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Author's Note:

Recent chapters (including ones you guys haven't seen yet) have more a lot more difficult/time-consuming than usual to write, so to give myself a bit of breathing room the next update is going to be a short, non-canon filler thing. This will help extend my chapter backlog (which increases overall quality, as each chapter is edited up until the day of release) and retain author sanity, which is important for obvious reasons. Thanks for your patience, and as always, thanks for reading!


Three Shark Attacks Later


Rob dove downward as a pair of sharks rushed past where he'd been, their jaws snapping greedily like they hadn't eaten in days. He mouthed off several rude comments before immediately shifting left to avoid a second pair of sharks. Then another. And another. The most he could do in retaliation was score a few sporadic blows in-between dodges; while the sharks weren't particularly strong, clocking in at Level 26 on average, at a certain point quantity became its own type of quality. Imbue Vitality's cooldown timer reached zero at that moment, and Rob promptly chunked a shark into oblivion – only for it to be replaced by, surprise surprise, more sharks.

Two fun little facts about Earth sharks are that they can smell blood in water from over 1000 feet away, and that they don't actually attack people very often. Apparently the Elatran variants were far more aggressive and Perceptive, because every single goddamn one he'd met since the first was gunning straight for his succulent Human-flesh as if they were penniless college students at a discount lunch special. Maybe he was a delicacy they hadn't tasted in ages, like fine caviar being randomly served at your local McDonalds, or maybe they were just tired of eating fish and Merfolk as their daily diet and wanted some menu variety. Whatever the reason, it meant that all of them wanted a piece of Rob-shaped pie.

All of them. Riardin's Rangers had encountered no less than thirty-five sharks since their foray into Merfolk territory. They'd encountered other types of indigenous wildlife as well, but those fishies were smart enough to stay away from the strange new creatures carrying themselves with an air of murder. The sharks were...slightly less cautious. They made mana-born monsters driven by an innate desire for carnage look like friendly puppies in comparison.

Rob breathed a sigh of relief as Vul'to's Taunt finally resounded across the battlefield. All but one shark whipped around to face him, ravenous hunger glinting in their beady black eyes. The swarm darted towards him, swimming straight into a cloud of inverted gray mist that slowed their rush to a crawl. Keira, Orn'tol, and Malika took advantage of the Temporal Trap by viciously tearing into the swarm like fish in a metaphorical barrel. Orn'tol fired an arrow that split apart into four separate projectiles, each one piercing its target squarely in the brain. Malika encased an unlucky few in solid blocks of ice, watching gleefully as the popsicle corpses gracefully floated up towards the ocean surface. Keira bellowed a war cry as she wielded her greatsword with the ease of swinging a light dagger, her charge followed closely by a shadowy afterimage that felled just as many enemies as she did; twice the fun wrapped into a single Savage Warrior package.

That left one shark who'd managed to partially resist Vul'to's Taunt. Before it finished shaking off the Skill's lingering effects, Rob cast Rampage and dashed forward, grabbing the creature's head with enough force to stab his fingers in and up to his knuckles. Rampage's secondary effect activated, encasing the shark in a cacophonous explosion that tickled Rob's ears despite its sound being dulled by the surrounding water. Sharkie struggled in vain to escape as the explosion ravaged its body, shearing away chunks of flesh that exposed pure-white bone. After a brief period of being treated like a hamburger patty stuck inside a blender, Sharkie snapped away at the last second; well, some of it did, anyway. Three-fourths of a shark drifted into the endless blue as Rob was left holding a twitching head.

He gazed into the creature's fading eyes. After a customary moment of pity, and against his better judgement, Rob began to wonder how his victory trophy tasted like. This might be a golden opportunity to try out shark meat in a world where doing so wasn't frowned upon. Considering how many bites they'd taken out of him, it was only fair. Shame that he couldn't put corpses in Spatial Storage – the idea of physically toting Sharkie's head around felt a bit more awkward than he was comfortable with. And it would be hard to explain without sounding like a weirdo, psycho, or both.

C'est la vie, Rob thought, as he let go and allowed the head to drift away. He turned to face the rest of his Party, eyes sweeping across them. "Is everyone alright?"

<Just check the Party Screen,> Diplomacy said. Before Rob could reply, the Skill opened up the Party Screen on their own, filling Rob's vision with a list of names and stats.

HP: 1023 / 1250
Stamina: 217 / 350
MP: 259 / 350

Savage Warrior Level: 43
HP: 510 / 510
Stamina: 301 / 370
MP: 283 / 350

Guardian Level: 32
HP: 602 / 650
Stamina: 277 / 380
MP: 134 / 260

Bladesoul Level: 35
HP: 420 / 420
Stamina: 236 / 320
MP: 300 / 300

Guerilla Ranger Level: 35
HP: 500 / 500
Stamina: 254 / 330
MP: 315 / 420

Archmage Level: 27
HP: 330 / 330
Stamina: 121 / 260
MP: 497 / 700

Executioner Level: 34
HP: 534 / 600
Stamina: 251/ 350
MP: 258 / 350

Thrasher Level: 28
HP: 318 / 420
Stamina: 283 / 350
MP: 257 / 300

<Everyone looks right as rain,> Diplomacy assured. <What few injuries they have will be healed by Regeneration in short order.>

Yes, but it's common courtesy to ask anyway,
Rob countered.

<They don't care one way or another,> Diplomacy shrugged. <A small modicum of common courtesy won't increase their opinion of you.>

Rob internally narrowed his eyes at the Skill. Are you saying that the only reason to be nice to people is to get them to like me? And that if being nice won't work towards that goal, I shouldn't bother?

Diplomacy paused. <I misspoke,> they muttered, quietly. <That's...not what I believe.>

"Is there perhaps a way to mask Rob's scent?" Vul'to said, interrupting the BERSERKER's mental conversation. "I don't blame him for the sharks' apparent interest, but the frequency of their assaults is growing rather obscene."

"You'd likely have to remove all the blood in his body," Meyneth deadpanned. "Which I personally consider to be an inadvisable course of action, although others might feel differently."

Rob poked his arm and sighed. "I attracted a lot of mosquitoes growing up," he confessed. "Parents told me to stop eating so much sugar. Said that it was making my blood extra sweet. I thought they were full of it, but who knows? Maybe I taste like ice cream cake on the inside."

"Do we really need to think of a way to deter their attacks?" Malika flinched back at the seven sets of widened eyes that turned their attention on her. She crossed her arms, voice taking on a note of defiance. "The sharks are too weak to kill us," she grumbled. "So all they're actually doing is feeding us free Experience. That's not so bad, is it?"

"I am quite enjoying the Fast Learner bonus," Faelynn admitted. "It's going to be difficult to go back to a normal EXP rate after our mission is finished. Almost feels like cheating."

Rob tuned out the rest of their conversation, letting them decide the pros and cons of horrifying creatures of the deep coming in droves to eat him. He imagined that it was a topic of debate that came up fairly often in Elatra: where did the line between 'easy EXP' and 'too hot to handle' begin and end? While all Combat Class users wanted to grow stronger, they couldn't just go out and kill the first living creature that caught their eye and expect to get a Level out of it. Picking their targets was as integral as the fighting itself. Too weak, and they wouldn't gain any real amount of Experience. Too strong, and they would, well, die.

It was a decision that had largely been taken out of Rob's hands – enemies tended to come to him, today being a prime example – which was a major contributor to his record-breaking Level growth. Combat Class users in times of peace weren't constantly bouncing off of Infected animals, aberrant Dungeons, and Blightspawn. They were afforded more breathing room, and they definitely possessed a higher life expectancy, but in that same vein, their options for growth were also far more limited.

What's even left for me to fight if I want to make significant gains? Rob pondered. As far as I know, I've already outleveled the strongest animals and monsters in the world. Blightspawn still give good EXP, but we're trying to get rid of them. Dungeons don't spawn at my Level, and letting them grow until they can give people at my Level a challenge has historically been a catastrophic idea.

If Rob were given the choice, he'd have retired right then and there and coasted through the rest of his life as a Level 49 Awakened Class user. That was more than enough to put him in the top 1% of Elatran fighters. The problem was that the tippy-top of the 1% was currently looking to punish him for his crime of existing. According to Elder Alessia, the Elven Seneschal was Level 75 the last time she'd seen him, which wasn't a fight Rob could win unless he stacked the deck in his favor to an absurd degree. What he really needed was a way to close the gap, and fast. Gaining 26 Levels would be no small achievement, but it might be possible if he managed to pull some bullshit method out of his ass. Unlikely, very unlikely, but possible.

The Dragon Queen, though? She may as well have been a universe apart from him – and everyone else. Apparently, slaughtering tens of thousands of people with an army at your back was a decent way to gain some Levels. Imagine that. Even if Rob was somehow given the same opportunity, he had this pesky thing called 'not being a total fucking monster' holding him back from following in her footsteps. Gaining 40+ Levels before she came to deep-fry him seemed downright impossible. And even if he somehow pulled it off, she'd still be significantly stronger due to winning the Racial Trait and Awakened Class combo lottery, giving her a permanent Passive Skill that doubled her stats. When looked at purely from a stats perspective, she was actually over Level 180, and well above the universal Level cap of 100.

Rob sighed as he rubbed his eyes and shook his head. Crazed draconic demigods were a problem for Future-Rob to deal with. Present-Rob was already busy shoving years of backdated swimming lessons into a one-day period. While the Ring of Perfected Waterdwelling was living up to its name, Rob wasn't fully comfortable traversing through the sea yet, and swimming for hours on end was starting to take its toll despite constant Deep Breathing and regular breaks. Other physical concerns included shark attacks, eating soggy food, and the looming necessity of sleep that they wouldn't be able to put off for much longer.

At least the view is amazing. A smile inched across Rob's face as he looked around, surrounded on all sides by otherworldly beauty. Light from above was reflecting the gentle motion of blue-green waves, highlighting a roaming school of sparkling fish whose scales glittered in the sun. Rocky outcroppings that jutted upwards from the ocean depths had formed into underwater mountain ranges, each one dotted with multicolored coral of varying shapes and sizes. And while the ocean was tranquil, it wasn't fully silent; tiny ambient sounds could be heard in the distance, from the hums of wildlife to the sloshes of water mixing with water.

It was breathtaking in every sense of the word. The nature documentaries that Rob watched back on Earth didn't remotely do the experience justice. Seeing it in-person was so much more vibrant, so much more alive. Rob made himself a promise to go deep-sea diving with Jason and his parents as soon as he made it back home. He wanted to see how Earth oceans stacked up against Elatra's, and it would be nice to share one of the few unambiguously beautiful memories he'd have from this world.

He let himself soak in the sights for a few seconds longer. Satisfied with his mental break, Rob turned to the rest of his Party, preparing to urge them on. They had a lot of swimming to do, especially after factoring in that they'd inevitably go the wrong way and have to waste time course correcting. He opened his mouth – and then stopped. Everyone was frozen still, Orn'tol holding his hand up to forestall any movement or chatter. The boy's eyes slowly shifted leftward.

With a burst of speed, Orn'tol drew his bow and fired an arrow wreathed in an inverted-gray aura. Two figures in the distance popped out from behind a rocky outcropping and started swimming away like their lives depended on it. Riardin's Rangers sprung into action, following Orn'tol's arrow like a pack of dogs chasing a stick. The two figures were moving fast, and they might have been able to escape – if not for the Temporal Trap that enshrouded them in its enfeebling fog. Zamira and Orn'tol caught up first with their 70+ Dexterity apiece, engaging the figures before the Trap's effects had a chance to fade.

One beatdown later, and Rob found himself staring down at two bruised Merfolk, each restrained in a tight headlock under one of Keira's arms. The man was Level 23, and the woman was Level 25, marking them as Combat Class users. Both Merfolk stared back with expressions of stupefied horror, eyes flitting back and forth between the Elves, Dragonkin, Human, and Fiend. They seemed to be preparing themselves for torture, followed by a swift death – if they were lucky.

Rob should've given their panic more sympathy and understanding. Objectively, he knew that. At the moment, though, all he could think about was how the Merfolk were the first Elatran natives he'd met who weren't inherently attractive. The Elves were slender and beautiful, the Dragonkin and Fiends were buff and full-figured, and the Merfolk were...fishy. As in, their faces kind of looked like fish. Vaguely elongated in strange places, and with puffy skin that was a bit too oily. The disparity was just enough to fall into uncanny valley territory. Maybe it would've worked for some sections of the internet, but Rob wasn't a fan.

<Is this really what you should be paying attention to right now?>

Rob began, a defensive edge to his thoughts. I've got hormones, and sometimes they sit in the driver's seat without my permission.

Diplomacy sighed. <How in the world haven't you kissed Keira yet?>

Mercifully, one of the Merfolk took that moment to speak up. They turned to their compatriot and began jabbering in a language that Rob couldn't understand, but what he presumed was their native tongue. Merfolk #2, looking intensely distressed, jabbered back in a pointed tone. Merfolk #1 winced and fell silent, averting his eyes and glancing down.

"...So does anyone know how to speak Merfolk?" Rob asked. Everyone shook their heads, Diplomacy included. "Huh. What are the chances that they know Common? Orn'tol was still learning it back when I initially joined The Village."

"Only cause I got sidetracked," Orn'tol mumbled, as Malika snickered.

Rob suppressed a smirk. "Fair enough. Sidetracking aside, though, should we assume that these Merfolk can speak Common?"

"Certainly," Meyneth answered. "At the very least I would expect the same for any Dragonkin of a similar age as them. Those who fail to learn Common by the age of 30 are considered to have brought shame upon their family name."

Orn'tol grumbled under his breath. Meyneth's eyes widened in belated panic. "Ah, don't worry," she quickly said. "Believe me when I say that there are many ways to bring shame upon a Dragonkin's family name. Learning Common isn't a particularly noteworthy barometer for personal success."

"Yeah, Orn'tol," Malika crowed. "It's so un-noteworthy that anyone should be able to do it. With ease. Hardly worth thinking about, really."

The boy sent her a dangerous glare. "...You slept with a stuffed animal until you were 28."

"And you promised never to tell a soul about that!"

Rob scratched the back of his head. I think they forgot about the Merfolk.

<This is, somehow, not the worst interrogation I've ever witnessed.>

Doesn't have to be an interrogation,
Rob thought. He bent his knees to put himself at eye level with the restrained Merfolk, remembered that he was underwater and could've just floated straight down, and ultimately decided that he was committed to the bit. "As you can see," Rob began, putting on his best Good Cop voice. "We're not exactly a group that takes itself seriously. More seriously than the moment calls for, anyway. I know that Keira's dual headlock is giving you an exceptionally poor first impression, but there's no reason for us to be enemies here. We can explain ourselves if you give us the chance."

He smiled. "My name is Rob, and it's nice to meet you. Any chance I can get your names in return?"

The Merfolk glanced at each other out of the corners of their eyes. Some unspoken message passed between them, and as soon as it was received, both of them clammed up and averted their eyes from everyone once more.

"I don't know what you just said," Faelynn whispered to Rob. "But I don't think it worked."

<They can definitely understand Common,> Diplomacy confirmed. <Facial expressions make it clear as day.>

Any chance you'd be able to interpret exactly what they're saying if we get them speaking out loud in Merfolk again?
Rob asked.

<I wish,> the Skill laughed. <Maybe after I'm Level 30, or after I've spent hours analyzing their expressions. Merfolk faces are somewhat different from what I'm accustomed to. At the moment, I'm as of little help as you are.>

Gee, thanks.
"Would it help if I said that we're not invaders?" Rob offered. "Just think of us as tourists. We'll be in and out before you know it."

They gave him a flat stare. Vul'to poked Rob in the shoulder to draw his attention, then whispered into the Human's ear. "Why aren't you asking...um...your friend, for assistance?"

"Was it really that obvious?"


Rob smirked. "Macy wants more data before they start feeding me lines. Isn't used to Merfolk faces yet."

<I'm sorry, MACY?>

It was either that or Big D.

The Skill groaned loudly. <How are you *so* bad at naming things?>

"Are you done playing around?" Keira asked, in a bored tone. "Because it looks to me as if the diplomatic avenue has failed. At what point do we start using my methods?" She grinned. "Honeyed words may be met with resolute silence, but broken bones can sing so many stories."

"That isn't necessary," Zamira said, making soothing hand motions towards the now-anxious Merfolk. "As Rob has clearly stated, we aren't invaders."

"I think we're the only ones that see it that way," Keira countered. "And really, why should they believe otherwise? Take a moment to observe this situation from their perspective. Is there any possible combinations of words we could say – no matter how friendly and disarming – that would prevent these Merfolk from swimming off to inform their King of our Party's arrival? Our Party which, as a reminder, consists of Elves, a Human, and a Fiend, all breathing water and swimming like natural-born Merfolk."

The ocean was quiet. Zamira leaned over to whisper a translation to Faelynn, which prompted Keira's smirk to widen. "Ah, yes. Can't forget that we're also communicating with the aforementioned Fiend. As if everything else wasn't noteworthy enough on its own."

<She's right,> Diplomacy admitted. <Even if I spent hours observing these two Merfolk in specific, this would be a very, very hard sell.>

Rob sighed, exhaling a line of bubbles. "Okay, fine. Then what do you propose? Because if they're that determined to inform their King, I doubt any number of broken bones is going to deter them regardless. At the same time, We've got to do something with them."

He froze. Every member of Riardin's Rangers turned to look at Keira in unison. "What?" She asked, before realizing the intent behind their accusatory stares. "No," she stated, with emphasis. "I'm not suggesting that we kill them. They're harmless noncombatants who've done us no wrong. Just – just what do you take me for?"

The rest of the Party breathed a muted sigh of relief. By the crestfallen look on Keira's face, it wasn't the reaction she'd been hoping for. "I was merely going to suggest that we leave them unconscious," the Savage Warrior hurriedly continued. "If my method of interrogation is doomed to fail, then wouldn't the logical solution simply be to remove their interference in a temporary capacity?"

"Shark will eat them," Orn'tol muttered. "They were close to Rob. Probably got Human-blood stench all over them."

"Humans attract sharks?!" Merfolk #1 cried out. He clapped a hand over his mouth as Merfolk #2 clapped a hand onto her forehead. Riardin's Rangers gaped in disbelief as the Human in question swam closer, eyebrows shooting skyward. Merfolk #1 averted his eyes, Rob moved into view, and Merfolk #1 averted his eyes again. The pattern repeated a few times until Merfolk #1 gave up and fully closed his eyes, shoulders slumped in defeat.

Faelynn grimaced. "So that's what it looks like to have a Helkath ruining your negotiations," she said, as if she was recounting traumatic war stories. "I don't think I make for a good interrogator. Already feel pity for one of my captives."

"Perhaps we could bring them with us?" Vul'to suggested. "Keep them contained until Rob completes his Attunement. Afterwards, we release them and Waymark back to-"

"Sharing too much, Vul'to!" Rob interrupted. "But no, that won't work either. We don't have any material strong enough to keep Combat Class users restricted for...however long this is going to take."

A bolt of inspiration struck him. Rob turned back towards the captive Merfolk and plastered a disarming smile on his face, the kind that dentists wore while they ripped out pieces of your body. "As a side note, do either of you know how close we are to the Leviathan border?"

The Merfolk reacted immediately and intensely, the man moreso than the woman. Eyes bulged, shoulders tightened, and both reached up to ineffectively swat at Keira.

You get anything from that? Rob asked.

<Still a bit fuzzy on the specifics, but they were exceptionally panicked,> Diplomacy said. <And not in the 'what is he talking about?' way, but in the 'what if he actually takes us there?' way. It implies that we're close to the Leviathan border.>

'Hours away' close, or 'couple days' close?

<As stated, I'm still fuzzy on the specifics.>

Rob nodded and brought up a mental map of the area. The Locus that Riardin's Rangers were hunting was close to the northern edge of Merfolk territory, which would explain why his captives were so freaked out. If the Locus was nearby, that meant that Leviathan territory was nearby too, and for all they knew the crazy Human was serious about going there. It made sense – except that Rob knew he shouldn't have been anywhere near this location yet. The teleportation mages specifically explained that their spell's effective range was about 20-30 miles, which would've put Riardin's Rangers at least 100 miles away from the Locus. There was no way that they'd managed to swim so far so quickly.

The only explanation Rob could think of was that the spell had sent them farther out than expected. Teleportation was an imprecise art, especially if the mages involved weren't familiar with the terrain they were sending someone into. Meaning that the mages, despite their caution, had teleported Riardin's Ranges many miles forward...instead of many miles up...or down...which they said was also a distinct possibility when teleportation spells went awry.


Well, Riardin's Rangers were going to reach the Locus ahead of schedule, so everything was totally fine. Rob elected to take the lucky break for what it was – and ask Diplomacy to write up some stern words for the mages when he got back.

Still need to figure out what to do with these two, Rob thought, as he relayed his newfound discovery to the rest of the Party. Can't bring them with us, because they'll probably escape. Can't knock them out, because sharks will eat them. Can't kill them, because we're not monsters. He grimaced at the captives, earning another set of panicked looks. Why'd couldn't these assholes have just been somewhere else?

Rob froze. He regained his composure a moment later, but by then it was too late; Keira had noticed. "Did you think of a solution?" She asked.


Keira winced. "Ill-advised?"

"Yup." Rob sighed. "It would work, but it would also suck." He hesitated, hoping that a miraculous Plan E would pop into his head, before sighing and throwing caution to the wind. "I can send the Merfolk back to Fiend territory with Waymark. Then they'll be out of our hair, and we can continue on without worrying about them sounding the alarms."

"Are you capable of excluding Party members from a usage of Waymark?" Meyneth asked. "As far as I can recall, you've yet to attempt that sort of feat."

"It's one of those Crystal Bearer things I subconsciously know about," Rob explained. "I'll be able to teleport them without teleporting any of us."

"Will doing so lessen Waymark's 24-hour cooldown?"

Rob shook his head. "No. It won't."

The Party fell silent. Waymark was their get-out-of-jail free card. It was what made trespassing deep into enemy territory feasible. Without it, they were vulnerable to whatever bullshit that Elatra elected to throw at them. Anything they weren't able to fight off or escape from would be a death sentence.

"Please tell me someone has a better idea," Rob asked.

No one said anything. Rob glared at his Merfolk captives, anger rising like a volcano about the burst. Why did these fuckers have to be crossing this path at this exact time? Things were going swimmingly – pun intended – until they showed up. Was he really going to expend his safety button for their sake? It'd be so much easier just to slit their throats and wash his hands of the situation. He'd get some bonus EXP out of the deal too-

Rob viciously shoved down the Leveling High static growing in the back of his mind. Feeling as if he was sick to his stomach, he immediately removed two Party members and sent invites to the Merfolk.

Five seconds later, his Party's vacant slots were still empty.

"Accept the invites," he pleaded, voice weak. "It's for your own good."

The Merfolk exchanged glances, then sent Rob a defiant look. They couldn't possibly know why he was trying to add them to his Party – Waymark was an unknown Rob exclusive – but they'd been obstinate thus far and weren't about to stop now. Diplomacy began formulating an argument, and was halfway finished when Keira abruptly swam forward and unsheathed her greatsword with an exaggerated flourish.

"You heard him," she stated, tilting her head slightly as she gently patted the greatsword against her palm. "Accept."


"Greetings," Elder Alessia quickly said. She glanced at the sectioned-off spot in the room that they'd set aside as the designated Waymark area. "Any news of Rob's Party?

"Nothing yet," the teleportation mage said. "We'll contact you as soon as a new development arises." He put on a confident smile. "In the meantime, the best we can do is wait for their return. I daresay that they'll bring good tidings with them when they do."

Alessia nodded, suppressing the shame creeping into her gut. In truth, she knew that the mages had no way of knowing when Rob's Party would return. There was no point in asking, especially when doing so cast a poor light on her composure. Her presence here was a waste of everyone's time.

And yet how couldn't she worry? Trainees formerly under her command were descending into uncharted enemy territory. Alessia had witnessed the same sort of mission undertaken on numerous occasions during the war; it led to casualties more often than not, and that was when it was being headed by seasoned veterans trained for stealth operations. Rob's Party weren't seasoned veterans, they were a band of miscreants with an uncanny knack for killing things faster than things could kill them. It wasn't a matter of 'if' they would be discovered, but 'when'.

Perhaps I should have joined them, she thought. Party synergy be damned. My expertise would have been invaluable, and Elder Duran is well enough by now to handle matters while I'm gone. Next time-

Sparks of mana alerted her senses to a disturbance. Elder Alessia whirled towards the designated Waymark spot, eyes widening as Blue energies rapidly coalesced. The Fiends in the room followed suit, shock giving way to concern as they watched the Skill build to a finale.

Shit. Alessia grit her teeth. She may have been worried about them, but that didn't mean she wanted to see them just yet. A return this early could only mean grievous injuries – so grievous that Rob's Regeneration was insufficient to mend them. Alessia yelled for someone to bring the Healers as she fished a Potion out of her pocket. 50 HP wasn't much for Combat Class users of their Level; hopefully it would serve to stabilize their condition until help arrived.

The energies dispersed. Alessia's mouth fell open. Rather than Rob's party, two Merfolk waited within the Waymark area, expressions of horror forming on their faces as they regained their senses, surveyed their surroundings, and finally noticed who else was with them.

"FIENDS!" the Merfolk shouted.

"MERFOLK!" the Fiends shouted.

Elder Alessia felt a headache coming on.


Thanks for reading!



Pffft. I'd combine the two names. "Big D Macy"


That was stupid. Unacceptably stupid, and Rob has done some stupid shit. This was a new level of stupid, though. Seriously...


Idiotic but understandable. Why not knock them out/disable them with Kiera's technique AND bring them along? Protecting them from mere sharks shouldn't be the end of the world. I hope he's able to get what he needs and get out with relative expediency.

CMDR Dantae

That would be difficult and make them a liability. Not to mention if something goes wrong they'd probably die.

CMDR Dantae

Glad to see Rob's not letting Levelling High control him. He's been doing better later, though this is quite the moral conumdrum. I expect most people in the same situation would decide to kill them. WIth the Fiends lives at stake, it's a really hard decision. Looking forward to more.

Kris Boxall

Thanks for the chapter. Don’t get why everyone’s saying that was a stupid decision, seemed like the only one they had at the time?


I hope that swap and send off was quick, or the two who got temporary booted are, well, drowning


Excellent chapter and can't wait for the next part


I still think that biting limbs off is just the Eletra shark way of flirting.


Great chapter. Just curious, do Rob's explosions follow Earth physics? Cause that would make them much deadlier in the water due to water being mostly incompressible.


Amazing as alleays