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In accordance with the Kindle Unlimited release, this chapter has been removed. The post itself has been preserved for the sake of the comment section.



I do not think I am supposed to have access to this chapter yet.


Sorry about that, it's been fixed now. Patreon auto-defaults to giving permission to all tiers and I forgot to click out of it. Very sorry if you ended up being spoiled about anything.


Well times on Earth are going as swimmingly as expected. #noooope I wonder if leveling high will be something Jason has to deal with or if it's just an Eletra thing?


I have a dog. That scene was tough to write. But Earth doesn't get much screentime, so when it does, it needs to make an impact.

Captain Nuclear

So the system is inherently connected to corruption somehow ? In that messages are appearing where corruption has reached Earth, instead of being part of the alt-universe itself. Hmm.


Holy shit, that earth chapter. I'm looking forward to whether this will be a story with a competent government or not


I'm sorry, but you're telling me they missed the UNDERGROUND? Really? Even if this is a first contact scenario, the military aren't that incompetent! Anyway, looks like Jason will have to become a superhero and protect Earth until Rob can teleport over his insanity.


Judging from the lack of mention, probably an Eletra thing. I'm fairly sure you'll feel a jolt of ecstasy no matter how urgent the situation is otherwise. That's like needing to cum while in a life-or-death scenario, you cannot miss it.


I'm glad we didn't have time to get to know the dog cuz after knowing him for half a paragraph I was already crying

Trevor Smith

The military may not have been paying attention as much as previously thought. Just open the slats, burn the shit out of it, close the slats. After all, they did hear that the portal wasn't doing much of anything, by appearance at least. So it's not surprising to have it go the stealth route, which it has done before in Elatra. In any case, attacking the monstrofied dog gave our #2 his first 2 levels. Hopefully that helps him protect his SO and survive the corruption. Only time will tell :)


You don't understand. This is a FIRST CONTACT scenario, HOSTILE first contact no less where the alien object possesses the power to corrupt living beings on Earth into monsters. Media has poisoned most people's perspective on the competency of the military in general but there's no way they will treat this like a joke and screw up such a basic thing. It's like going through a checklist to check your dive equipment, and you intentionally miss the ENTIRE segment related to your oxygen tank.


I don't think it's a clear indicator of military incompetence - they were worried about the portal potentially going underground, but its inactivity led to them not wanting to poke the bear (and potentially set it free by digging up the ground beneath it). With that said, I'm not 100% happy with that bit either, so I'll probably adjust how it worked on my next editing pass.

Aidan Geverdt

I hope the Zamira romantic interest wasn’t added so she can replace Rob when he inevitably finds a way back to earth. I like Zamira but if she becomes an obstacle then the blight can take her lol. Good chapters. I’m interested to see more of earth.


“over was going” think you missed a “what” in there


There goes the neighborhood


Holy wow, what a chapter. The system is on earth, souls are a new source, the fiends and elves are meeting, the gov allowed thousands of people to be murdered and the start of destruction of their world because they didn't want to wall off the ground, fucking idiots, THE FIENDS An absolutely Amazing chapter, I can't wait till the next one 😭

Nathan Linder

So how parallel are the Earth and Elatra events?


Militaries absolutely are that incompetent And it didn't "seem" to be doing anything, so why bother with "unnecessary" precautions


Yeah, what happened in this chapter is very much believable. Go and read military history and I guarantee you will find plethora of cases where you can only ask if the person leading this or that unit or formation was braindead.


Well, seems like Earth is in for a fight for it's survival here. I just wonder how the System is supposed to operate on Earth if there is no magic. There also that rather cryptic mention about source by Blight too. In any case, I'm interested to see if Earth and Elatra are ever going to have permanent connection to each other. There seems to be (at least to my eye) some foreshadowing regarding this.

Nathan Linder

Considering the portal could move it was probably only a matter of time before the blight got out. The only thing that really bothers me about that bit is that the whole town wasn't evacuated

Nathan Linder

I'm assuming we'll be getting more frequent earth updates now that things are kicking off there then? On the one hand it's disappointing because that means less time for the characters that I've come to like, but all the world building implications and promise of new characters has me very intrigued!


To pull back the curtain a bit, Earth chapters being a 'once every now and again thing' won the fan poll I put up earlier with 70% of the vote. Which was good, as it that was my intention from the start, and nothing has changed in that regard. I think Earth is overall more interesting if your imagination is left to fill in most of what's happening.


Yeah if there is no magic it shouldn't be able to operate there full stop. It'd be like trying to operate electronics in a region where electricity can't exist. People being "surprised" by it spreading when it went into the ground is a biiiiiit of a push too. When the story follows Rob around its ususally pretty good but I dunno about this whole Earth arc thing.

CMDR Dantae

2 months without activity, and its no wonder they didn't want to mess around with Pandora's box as it were. It just turns out their sensors can't detect Blight. Though if they had done something, it would have gotten out sooner, and things would have still escalated quicker. I'd argue their only mistake was not evacuating the town, and having only 2 guards at any time. Not enough.


Kinda also depends which branch was doing the watching of the portal as a vet yes all of the branches can be incompetent by in large though the Army and Air Force are the worst by a wide margin. Don't know what would help if the duty had passed to the National Guard, reservists or probably the worst possible choice which would be the newly minted Space Force. I thought it was a stupid thing to even be formed without being set up behind the scenes and then once they had the training set up and a usable number being trained prior to making it public, as an example for a way to do it the Army did it right, before the Air Force was separated from it. The Army, Navy, Marines, and Coast Guard were all things that most countries were used to having, granted the latter 3 would probably not exist in land locked nations. The fledgling US though often had many that had been in at least the first 3 prior to or during their time as colonists. The Coast Guard pulled from the Navy and Marines during it's formation, and was more like just deciding two were more force projection, and the guard internal...to the limit of where waters became international generally. Yet the last administration was not big on planning much, I hope still someone is smart enough to put it back into the Air Force, or Navy, at least until it's ready to at least walk on it's own.