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Author's Note: In accordance with the Kindle Unlimited release, this chapter has been removed. The post itself has been preserved for the sake of the comment section.


Captain Nuclear

Hope you had a great Christmas and Week off, Potato :)


Hope you had great holidays and rest! Don't get burned out! Amazing chapter


"You're made much progress *You've


Whoops, had another one. brace sacrifices of others *brave


You better be well rested, thank you for the magnificent content, but you better be rested.

CMDR Dantae

This chapter really hits deep. Now I'm hyped for the attunement coming soon.


The rips of Keira's ears turned red did you wanted to say "tips" ?

Nathan Linder

"Vul'to did his best to portray himself as unnerved, and wasn't entirely successful in that endeavor; the notion that he was trespassing on someone else's property was simply too strong to ignore. In truth, he doubted that anyone in the Deserters was feeling particularly at ease or welcomed right now." This might just be a regional thing(I did some looking and couldn't find it to be the case, but if it is go ahead and ignore me), but you're using unnerved incorrectly here. If someone is unnerved that means they are nervous, or lost their nerve, but you're using it to mean they aren't nervous. I like that Meyneth has upped her game and is just overtly shipping Keira and Rob in front of everyone now.


I just have to say, this latest writing is absolutely phenomenal. Really glad you took a break because less chapters is worth it if we get chapters of this quality. This kind of reminds me of reading a Stephen King novel, where things just flow, and every part is interesting.


Thanks for the kind words :) The last section of this chapter is one of my personal favorite things I've written in the entire story so far.