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Thankfully, the rest of the Party didn't ask why Rob and Keira took so long to finish their private talk. Any curiosity they may have had dried up when they saw the look of bloodthirsty determination on Keira's face. Rob made a mental note to ask Keira what her Intimidation Level was at; despite Diplomacy's low opinion of the Skill, it was imposing enough to make a room of inquisitive young adults and teenagers keep their urge for gossip in check, which was impressive in and of itself.

Unfortunately, no gossip combined with Waymark being usable again meant that they didn't have an excuse to delay their Locus hunting any longer. With no small amount of trepidation, Riardin's Rangers gathered their courage and exited Valaire's house. It wasn't a decision they made lightly; the Leviathan and the Merfolk were still out there, and Waymark's safety net only did so much to blunt the lingering psychological damage of a gaping maw trying to swallow them whole. If it hadn't been for the dire straits that Fiendland was in, Rob would've happily turned back and sworn off swimming for the rest of his life.

Crossing the threshold from dry land into open waters only served to further dampen their mood. The moment that Riardin's Rangers left their pocket of sequestered reality, the ocean pressure they'd been suffering under before immediately returned in full force. It wasn't fatal, but it sure as hell hurt like a bitch. The Party ended up swimming directly up for a solid ten minutes in order to put as much distance between themselves and the ocean depths as possible. Once the pressure had lessened from a vice grip to a gentle hug, Rob wasted no time in whipping out his compass and charting a course back towards the Locus of Power. Their path was clear – all they needed to do was go in the opposite direction of the void. Which, as far as landmarks went, was pretty goddamn hard to miss.

Rob wasn't looking forward to viewing the horizon when he eventually got back to the surface. Depending on how far up into the sky the void extended, watching romantic sunsets with Keira might not be in the cards anymore.

His mind plagued with worries, Rob carefully led everyone south, retracing the route they'd taken while fleeing from the Merfolk. Their return trip was going to take about half an hour of travel, giving them plenty of time to formulate a plan – and resolve a few small matters. For starters, Rob had decided to run a little experiment by seeing what would happen if he brought a piece of Valaire's house with him when he left. He couldn't place anything that originated from there into his Spatial Storage, but he could physically pick up something and carry it outside with him. The idea seemed like a harmless test that wouldn't eat into their mission timetable.

Which actually turned out to be true, although Rob would later admit that he'd kiiiinda tempted fate by fiddling with items that were unstuck from the tethers of reality. Thankfully, instead of angering a curse-happy ghost or triggering a universal implosion, all that happened was that the book Rob took with him disappeared immediately upon exiting the pocket of air. He didn't have time to run any additional tests, but logic followed that everything else from Valaire's house would also vanish if removed in the same way. It was no longer part of this world; more of a stubborn memory than a physical object. Indistinct, fading, and piecemeal.

To Rob's surprise, that line of thinking didn't end up being why Diplomacy had been so unnerved by Valaire's house. The Skill stated in no uncertain terms that they dealt with worse existential dread than that on a daily basis. In truth, they still didn't have the faintest idea of why the house had fucked with their mental state so badly. They felt wrong while there, felt fine after vacating the premises, and...that was all they'd managed to narrow down.

Tempted as Rob was to poke fun about Diplomacy being scared of 'haunted' houses, he knew better than to discredit the Skill's capacity for self-awareness. If Diplomacy was having trouble puzzling out exactly what aspect of the house was messing with them so badly, then the cause ran deeper than a surface-level issue, and it was unlikely that they'd figure out more unless they went back and investigated further.

No one was in any hurry to do that. Even Rob, who was more accustomed to reality-breaking nonsense than his compatriots, had little desire to return to a place located a stone's throw away from the Leviathan abyss.

Aside from Diplomacy, most of the Party avoided bringing up Valaire's house at all, focusing instead on developing a plan of action for when they encountered the Locus. Ideally the Merfolk would have cleared out, meaning Rob could Attune at his leisure, but in actuality the opposite was more likely. The Merfolk couldn't abandon their Locus when sketchy foreign 'invaders' were still in the area – especially ones who'd nearly regicided the King himself.

With that foreknowledge in mind, the question became: how much was too much? Rob's Attunement period usually lasted anywhere from twenty minutes to several hours, during which he'd be out like a light. Riardin's Rangers would need to defend him until the process was completed. Assuming that the Merfolk averaged around Level 29, the Party – minus Rob – should be able to defeat about ten soldiers without risk of incurring casualties on their end. Fifteen soldiers was pushing it; they'd win, but doing so without losing anyone would be a lot more difficult. Twenty...

Well, if it came to that, escaping with Waymark and returning later was always an option. That brought its own set of problems, though. They'd be forced to wait an extra 24 hours after escaping until Waymark was usable again, and in a similar vein, using Waymark to enter Merfolk territory meant that they couldn't use it to leave until its cooldown reset. Considering the trouble that they'd run into while exploring Merfolk territory for one day without an eject button, everyone was understandably hesitant about taking that chance a second time.

And all that was just the tip of the iceberg. As the minutes passed by, Riardin's Rangers discussed battle tactics, diplomatic ploys, taking hostages, wrangling sharks, and virtually any half-baked idea that came to mind. Eventually they settled on a branching plan that varied based on how many Merfolk were guarding the Locus – and how willing those Merfolk were to throw their lives away. It was the best they could come up with until they knew what sort of resistance they'd be encountering.

As it turns out, keeping their plan flexible ended up being the right call. The day had a few more surprises left in store for them.

Two dozen Merfolk soldiers were at the Locus of Power when Riardin's Rangers finally made it back. That was slightly less than the first time around, although not nearly so few that the Party could rest easy. In fact, two dozen was enough that Riardin's Rangers wouldn't be assured of victory even if they accepted casualties, especially if they fought while Rob was snoozing.

It put them in a difficult position – at least, it would have, if the Blight wasn't already kicking the Merfolks' shit in. Blackened clouds of infected water and krill surged towards the soldiers' front ranks, barely stymied by the bursts of pressurized water that their mages were casting in retaliation. In the hour or so since it was last repelled, the Blight had quickly regrouped and was taking another crack at the Locus of Power.

"Getting a sense of déjà vu here," Rob said, eyebrows raised. "I guess the Merfolk King wasn't kidding when he called the Blight's attacks 'relentless'. Wonder why some of the soldiers left – their presence is obviously needed."

"That may very well be our fault," Zamira answered. "The King would have required an honor guard to escort him to safety, thereby siphoning resources away from the Locus' defensive lines."

Rob tried and failed to feel guilty about that. On one hand, he'd assisted the Blight by softening up the Merfolks' main military force. On the other hand...

"This is an opportune moment," Keira said, echoing the sentiment in everyone's minds. "The Merfolk can't prioritize us over the Blight. As long as we don't strike them first, any resistance they send our way will be minimal."

As if confirming her assertion, the Merfolk soldiers started frantically pointing at Riardin's Rangers, finally noticing the Party's arrival. It sent a brief ripple of panic spreading through the soldiers' ranks, but that was all. They had bigger fish to fry.

"We won't get a better chance than this," Rob said, slowly advancing as to not spook the Merfolk too badly. "Let's go. Same as we discussed. Hold the line, don't take stupid risks, and if things get too dicey, grab my body and skedaddle. I can forcibly quit the Attunement process if necessary." At least, he thought he could. And if he couldn't...well, he'd probably be okay if someone pulled him out of range while he was in the middle of Attuning. Either that or his mind would be forever trapped on an astral plane. But hey! It wasn't guaranteed death. That was something.

Riardin's Rangers were about fifty feet away from the Locus – having gone the long way around to give the Merfolk and Blight a wide berth – when a heart-stopping roar froze them in their tracks. Everyone, even the Blight, stopped what they were doing as a gargantuan figure began to emerge in the distance. The Leviathan's form grew larger and larger as it approached, a mass of flesh and teeth speeding forward like a rocket, its howl rising to a fever pitch.

Rob took a long, shuddering breath as he heavily contemplated activating Waymark right then and there. The Leviathan was no less imposing in full sunlight than when shadowed by the abyss, and what's more, he could swear that its glowing, pulsating eyes were focused directly on him.

The decision was taken from him a moment later. All at once, the Blight's darkened waters surged away from the Merfolk – and towards the Leviathan.

"SHIT." Rob activated the Ring of Minor Teleportation and cast consecutive bursts of Rampage to push himself forward, burning his MP until he was directly inside the Locus of Power. The call of Blue surrounded him, infusing his senses with the lifeblood of the world. Without missing a beat, he reached his hands out and activated Attunement, soul resonating as he embraced the Locus' aura.

The last thing he saw before falling unconscious was the Leviathan, writhing like a snake with its head cut off as the Blight's darkened waters began to coat its skin.

The last thing he heard was its cry of agony.


When his senses recovered, Rob found himself standing without a body in a land of fog.

He immediately recognized it as the place he'd been transported to during his second Attunement. If the rolling clouds of endless fog weren't already a dead giveaway, then the entity sitting just ten feet in front of him was enough to dispel any doubt. It was the same otherworldly figure that he'd attempted to strangle in a fit of rage so many months ago. Like before, it was humanoid, supposedly, as its form was more of a refutation of matter in the vague shape of a person. And like before, it was currently sitting at a table, slouched over as it idly tossed a glinting silver coin into the air. With an infinitesimal tink that echoed like a gunshot, the coin hit the table, bounced once, and landed on its edge.

"0.0167%," the figure said, without looking up. "That is the approximate probability of a coin landing neither heads nor tails. Do you know how often it occurs when I think of you?"

"Somehow, that's not the weirdest conversation starter I've ever heard," Rob muttered, resisting the urge to run. "Kismet, right? You don't sound surprised to see me."

"Your presence was anticipated." Divine speech assaulted Rob's senses, but unlike the last two instances where he'd spoken with divinity, he didn't feel overwhelmed. The first god had tried to crush Rob with its words, and Kismet had pressured him with its presence despite taking pains not to damage his mortal mind. This time, while Kismet's divine speech was still omnipresent and all-encompassing, it was...manageable. Mostly. Like the difference between hearing a loudspeaker from several feet away as opposed to a millimeter from his eardrums.

"Interesting," Kismet remarked, as the entity flipped its coin. "The adverse effects of my words and presence seem lesser than during our prior encounter." It paused, then turned around to stare at Rob with blank, cavernous eyes. "Ah. Almighty Resistance leveled up. Interesting. What exactly transpired within the inverted space you visited?"

It took Rob a moment to figure out what Kismet was referring to. They can't see what happens in Valaire's house? Filing that bit of knowledge away for later, he cleared his throat and stood up straight, forcing himself to play it cool despite the primal terror welling up inside. Every fiber of his being was telling him to flee from the supreme thing sitting before him. Kismet could end his existence with a thought, and now that Rob was on the god's home turf, it probably wouldn't even require any expenditure of Influence. Any defiance on his part would be as effective as an insect squirming under a sunlit magnifying glass.

All of those things were true – but after the kind of day he'd experienced, Rob was officially out of fucks to give.

"That's not important," he said, sidestepping Kismet's question. "Look – I really need to speed up the Attunement process. Don't have a lot of time, need to call dibs on a Locus before it gets eaten. You have any ideas?"

Kismet tilted its – his? her? – head slightly. The god raised its hand by a few inches, and Rob felt a tingle pass through his body. "There," it stated, in a disinterested tone. "Your time spent in this plane has now been accelerated in comparison to the mortal realm. The Attunement process shall complete shortly."

"Oh. Uh...thanks."

"Gratitude is meaningless unless backed by recompense," Kismet intoned, as it stood up and turned towards Rob. "Answer my question. Tell me how you leveled up Almighty Resistance."

Rob hesitated. He didn't want to give the gods details on the only Skill that seemed to affect them, but keeping Kismet happy was proving to be important for both his short-term and long-term survival prospects. Diplomacy, what do you think?

<I am currently seething with apoplectic rage,>
the Skill stated, their core twitching like a throbbing vein. <Do not ask me for rational advice. Unless you consider a second attempt at strangulation to be rational, in which case, carry on.>

What's wrong?
Rob asked. Besides the obvious, I mean.

<Don't know.>
Diplomacy let out a sigh that was halfway to a growl. <It's just like in Valaire's sanctuary. The emotions are different, but my lack of control over them is the same. I don't know why I'm feelings these things or what's triggering them.>

There's a pattern I'm noticing,
Rob began. We speak to a god, you get immensely pissed. We find a house left behind by someone the gods killed, and you start to feel off. Are you sure you don't have some sort of history with them?

<Of course I have a history with them – I'm a Skill. If they created this world, then they created me. As far as memories go, however, there's nothing->

Diplomacy vanished.

Rob choked, the breath catching in his throat. One second, Diplomacy's core was nestled safely in his head, and the next it was just gone, leaving behind a hollow, aching emptiness. He was still in the middle of collecting his scattered thoughts when Kismet spoke up again.

"Are you ready to answer my question?" the thing said. "Or is there another distraction that must first be removed?"

Rob closed his eyes, and with a herculean effort, suppressed the frenzied anger blazing within him. "Where is Diplomacy?" he asked, calmly.

"The same place it has always been," Kismet answered, with mild exasperation. "I've done nothing to the Skill – your senses have merely been adjusted so that you can no longer perceive its presence. No more, no less. Fear not; your condition will revert to normal once you regain consciousness in the mortal plane."

A note of pity entered the entity's voice. "I suppose that even in the form you are now, unshackled from the bindings of flesh and blood, you cannot help but cling to primitive notions of awareness. Block off one facet of your mental perception, and rather than speculating if the fault lies inward, you immediately assume that what you can normally perceive has disappeared. As if the world begins and ends with you. For creatures of supposed sapience that pride themselves on object permanence, mortal thought processes often perplex me. The inner workings of those ruled by chemical impulses can be unusually difficult to predict."

Rob counted to ten, not trusting himself to speak before then. "I leveled up Almighty Resistance by listening to a person's long-lost testament," he explained. "They lived in the old Elatra. The one that you destroyed."

"The old..." Kismet trailed off, fiddling the coin around in their ephemeral fingers. "Ah. You've learned."

"Why?" Rob asked, unable to keep some of the vehemence out of his tone. "Why did you have to kill them? What could possibly justify destroying an entire fucking world?"


Rob bristled, taking a step forward as his hands clenched. "As someone who LIVES on that world, it seems pretty fucking relevant to-"

"Do not assume that you are entitled to answers," Kismet stated. The air surrounding them crackled dangerously with an aura that made Rob's head pound. "I've granted you my assistance on certain occasions because it corresponded with my desires at the time – that is all. If I don't wish to entertain your curiosity, then I won't. You would do well to remember that my patience is a finite resource."

Rob shut his mouth, grinding his teeth together with enough force to make them creak. Thankfully, before he could do or say something that he would assuredly regret, he was distracted by a pulse of energy that started emanating a few feet next to Kismet. The god slowly turned to face the disturbance, shoulders slumping as it let out a long-suffering sigh. "Wonderful."

A cracking flash of Blue nearly knocked Rob off his feet as two figures materialized out of the fog. Both were 'humanoids' in the same manner as Kismet, with limbs, a head, and a torso comprised of negative matter that defied comprehension. Honestly, if it wasn't for the subtle differences in the way the figures were holding themselves, Rob wouldn't have been able to tell them apart. Kismet was slouching, one of the newcomers was standing ramrod straight like an iron pole had been shoved up their ass, and the second newcomer was practically bouncing on the balls of their feet.

"Would you look at that!" The second newcomer faced Rob, eyeing him up and down. "I didn't know you were expecting guests, Kismet!"

"There is a reason for that, Vivacity,"
Kismet grunted. "Had I wanted you here, I would have called. I believe I explained as much the last several dozen times you barged into my domain."

"And I look forward to you explaining it several dozen times more!"
The Second Newcomer giggled. Compared to Kismet, their voice sounded...airy. Carefree. Feminine, maybe? If they were feminine, did that make Kismet masculine? It was hard for Rob to identify gender when he was communicating with voids of negative space who projected intent directly into his brain.

That was about when the realization fully sunk in: two more gods capable of wiping him from existence had arrived.

"Well," Rob began, clapping his hands together as he stapled a wide grin to his face. "It's been lovely chatting with everyone, but if it's all the same to you, I really must be heading out-"

"Stay where you are or I'll dissect your soul atom by atom," the First Newcomer said, in a haughty, imperious voice. "Kismet, what in the name of *&^#@(#$@% are you thinking? Why is this mortal shade still alive despite traversing the divine planes?"

Kismet sat back down in his chair with the grace of a geriatric centenarian. "He is the one who survived a previous visit to my domain."

"I'm well aware of that, yes."
The First Newcomer glared at Rob, prompting a shiver to run down the Human's spine. "And I thought we agreed that he should be purged as soon as the opportunity arose."

"You claimed that we should,"
Kismet remarked. "I fail to recall anyone voicing in agreement."

"He is an
aberration. And worse than that, he insults us at every opportunity. I can assure that after one minute spent listening to his insipid thoughts, you'll be pleading for death to come for both him and yourself."

The Second Newcomer – apparently named Vivacity – giggled to herself. "Malid, you're only saying that because you squandered so much Influence yelling at him that one time."

Rob's eyes widened as he gaped at Malid, memories of the incident following his second Attunement flashing through his mind. "That was you?!"

"And the creature deigns to speak to me," Malid groused. "As if it were my equal." He raised his arm, pointing an ephemeral hand at Rob. "I'm just about done with this farce. You were amusing, for a time, but you've long since lived past your expiration date. There can't-"


The ground shook with a furious thunderclap of Blue that sent Rob tumbling down. When his eyesight cleared, Malid and Vivacity were gone, smoking craters all that remained.

"They overstepped," Kismet muttered, already flipping his coin once more. "You have my thanks for allowing me the opportunity to enact a justifiable punishment. I'll make sure to appreciate the next few days of blissful quiet until they re-form."

"...You're welcome," Rob said, mildly shellshocked. "And thanks. Again. I guess."

"Unnecessary. Going by purely objective means, you have much more to hate me for than thank me for."

Rob was still in the midst of processing that statement when Kismet snatched his coin out of the air and lazily gestured towards the Human. "I recommend that you leave soon. Matters in the mortal plane are beginning to turn sour. Your friends' peril grows with every passing second."

Rob sucked in air through his teeth. "How much longer do I have until the Attunement is finished?"

"It finished several minutes ago."


"Almost immediately after I accelerated it, in fact," Kismet plainly stated. "It would have transported your consciousness back to the mortal plane as well, but I chose to keep you here until my questions were answered. Now that you've sated my curiosity, you are free to go."

Rob was speechless as Kismet flipped his coin again. "This is the limit of my generosity. From here on out, you shall receive no help from me." Tink. The coin landed on its edge. "I can only offer you the little I did when bringing you to Elatra: words of encouragement. Good luck, Rob the Human."

Another memory flashed through Rob's thoughts. This time it was of a note, crumpled and worn, those very same words of encouragement scrawled on the front. It had been inside his pocket when he first woke up on Elatra.

When he'd first been brought to Elatra.

"You son of a-"


Rob's eyes snapped open.

He activated Quick Thinking an instant later. The anger was still boiling hot within him, but there would be time to rage at the heavens later.

'Message log.'

Attunement Level Increased! 8 -> 9

Purge Corruption Level Increased! 4 -> 5

Purge Corruption energy stores tripled!

You have gained the ability to restore a Corrupted Locus of Power! Can be used once per week. This requires at least 75% of your maximum Purge Corruption energy stores to succeed.

Attunement has reached its maximum Level!

Purge Corruption has reached its maximum Level!

Panic flowed through him as he observed his surroundings. He'd accomplished his mission, which was really, really, really great, but at the moment he honestly didn't care. It would be easier to fully appreciate that triumph when a Corrupted fucking Leviathan wasn't floating fifteen feet in front of him. Rob's stomach twisted as he examined the rotting, desiccated behemoth, taking in its hideous form from head to tail. Sacks engorged with puslike acid dotted the Leviathan's surface, leaking sizzling liquid into the water at regular intervals. Scales and flesh sloughed off in clumps, revealing an enormous rib cage underneath. Wisps of Corruption smoked off of its surface every so often, polluting the water like a toxic oil spill.

And then there was its smile. The original Leviathan didn't smile – it opened its mouth to devour prey like any normal predator of the wild. If someone was feeling grimly poetic as they were swallowed whole by the beast, they might imagine to themselves that its gaping maw looked like a vicious smile, but that would be mere sophistry. This abomination, on the other hand, was grinning from ear to ear. Not with the hunger of a predator, but with the joy of a sadist.

Miraculously, the creature wasn't attacking. Its luminous red eyes were staring transfixed at Malika as the Archmage created a random assortment of mana patterns in the air. Riardin's Rangers and the Merfolk soldiers were floating right behind her in solidarity, Orn'tol's hand tightly clenched on her shoulder. Rob was surprised that the Merfolk hadn't fled, but then again, they probably realized that there was no point. No one here was fast enough to outrun a Leviathan.

It was everything that Rob feared was about to happen when he started Attuning. The Blight had found a significantly more potent body to inhabit than swarms of krill. Hell, at this point, achieving its fully-realized form by absorbing a Locus of Power wouldn't even be that much of an upgrade. Only idle curiosity and unfinished business was keeping it here – at any moment, the abomination could swim off and start terrorizing Merfolk territory at its leisure.

Rob chuckled.

The others froze. Riardin's Rangers, Diplomacy, the Merfolk, and even the Leviathan turned to gape at the Human as he burst out laughing. It was purely manic, full of every emotion imaginable; mirth, despair, sorrow, elation, hatred. As the seconds passed, those emotions faded one by one until a single dominating sensation stood tall above all else.


Rob drifted forward past Malika, shrugging off Keira's hand when she moved to restrain him. The Corrupted Leviathan watched him curiously as he approached, moving slowly, gradually, and without a single care in the world. He probably should have rushed forward instead of making a show out of this – there was no guarantee the Leviathan would stay curious for long – but on a base level, he wanted, needed to stomp the monstrosity's spirit into a fine paste. After everything it'd done to thousands of innocent people, that was the very least that it deserved.

Today wouldn't be a true victory until the Blight learned to know fear.

Rob stopped mere inches away from the Corrupted Leviathan's face. The beast’s grin deepened.

So did his.

"Fuck off."

Rob slammed his hand onto the Leviathan's face and pumped as much Purge Corruption energy as he could directly into the abomination's veins. A tsunami of purifying Blue surged out of him, draining nearly a quarter of his reserves in an instant. The sound of the Corrupted Leviathan howling in pain was music to Rob's ears, matched only by the sight of its smug grin twisting into a rictus of horror. Corrupted flesh began to boil and pop as the taint was purged from the Blight's stolen form.

And then, in a flurry of motion, it ran. The beast was so gigantic that its retreat sent everyone else flying backwards as waves of water were displaced, but the Corrupted Leviathan still turned tail and ran. It disappeared into the distance at a dizzying speed, crying out in agony as lingering Purge Corruption energies attacked its body, fleeing like the little bitch that it was.

Rob allowed his Party members and the Merfolk ten seconds to comprehend what they'd just seen. When he spoke next, there was more than a little bit of satisfaction in his voice.

"Consider that a proof of concept," he stated, addressing the stunned Merfolk. "If you've got people who need Corruption removed, or if the Leviathan decides to darken your doorstep again, then you know who to call. Just saunter on over to Fiendland and ask for Rob." He paused, then sighed. "Or Roy. That...would probably work too."

A Merfolk soldier opened and closed her mouth several times before managing to squeak out a single word. "Who..."

"Didn't I just say? My name is Rob – and by the way, it's nice to meet you." He held his palm up, angling it vertically. The Merfolk soldier stared at his hand for a few seconds before hesitantly holding up her palm in the same manner.

"Hell yeah!" Rob smiled wide as he gave her an exuberant high-five. "That's the spirit."

Now today felt like a victory.

He cast Waymark a moment later. Riardin's Rangers vanished without a trace, leaving two dozen Merfolk and a newly-born legend behind.


Character Sheet and Skills List 

Thanks for reading!



max level babyyyyyyyyyy

Captain Nuclear

It omly mentions that purge has reached max level It does not say he can't attune anymore

Trevor Smith

I can't help but imagine Rob pulling a shoryuken on the blighted leviathan now. 10/10 relatability on the whole laughing all the emotions out part. Could practically feel the hate as rob drove his fist into the blight's face. Refreshing conclusion to one hell of a story ark.

David Bean

Hells yeah, that was awesome! I’m a little disappointed Kismet turned into such a condescending asshole all the sudden though.


Fun thing is if Rob only used a quarter of blue power to scare off the blight, he had that before attunement. Unless I'm doing math wrong.


… i kind of like kismet


His “Attunement” *stat* may have maxed out, but that doesn’t mean he can’t attune any more. Check the status description for Purge Corruption: the prereq text goes from “attune to eight five loci” at lv2 to “attune to twelve nine loci” at lv5. If Rob hadn’t received a 3-loci discount to get PC early, he’d have to attune to 12 loci to reach PC lv5. I guess it’s possible that the 3-loci discount affected the max level of Attunement but it seems unlikely. Also, the Attunement description still says “Attune to a sufficient number of Loci, and you may be able to (*#(!)@)#$&amp;#)!”, yet restoring a corrupted locus doesn’t have any divine text about it. Whatever “(*#(!)@)#$&amp;#)” is, Rob can’t do it yet, which implies he needs to attune to more loci, which implies he *can* attune to more loci.

thodoris kavouras

that was very much an Avengers 2012 "i'm always angry" type of punch and you can't convince me otherwise. Also it's nice that this conversation with Kismet could be spun (way later on) into a plot of having to work with/against the gods of Elatra. Also also, if Kismet can apparently bring people over from Earth, what stops Malid from bringing another human and convincing them to try to kill Rob, if it's a female you could even make it so that Keira sees Rob and the new female human as a better pairing, bitterly putting aside her own feelings so rob wouldn't be with an Elf that would outlive him by a dozen decades or more


For a God thats not even on the level of condescension, would be stranger if he was buddy buddy or something.

David Bean

We already have the bad cop in Malid. Kismet has been nothing but helpful until that point, for me it was a pretty jarring change.

CMDR Dantae

It tripled his reserves, so he had slightly more than what he used to scare off the Leviathan.

CMDR Dantae

"This is an opportune moment," Keira said, echoing the sentiment in everyone's minds. "The Merfolk can't prioritize the Blight over us. As long as we don't strike them first, any resistance they send our way will be minimal." Is this meant to be "prioritize us over the Blight." or am I reading it wrong?