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Taking Lucio back to the base was surprisingly only mildly annoying. Jason had expected most of the difficulties – the press tried to ambush them just outside the stadium, as they expected, but they were fairly easy to escape from. It was a little bit more difficult when it came to the military itself. For some reason, they were oddly unhappy about Jason’s rogue operation to bring Dinoman to their side.

“You cannot do that!” General Marques only spoke with Jason to pose for photo ops or complain. Jason wasn’t sure he’d ever seen the man give one genuine smile. “Do you think you are above your own country? You had orders to stay put, soldier. We hadn’t decided whether to neutralize the target or–”

A few short months ago, Jason would’ve tried to play peacemaker. He would’ve smiled, made up an excuse, pretended he was sorry. But since then the military had tried to vivisect him, and try as he might, Jason couldn’t muster up any shits to give. “I’m technically not a soldier,” he remarked. “Been over this. Besides, Lucio is a friend of mine – you told me I could bring some friends to the base to make up for the whole vivisection thing.”

“That meant your girlfriend, not a borderline abomination. I think it goes without saying that we would only allow humans on the military base where we built your ridiculous monster farm.”

The Red Blur leaned forward, placed his elbow on the table, and raised his index finger. “Okay, first of all, that is sort of racist. Just wanna throw that out there. Second of all, like you said, he’s borderline. Lucio is totally human.” Then, in a more serious tone, he added, “And he’s my friend now. I’m not going to leave his fate up to the same people that tried to cut me open like a frog. The wrestling bullshit happened live – no way you can get rid of him now without the public eating you alive.”

“Is that your strategy now, Miller?” General Marques was an older man, and he spoke in a tone that was somehow at once both dry and full of contempt, the way only white-haired career military men could. “Do you plan on just doing whatever you want and hoping that if you do it publicly enough we can’t touch you?”

Jason frowned and began patting down his own body as if searching for a lost wallet. He looked to the side, narrowed his eyes, then flashed a wide grin when his hands touched his chest. “I mean, I look pretty untouched right now. No guarantees I would still be this way if your men had–”

“I know!” he grunted. “Trust me, I know. What they tried to do to you is...absurd. I tried to stop them, and they ran ahead with the experiment anyway.”

There was some truth to that. Factions formed in the military like a goddamn high school cafeteria, and the Outsider invasion hadn’t really made things better. No one could agree on the right way to tackle it. To their credit, they had issued a warrant for the men who tried to vivisect him. To their discredit, Jason didn’t think they would have done so if the scientist had actually managed to cut him open.

He also thought that the scientist leading the effort was only on the run because no one was trying to catch him too hard. Probably a lot of sympathizers pulling strings.

The general heaved a heavy sigh. “You don’t understand how bureaucracy works around here – sometimes it’s not about consensus, just getting enough people to be onboard with something that they can go ahead and physically be able to do it. Then, our hands are tied. You can’t punish high-ranking members without showing a lack of cohesion–”

“Oh, trust me, I’m aware. That’s why I’m doing shit this way.” Jason lifted up his sword and dropped it onto the table. It was too large and heavy to be called such; the sheer sound from the impact made it feel more like a heavy dumbbell. He was positive there would be a dent on both sword and table for this. “Because as the only human who can fight those monsters without casualties in the triple digits, I’m pretty fucking high up in the rankings here.”

He smiled. “Go on, try to kill those things without me. Tell me how much collateral damage you cause with the explosives, and how many people die while you spend time positioning your artillery.”

“I know that too!” General Marques exclaimed, his voice full of exasperation. “We all do. All I ask is that you remember I am on your side. I want to help you, and it’s a lot harder when you pull shit like this. If you had come to me first, I could’ve found a way to frame your stunt as a collective decision. Let some people save face. Now, it’s going to be much harder.”

Jason shook his head. “That’s fine. Just need you to hold things up for a few days while I sort things out.” He considered his own words. “Okay, maybe weeks. But then we’ll get Lucio doing something so good, you’ll have people begging to take credit for allowing me to bring him over to our side.”

“Just stop doing things so publicly,” the general pleaded, “that’s all I ask, Miller.”

His voice was sincere enough that Jason felt it necessary to be serious for a moment. He dropped his smile and lowered his voice. “Everything I do is for the sake of what I believe in, and the people I care about. I know it looks insane, and it might be...but it’s all for their sake. I wouldn’t have fought Lucio if I didn’t think it was the best option. Trust me here, this isn’t about my ego – it’s about doing what’s right.”

The general nodded quietly for a moment. “Everything you do?”

“Of course.”


Jason had no intention of bringing it up if the man didn’t. It was difficult to ignore the elephant in the room, but he liked to think of himself as a man who could do the impossible. The worst of it was keeping a deadpan face – how did Rob do that? – with the General the whole time. “Yes, sir. Everything.

“I see.” The General paused for a moment. “Miller, why are you carrying that around the base?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, sir.”

“That – on your shoulder.”

“Ah. This thing?”

Jason held up the ATG World Championship Title Belt. The large gold title was too uncomfortable to wear around his waist while simply walking around, so he had taken it to carrying it over his shoulder. Which was a little tiring at times; almost like a workout. “My title. I won it against the undefeated Dinoman fair and square. Pinned him right in the center, 1-2-3. Did you not catch it? Think it was live. Might’ve gone viral. Do I have you on TikTok, general?” Jason pulled out his phone. “I can send it to you, hang on, there’s this edit–”

At that moment, it wouldn’t have surprised him if the General fell over from an aneurysm. “How is THAT necessary to help your cause or the people you care for?”

“Because a champion should honor his title,” Jason replied indignantly.

The General’s mouth opened, as if ready to reply, but he forced it shut with an impressive display of willpower and restraint. I have to keep myself amused somehow, Jason thought. Nearly went crazy last time I tried to take myself too seriously. Come on now, you don’t want your only good weapon against those things to lose his mind right?

He knew better than to say that aloud. Jason had no intention of sharing weaknesses with them. Better if they thought he was just an egomaniac.

And he wasn’t.

Well, not just an egomaniac.

“You have dealt with much, and for that I give you much allowance, Miller. But you need to act like an adult – lives are at stake here! Show me some goddamn maturity!”

“I tried to act mature. Didn’t get me far. So instead, I’m going to be Jason Miller for all I’m worth.”

The General shook his head. “Just...just leave. I’ll deal with this for now. But people will want something to change if you can’t give me something to work with. The president–”

“Oh, do I get to meet with the president? Photo op or something? Oh boy. Please, please let me do that. I have a long standing bet with my friend Rob – guy said I wouldn’t dab with the president.”

For whatever reason, the old military man appeared not at all impressed or amused with that. He said nothing and stared at Jason with contempt.

“Well,” Jason began, “technically, he said ‘Please, for the love of god, I would be so embarrassed to be your friend. Don’t you dare.’ Think that counts as a dare though, which is sort of a bet. Think he’d owe me some shitty fast food for that or–”

General Marques said nothing and pointed at the door.

Jason smiled, picked up his sword with one hand and saluted him. He received no salute back, which was fair enough since he wasn’t technically a soldier. Well, that, and I’m also an asshole. Old dude probably would make an exception given the whole superpowers thing if not for that.

In response, the Red Blur made sure to keep smiling as he walked backward, maintaining eye contact the entire time as he left the room. When he reached the door, Jason spared one glance at where he’d placed his sword. Wow. That’s an uglier dent than I thought. Fortunately, as he closed the door behind him and turned to inspect his sword, he realized that at least the sword itself was perfectly undamaged.

“Huh. What the hell is this made of? The stuff they make black boxes with for airplanes?” Jason muttered to himself. He hadn’t repaired the sword in a while, not since his duel with Baker. The thing should’ve been chipped and broken to hell after that fight, but it was still in pristine condition. Odd.

“Whatever, I guess.”

Jason was barely five steps away from the door when that old, familiar old chill seized up on him. His lungs began struggling and his body seized up. Once, the feeling had driven him to his knees and made him feel powerless. Now, although he felt the pain and discomfort that came with the unannounced visit to his head, his most prevalent feeling was annoyance.


“Yeah, shh, not here. Wait a moment. Would it kill for you to use a goddamn phone like a normal person?” Jason muttered annoyedly. He brought up a hand to his ear as if answering a bluetooth headset in case anyone happened to come by. Best not to look too crazy. “Just wait a moment, call you back in a bit okay babe?”

...BABE? The voice in his head sounded as confused and annoyed as Jeanette would’ve been if he called her that.

“Yeah, you’re a sexy goddess. Now shut up and wait a minute.”

After looking round and making sure no one was around, Jason called upon his ability.

Name: Voyeur Avoider
Prerequisites: Become beloved by at least 1 million people, and have at least 50 people stalking you at the same time.
Description: With fame comes the attention of the lowest scum imaginable: the paparazzi. User is informed of how many humans are listening to him at that precise moment. Can pinpoint location of other human listeners.

A faint blue “2” floated in front of his left eye. After following the trail of light he saw it coming not from a hidden microphone but the office itself. Guess he can still hear me from here. Makes sense; I’m not that far from the meeting room.

Only Jason could see the floating number, and it would pick up if he was being recorded or overheard as well – he’d tested the ability extensively to make sure of this. It was his most well-explored ability after Counter and Anti-Impact. A waste of an ability, perhaps, and paranoid, most definitely.

Still, those people had tried to slice him open on an operating table. He wasn’t about to trust that they weren’t hiding microphones everywhere.

In fact, he found that most of the base was mic’d up. Fortunately, there were always some spots where he could have actual privacy. It didn’t take him long to search the base until he found a spot without microphones.

When Jason found an empty room and saw the floating number drop to a 1 – he counted himself – he decided that it was safe enough to talk. Hmm, he considered. If the number is at 1, then *they* don’t count as human. Neat.

“You can talk now, discount schizophrenia.”


“Skip the theatrics.” Jason yawned loudly, sank onto a chair, and lowered his legs onto the table.” You think I’m going to be scared now?” He laughed and placed his arms behind his head. “Oh, please. Last time you fucks came at me with this cryptic bullshit, you ended up fucking up so hard I had to bail you out and kill your own creation.”

There was no response. Jason understood, in hindsight, that the voices tried to speak in as few words as possible. It was precisely for this reason that he tried to be annoying and force them to repeat themselves as much as possible. No reason to make it easier on them.

Truthfully, he was still aware of how strong they were in comparison to him. Their strength was so vast that to even call it strength would be disingenuous. It was an existence beyond what he could comprehend.

But that didn’t matter. Coach Vasquez had taught him long ago. When you felt outmatched, that was the perfect time to run your mouth and make them lose their shit.

“So, been long enough that I’ve been doing some thinking. Rob is alive, you tried to turn me into a maniac...know what I think that means? That you can’t kill him. So fuck off with your threats already. You can’t kill him, because he won’t let you.” Jason pulled one hand away from the back of his head and gestured towards his sword. “And you can’t kill anyone on this side because I won’t let you.”

The silence stretched on further, for just long enough that Jason was starting to wonder if the gods had ‘hung up’ on him. His difficulty in breathing and his cold sweat told him they were still around, though he didn’t let this stop him from tilting his neck and sighing impatiently. There’s no feeling more fun than taunting someone stronger than you. Especially when you thought, deep down, that you could take them. “Hey? You still there?”


This voice spoke quietly, and there were some hushed whispers coming from behind it. There’s more than one voice, Jason recalled. And they disagreed about whether to let me handle Baker or not after he went rogue. Something to keep in mind for later.

“I’m not very interested in doing trades with you guys anymore. Last time nearly got me driven insane and vivisected. You can’t really convince me to–”


Jason was vaguely aware of this. His Character Sheet told him that a ‘Class’ existed, but he couldn’t extrapolate much beyond that. The voices probably weren’t lying...it matched most of his theories. There had to be a reason why he couldn’t pick a class. If there was something inherent to this other world that allowed someone to pick one...

His power would be limited until he found his own solution.

Although the leveling farm the military constructed was helpful in boosting his levels without the use of the cursed bracelet, Jason was aware that his power had a limit. That was – among other reasons – why he loved his Counter abilities. He needed to become stronger, even if it meant risking his life.

Maybe picking a class could help. Maybe he’d feel desperate enough to accept it. Maybe he’d feel arrogant enough to think he could outsmart them again. That was probably what they were counting on.

It was a logical assumption.

“What do you want me to do?” Jason muttered.


“I see.” Jason nodded. “You want me to kill Lucio?”


“There’s more than him? I figured.” Jason nodded again. “Even you fucks wouldn’t be crazy enough to do the whole monster and human combination again after how Baker turned out. So, someone else is responsible for Lucio...I suspected it, but...that’s insane to hear.”


“How would I get the power after? Would a class just appear in my Character Sheet after I was done?”


Jason paused to make sure he understood their proposal. If he were to kill Lucio and the other ones who had monster flesh fused with their being, he would be granted the power to pick a class. Maybe this would get him one step closer to saving Rob and killing these creatures that toyed with people’s lives.

“Do things my way, then,” Jason muttered. “If you want me to do your dirty job for you, we’re gonna do it on my terms, get it?”


After looking around as if to locate an invisible camera, Jason held up one finger at an invisible opponent. “First, I need you to grab that special stone you want to give me. Hold it in your palm, if you freaks even have hands, then clench it as tightly as you can. Good?” Jason waited until he heard a vague sound of confirmation from the other side.

“Alright. Now, first of all, don’t move your feet at all,” Jason said in a careful tone. “Then, shift your head and torso forward, arch your back, raise your arm that is holding the stone...”


Silence followed again, but this one had a different quality than the rest. This was a stunned silence, Jason knew.


“Miss me with that bullshit. Everyone’s been telling me I’m gonna drop dead since I got those powers, including you. And I’m still here, aren’t I?” Jason lifted his sword and brought it down on the floor. “Besides, what kind of sociopath do you think I am? Just became friends with the dinosaur man, not gonna fucking kill him, goddamn.”

The voices had made a fair assumption – even considering the potential for betrayal, most people would’ve considered it a necessary risk given their power limitations and the potential for more difficult fights to come.

Jason wasn’t like that. The weight on his shoulders had long since disappeared. He couldn’t explain it logically, but he simply felt like he couldn’t lose to any opponent, no matter what happened. If anyone asked him why he felt that way, he would have nothing to tell them, except that he’d decided to do things his way since the skyscraper showdown with Baker.

And if I'm being honest with myself, I truly believe that I can win any fight, no matter what. So why bother compromising with shit that bores or harms me?

It was an absurd, irrational mindset grounded on nothing but a self-belief that far surpassed mere arrogance. The feeling wasn’t something he was proud of, but he’d realized that he couldn’t keep it suppressed while fighting for his life. He was Jason, star athlete, superhero, the best in the world – the best in any world – at what he did.

As the air to a bird, or the sea to a fish, so was victory to Jason Miller.

Was that mildly delusional? Yes, and he knew as much, but it was fun and kept him from losing his mind as the whole world placed their hopes on him. Jason was fine with a bit of egomaniacal narcissism in exchange for that. Sure, he’d need a lot of therapy after this thing was done, and that was something to worry about after the war was done.

Besides, much as he admonished himself for his ego, he didn’t need to go too deep inside his heart to feel like it was warranted.

Don’t try to act all humble,” Rob had told him one day. “That just makes it worse. You’re easily the worst egomaniac I’ve ever met.”

If I’m the worst egomaniac you ever met, how come you’re friends with me?”

Beats me.” Rob’s voice was dry, but the very corner of his lips hinted at a smile. “Guess it’s because you’re still a good guy despite it all.”

“I’m not interested, so leave me the fuck alone,” Jason told the voices once more. He quickly glanced at the floating number beside his eye, continuing when no one heard him. “I don’t think I made myself clear last time. I’m aiming to kill you. Why would I accept power from you? Anything you give me is gonna be too weak to kill you – not even you guys are that shortsighted.”

Which was actually something Jason had been concerned about for a while. How would he kill the things who’d given him much of his power? Anything he could do, they could probably do better.

Eh. I’ll figure it out.

“You gonna make me repeat myself? Fucking leave!”


Jason pulled out his headphones and started listening to music at max volume. He had always enjoyed pushing away intrusive thoughts with loud music, and his duel with Baker had told him he could silence even the voices in his head.


“Man, this is a good song,” he muttered.

There was an outraged sound, and a feeling like his neck was going to snap. Suddenly, a moment later, the cold was gone, and breathing was as easy as it had ever been. The voices were gone.

Jason smiled to himself. "Man, whether it’s the other team’s captain or a literal godlike being, there's nothing like just talking some mad shit."

He allowed himself just a few short moments before walking out of the room. There was much to do, and he couldn’t wait until his nerves were fully collected. 90 seconds when changing courts, Jason told himself. Tennis didn’t give him time to get ready, so why would life? He shook his head, taking a look at his gigantic sword.

If that thick, heavy heap of metal could be called such.

Lacking an edge for the most part, the blunt sword was large enough that when sheathed over Jason’s back, it would peek over his head with the entire handle, the very tip of the blade going low enough to extend past his thighs. I couldn’t hold this without *their* power. That was a bit of a puzzling thought. Why would he be given this power when he was clearly such a pain in their ass? Why not take it away? Were they not able to?

Maybe they hadn’t expected him to be this much of a problem. Probably the same thing with Rob.

I’ll worry about that later. Got shit to do today. With a deep breath, Jason stepped out into the wide world. He was quick to salute a few passing soldiers, fist bump a couple of them, take a few selfies with yet others, promise to drink with one or two he was more familiar with, and somehow maintain a smile throughout it all.

Jason felt very thankful when Danse walked up beside him. “How angry was the general?”

“Extremely.” Somehow, he had been more stressed about the meeting with the General than the one with the weird god voice things.

“Are you in trouble?”

“No.” Jason spoke with confidence, but then frowned and swayed his head from side to side. “Eh, not more than usual.”

“Am I in trouble?”

“I’m not sure anyone remembers that you’re technically supposed to be keeping me in check. Like, I’m sure they do, but they also don’t, you know what I mean?”

“Better that way.” Danse shook his head. “Got Lucio a room near yours and told everyone not to bother him. He still had the dinosaur head, said it would take a while for it to go back to normal. Gave him some frozen meat and told him we’d check up on him tomorrow.”

“Good.” Jason went momentarily silent as the two of them walked. He looked over his shoulder, then back at his friend. “Any news?”

“You mean, in the time between when you went in there to meet with the general and now?”

“Hey, you never know.”

There had been a set of bizarre incidents reported recently. At first they seemed like monster attacks, but there were just enough differences to make them seem distinct. Some people went missing, while others were killed in a systematic fashion. Most curiously, while the few surviving witnesses had reported monsters as their attackers, their descriptions didn’t match the catalog that the military had developed so far.

Different characteristics, different behavior...it wasn't adding up. There were incidents like this in a couple different places, sure, but it was a little odd that it happened where Lucio used to live. Generally, if someone gains superpowers, you want to pay attention to their old neighborhood. While many in the military wanted to play ostrich and pretend they were regular monsters, neither Jason nor Danse could ignore it. Not after the Baker incident.

And now we know what’s wrong, Jason thought. Someone...something other than the shitty gods is creating people like Lucio. And there’s more than one.

“No news. We’ll have to question Lucio about it soon. Do you think he—”

“—had something to do with it? No.” Jason had no evidence or reason to assume the wrestler to be innocent, but he felt like he’d seen deep within the man’s soul when they fought. He wanted to put his trust in him. I would rather be wrong than untrusting when it comes to someone like him. “Lucio is innocent. The guy who did that to him, though? Now that is different.”

Danse nodded. “Can't argue with that. Should we still interrogate him today?”

“Eh, nah. Let’s give him a day to rest first. Besides, I need some rest too. My shoulders are pretty sore after that fight.”

“Maybe if you stopped carrying that belt around everywhere–”

“But I’m the world heavyweight champion.”

“But Jason.” Danse’s entire argument started and ended there. When Jason didn’t relent, he eloquently insisted, “But Jason.”

“Fair and valid point. I will consider it.”

They shared a laugh. For all they’d gone through together, for one reason or another Danse was one of – he was the only person in the entire military Jason trusted. This was a weakness, he knew, and there was a chance the higher ups would exploit it somehow. Maybe Danse would be pushed to betray him.

He didn’t care. Things had a knack for working themselves out, and whatever they didn’t work themselves out, Jason could always just force them back into place.

Danse was aware about the bracelet, the madness, the Character Sheet, and much more. Jason had been forthcoming with the military about everything at first, but now he limited himself only to telling Danse, who promised not to report anything to his superiors.

Jason trusted him, and was glad he did. He took one glance at the floating number and smiled. Just us two. Good enough. “Hey, Danse, spoke to the creepy god voices.”

“You sure you’re not just schizophrenic?”

He had to appreciate how Danse didn’t miss a beat when it came to things like this. Better that than getting freaked out. “There’s monsters around, I have superpowers, and you saw me piledrive my evil clone off a skyscraper. Is it hard to believe the weird voices are a problem?”

“Oh my lord, no.” Danse laughed. “I was just thinking the other day – if you were schizophrenic, would you be able to tell the difference between the voices from those otherworldly beings and your brain attacking you?”

“Of course I—” Jason started indignantly, then stopped abruptly. He lifted one eyebrow and looked up in thought. “Hmm. Honestly, fair, don’t think I could. Think I’m good in that regard though.”

“For now. I remember reading you have more of a chance to suffer from schizophrenia later in life if you experience certain types of trauma, you know? This war and the voices can’t be good for your mental health.”

Jason smiled. “Wow, that’s a depressing thought. Thanks so much, Danse!” He wasn’t as good as Rob at deadpan, but he was great at open sarcasm. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

“I’m not just saying that to freak you out.”

“I see. Not just saying that to freak me out?”

“That’s a bonus.” Danse smirked. “The reason I mention it is...I think it’s good for you to talk about this. Keeping it locked inside would just drive you crazy, even without any magic bullshit. I know it isn’t easy for you to talk about this with anyone, least of all me after...everything. So I just wanted to say thank you, and that I promise that I won’t ever betray you.”

During the Baker Street incident, the military – or some extremists, as the military later argued – had nearly killed Jason to try to learn more about his powers. While Danse tried his best to keep them from doing so, he’d failed. If Jason hadn’t woken up at that time...

He knew that Danse was on his side, but he was still part of the organization that tried to cut him open. Worst of all, in an enraged daze, Jason had nearly killed Danse after freeing himself – with the latter accepting his anger without complaint.

Too much had happened. It was hard to trust someone after that, and nearly impossible to maintain your friendship with them.

But Jason liked to think of himself as a man who could do the impossible. “I don’t trust the army or the government,” he plainly said. He remembered Danse offering himself up to be killed if it would help Jason in that moment, back when the bracelet had nearly driven him insane. “But I trust you.”

“I see.” Danse remained silent for a few seconds. “Thank you.” He tapped Jason on the chest with the back of his fist. “So, what did you learn from the voices?”

“That they aren’t responsible for Lucio, and that there are more people like him. They didn’t tell me who or what is doing this, though. Which means our list of suspects is down to...just about the whole world.”

Danse took this in with a thoughtful nod. It was hard for most people to tell what he was thinking with those sunglasses he always wore – even indoors – but Jason was close enough with the man to tell he wasn’t completely surprised by this. “Makes sense. Kind of matches one of my personal theories.”

“You have a suspect?” Jason was astounded. “Dude, I just told you – how do you already have a suspect?”

“Relax, I’m not exactly Sherlock Holmes. Just have access to clues you don’t.”

“Isn’t that how the original Sherlock Holmes stories were?”

Danse frowned, his voice increased in pitch, his eyes narrowed, and his cheeks lifted slightly in the universal face one makes when saying, Ehhh, not really. “Only the bad adaptations,” he grunted. “The original stories predate the concept of fairness, so it’s hard to blame them for that, but even then a lot of them give the readers all the clues. Silver Blaze, Dancing Men, Man With the Twisted Lip, all of them are fair.”

Jason shook his head. “Look man, just – try to turn on the sports channel once in a while. Just like, leave it in the background. Listen to it like an audiobook while doing your chores.”

“How about you listen to a goddamn audiobook? Or read a book. Or at least don’t skip the story when you play a game.”

“Tell you what,” Jason began, “if you’re right about the culprit, I’ll read whatever book you tell me to.”

“Deal!” Danse laughed. “You’re going to regret this.”

“Okay, okay – so who do you think did it?”

“Let me let you in on a little secret I learned earlier. Remember the bracelet that nearly drove you crazy? The one that went missing after you threw it away?”

Jason nodded. He’d asked Danse to look for it and to use the whole army to find it if needed. Danse spared no expense, sending a large search party to scour the area, but he couldn’t find it at the time. “What about that?”

“Turns out it’s not that we didn’t find it,” Danse said. “Our troops did find it. But it went missing. And you know what’s funny? It went missing just around the time Dr. Valmight, the man who tried to vivisect you, also went missing.”

Jason winced. “Shit. That would actually be a good guess.”


Thanks for reading!


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