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Three Weeks Later

"So you're absolutely sure this is going to work?" Rob asked, arching an eyebrow for emphasis.

"I swear on my soul that it will," the Fiend mage asserted, with a confident tone that was hopefully deserved. "Our tests thus far have been successful in every capacity."

Rob paused. "You're double absolutely sure? Because when we got teleported into Merfolk territory, your spell missed its mark by literal miles, and today's version is aiming a lot farther away."

The mage shook her head. "We lacked people to use as focal points for your excursion into Merfolk territory. In this instance, your Elven brethren have provided us with the necessary mana signatures to fine-tune our spell. You see, when a person lives in a specific place for years at a time, their mana begins to align with the corresponding mana of that particular area, which-"

Rob forced himself to relax as he let the mage's explanation wash over him. She at least seemed like she knew what he was talking about, and it's not like the Fiends were going to risk harming their golden goose, anyway. They wouldn't be offering a teleportation trip to southern Elatra unless they were certain that Roy the Purge Corruption Dispenser was guaranteed to return safe and sound.

It had all started with a single, off-handed comment, when Elder Alessia mentioned one of her 'bucket list' wishes several weeks ago. A mage promptly informed her that achieving her wish would actually be easier than she assumed, and soon enough, their hypothetical musings had rapidly snowballed into planning for a full-fledged mission. It was meant to be something of a reward for Deserters; a mixture between showing appreciation and payment for services rendered. Personally, Rob didn't care nearly as much as the Elves, but he was totally on board with giving them some peace of mind.

As long as the teleportation mages didn't 'oopsie' him fifty feet underground, anyway. He was going to prep Not A Scratch + Waymark regardless of how confident they were.

In the interest of caution, Rob double-checked to make sure that he'd placed a Mark for his Party to return to. Forgetting it would've resulted in a very long, very awkward walk back to Fiendland. He concentrated on the Skill, and was notified that the Mark was right where it should be, resting patiently within a cordoned-off area that'd been designated as his Party's return space. Elder Alessia and Elder Duran were chatting a few feet away from it, Alessia presumably trying – once again – to convince Duran to stay behind and rest. Aside from them, Keira, Orn'tol, Malika, Zamira, and Vul'to were in attendance, rounding out the rest of Rob's Party members. It was a shame that Meyneth couldn't join them, but she'd abdicated her spot without complaint. And in all honesty, if Rob hadn't been essential to the mission, he would've given his spot up to Taleya just as quickly.

Today was for the people he cared about, not himself.

Rob made his way over to Keira and grasped her hand. A month ago he might've tried to play it off as nerves – maybe even thrown out a line about 'taking solace in friendship' – but holding her hand wasn't something he needed flimsy excuses for anymore. They exchanged smiles as warm butterflies fluttered around in his stomach. Behind them, Malika giggled, which had seemingly become her default reaction towards any PDA they displayed, no matter how minor.

<She's going to view your relationship with Keira as a framework for what healthy romance is like,> Diplomacy advised. <So will Orn'tol. Don't fuck this up.>

I won't,
Rob assured, without a hint of doubt in his mind. He and Keira had lucked out early on by discovering an ability that was more powerful than any spell: the mystical art of Just Sitting Down And Communicating. It was proving to be remarkably effective at solving issues before they even became issues at all. There would be disagreements, of course, but as long as they were honest with each other, everything would turn out okay. Rob was looking forward to the day when he could introduce Keira to Jason and his folks; after they got used to the whole 'Elf' thing and the giant sword on her back, he knew they'd get along fantastically.

And while that day was still far away, right now, it felt closer than ever before.

Things proceeded as normal from there. The Fiend finished her explanation, Duran held his ground, and Rob's Party gathered together as the teleportation mages charged their spell. It built up bit by bit, flows of dense mana suffusing the air with energy. Anticipation rose as the Elves fidgeted, slowly realizing that their pipe dream of a plan was actually about to happen. Rob gasped as the mages finished casting their spell – not because of the jolt that ran down his spine, or the sensation of the spell itself, but because Keira was squeezing his hand with enough force to bruise his bones.

The light show came, and the light show ended, unceremoniously dumping everyone onto a clearing of purple grass. Post-teleportation disorientation slammed into them like a truck, causing the group of elite Combat Class users to trip over their own feet and collapse to the ground. As Rob tasted dirt, relief soared in his heart at the fact that he wasn't encased in a prison of clay fifty feet under. The mages had still been off by a few inches, but they were off upwards instead of downwards, so he'd take it.

And to be fair, they'd outdone themselves regardless of any rounding errors. Sending people from the northern edge to the southern edge of a continent was no small feat.

The Party quietly rose up, staring in awe at their surroundings. Fields of thick purple grass carpeted the ground, interspersed with tall, sturdy trees that were tipped with blue leaves. Chittering animals could be heard going about their business in the distance, birdsong mingling with the rustling of foliage. Lastly, the air tasted crisp on their tongues, with an outdoorsy flavor that contrasted the dense cities of Fiendland.

Suppressing a sigh, Rob folded his arms across his chest as he took in the sight of Ixatan Forest, standing before them in all its glory. The seven Elves accompanying him reacted with varying complicated expressions, each person cycling through a mixture of happiness, nostalgia, and grief. This had been their home for decades – and for the Elders, centuries. Until recent events forced them to flee, Keira was the only one who would've even considered leaving the safety and comfort of Ixatan's woodland boughs.

Rob still wanted to burn the place down, but suggesting as much would probably kill the mood, so he kept his mouth shut.

No one spoke a word for quite some time, and when Alessia eventually did, it was simply to suggest that the Party move on. The rest of the Elves snapped out of their reverie and agreed, motioning for Rob to follow as they darted into the wilderness. He was tempted to make a joke about Malika once again riding piggyback so she wouldn't fall behind, but Diplomacy shushed him before the notion was half-formed in his mind. The Elves were feeling far too disquieted to enjoy any attempts at lightening the mood.

Maybe the swirling vortex of Corruption in the distance had something to do with that.

Silence reigned while Rob's Party raced towards the Blighted Lands. As they drew closer, Ixatan's foliage began to wither, purple grass and blue trees atrophying to a sickly, omnipresent brown. It was like watching the progression of a months-long drought, but compressed into the span of several hours. Then the brown started darkening to black, followed by once-vibrant plants visibly rotting into puddles of viscous sludge, harshly dispelling any subconscious notions of the forest's degradation being a natural process.

1 Corruption Received!

The Party drew to a halt; they'd reached the Blighted Land's equivalent to a border. Rob produced eight Hazmat Suits from his Spatial Storage, and one dress-up session later, everyone was ready to continue. Travel was slower after that, although their path became easier to navigate. No plantline obstructed their way, having melted into a layer of tarlike slurry that coated the forest floor. It was the perfect backdrop for a Flesh Amalgamation or a pack of mutated animals to come screaming out of the woodworks, but nothing attacked Rob's Party as they traversed through Ixatan's rotting corpse. Any signs of life, unnatural or otherwise, had vanished hours ago. There were just eight suited soldiers, the rhythmic sounds of their footsteps squishing, and a fog of Corruption blanketing the air to keep them company.

It wasn't long until they'd arrived at what used to be The Village.

Rob didn't need to see his companions' faces to understand what they were feeling as they crossed what was left of the front gate. He'd only spent a month or two in The Village compared to their eight years, and he still felt knots forming in his stomach as he laid eyes on the empty streets, buildings crumbling into ruin like they'd been abandoned for decades. The Corruption here was even thicker than in Nevermore City; it'd had more time to marinate.

1 Corruption Received!

With a start, Rob looked over his Hazmat Suit. No cuts, no openings, and its amulets seemed to be in working order. The Corruption was just that pervasive. It wouldn't be a problem – merely a negligible drip feed that was easily fixable by Purge Corruption – but it definitely made everyone pick up the pace as they headed towards the Locus.

Minutes passed. Every now and then some of the Elves would tense up and do a double-take at a building; presumably, they'd recognized one of their old haunts, even with the decay and Corrupted air obscuring their vision. Rob stayed on the lookout for his old living quarters, an endeavor that proved to be unsuccessful. Either he was worse with directions than he realized, or it'd collapsed into a pile of rubble, indistinguishable from any other fog-shrouded mess in The Village. Pity; it was the one few places besides Keira's house and the training grounds that he had fond memories of. The rest of The Village didn't matter much to him, mostly consisting of buildings he'd never visited or streets where Elven pricks insulted him.

At least, that's how he initially felt. As he descended further into the ruined Village, Rob found himself mourning it despite how its inhabitants treated him early on. Even putting aside how distraught his friends were, it was hard to look at something that was once a community and now...wasn't. The Village had been where thousands of Elves banded together after The Cataclysm tore their lives apart. Which was an outcome they were partially to blame for, but still. This was, once upon a time, a bastion of hope and new beginnings.

And now it was nothing.

Thankfully, it didn't take the Party long to reach their destination. As the inverted call reached a fever pitch in Rob's mind, he stopped short and held out his arms, bringing everyone to a halt. He wordlessly pointed down an empty street, no different than any of the others – save for the crater prominently carving out a wound in the center of the road. As if an inordinate number of Firebombs had been detonated all at once.

Two last stands took place here many months ago. First Riardin's, and then the Blight's. A self-sacrifice to save lives followed by an act of vengeance akin to throwing a tantrum. Despite blowing himself up in the process, Riardin had definitely gotten the better end of the deal in their exchange – he'd stopped the Blight before it could go on to wreak untold amounts of destruction across Elatra. Thousands upon thousands of people were alive because, when the abyss turned its otherworldly gaze on him, Riardin stared back until he made it blink.

If only he'd been fast enough to save the Locus as well. It was still in the same spot as before, an intangible wellspring of energy that should've felt intoxicating for Rob to stand near. Loci of Power were supposed to be life, spirit, vigor, mana, blue, and so much more. Instead of the beautiful call, however, Rob heard a sound similar to a funeral dirge combined with nails on a chalkboard. The entity Corrupting the Locus wasn't subtle about wanting him gone – it was the same as in Nevermore City.

But unlike in Nevermore, Rob wasn't rushing to finish the job before Amalgamations devoured his friends. He closed his eyes and concentrated, tuning out the Corruption's wailing, letting it sink into the background as if it was little more than white noise. Digging deep below the surface, Rob searched until he sensed a tiny, fragile thing, barely clinging onto scraps of Blue, like frostbitten fingers trying to start a fire in a blizzard. It was weak, unresponsive, but most importantly, it was alive.

And waiting to be set free.

The Party exchanged a round of nods, Rob taking a quick moment to hug Keira and offer everyone a thumbs-up before setting off alone. With no enemies to defend him from, the rest of the Party could only watch as he began his march towards the Locus of Power. Another day they would be fighting by his side, but today, they were simply here to bear witness.

It wasn't often that a land was reborn.

As Rob approached, he prepared himself for resistance, and the Locus didn't disappoint. Corrupted air rapidly hardened around it, forming a solid outer shell that stretched outwards in a thirty-foot radius. Rob stretched out his hand and activated Purge Corruption, rending the Locus' defenses like a knife through hot butter. It responded in kind, strengthening its shell, which amounted to jack shit as Rob continued to advance forward unimpeded. He'd learned a lot about controlling Purge Corruption during his last tango with a corrupted Locus; this was a cakewalk in comparison.

The airborne Corruption shivered as Rob closed in, giving off an impression of agitated panic. 'This isn't supposed to happen', he imagined it thinking. Step by step, its shivering intensified, becoming more erratic as it – or rather, the Seed of Corruption nestled within – despaired its inevitable demise.

Just as so many innocent lives had despaired while they were mercilessly snuffed out by the Blight.

Rob may have snarled as he shunted three-fourths of his energy reserves into the Locus, cleansing it of Corruption like he was dropping a guillotine. The Seed buckled under the weight of righteous vengeance, Blue energy overpowering it in a matter of seconds.

And then all was still. The Locus gradually awoke from its long nightmare as the Seed's presence fizzled and died, leaving behind inert Corruption with no will of its own.

Rob let out a sigh of relief. Another Locus freed from the Blight's stranglehold. Much more easily than the first one too, which boded well for the future. He was about to turn towards his Party to give them the good news when he realized that, in truth, he wasn't satisfied yet. While his task was technically complete, it didn't feel complete. Not with waves Corruption-laced fog left hanging in the air. The fog would dissipate naturally over time, but that wasn't good enough when his friends were here now.

They deserved a grander parting sight than this.

Improvising, Rob sent out a pulse of Purge Corruption energy that expanded outwards through the air. It started to vanish as it traveled farther from his body, so he took a leaf out of the Seed's book and focused on solidifying the energy in order to keep it stable. Beads of sweat ran down Rob's brow as he pushed and molded the Blue like ephemeral clay. The process was cost-intensive and wouldn't have made a dent in Corruption that was 'alive', but the now-inert Corruption melted away with ease. He kept going until he'd expended roughly a tenth of his maximum energy, unwilling to let his Purge Corruption reserves bottom out entirely.

It didn't end up amounting to much. Just enough to banish the Corruption surrounding a few dilapidated buildings. To the Elves, however, it meant everything. One by one, they removed their helmets, breathing deep as they gazed at the clear air with eyes of wonder. Alessia and Duran in particular looked close to tears; this place had been their pride and joy, one built up from the pieces of a broken world. Even Keira, who possessed less love for The Village than any of the other Elves, couldn't help but relax as a smile crept its way up her face.

Rob allowed himself to soak in the satisfaction of a job well done. Cleansing The Village was, first and foremost, a gift to his friends. Striking a blow against the Blight was important to him, but compared to the expressions of wonderment he saw on his Party's faces? He knew which would help him sleep better at night.

No one chose to address the sense of loss underpinning their gratification. This visit wasn't a homecoming; it was a final farewell. There would be no true rebirth for The Village. Even if the rest of its Corruption disappeared overnight, relocating this close to the Seneschal was too dangerous of a prospect. And considering that the ecosystem of Ixatan Forest had been virtually devastated, sustaining a hundred Elves would've been unfeasible, let alone fifteen hundred.

And that was okay. Fiendland was treating them just fine. Rob's Party hadn't undertaken this mission with the intent of securing a new home. They'd come here to settle a score. To achieve closure.

To make a statement.

Rob glanced at his Party members, checking to see if any of them were looking in his direction. He didn't want to interrupt their moment. Once he'd made sure that the coast was clear, Rob glanced up towards the sky and opened his mouth to speak. He paused, and after a moment of contemplation, raised his arms and gave the heavens a two-fingered salute. One from the middle of each hand.

It was the most succinct, accurate way he could think of to show his respect.

"This is just a start," Rob whispered, a smug, challenging grin on his face. "Mark my words. We're going to make this world a better place – and there's nothing you can do to stop us."


Some fun facts:

Book 1 - 165k words

Book 2 - 185k words

Book 3 - 252k words (approximately)

That's...a lot of words. And if you're here, that means you probably read them all. God damn that is a humbling thought. To everyone: thank you so much for reading. This story is only possible because of you guys - no way in hell I reach 600k total words otherwise.

Next update will be the first chapter of the side story! It'll run for about seven full-length chapters, after which Book 4 will begin right away. The side story will mostly be self-contained,  but it will also be 100% canon and offer additional details you won't get in the main story. Let me know if you have any questions, and I'll be happy to answer them.


Nathan Linder

A wonderful ending for this book. Can't wait to see what juicy world building details the side story gives us.


Been here since... Halfway through book one I'd guess? Perfect ending for this book. I'm enjoying the heck out of it. Thank you

Hannibal Forge

From a fellow Aussie writer: well fucking done, mate. Well. Fucking. Done.


Not gonna lie...was half expecting the teleport to go wrong and send Rob to earth for some reunions and giving Jason some badass class.


Absolutely amazing story, excited for the side story and then book 4! I love the world you've been building and am so excited to see where it goes

Captain Nuclear

Top stuff. But no burnout now, y'hear?


Finally, I was waiting for this. I wonder what he'll get from it, if anything, and what we will see in the side stories? just how shit is earth now?

CMDR Dantae

It's been great, you're one of the best authors I know of, and I look forward to you finishing this amazing work.