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Author's Note: In accordance with the Kindle Unlimited release, this chapter has been removed. The post itself has been preserved for the sake of the comment section.



A short non-canon chapter on christmas you say? If I may then suggest chapter in which Rob was placed in the body of an elf upon arrival instead of his human one? Events would play out a little diffrent sure but maybe we see him get accepted into the village easier as a lost elf. We would see him train as a ranger with everyone and naturally make friends with the other trainees and earn the honor of living long enough to get invited to this world's version of a christmas party, whatever that is. We would see Rob being truly content with his new living situation as everyone smiles at the party. Then maybey we even see how earth is doing this christmas after the disaster.


“must one complete one” - Just one too many 😛 I take it we’ll find out what other task they want him to complete in the next chapter?


I support your vacation. Take as long as you need


Another amazing chapter And take as long a break as you need! It's the holidays, and the world is crazy, take care of yourself! We'll live through a little cliffhanger just fine

thodoris kavouras

Non-canon you say? Honestly, more of the What If Rob Started Out With Magic would be nice. That story was fun, played deeper into the fantasy theme, and Rob being the pyromaniac that he clearly is, would probably enjoy finding new ways to use mana-fueled spells to dispatch or at least survive his many, many encounters with increasingly dangerous entities. And take your break freely, us max tier subs couldn't wait so we paid more, but we can wait now lmao


Rest well dude


We understand, take care of yourself.


Hmmm… Non-canon Christmas chapter… Honestly, whatever you want to write, the crazier and more absurd the better. But primarily, I don’t want it strengthening the looming burnout.


Why not have Santa bring rob a gun after all I do believe he's been a very good boy this year

Not N. Octopus

My choice for a noncanon chapter is one where Meynath goes about attempting to set up the Rob-Keira-Zamira polycule


Thank you for the good story. I'd love to see Meynath talk to Rob about his love for Keira.

CMDR Dantae

Just a gun? That would be a poor gift, after all, he has no ammo. I think a crate of C4 and a detonator would be appreciated much more. Or flash grenades, or a 500lb bomb.


Another amazing chapter. I love how Rob has, over the course of 6 months, turned from a normal college student into Fantasy Commander Shepard, complete with regenerating health, a steadily increasing collection of named squadmates, and maxed out Paragon/Renegade so that he lands all speech checks. For the Christmas chapter (assuming it's not too late), what if Rob got dropped into a world where the Scouring never happened? I want to see what that would have been like.