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The punch to Rob’s temple rocked his head back. It was a love tap compared to some of the other blows he’d taken recently, but it gave the intruders the opening they needed to swoop in and restrain his hands and feet with rope. One of them attempted to blindfold him, but in their urgency they barely tied the cloth, and it slipped down his face almost immediately.

“Mmpwefqwes,” Rob mumbled through the binding around his mouth. It had been a while since he’d used such vulgar language, but he felt like the situation called for it.

“Be quiet,” one of the Elves hissed. She glanced at her cohort – the one who’d sucker-punched Rob. “Why is he still awake?! Hit him again, and this time with more strength han a child’s playfight!”

“Lower your voice,” He hissed back, at a volume that marked him as a hypocrite. They were both speaking Elvish, but Rob had picked up enough of the language while spending weeks around the 100+ Elves he was protecting to learn the Speech version of Auto-Translate. Elven Goon #1 glared at Rob, seemingly put out that the Human had the audacity to want to stay conscious, and grunted as his fist began to glow with a menacing red aura.

Elven Goon #2’s eyes widened. “Wait,” she said. “He needs to-”

A Power Strike-infused punch rattled Rob’s brain in his skull. This particular not-very-loving tap did 177 Blunt Damage and left him with a cracked forehead. It gave him an immediate headache and hurt like a bitch, but it was nothing he couldn’t manage – although he questioned the level of force put into the blow. If they were hogtying him, then they must have wanted to capture him alive, but if Rob had been someone with a low Vitality build who lacked Skills like Tough Skin and Vitamin D(efense) to soften the blow, he might have straight-up died to that punch.

One of the saboteurs shared his concern. “Lothren preserve,” a male voice now dubbed Elven Goon #3 whispered. “Did you just kill him?”

The four paused. Rob kept his eyes closed and slackened the muscles in his neck in his best impression of a ragdoll. Elven Goon #1 drew in a sharp intake of breath before sighing in relief a moment later. “No, he’s just unconscious. Deceased isn’t listed on his Status Page. All that’s there is Leveling High, Melancholia, and...what the hell is Stranger Danger?”

If Rob’s eyes had been open, he would have stared in disbelief. The infiltrators were checking his Status Page, so surely they must have noticed that Unconscious wasn’t listed, correct? Surely one of the four would take note of that, or even just examine him a little more closely and see that the captive in question was clearly faking having been knocked out, correct?

Rob cracked open his eyes by several millimeters and commenced a round of Identifies. He had to know.

He was entirely unsurprised that none of the three infiltrators he managed to Identify had an impressive status page description. Instead of Assassins or Saboteurs, he’d been jumped by one Ranger, a Pugilist, and a Magic Swordsman. One description – belonging to the Magic Swordsman, who Rob elected to continue calling Elven Goon #3 – explicitly stated that he didn’t even want to be here. And that he was having difficulty sleeping without his security blanket, which no one must ever know about.

They didn’t send the A-Team, Rob grumbled. This isn’t even the B-Team! Doesn’t the Big Bad Human deserve a little more respect than that?

Despite their continued bickering and how ill-suited they may have been for the task, the quartet possessed at least enough Stealth to pull Rob out of his tent without anyone noticing. The four made a beeline for the edge of the camp, their system-boosted strength allowing them to carry Rob like he was no more than a lumpy bag of groceries.

Perhaps we should have chosen Waymark as our second Crystal Bearer ability, Diplomacy remarked.

Yeeeeeah, well, hindsight is 20/20. Rob stiffened as he came to a realization. Where were the lookouts? A few Rangers were always up in the wee hours of the night in case of a monster ambush. They would’ve been on closer lookout for a monster attack rather than elven infiltrators, but as Rob had already deduced, this wasn’t the A-Team; there was no guarantee they could’ve snuck past the watchmen successfully. That left three options: the lookouts had missed the infiltrators, they’d been knocked unconscious, or they’d been killed.

Rob bit down hard on the gag to stop himself from snarling. If the lookouts had been killed, then the Four Stooges here were fucking dead. The Rangers had suffered and fought through too much to be assassinated just when they were going to finally make it out of Ixatan.

By now, they were out of the Deserters’ camp and had started progressing into Ixatan proper, with no sign of the alarm being sounded. He had to make a play now or he was screwed. Rob summoned his Broken Shortsword and started carving at the ropes tied around his wrist, using what little leverage he had to chip away at what felt like reinforced bindings. Unfortunately, while he kept up the pretense of being unconscious, the bright blue motes that accompanied the Broken Shortsword’s materialization were hard to miss in the darkness of night, even by the C-Team.

“He’s still conscious! Again!” Elven Goon #2 grabbed the Broken Shortsword out of his hands and tossed it into the wood. Rob locked eyes with her to establish dominance, his face carved from stone, and re-summoned the Broken Shortsword back into his hands. The C-Team stopped running for a moment to gape as he continued to cut away at the ropes binding his wrists.

“Odd ability,” the fourth voice stated. She sounded more reasonable – or at least more calm – than the others. “Cut off his hands. We don’t need him whole, merely alive.” And now she sounded psychopathic. Funny how quickly one sentence could alter your perception of a person.

“What if he bleeds out?” Elven Goon #3, who Didn’t Want To Be Here said. Rob kinda liked Elven Goon #3, which probably set a record for the fastest case of Stockholm Syndrome in history.

“Feed him an HP Potion afterwards,” the psycho said. “The stumps will heal, but the hands will not regrow. Do the same for his feet – it will be insurance should his allies come calling for us. What use would they have for a cripple on their harsh journey north? They’ll give him up willingly and freely once they see the state he’s in.”

“Fucwqkwqemp,” Rob complained. His reasonable assertion went ignored, throat tightening as the Psycho drew a hunting knife from its satchel and turned to look at him with deadened, pitiless eyes.

Two shining arrows burst out of the darkness. The first hit Elven Goon #1 in the arm, and the second was a near miss against Elven Goon #2, who dodged at the last instant. Both of them were forced to let go of Rob in their pain and their haste. He fell to the ground and immediately began doing his best to wiggle away from the four infiltrators, who now were laser-focused on the figure appearing out from the shadows.

Orn’tol stepped in front of them, bow and arrow at the ready. “Leave,” was all he said.

Rob cursed through his gag. Orn’tol was Level 21 now, an incredible feat for someone his age, but the weakest among the quartet was Level 26. He was outnumbered, outgunned, and the infiltrators had a real freak among them who probably wouldn’t balk at cutting down a boy.

Power Slash. Bulk Up. Rob couldn’t get a good cutting angle due to the way his wrists were tied, but the increased power from his abilities – including Blood for Blood, which was contributing a hefty amount of extra damage after the beating they’d given him – let him get in a good slice that cut through a third or so of the rope in one go. He continued sawing away, muscles bulging as he strained against his confinement.

“We will give you one chance to walk away and keep silent,” the Psycho said. Her hands glowed with frosted energy. “Lest we be forced to silence you ourselves.”

Orn’tol stared them down. After a moment, he snatched a per-prepared arrow out of his quiver and fired it over the group’s heads. It landed on the outskirts of the Deserters’ camp, and the firebombs attached to the end of the arrow exploded with enough volume to wake the dead.

“Bastard,” Psycho hissed. She and the Pugilist rushed after him, all three Elves activating Step of the Wind and disappearing into the forest. The last thing that Rob heard before they disappeared from sight and sound was the twang of an arrow, followed by an inverted humming that quickly faded to silence.

Rob struggled against the ropes with all his might, rubbing his skin raw as he cut and pushed. Orn’tol had a Skill that made him faster when running away, but the two saboteurs were higher-level, and they weren’t going to touch any of his fucking friends.

The last of the restraints snapped apart, and he was free. Rob reached up, ripped the gag out of his mouth, and started yelling at the top of his lungs. “INTRUDERS! I’M BEING KIDNAPPED! THEY HAVE CANDY AND A VAN AND AREN’T SAYING NO!”

Elven Goon #2 and #3 flinched in shock at his outburst. They moved to restrain him again, but Rob was already materializing a small crate of firebombs out of his Inventory. The infiltrators frantically backpedaled as Rob shot them a nasty grin and stabbed his Broken Shortsword towards the box. I call this one the Riardin Special. ‘Not A Scratch.’

A tenth of a second before his blade detonated the Firebombs, a panic-arrow shot by the Goon #2 – the Ranger – grazed Rob’s shoulder. It did 7 scraping damage, which was 6 more damage than necessary to use up Not A Scratch’s effect and put it on cooldown.

Searing heat burned at Rob’s skin as the crate exploded. He activated Lifesurge the instant he realized what happened. For the next few seconds, he was subjected to the indescribable sensation of his flesh melting, then forming, then melting again, the conflagration fighting against Lifesurge’s healing in an excruciating game of tug-of-war.

Passive Skill Learned!
Heat Resistance
Prerequisite: Vitality 50, take massive heat or fire damage from a nonmagical source.
Description: Looks like today’s gonna be another scorcher! Reduces heat or fire-related damage by 10%, whether from magical or nonmagical means.

Heat Resistance Level Increased! 1 → 2

The fire ended up expiring before the Skill did, and Rob somehow came out with about as much HP as he had before the explosion, but even though his health wasn’t in danger, his skin was smoking and he felt like a crispy-fried chicken.

HP: 603 / 803 (Temporarily 623 / 823; Battle Fever +2)
Stamina: 211 / 250 (Temporarily 231 / 270; Battle Fever +2)
MP: 160 / 160 (Temporarily 180 / 180; Battle Fever +2)

Status Effects: Leveling High (Mild), Melancholia, Corruption (-7), Stranger Danger, First-Degree Burns (General)

“Not my finest moment,” Rob coughed. He sliced through the ropes binding his legs with the Broken Shortsword and wobbled to his feet. “Have I impressed you fuckers yet?”

Goon #2 and #3 were gaping at him like he was an alien from outer space. He had to admit, the moment where his opponent realized the brand of insanity they’d gotten themselves into by crossing him was consistently hilarious no matter how many times he saw it. Goon #3 had escaped from the blast mostly unscathed, but #2 had severe burns on several parts of her body, and unlike Rob, they weren’t healing anytime soon.

I really hope they don’t decide to come at you head-on, Diplomacy said. You’ve already used your two best Skills.

Yeah, but they don’t know that,
Rob pointed out. What they saw is someone get blown up and shrug it off.

True to his expectations, the two infiltrators started backing away like they were being faced down by a rabid animal. They took one step back, two steps, three.

Goon #2 didn’t get to take a fourth. Keira’s greatsword, wreathed in a blue aura, came flying out of the darkness and cut across #2’s stomach, leaving a wound that had been an inch or two away from disemboweling her. Goon #2 clutched her stomach and hunched over in pain, leaning right down into the path of a flying arrow that lodged itself directly in her neck. She crumpled to the ground, eyes wide with surprise as she let out a wet gurgling sound that made Rob’s stomach churn.

That was about when Goon #3 decided he wanted out. The Magic Swordsman turned tail and made a hasty retreat – one that didn’t get very far, as Zamira was on her way and fast approaching. She was a silver blur cutting through the night, somehow running faster than he’d ever seen her move as a Ranger despite her Level barely increasing since her Class change. Goon #3 fired a litany of expletives at her – the only projectiles he had on-hand – stood his ground as he made to intercept her. Fire swirled around Goon #3’s sword, reminding Rob that while the C-Team might not have been the best choice for an infiltration mission, they were presumably competent at their actual Combat Classes of choice.

Rob considered pincering the man by getting in close behind with Rampage while Zamira attacked from the front, but he was still dazed from the explosion and didn’t trust his own sense of balance. Instead, he cast his newest Class Skill on the man – Enmity. There was no flash of color or grand explosion, but Goon #3’s instantly body froze in place as his head snapped around to glare at Rob. An internal war was waged within Goon #3 as his sense of self-preservation fought against the Skill goading him to go fight the Human, whispering taunts that Rob assumed sounded like “he called your mom fat” and “I bet he had a date to prom”. The war went from internal to external as the Magic Swordsman tried to attack Zamira and run to Rob at the same time, nearly tripping over himself as his legs and arms disagreed on what to do next.

Then, after a flicker of light shimmered on her wrist, Zamira vanished. Goon #3’s haphazard swing connected with nothing, and he had just enough time to blink before Zamira re-appeared behind him, having teleported using the enchanted bracelet they’d looted from the Swordswoman that Rob had slain. She cut at #3’s neck with a glowing-white blade, her sword passing through the Magic Swordsman’s neck without breaking the skin or drawing a single drop of blood, phasing in one end and out the other like it was wielded by a ghost. Goon #3’s muscles locked up, and he collapsed to the ground, unmoving except for the rise and fall of his chest. Rob gave him a quick Identify; the man was weak, but alive, and afflicted with something called ‘HP Deprivation’, which just sounded like getting injured with extra steps.

Goon #2 wasn’t as lucky. She was like a faucet that had sprung several leaks, complete with the requisite squeaking and a growing puddle of liquid on the ground. Her fortunes worsened as Keira and a Ranger named Lycia – who had previously lost a leg and later been restored by Regrow Limb – caught up to the group. Keira joined Zamira in checking on Rob, while Lycia stood over Goon #2’s shivering body and aimed both a merciless glare and an arrow at her.

Rob turned his head away and flinched at the sound of the gangland-style execution being carried out. He already had plenty of fodder for his nightmares and didn’t need to stock up anytime soon.

“Rob!” Keira grabbed at his hands, eyes shining with worry. “Are you-”

“Two more chased after Orn’tol,” Rob said. “They’re in the forest.”

They froze. “The kid?” Lycia said. “Shit.” The three women bolted off into the woods with enough force to kick up a gentle breeze. It felt soothing on his reddened, sore skin. He considered pursuing them, but while his Dexterity was comparable to theirs by now, he wasn’t anywhere near as graceful or adept at sprinting through the woods. The fight would be over long before he arrived in time to help.

Orn’tol will be well, Diplomacy said. He’ll lead them on a merry chase for a time, and then Keira will swoop in and crush them into a fine paste. With the help of the other two, of course.

Guess you really are Level 10,
Rob muttered. Because I know for a fact that you’re saying whatever comes to mind and it’s still making me calm down. Thanks.

It’s what I do,
Diplomacy replied, in a tone of pride tinged with despondency.

The rest of the camp showed up soon after. As soon as the people at large learned what had happened, they started buzzing around the place like a kicked hornet’s nest, conversing with each other and setting up defensive lines and eyeing the horizon with wariness. Rob told his story several times up until he got sick of repeating the same lines and designated Lenora as his spokesperson for the night, uncaring that she would probably jazz it up and tell everyone he fought a hydra bare-handed or something. He needed important alone time to dedicate to brooding over Orn’tol’s safety.

“What happened to you, Rob?” Vul’to asked, intruding on his alone time with the subtlety of a sledgehammer. “You have the countenance of a baked chicken.”

Rob sighed. “Firebombs,” he stated, miserably.

Vul’to’s eyebrows shot up to the top of his forehead. “The kidnappers attempted to blow you up with Firebombs?”


It turned out that – thank fucking Christ – Diplomacy’s empty assurances weren’t so empty. Orn’tol ended up leading the infiltrators around by the nose by virtue of being a Ranger in a forest with a Skill that made him faster while fleeing. He made it through the night without losing a single bit of HP. This was more than could be said for Goon #1 the Pugilist and Goon #4 the Psychopath, because as soon as Orn’tol’s reinforcements arrived, the three pissed-off women proceeded to open a can of lethal whup-ass on the unsuspecting Goons who didn’t realize they’d overstayed their welcome. What resulted was less of a fight and more of a slaughter, Lycia scoring the two final hits with expert marksmanship, leaving Goon #3 as the sole survivor of their ill-fated excursion.

Rob beat down the little voice in the back of his head complaining that Keira and Zamira hadn’t gotten the EXP for any of the kills. Equating people’s lives to EXP was the first step down a bloody road paved by Leveling High, and he refused to walk it. Then he really would be too far gone to recognize himself.

Intrusive thoughts aside, the night hadn’t turned out so bad, all things considered. Rob’s injuries were already Regenerating, none of their number had died – the guards on watch had been snuck past, not slaughtered – and as far as they could tell there wasn’t an army of Seneschal forces looming over the horizon. The incident had been brutal, but resolved as quickly as it started.

There was just one loose end to tie up.

“I’ll tell you anything,” Goon #3 blurted out. “Just spare me, please!”

Rob, Keira, Zamira, Lycia, Taleya, Elder Alessia, and Elder Duran all blinked in unison. They hadn’t even had a chance to ask the first question of the interrogation before their captive started spilling the beans. Damnit, Rob thought. I was going to ask to be the bad cop.

“Forgive my disbelief,” Elder Alessia stated, in a voice dripping with derision. “But I am hesitant to trust the word of one who attempts to spirit away others in the dead of night.”

“I was pressed into the Seneschal’s service!” Goon #3 cried out. “The Assassins who were supposed to execute the mission disappeared into thin air, but the Seneschal was unwilling to let the Human slip out of his grasp! We were the best he could put together on short notice, and he refused my refusal!”

Rob took pity on the poor soul and cast Identify so that he could find out what to call the guy outside of ‘Goon #3’. It turned out that the Magic Swordsman was named Tiarsus, which Identify hadn’t shown the first time Rob had Identified the man. Sometimes Identify provided a name, and sometimes it didn’t, and Rob had never been able to figure out what governed that stipulation.

“Quick question,” Rob said. “Why try and kidnap me? I figured the Seneschal would want me six feet under, and you guys could have easily pulled that much off without endangering yourselves.” Rob knew the probable answer to that question, but he wasn’t going to give up information freely unless the Seneschal was already aware.

Tiarsus frowned in a manner that was close to a pout. “They didn’t deign to let me know what the purpose of the mission was for. Merely that the Human had to be retrieved, and that he absolutely had to be kept alive.”

Rob and the others tensed. There was one possibility they’d discussed before; that Rob’s EXP Share would make him an attractive prize for those outside the Deserters who learned of its existence. Considering the Seneschal’s murderboner for the filthy Human, it was the only logical reason they could think of for him both wanting Rob alive and being willing to risk his own men to extract the Human instead of carrying out a swift and clean assassination.

“So you say,” Elder Alessia said. “How goes the situation at Reviton City?”

Tiarsus’ eyes drifted to the ground, his pout morphing into a grimace. “Calamitous. Monsters continue to attack in full force, day in and day out. The Seneschal’s arrival has forestalled their advance, but not ended it. I fear it is only a matter of time before the Blight-enthralled creatures break into Reviton and hunt down the Locus of Power.”

The group sank into pensive contemplation. Based on what they’d heard from the Seneschal’s advance scouts, the news was unsurprising, but there was a difference between imagining the situation and having it fully confirmed that another piece of Elven civilization might go the way of the Village.

“The Seneschal will be unable to send forces after us if he is fully focused on defending Reviton,” Elder Alessia said, her voice taut. “That is...something, at least.”

“That’s all you have to say?” Tiarsus glared at her. “A city full of tens of thousands may perish!”

“I have me and mine to keep safe,” Alessia snapped. “Do not think to lecture me until you’ve borne witness to the level of loss that we have.”

She swept her gaze across the room, looking at each of them in turn. “I am inclined to believe that this man is a hapless rube with no further information of importance to offer us.” Tiarsus’ face contorted with abject fear as Elder Alessia continued. “Do any of you have any queries for the man before we put him to a vote?”

“A vote? What for?” Tiarsus asked, in the tone of someone rightfully expecting the worst.

“To decide your fate,” Elder Alessia replied, as if speaking to a dullard. “We can hardly let you scurry on back to the Seneschal and report your findings, but keeping you as a prisoner would be taxing, especially if you’re foolish enough to attempt any further sabotage. I refuse to let the blood of a single member of our Village stain your hands when I can remove the threat here and now.”

“Your support for murder surprises and shocks me,” Rob drawled.

Elder Alessia arched an eyebrow and folded her arms at him. “And what else would you suggest? Need I remind you that, if not for a most timely intervention, you would be well on your way to living out the rest of your days as the Seneschal’s slave?”

Rob shivered. No, he hadn’t forgotten that. Not in the slightest.

He looked at each of the other members of the impromptu council. There was Elder Alessia and Elder Duran, for obvious reasons. He himself was here because he was the aggrieved party. Keira, Zamira, and Lycia were here because they were high-Leveled and assisted in his rescue. And Taleya…

...just kind of showed up? He honestly couldn’t remember when she’d gotten here. It didn’t feel as strange as it probably should have, as Taleya had become the ‘default’ Ranger that Rob would slot into his Party whenever his friends were unavailable and there weren’t too many injured Elves he needed to assist with the EXP Share. She was kind of like a fungus that had attached to him. A scowling, Level 34 fungus who would kick his ass if he voiced his thoughts about her out loud.

Rob turned his gaze away from them and towards Tiarsus. The man stared at him with terrified, pleading eyes. He’d seen those eyes once before – the Swordmaster had the same expression on her face right before he cut off her head.

‘Identify’. He confirmed that Tiarsus’ status page description had changed from ‘doesn’t want to be here’ to ‘never wanted to be here.’

Rob groaned and ran his hands down his face. “Let him live. Can’t vote any other way in good conscience, considering I also went through a vote where my life hung in the balance. I’ve felt what he’s going through right now.”

“That is not at all an equivalent situation,” Keira said. “You committed no crime. He has.”

“I know, I know,” Rob sighed. “I’m just taking the option that will help me sleep better at night. Simple as that.”

You do realize that he’s the only remaining witness to your impressive act of blowing yourself up? Diplomacy pointed out. Rob took a bit of pride in the fact that his conviction didn’t waver after hearing that.

Keira raised her eyebrows slightly. “I vote that he dies,” she stated, exasperated. “Someone must be willing to protect you from yourself.”

“I vote that he lives,” Elder Duran said. He looked...tired. Physically, mostly, but mentally as well. “I too am weary of death.”

“I say we kill him,” Lycia said. She stared down at Tiarsus like he was a piece of gunk stuck to the bottom of her sole. “I don’t want any repeats of tonight.”

“Let him live,” Taleya said, shrugging. “Should turn out fine.”

Why is she here? Diplomacy asked. Rob didn’t have an answer to give.

All eyes focused on Zamira. The vote was 3-3, and she was the tiebreaker. Zamira walked over to Tiarsus, knelt down in front of the quivering man, and looked him in the eye. “I could have killed you, and would have killed you, had I not struck you with Mercy’s Whisper,” she explained. “Do you know why I chose to?”

Tiarsus shook his head, evidently not trusting himself to speak. Zamira continued, her face a mask of neutrality. “Because I believe that people can do better, given the chance,” she plainly stated. “Do you swear on your life not to harm anyone of the Village, Human or otherwise?”

“I swear,” he stammered.

Zamira offered him a tiny smile. “Then I grant you my trust.”

Tiarsus’ expression of relieved joy was cut short by Keira sighing. “You too, Zamira? Too many here will be killed by their own kindness one day.” She walked over and grabbed Tiarsus by the scruff of his neck, pulling him away and into the darkness as he pleaded for help at the top of his lungs.

“Stop there,” Elder Alessia ordered. “I too disagree with the decision, but a vote is a vote, and we will abide by it.”

“I won’t harm him,” Keira said. She flashed a wicked grin. “We’ll merely partake in a friendly discussion. I shall return in no more than five minutes.”

Tiarsus’ kept on wailing until he and Keira had disappeared out of the group’s range of Heightened Senses. Rob exhaled and glanced at Zamira. “She’ll bring him back, right?”

“I believe she will,” Zamira replied in a monotone.

“...She’ll bring him back in one piece, right?”

No one answered him.

Keira deposited the simpering man on the dirt and hurriedly wiped her hands on her traveling pants. Touching him, even just the collar of his shirt, made her skin crawl like she was pressing her hand on a mud puddle. She peered down at the Magic Swordsman, a burst of disgust flaring within her. The man kept babbling up until the point where Keira sat down in front of him, staring straight into his soul with cold, harsh eyes.

He gulped. “Please don’t-”

“Shhhhhhhhh,” Keira shushed. “This won’t require your voice, or your thoughts, or your opinions, or your feelings. Put those all away and pay close attention to my words.”

The man clamped his mouth shut. Keira smiled and nodded at him. “Very good. Now then. I would like to make it perfectly clear that you should be dead. The aggrieved party himself pushed for your clemency, and yet you still only escaped the reaper’s due by the whims of a single vote.” What the fuck had Taleya been doing there, anyway? “Don’t assume that mercy will tip in your favor once more should you prove to be a liability. You may have been given a second chance, but you will not be given a third.”

She leaned closer. “Rob has put his trust in you, the softhearted fool,” she said, with a hint of fond exasperation. “And Zamira has clearly been spending too much time with him if she’s elected to do the same. And if you should break that trust?”

Keira’s smile deepened. “Then I will break you. Not all at once, no. I will break you piece by piece. First starting with your toes, taking a several minute respite in between each snap to ensure that you have ample time to soak in the pain. Then, once you run out of toes, I will move on upwards to your feet, then your legs, then all the other bones in your body, of which there are many. This will likely take several hours, but patience is a virtue I ascribe to. Your eyes will go next, then your ears, nose, lips, and finally – if I’m feeling especially annoyed on that day – your fingernails as a palette cleanser.”

Her smile faded. “Then I will coerce a Healer into repairing your ruined body, and the process will begin anew. This is what will happen should you betray us. Nod if you understand.”

Intimidation Level Increased! 4 → 5

The man nodded so quickly that his neck creaked.

Keira hopped to her feet and stretched. “Excellent. Then no more needs to be said. Let’s head back, shall we?”

She grabbed the Magic Swordsman by his collar once more and started heading back to the camp with a spring in her step. I think that went quite well.


Thanks for reading!


Lictor Magnus

Torture in worlds with healers is always a nightmare. Hopefully Keira won’t have to play out that threat and get torturer levels.


So, there was a few comments last chapter wondering if Kenzotul managed to make a difference when he sabotaged the Seneschal's plans to kidnap Rob. Well...here you go. This was the kidnapping attempt from the saboteurs' perspective: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11uCccWmz0M Here's what it felt like from Rob's perspective: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MK6TXMsvgQg


Really feel like Rob's getting a bit too reckless just because he has a LOT of HP.


So... did they just not ask what kind of build Rob had? Cuz that feels kinda relevent to know when planning a kidnapping. Or does Rob have a weird build for a berserker? It'd be pretty cool if we could get a look at a 'normal' berserker for refrence.


Yeah, it's almost like there's something constantly affecting his mind that is hard for him to notice unless he stops and pays close attention to his inner thoughts. Although honestly, a bigger problem is that The Berserker class necessitates that you take risks to win a fight where you can't overwhelm your opponent. Rob's been conditioned by his past battles to think that Be Reckless = Win Fight, because to be fair if he wasn't reckless he wouldn't have survived. This builds bad habits for situations where he probably doesn't need to take as a big a risk as he might assume.


Rob has higher HP than a standard Berserker for sure, especially when factoring that he has a naturally higher stat total than the average person. He also has way more defensive abilities than other people. Getting Tough Skin up as high as it is is NOT common - Rob might have one of the highest levels of Tough Skin in the entire world as he keeps getting smacked around by absurdly strong creatures. And Lifesurge is an extremely rare Skill that most people don't have either.


The fight with henchman #2 was confusing. Maybe I read it wrong but it felt like the pronouns were mixed or something there.


I actually messed up entirely and included '#2' a few times where it should have been '#3'. Goon 2 was downed pretty quickly and didn't get back up. Even after several rounds of editing, stuff like this is bound to happen at times. Thanks for letting me know so I could fix it!


Rob couldn't have just.. Put the ropes and gag into his storage.. instead of spending however long trying to cut them??? This is AFTER Diplomacy mentioning that he should have taken the other skill.. Which should have made him think of the skills he did take.. And then he thought about the storage.. but only for the sword. We doin' dumb MC's on purpose or what?

Tyrell Facey

I feel like u weren't taking a large amount of information into consideration when u made ur comment. First the ability to come up with perfect solutions in very short periods of time with a cracked skull is something people rely on training for something that our mc doesn't have alot of. He a former college student whose living the life of a Shonen protag which means he has a bunch of powers and stats, that's it. Second man has a cracked skull which chances are make it very hard to come up with creative good solution. Some thing proven when our Mc has the brilliant plan to use his "Oh shit button" skill and fucks it up completely by blowing himself up anyways because the man forgot about chip dmg


Well, now we know who plays the bad cop.


So dip got better in the last ep but yeah, the second ropes got into the pic i thought of storage too. not done with the chap so it might not be idiot plot


"Elven Goon #2 grabbed the Broken Shortsword out of his hands and tossed it into the wood" I think this is supposed to be "tossed it into the woods*"


I think it would be weird if Rob and Keira don't get together at this point. Every chapter now i worry Rob is going to get cucked. Zamira is "discovering herself" or whatever with her class change and opening up socially, I get it. It would be super unsatisfying. Rob and Keira agreeing that they're just friends, and Keira and Zamira running off together would be worse.


Without spoiling, all I can say is that I don't intend to write a romance that would leave people unhappy.