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Time passed after Jason’s duel against Valmight, long enough that his group healed up from the incident. Physically, at least. The mental scars remained. Jason wasn’t sure if there was enough time in the finite universe for that to change.

Sometimes, during the worst nights, he had nightmares. Usually he was plagued by memories of infinity, whispers of things seen and half-forgotten. Other times he saw visions of the prisoners in Valmight’s facility, people who’d witnessed the sheer size of existence and gone mad at the knowing.

Jason himself nearly went mad as well. During the very worst nights, he still thought that he might. It would’ve been easier if he tried to forget what he saw, and made an effort to move on.

He chose not to. There was some useful stuff to be found in those malformed remembrances of infinity. Occasionally, it felt like the things he saw gave him an idea of what to do, and how things were supposed to go.

Although those occasional flashes didn’t help *that* much. Jason couldn’t always recall the details of what he’d seen, and even when he could, there was no guarantee that they were about his reality instead of some far-off civilization that vaguely resembled his. Despite all that, he still felt compelled to remember, even if it sometimes felt like it would drive him crazy.

Thankfully, he didn’t need to worry about that. If he ever came close to actually going crazy, there were plenty of people that would happily knock some sense into him.

And at least one that would beat the shit out of him without even needing an excuse.

“Block!” Baker screamed as he brought his sword down in a vertical slash. When Jason blocked the hit, the other man continued to press on. “What’s the matter? Going soft on me already, human?”

Jason and Baker had the exact same strength. Their leverage, angle of approach, and technique could have decided the result of the exchange – but neither man was trying to put too much thought behind their swings. Not today.

This was just for relaxation.

Granted, their method of cooling down was by fighting in an abandoned city after killing dozens of Blightspawn, but the point remained.

“You’re also a human now, dumbass!” Jason shouted. He brought his boot against Baker’s chest, pushing him away. It was then that Jason realized, with some mild annoyance, that his kicks didn’t send the man as far as they should have. “Did you seriously level up more since yesterday? Goddamn it man, get a hobby.”

Baker grunted. “I have a hobby! But leveling up is vital if we want to kill my mas– the gods. So stop being lazy, and get stronger with me!”

“I mean, you’re doing such a good job though – I’m kidding!” Jason added, holding up both his arms to protest his innocence. “We can hit up the farm later. The military’s got a big batch of monsters captured, just waiting for us to kill.”

“Good. I refuse to be the only one leveling us up.”

Their link hadn’t been severed once Baker became ‘human.’ It just became something else instead. While their abilities and stat spread were both incredibly different, they were chained together in a particularly unexpected way.

Whenever one of them gained Experience, the other gained it as well. It wasn’t a matter of splitting the difference; the two of them were duplicating and then sharing their kills.

There was no way it was intentional or normal. Between the gods altering Baker, Valmight’s experiments, Baker’s attempt at copying a human, and Jason peering into infinity, something within the system had gotten messed up along the way.

Jason wasn’t about to complain, though. This was all positives.

Baker set down his sword and pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket. “I have our schedule planned out.”

Okay, it was mostly positives.

“Listen up, human. First, you’ll head over to that military farm and kill whatever they’ve collected. Meanwhile, I’ll head down to one of the abandoned cities and kill whatever I can find. By noon, we’ll meet up at–”

If Jason liked challenge runs and Rob liked to power-level, then Baker was probably someone who'd be really, really into speedruns. “–We can get three and a half levels by the end of the week if we do this right,” Baker continued, “and we should be in shape to kill the gods in just a few years.”

Well, I can’t complain about his enthusiasm, Jason thought, a smile coming to his face. Besides, he and I aren’t so different – we both skip cutscenes. For different reasons, but still. “Yeah. It’ll be nice to actually inflict some damage on them.”

Baker nodded. “What of the others?”

“Jeanette is getting scarily good with that gun of hers. She can make the thing do loops now, it’s horrifying.”

Truthfully, Jason thought it was cool as hell. But he’d learned that Baker found Jeanette’s nonchalant attitude towards fighting to be off-putting, so Jason didn’t want to freak him out too much. The new human seemed to think something was genuinely wrong with her.

...Jeanette was dating Jason, so she was probably missing a few screws, but hey.

“What of Dinoman?” Baker’s question came in a tone of dead seriousness. Jason had to try very hard to keep his face straight. There was something distinctly funny about the fact that the man actually thought that was Lucio’s first name. Jason could have corrected him, but, nah. “Has he control of his Blightspawn?”

Jason frowned, then hesitantly agreed. “Wouldn’t say that he’s in...control, exactly, but the two of them appear to have come to an agreement of sorts.”

Baker gave a neutral sort of grunt. He apparently considered that a satisfactory response. “Good.”

“Not gonna ask about Danse?”

“The human?”

“We’re all human, jackass.”

“You know what I mean, goddamn it!” Baker frantically exclaimed. For a moment Jason was afraid he was going to sucker-sword-swing him in the face, but the new human showed some restraint. “He doesn’t have access to the System, and he can’t wield any of Valmight’s weapons. There isn’t much he can offer us.”

“Well...not necessarily.”

The military had been trying to recover all the fragments of Valmight’s armor that were left in the ocean. Lucio had shattered the thing into a thousand pieces, but it was still made from Blighted flesh. Considering how well Baker and Lucio healed up from their injuries, it wouldn’t be too strange if the armor could work again.

And if they had to pick someone to wear it...well, Danse was one of the military men with the most experience fighting against Blightspawn. In fact, Jason thought, looking absently at Baker, he’s one of the only men who fought Baker and lived to tell the story.

Sometimes he wondered whether they should address Baker’s past. It didn’t seem like the new human had started to feel guilt over it, but he would soon, once his emotions caught up to him. For now it was better to keep it quiet – in every way.

Jason and Danse had created a cover-up story regarding his identity to ensure that no one knew who Baker really was. Much as they were content to ignore his past as a biological machine of death, they didn’t think most people would be. Fortunately, their version of events had been very concise and believable, and the General was happy to accept it.

What the fuck do you mean Miller?” the General had protested. He slammed his fist onto the marble desk, as upset generals tended to do. “The white-haired version of you is – *also* you? From a different dimension?”

He’s me from the seventh dimension fused with magic of an ancient civilization. He’s also part dinosaur – wait, no, that’s Lucio. Gustavo is part phoenix – wait, no, he killed the phoenix man. Ah, let’s say he’s part falcon. Yeah, part falcon! Didn’t you catch the lore? Tsk, tsk. You gotta remember to transcribe everything for the media. Ah, also, if he gets upset he’ll detonate himself and it would be like the size of seven nukes, so maybe don’t do that.”

The General frowned and rubbed his temples. “I have no idea how much of that is bullshit you’re feeding me.”

And you won’t. It’s better this way, isn’t it? That way you’re not technically lying when you report it to everyone else.”

It was true, but the older man still looked like he wanted to slam his fist again.

Baker couldn’t read Jason’s mind, despite their link. But sometimes it felt like he could. “Human, think about it for a moment – do you truly believe the human lords are going to let yet another person connected to you attain more power? Get real. They’re going to want to fragment that power amongst themselves, and that’s if they can fix the armor.”

Jason blinked twice, trying to keep a straight face at ‘human lords’ being used to refer to the government. Well, it wasn’t entirely inaccurate, really. “Let them try. I prefer Danse to someone I don’t know. And I can be really persuasive.”

At this, the new human grinned and tapped at his sword. “You’re saying we can force them.”

“No!” Jason cried out, horrified. He pulled out a chunk of metal from his pocket. Some spare parts had been carelessly tossed inside a ziplock bag, then stuffed in without much regard. “Not like they can do much without all the fragments. Got this and some other stuff back at the beach – they’re gonna have to accept my terms if they want these back.”

Baker gazed at the Blight Armor fragments in silence for a moment before nodding, his eyes never lifting to meet Jason’s. “You would absolutely start swinging your sword around if they didn’t listen to you.”

“No – I mean, okay, maybe,” he admitted. “Not like we even know for sure it’s going to get fixed though. For all we know the armor is just broken forever. I just don’t like being told what to do by anyone.”


It had been a while since the gods had spoken to him. Ever since he took Baker’s eye – maybe since he gazed into infinity – he could no longer feel the chill that used to announce their presence. Neither did he feel like he struggled to breathe when they spoke to him anymore.

Jason glanced at Baker, who nodded in confirmation. He could hear them too.

“Hey gods, been a while. Can I grab you a cup of coffee?”

There was a cool, heavy air that brushed against Jason’s face – yet he did not feel cold. It was the same feeling as being outside in the snow, but having enough warm clothes on not to care about it.


The pressure itself seemed lesser than before, as if fewer gods were speaking to him now. Maybe only one, whatever that implied. Jason decided to humor it anyway.

“Obey what? You haven’t even tried to bullshit me yet. C’mon,” he said, gesturing at the air. “Start saying dumb shit so I can tell you to fuck off.”


This grabbed Jason’s attention enough for him to momentarily drop the jokes. What could they want him to–


“Ah, fuck off,” Jason shouted. Of course, why else would they allow him to speak to him? It made sense that there was only one god speaking – the others wouldn’t have signed off on this weak of a sales pitch. “Haven’t you realized by now that you have no leverage anymore? Go touch grass, for fuck’s sake.”


He did. More than anything else in the world. He would fight another Valmight – he would fight a hundred other Valmights – just to have one five-minute conversation with Rob right now. He knew the guy was safe, that everything would turn out okay. That wasn’t why he wanted to talk to him.

Jason just missed talking to his friend. “I’m not gonna call him up and ask him to join your pyramid scheme, my dude.” He laughed, his blood suddenly boiling as a competitive spirit surged within him. “Say...you have something I want, and I have something you want.”

There was no response, but the air shifted around the room.

“I’m the guy you can use to try and control Rob,” Jason said, in the tone of someone admitting guilt over an odd sin. “While you’re the ones fucking over literally the entire planet – and another world too, I think.”

He turned to Baker. “What was it called again?”

“Elatra,” Baker said, solemnly. He wasn’t as comfortable speaking to the gods as Jason was, but no one could claim the man was intimidated either. “I’ll fill you in on the details later.”

“Yes, Elatra, that,” Jason said, with a shrug. “So the way I see it – we should meet up. Invite me to your palace, gods. Let’s meet face to face. You can try to kill me, and I’ll try to kill you.”


Well, it was worth a shot. Taunting had worked with Valmight, after all. It made sense that the gods would be more stubborn about it.

“Why not?” Jason pressed on. “What, you don’t want to fight me?”

To his surprise, what followed was more than silence; it was complete stillness. Even the air that usually shifted when the gods threatened him held itself in place. It was as if Jason had stumbled upon a deer frozen by an oncoming truck.

That’s real fear. There’s at least one god who’s actually afraid of me. He hadn’t expected that. What had he done to make them fear him?

Jason laughed. When the sound was done echoing around him, he laughed again, this time in a more unhinged manner than before. He looked and sounded mad – by design. Truthfully, he felt quite calm. Come on. Let’s see just how scared you are.

“I’ll do worse than killing you when I find you,” Jason whispered in a low voice.


“There you go again, talking some mad shit about me not being able to find you. C’mon, now, that’s pathetic. You’re trying to brag about hiding in fear from me.” Jason reached for the Blightspawn inside him. It stirred, screamed, and he allowed the crackles of red lightning to snap near him. “It’s because you know what’s going to happen when I get near you.”


“You want me to feel scared that I can’t find you, but it’s the other way around, isn’t it? Turns out you’re the one who’s praying every night hoping that Jason Miller doesn’t find your hidey-hole.”

The question is, why are you scared of me? What have I done?


Baker suddenly let out a thoughtful, “Ah,” and smirked. “I think they don’t know what’s going to happen when they see you. And that’s just it. Gods that used to have knowledge beyond our understanding are now cowering because of the unknown. They don’t have the slightest idea what kind of abilities you’ve gained after mixing the System with a Blightspawn.”

Was that it? No..there’s something else. But what? Jason narrowed his eyes trying to recall it all–what had he done that freaked them out so much? It wasn’t just a matter of raw power.


This time, the pressure increased, more gods adding their voices. They protested fiercely, a chaotic symphony of myriad voices denying Jason with all their might.


Perfect timing for this, then. Jason brought his entirely empty hand to his mouth, as if drinking an invisible glass of water. At first, neither Baker nor the gods noticed it. When they did, their reactions were loud and immediate. “Human – Miller,” Baker stuttered. “The water...”


Five meters across from them, near their bags, Jason’s water bottle started to become lighter. It wasn’t leaking. The water was simply being drank without ever coming close to Jason’s lips.


“Can you use all of Valmight’s abilities?” Baker asked. “Is that what your new form can do?”

Jason laughed. “Who knows?” His smirk turned taunting, adrenaline filling his heart. Right now, it felt as if he was staring down the gods directly in their faces. “Isn’t it more fun when you don’t know for sure what you’re getting?”

“If you used Dimension Strike like that...if we keep leveling up, you should be able to hit the gods once we find out exactly where they are in relation to us,” Baker mused. He appeared lost in thought. “Miller, how long have you been able to–”


The voices sounded nearly desperate. After a few seconds, Jason concluded that it didn’t really matter why they were scared of him – not at this exact moment, at least.
Maybe it was worth remembering for later, but he should focus on the here and now.

“Let me tell you how this is gonna go, shall I?” Jason started. He made his voice as booming and arrogant as he could. “I don’t know exactly what’s going on with Rob in Elena. I don’t know what Level he is, or even how much of a pain he’s being to you right now.”

“Elatra,” Baker corrected him.

Jason went on like he didn’t hear him. “But what I can tell you is that over there, he has the perfect chance to find you. And he’s going to.”


“Nah.” Jason had experienced many lifetimes in that brief flash. None of them remained in his memory by the end of it. “Not even remotely.”

There came a cacophony of screechy sounds that approximated screams from the realm of the gods. THEN–HOW–?

“Because I know him. Rob is obstinate, pedantic, meticulous, and he never stops until he gets something done. He’s going to solve you like a puzzle and then burn you to the ground. And once I see the smoke coming off your still breathing corpse, I’m going to punch you across dimensions to make sure you know what my fist feels like.”

An odd reaction came. Numerous voices screamed in unison, but this time they didn’t try to intimidate him as they once had. These screams were more high-pitched, frustrated, growing distant as if retreating. Seriously, what the hell did I do?

“Enjoy the last moments of your miserable existence. Come fuck around on Earth again and find out what happens – or just let Rob find you first. Whichever you prefer.”

The cold air left the room without warning. Silence dawned, so suddenly and intensely it almost felt like an apology from the wind for daring to intrude. Jason and Baker exchanged a glance and a smirk. That had gone rather well. Maybe the gods wouldn’t even bother contacting them anymore.

Then again, given the loud screech off in the distance, maybe they would still try to kill them in silence.

“Sounds like they’re going to be tossing more monsters at you now,” Baker noted, staring off into the distance and searching for the source of the sound. “And you don’t look annoyed.”

“Don’t whine. You were the one saying you wanted to level up faster. This way they’ll be throwing stronger enemies at us, so you’re welcome.” Just then, his phone vibrated. Jason tapped his bluetooth headset to answer the call.

Jason?” Danse called out. “Seven Blightspawn spotted two kilometers to the north of your location. Would give you estimates but – just follow the explosions. I’m driving Jeanette there right now.”

“Jeanette? Is she insane? She can’t have healed from fighting Valmight yet.”

There was some vague static on the other end, and then Danse continued, “We’ll be there soon. Seven to the north, remember that.”

Jason heaved a heavy sigh. “Seven to the north? Got it.” He nodded to himself at first, then at Baker, who acknowledged the information. “What about Lucio?”

He’s already there.

“Got it.”

Jason hung up the phone and took a deep breath. This was going to be a long day. He was more optimistic about how things were going to turn out now, though. The gods had no idea what his abilities could really do, and Rob was definitely still being a pain in their ass. Now it was just a matter of leveling up and getting ready to punch them in the face when the time came.

And even if the gods started sending stronger Blightspawn at him...that was fine. He had a good team with him. So long as they worked together, nothing could stop–

“I’m going ahead, human!” Baker shouted, running away from him.

Jason reached out to stop him, but the man leaped into the air and transformed himself into a gigantic bird before flying away. Apparently he had faced someone who was afraid of a giant bird...at some point.

“BAKER YOU BASTARD WAIT FOR–” Jason’s exclamation died in his throat when he saw that his lookalike was already too far to hear him. Choosing to take it in stride, the Red Blur shook his head and laughed.

Yeah. It’s how it should be. He put both hands to his hips, allowing the laughter to take him over for a moment. Even now, he couldn’t bring himself to be annoyed.

Not when everything was looking up.

“Well then...can’t let him show me up too much, right?” Jason squatted down and stood up several times in a quick warmup. He reached for the sword on his back with one hand, touched the side of his face with another, and shouted: “BLIGHT–INS–TALL!”


And that's it for Side Story 2! We hope you've enjoyed the ride. Thanks for your patience as we got the final chapter ready, and as always, thanks again for reading.



Can't wait to find out who the gods and system really are, also raganvi is gonna be a fun fight

Dennis Hornsby

Hey there can ya answer a question? I know that it isn't confirmed in the story(atleast I don't think it is) but what is the km^2 of the Elatran continent?