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Apologies for filling up people's Email inboxes - I meant to space these out more, but I ended up getting in contact with an artist I like much more quickly than I anticipated! Gonna have to nail these designs down, pronto!

This time, we're playing dress-up. Here's the list of images:


Ground rules:

1. These are only reference pics. Whatever artist I end up commissioning will not be copying the art wholesale; they'll be creating something new, in their own style, with a different character pose. This means that you can FEEL FREE TO SUGGEST ALTERATIONS TO THE PRESENTED OUTFITS - if you think #7 is great but needs more blue, then that's good feedback!

2. Also, to be clear, KEIRA ISN'T GONNA HAVE BOOB ARMOR. I included some pieces with that as I like the overall design, but when it came time to draw the cover, I would ask the artist to close up the chest area.

3. Vote on the CLOTHES AND OUTFIT only, not for the face, hair, the weapon used in the art, or the specific art style of the image.

4. Feel free to make suggestions for alternate designs in the comments, or variations on the designs presented. Hell, if you don't like any of these, tell me - that's also valid feedback.

5. I can't guarantee that the image that wins is what will be used, but feedback will definitely be taken into consideration.



I like the look of 8 but uncovered arms sound like a bad idea in woods (mosquitoes and ticks). 2 is cool but probably not very stealthy in woods. I think people vote for 6 since it actually looks like armor, but it's way too shiny, so colors would need to change


So if we're talking village clothes, 8 with fully covered arms, for fights 6 with greenish colour (copper alloy/coating could have a green tint)


No boob armor. She’s a practical woman with a giant sword, and proud of her physique.


Trust me, I would ask the artist to close up the chest area if any of the boob armor-ish pieces are chosen. Some of them do have designs I like outside of that aspect, which is why I included them.


I'd say to keep in mind that Keira is from a far away village than a city, something that shows that she's a badass but still a badass on a budget (as she has clearly stated she's not rolling in dough). I would say the armor and clothing should be a little roughed up, good but 'used' so to speak which would actually add to the warrior vibe.

Paul Jaeger

I like 6 mainly because it puts those strength stats to use.


Nice point about the roughed up armour. I reckon #2 or #5 suit the text best. Chapter 5 says she wears “simple brown traveling leathers” & I vaguely recall Rob observing that the elves of the village wore plain, unadorned clothing. #6 looks expensive, impractically ornate, & noisy, & even if it doesn’t show skin it still obviously prioritises sex appeal. #2 fits the text, still looks badass, & even manages to show off her figure *as a side-effect*, rather than as a design requirement.


1, 7, and 5 in that order


Six is the only one that's really like metal armor but I'm not a fan of the design for it - if she's gonna have something hardier than leathers I still don't think it should be that fancy


6, she's a warrior, scale armor "seams" a good fit