with Keira and a crew of Gellin that he'd unofficially dubbed the Blight Hunters, patent pending. Their goal was to ferret out any Blighted Harpies that might be lurking in the city's midst.

Sense Corruption hadn't been able to detect Featro before he revealed himself, so to pick up the slack, the Gellin were volunteering to help out. Even if the Blighted Harpies were somehow perfect replicas of the original, they couldn't deceive actual mind readers.

Message Received From Party Member: Keira
Keira: Rob, what do you intend to do if we encounter a Blighted Harpy?
Rob: Purge its Corruption. Thought that went without saying.
Keira: Featro claimed that if you Purged his Corruption, it would kill him.
Keira: The other Blighted Harpies are likely the same.
Keira: To the normal Harpies of Arieda City, who have no frame of reference for Purge Corruption, it will appear as if you murdered an innocent civilian via some unknown magic.
Rob: ...Crap.
Rob: Uh.
Rob: We tell everyone they had a heart attack?
Keira: Hmm.
Keira: After that stunt you pulled with the Firebombs, they may be inclined to believe you capable of frightening people to such a degree.
Rob: Hey, now. A stunt that works is just called a plan.
Rob: A brilliant, genius plan.
Keira: You know, loving you so much can be problematic at times.
Keira: It makes me tempted to let you get away with lines like that.

Rob's dopey smile turned brittle as he heard a frantic voice calling his name. He looked up right in time to see Sorenne the Harpy flying towards him, panic stricken across her face.

It's just one thing after another, isn't it. "What's the problem?" he asked, the second Sorenne touched down.

She told him.

And Rob's blood fucking boiled in his veins.

He ran with Step of the Wind, traversing across six streets in less than a minute. The white-hot rage bubbling inside him nearly burst open when he reached the seventh. "HEY!" he shouted, even louder than when he'd been communicating with Harpies perched at the top of the city parapets. "The FUCK do you think you're doing?!"

A group of Merfolk soldiers froze the instant they heard his voice. Froze, with their weapons raised high. Froze, in front of the Harpy Utility Class users who they were obviously about to attack.

"Did you trade your brains for more Levels?" Rob hissed, striding forward. "I would ask for an explanation, but I doubt you have a good one."

"They snuck up on us with knives," one Merfolk reasoned. "Attempted an ambush."

"No shit. We're in their city. Let it go."

The Merfolk narrowed his eyes. "We aren't as absurdly durable as you, Lord Human. A well-placed stab to the back could prove fatal, even from Utility Class users. Without immediate healing-"

"We HAVE healers! Just...for Christ's sake, did you miss the repeated promises we made not to kill anyone?"

Whether out of bravery or stupidity, the Merfolk soldier straightened his posture. "With all due respect, Lord Human, you are the one only member of our coalition who's raised their hand against Harpy territory thus far."

"Don't try that horseshit," Rob seethed. "What's my list of casualties? A goddamn door? I threw fireworks to get the Harpies to stand down. Because in case you've forgotten, this isn't a real invasion, and you aren't a real invader."

He summoned a longsword from his Spatial Storage. "Don't make me treat you like one."

Both the Merfolk and the Harpies stared at him with shocked, terrified expressions. Rob didn't care. Let them be afraid. Maybe then they'd think twice before pulling a stunt like this in the future. I turn my back for TWO SECONDS and war crimes are already-

"Rob!" another, different panicked voice called, from down the street. "Lord Rob!"

Oh. My. Gaaaaawd. Rob turned around, putting his PR-Friendly Disarming Smile™ through a stress test as he greeted the approaching messenger. "Look," he began. "I don't mean to be rude. But whatever this is, unless it's a bunch of Dragonkin appearing over the horizon, someone else can handle it."

The messenger winced.



Changes, Skill List, Character Sheet

Thanks for reading!


Jonathan Crandall

Fucking hell I'm getting Monty Python vibes at the gate hahahaha


Knock knock! Who's there? Riardin. Riardin who? RIARDIN SPECIAL!