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In accordance with the Kindle Unlimited release, this chapter has been removed. The post itself has been preserved for the sake of the comment section.


william wallace

At the end 'mi llamo' is probably a better phrasing than 'mi nombre es.' Just seems very formal. Bit nit picky; and may just be that I almost never hear Spanish spoken formally in California as opposed to colloquially. I would also be carefully of making the diplomacy skill too much of a literary crutch. Seems like we are riding the info dump/ too much internal dialogue line at the expense of the MC talking to characters about the actual problems.

Nathan Linder

Eventually you will exhaust my ability to be surprised at new developments, but it is not this day.


Bit of a spoiler for the next chapter, but Rob isn't remotely fluent in Spanish and is regurgitating whatever stock phrases he learned from a textbook. It's probably better if it sounds too formal, honestly.


I can't tell if you purposefully described it as a "Mexican standoff" in relation to them about to speak Spanish or if that was coincidental. When it was revealed there were fiends, I assumed we'd get a repeat of Meyneth's introduction to Rob. And I wasn't disappointed. Though I appreciate that seeing Rob literally made him throw up and the girl just scream in terror. Really makes the scene feel more real instead of the standard, "and then they look at him in fear."


I wrote the 'Mexican standoff' line without the connection in mind, immediately noticed the connection, then laughed and kept it in.

Captain Nuclear

The fiends....speak Spanish. So , uh, yeah. That's. I honestly have no way to react to that. So can we get like...more pls?


They never warned me about this in my French class

Aidan Geverdt

Lmao they speak Spanish. That’s great.


So, Fiends are transmigrators from Earth, or at least some of them are. Still not good enough to deal with the Dragon Queen though.


I am so glad that funky dream I had where the dragon queen was in the city and was the one who put up the shield did not come to pass. Maybe I should stop reading before bed...

thodoris kavouras

“¿Qué?” had me laughing for a few mins there, fantastic chapter as always!

Jake Lewis


Trevor Smith

Well that's surprising. The fiends speak Spanish. Wondering if the fact that Rob has some level of superiority other the others isn't just because of being human, but also because he's from earth. Curious.

bob barker

god tried to reduce the illegal immigration issue since our government was doing the opposite


Oh hey, I just got a curious idea. What if the particular god who reincarnated Spanish as Fiends was like, "Well you see, I like a bit of diversity, and Spanish kinda seem like they fit the Fiend race so I reincarnated them as such"? That would be craaaaaaaazy.


‼️ another great chapter Holy fucking shit Just Holy shit Next chapter cannot come soon enough


Two questions 1. Was universal language a passive ability that rob could potentially share, and 2. Did the elves have a way to remove corruption or was that a permanent thing

Trevor Smith

Afaik 2 is a no. That's why they are looking for the locus, so that they can try and level up Rob for the possibility that he gets a purification ability


Trevor Smith answered #2, so in regards to #1: Auto-Translate isn't something you can share. But I'd hold onto all thoughts regarding that Skill until next chapter.

CMDR Dantae

Well Robs spanish is worse than mine. I can tell them I studied spanish in England. Nothing else though, and they wouldn't know what Spanish or England meant...

CMDR Dantae

It seems I was wrong, I can't remember my numbers in spanish. Rob truly impresses huh.


I always knew the Spanish were soul eating fiends

Rande Knight

“Not that I’m complaining, but you were really quick to roll with the notion of a sentient Skill holding conversations in my head.” Sapient. Sentient just means that it responds to stimuli. I blame Star Trek.