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A wave of shock rippled through the crowd of civilians. For his part, Rob stayed low and kept himself surrounded by them, employing the tried-and-true strategy of sticking his head in the sand and hoping everything would turn out fine. Maybe they’ll just...I don’t know...go away?

“That’s a bold accusation to make,” Elder Alessia said. “Just where did you hear those sort of baseless rumors?”

“You don’t need to know,” the commanding voice replied. “And spare us both the tedium of drawing out the truth from you. You may have kept your composure, but your people most certainly did not.”

Several of the civilians in Rob’s vision winced in embarrassment. The commanding voice continued, putting a touch more menace in his tone. “Bring the Human. I’ll not ask again. I speak with the authority of Seneschal Sylpeiros; disobedience will result in harsh, swift consequences.”

Rob didn’t need to activate Quick Thinking to know the endpoint of this conversation. The Seneschal’s scouts wouldn’t be this unconcerned if they didn’t have the martial prowess to back up their arrogance. And while they were technically heavily outnumbered, Rob couldn’t ask or expect for the civilians to contribute. Even if all of them charged at once, they would be slaughtered in the dozens before their Zerg rush made a difference.

Pushing away the elves that tried to force him back down to the ground, Rob stood up, his head easily poking above the crowd of relative shorties. He made his way to the front of the procession, ignoring the way that the Seneschal’s scouts glared at him with fervent hatred and disgust in their eyes. It wasn’t the worst he’d gotten; there was one older Elf that had woken up early every day, without fail, to wait outside Rob’s housing in the Village and give Rob the evil eye when he exited his house. That had gone from insulting, to amusing, to a part of his daily routine that he would miss if the Elf ever got bored and stopped.

Of course, that Elf had been a Level 16 Lawkeeper. The Seneschal’s five scouts – which he quickly re-evaluated as Advance Forces – were all between Level 33 and 40, decked out in expensive-looking equipment, and sporting five different Combat Classes. Only one was a Ranger; the others were a Warrior, a Swordmaster, a Spearman, and an Elementalist.

Rob opened up his Party Sheet. Two Rangers in his list had mostly recovered from their injuries. He kicked them from the Party and sent nonverbal Invitations to Keira and Elder Alessia. If things turned ugly, they would need his buffs. The two Rangers would just have to deal.

Taleya prepared her twin-blades maneuver that would end the life of the vile creature before her. It had been a near thing, with too many close calls for comfort, but in the end her efforts had resulted in a total victory. Not one civilian had died; no one had to be added to the growing list of casualties, each name a barbed thorn in her heart. Today, for the first time since this godsforsaken expedition had set forth, could be wholly devoted to celebration.

She brought down her swords in a brutal strike.

You have been kicked from the Party by Party Leader: Rob

Her blades sliced the monster’s chest and heart, ending its life in an instant.

Taleya stared at its corpse, flabbergasted.

“Thank you thank you thank you!” A civilian woman embraced her from behind. “You saved my dearest. Thank you, thank you, a thousand times thank you. We are forever in your debt, Ranger Taleya.”

Taleya accepted their gratitude with stilted replies as she checked on her EXP. It had gone up, of course. Somewhat. Definitely less than it would have if she’d had the Human’s Fast Learner buff at the time.

Gods damnit!

Rob walked forward until he was about five feet in front of the civilians, enough that they wouldn’t be caught in any immediate friendly fire if the Advance Guard fought with the level of empathy he was worried they might. It was unlikely that they would callously put other elves at risk, but ‘unlikely’ wasn’t ‘impossible’. He couldn’t afford to put any more distance between himself and the civilians, though; the Advance Guard was only around 15-20 feet in front of him, and considering how quickly people with high Dexterity builds could move, he might as well have had snipers trained on him with their fingers on the trigger.

The commanding male voice – who Rob Identified as a Spearman named Audin – narrowed his eyes as Rob approached. “Throw your weapon to the side. Now.”

Rob chucked his sword off into the forest without hesitation. He was fine with doing that much if it would appease them. The act didn’t leave him nearly as unarmed as they thought it might. Audin’s expression didn’t relax at all; with a face like he’d discovered rotting roadkill, he turned his attention back to Alessia and spoke in a disappointed tone. “So there truly is a Human. It beggars belief. Not that one survived the Scouring; a few cockroaches always find a way to persist no matter what spells or fumes you use on the swarm. No, what astounds me is that you allowed this Human to live in your city at all.”

“I was outvoted,” Elder Alessia replied, in a flat tone.

“And you let that decision stand?”

Alessia lowered the top of her eyelids, looking at the Level 39 arm of the Seneschal much like she would look at a particularly unruly child. “Yes,” she said. “That’s what a vote entails. You come to a consensus, and the ones who lost the vote abide by the result. And thus civilized society continues to persist, instead of our people reverting back to the age of savagery. I believe we outgrew that, what, some 50,000 years ago?”

Audin cocked his head at her. “Your flippancy does you no credit. I don’t think you fully comprehend the situation you’re in.” He turned his head to look at Keira, who had moved up next to Alessia. “And what exactly are you doing here? This doesn’t concern you. Move back and stand with the civilians.”


The Spearman’s eyebrows raised slightly as he considered the gauntlet that had been thrown down. After some quick internal debate, he gave Keira a small shrug and returned his attention to Elder Alessia. “You failed to report the re-appearance of a Human to the Seneschal. Do you have any excuses or explanations to offer on your behalf?”

“You really seem to be having trouble grasping the concept of a vote,” she replied. By now, any last traces of Diplomatic Alessia had been chucked into the garbage. “Reporting the Human would have undermined the spirit of the Elders’ communal decision, and we would never subvert each others’ authority in such a way. Our Village was built on a foundation of trust; it’s how we managed to bring so many disparate groups together in unison and keep them from getting into too many slapfights.”

She crossed her arms. “And I will freely admit that the outcome of the vote was the correct one. The Human has risked his life to defend the Village on numerous occasions. Lives were saved by his hands.”

Rob stared at her in astonishment. She’d explained as much to him during the Village defense, but that had been told in confidence, with only each other as witnesses. To repeat it in front of other Elves outside of the Village, ones who had important social statuses to be wary of and who were already condemning her choices…

I’m not being thrown under the bus, he marveled. An unfamiliar sensation washed over him; one that took him a bit to ascertain.

It was the feeling of being accepted. He knew he’d been making strides towards that, what with the whole ‘saving a bunch of lives’ thing, but it wasn’t until the civilians tried to protect him and Alessia publicly vouched for him that he felt like he’d officially carved out a little slice of Elatra where he could coexist with others.

Would have been nice to experience that feeling before their home imploded.

“Is that true?” The Warrior of the group spoke up, his voice much less aggressive than Audin’s. “The Human fought by your side?”

“That he did,” Keira interjected. “His valor is to be commended.”

Laying it on a bit thick, Keira, Rob thought. I’m not complaining though. You make a good hype-woman.

“While better than going on a Leveling High rampage,” Audin began, “It means little in the grand scheme of things. The Humans are detestable; not ignorant. Submitting to your will was the only choice he had if he wished to avoid execution.”

Rob sucked in air through his teeth. The Spearman was a quarter right and three-fourths horribly wrong. Yes, he’d swallowed his pride and lived under conditions he fucking hated. At the beginning. It hadn’t taken long for him to start throwing himself into life-threatening danger to help people that someone less stupid than himself would have left to rot. He wanted to tell the Advance Guard as much, make them understand what he’d gone through to save Elven lives, but he got the impression that speaking up at this time would just make things worse, and Diplomacy was backing up his assumption.

“It’s still worth considering,” the Warrior said. “At the very least, I would recommend against executing him outright. The Seneschal can make a more informed decision when he arrives at Reviton.”

“On the topic of the Seneschal,” Alessia interrupted. “Why did his standing army not come to our aid? If he knew about the Human, then he must have known about our plight.”

“The Seneschal couldn’t marshal his forces in time,” the Elementalist of the group explained. His tone was more patient than his allies’ were. “They were stationed too far away from Ixatan. And before you ask about Reviton City’s lack of support, they're currently being assaulted by an inordinate number of monsters spawning in the area. Sending military assistance would have put themselves at great risk.”

He put on a disarming smile. “On behalf of the Seneschal and Reviton City, I apologize for what happened in your Village. But in the end, things turned out as best they could: Reviton has not fallen, and your people made it through their ordeal.”

A single sentence managed to earn the undying enmity of Rob, Keira, Alessia, and the ~140 nearby Elven civilians watching the scene play out. The temperature in the area dropped by several degrees as a result of the cold glares being direct at the Advance Guards.

“Tread very, very, carefully.” Alessia fingers twitched, hints of a spell winking in and out of existence in her palm. “We’ve lost over 3000 good men and women in the past two weeks. I care not what authority backs you – speak again in such a disrespectful way, and I will make you regret it.”

The Advance Guards tensed and adjusted their postures. A staredown between the two groups commenced where you could have heard a pin drop – and the dropping of that pin would have been enough to set off the hair trigger everyone was on.

“The Blight returned,” Keira suddenly said.

Her words slapped the Advance Guards in their collective faces. Shock transformed into panicked disbelief as Audin the Spearman took a step forward. “That is a monumental claim,” he stated, voice wavering. “If you are lying to-”

“She’s not lying.” Alessia sighed. “It appeared and absorbed the Locus of Power. We managed to kill it, at great cost, but the Village has already begun its transformation into a Blighted area. You may want to reconsider the cause of the monster attacks on Reviton.”

The Advance Guards formed into a huddle. After a brief discussion, the Ranger of the group took off, sprinting into the horizon at a speed that made Rob flinch. Yeah, 20 feet away from them is definitely not a safe distance.

“Reviton will be informed,” Audin stated. “I can safely say that bringing news of the return of the Blight will lessen your sentence; at the very least, it will prevent your punishment from becoming any worse than it already is.”

A beat passed.

“Did you just say ‘worse than it already is’?” Keira grit her teeth together tightly enough that Rob was worried she would break her jaw. “As in, our punishment was predetermined? This entire conversation has been a farce?”

“And what, pray tell, were you expecting?” Genuine bafflement had entered his tone. “That an entire Elven settlement sheltering a Human would go unaddressed? Do you have any idea the precedent that act would set if more Humans are to appear? No, the Seneschal has already decreed that punishments are in order. Obviously they will be harsher for those in charge of handing down decrees for the civilians to obey, but everyone in your Village is at least partly responsible. Our conversation here is to determine your collective degree of culpability.”

“He saved lives!” Keira’s voice had risen to one step below bellowing at the top of her lungs. “Helped protect the Village! Rushed into danger without a second thought! And what did you do? Nothing! We were left to fend for ourselves against what should have been our extinction while you stand there and offer pitiful excuses about being unable to protect your own citizens! Why the fuck should we have to listen to a single word that comes out of that spewing anus you call a mouth?!”

Alessia didn’t stop her. She waited with a neutral expression, apparently content to let Keira speak the thoughts that were on everyone’s minds. But as cathartic as it was to hear her ream out the Advance Guards, she was bringing them closer to a violent confrontation with every sentence.

He had to say something. It wouldn’t work – at no point in this conversation would he have been able to alter its course. But he still had to try.

“I don’t want to fight,” Rob said. It cut through Keira’s tirade like a piercing wind in winter. Over 140 surprised faces turned in unison towards him; the Advance Guards especially seemed like they had forgotten he could actually talk.

“I’m not out for Elven blood,” Rob continued. “The people here can attest to that. I’ve helped, and I’ve protected, and I’ve even made friends. I know that, considering everything that’s happened, it’s hard to trust me. Really, really fucking hard. But all I’m asking for is a chance to prove that-”

A lightning bolt exploded at his feet, kicking up dirt and dust into his face. The Elementalist eyed him with a placid expression, electricity crackling at his fingertips, as Audin the Spearman’s face lit up with pained fury. “Do not speak again.”

One second passed. For them, it was a part of the inexorable passage of time, hardly noticed. For Rob, it was a moment of warring emotions that were raging like a tempest inside of him. Denial, outrage, desperation – he burned through them all until he’d come to rest on a single feeling that settled in and made itself comfortable:


He activated Recall, a Skill that allowed him to permanently remember recently-said words in perfect clarity. He’d possessed it since arriving in Elatra but never felt the need to use it, content to let it be a squatter on his Character Sheet. Until now, anyway. Rob committed as many of the Advance Guards’ words to memory as he could, drinking them in like a parched man in a desert oasis. In the future, when he doubted himself, when the self-loathing reached its peak, he needed to be able to Recall their words. To prove to himself that they had come for his blood, that they would never lend an ear to what he had to say, and that they would only ever see him not as Rob the person, but as a Human to be dealt with.

To remind himself, to convince himself, that there had been no other choice.


The Advance Guards were still staring at him. He stood there, enduring their gazes, and waited.

A scream erupted from outside of his vision. Rob was too focused on observing the Advance Guards to identify the source or reason for the scream; the second they were distracted, eyes flickering to the left, he seized the moment.

Quick Thinking. Summon: Broken Dwarven Shortsword. Rampage. Step of the Wind. Power Slash. Bulk Up. Rampage.

Just like that, he’d closed the gap towards the Elementalist on the far right side of their lineup in a matter of moments. A powerful enemy, but lightly armored and presumably with lower Dexterity. The spellcaster noticed him at the last second, and so did the adjacent Swordmaster, the former preparing a spell and the latter drawing his blade. Neither would make it in time. Rob sliced his Broken Shortsword – empowered by Power Slash, Rampage, Bulk Up, and Headsman – directly into the Elementalist’s neck.

An instant in time froze. Rob examined the scene like he was a third-party looking in from over his shoulder. His Broken Shortsword had cut a few millimeters into the Elementalist’s neck, a thin red line forming where the edge of the blade touched frail skin.

Am I really doing this? The third-party outsider thought. Is this really happening? They were questions for someone else to ask. Not Rob, who couldn’t afford to think along those lines. Future-Rob would handle it.

Present-Rob was busy.

His perception of time resumed as normal. Rob watched as the Broken Shortsword cleaved through almost all of the Elementalist’s neck. The elf’s head flopped back, held on by mere threads, blood pumping out of the gaping hole where his neck used to be as widened eyes stared in blank incomprehension.

Reached Level 28!
5 Stat Points Gained!

Reached Level 29!
5 Stat Points Gained!

Berserker Level Increased! 21 → 22

Berserker Level Increased! 22 → 23

Berserker Level Increased! 23 → 24

Crystal Bearer Level Increased! 1 → 2
Choose one of two Skills: Class Alteration or Waymark!

Headsmen Level Increased! 1 → 2

Dagger Proficiency Level Increased! 3 → 4

Elation surged through him.

It made him want to vomit.

That was when a painful pressure pushed into his back. After a moment of resistance, the sword pierced through his heart, its sharp end sticking out of the front of his chest.

379 Piercing Damage Received!
Gained Status Effect: Internal Bleeding (Extremely Severe)!
Gained Status Effect: Failing Body!

Rob sucked in a harsh breath and put his palm on the flat side of the sword. Inventory. The blade disappeared in a flurry of blue motes as Rob stumbled forward, blood dribbling out of the corners of his mouth. Fuck. Shit. ‘Lifesurge’.

Half of Rob’s Max HP was restored as his wounds were closed and his heart repaired. It wasn’t quite enough to bring him back to full, not after the impressive amount of extra damage that the Internal Bleeding had done after just a second or two, but the Skill came close.

HP: 785 / 803
Stamina: 232 / 250
MP: 11 / 110
Status Effects: Leveling High (Mild), Melancholia, Corruption (-7)

Rob whirled around and materialized the stolen Longsword, preparing for a counterattack from the Swordmaster or her allies, but he needn’t have been so worried. Audin and the Elven Warrior were engaged in combat against Keira and Elder Alessia. Now that he had a moment to think about it, he recognized the initial scream that had distracted the Advance Guards as Keira’s warcry she sometimes shouted when sufficiently pissed off. The Swordmaster was occupied by her empty hands, which she was staring at with a look of utter befuddlement.


Name: Swordmaster of the Seneschal
Level: 34
Status Effects: Enraged
Description: A valued soldier of the Elven standing army. Not at the top of the food chain, but high enough to command – and sometimes demand – respect. Had a crush on the Mage; is a mite bit upset about his death.
Analyze Weakness Has Triggered! - She out-stats and out-Skills you in everything except Vitality, and possesses several Class Skills with offensive power. Don’t expect an easy fight. Is somewhat cocky and prone to emotional outbursts.

Oh boy, Rob thought. Was really hoping for an Achilles’ Heel to exploit instead of an Achilles’ Toenail.

The Swordmaster blinked. She looked up at Rob, eyes narrowing as she spied the longsword in his hands.

“That’s mine,” she hissed, charging forward.

Rob met her advance with one of his own, his first swing missing wide as the Swordmaster danced out of his range at the last second. She repeated this pattern a few more times, acting like she was about to go on the attack before backing off, forgoing any attempt at a counterattack even if Rob left himself open. Rob growled and went further on the offensive; even if it seemed to be playing into her hand, he had to try and score at least one hit before Step of the Wind and Bulk Up ran out. He attacked and attacked, a sinking feeling growing in the pit of his stomach as he realized that she was faster than him. Step of the Wind couldn’t make up the inherent difference in Dexterity, and even if it had, she was far more experienced a fighter than he was. From her perspective, his sword swings must have looked like a Renaissance Faire actor living out their Princess Bride fantasy scenario.

30 seconds had passed, and the green wind lapping around his feet faded away. The Swordmaster’s eyes widened a fraction. She activated her own Step of the Wind and charged for real this time, landing a rough haymaker to Rob’s face and fracturing his cheek. One punch to the gut, another to the chest, and several more to his arms rained down on him, Vitamin D(efense) and Tough Skin sparing him from a litany of broken bones.

Rob hissed in pain and dropped the stolen longsword as she kept hammering against his arms. Both the Swordmaster and Rob jumped back as she quickly retrieved her lost weapon and took a second to gaze at it with a longing expression. With a sigh, Ron materialized a spare Elven shortsword from his Inventory. He took Deep Breaths as he let the elf have her apparent Hallmark Moment with her reclaimed sword, offsetting the Stamina drain from Quick Think as much as he could. He wouldn’t be able to keep it up for much longer – going too far below half Stamina against an enemy that wasn’t a mindless beast would be a death sentence – but he wanted to push its benefits as far as he could. If he could piss off the Swordmaster enough for her to make one wrong move, it might be enough to turn the tide.

“Aren’t you supposed to be a Swordmaster? You certainly pack more of a punch than I expected. Quite literally.” He took up a fighting stance, feeling a bit more comfortable with the shortsword even if it was an inferior weapon to the Swordmaster’s longer, sharper, and – if the gleaming sheen on it was anything to go by – better-cared for blade. “What say you and I have a friendly swordfight?” Rob put on a sneer. “Been a while since I tasted Elven blood. You really think whatever trials and tribulations you’ve gone through are going to be enough to overcome Fast Learner?”

Based on their previous bouts, she very clearly could do exactly that, but his taunts managed to rile her up all the same. The Swordmaster’s nostrils flared like a bull that had grown thoroughly tired of the matador’s shit. She raised her left hand, a jeweled bracelet glinting in the sun. It sparkled with blue motes, and an instant later, she vanished.

Instinct saved him. Rob activated Not a Scratch with an idle thought – just before a sword impacted the side of his neck and sent him sprawling to the side.

Decapitation Nullified!

The system didn’t bother to give him a damage number; without Not A Scratch, he would have died in the same way he’d killed the Elementalist. No amount of Vitality or defensive Skills could keep a headless corpse or a corpseless head alive. Rob pivoted around to find that the Swordmaster had teleported behind him, and was currently gaping at him with another look of befuddlement, the auras of Power Slash and a Class Skill he couldn’t identify fading from around her blade’s edges.

And more importantly, her Step of the Wind faded as well.

Rob materialized the Broken Shortsword in his right hand and threw it at her. She deflected it with ease, but the attack extended her confusion by just a moment longer. Instead of retreating as Rob advanced, she unleashed another Class Skill on him, cutting two crossing lines in the air that blasted forward and left white trails in the air. Rob ran straight through them, letting the cutting X-shaped Skill wash over him as he swung his blade down at the Swordmaster. She finally came to her senses and dodged quickly enough to prevent a severed arm, but not quickly enough to prevent his longsword from shearing straight through her armor as it bit into her shoulder.

217 Slashing Damage Taken!

Platelet Part
y Level Increased! 6 → 7

“Thanks for leveling Platelet Party,” Rob said with a broad smile on his face. “The Rangers might actually appreciate it more than I do.”

The Swordmaster retreated to a safe distance as she gripped her shoulder to stem the bleeding. Rob glanced at his HP; Lifesteal has only healed around 10, which meant his attack hadn’t done more than 40 damage. Not nearly enough to swing the battle in his favor; once she came to her senses, she would beat him senseless and probably go for another decapitation to inflict an appropriately ironic death in honor of her fallen friend.

At least I made her bleed, Rob thought. He slowly walked towards her with a crazy grin on his face, hoping the slasher smile and the bleeding wound on his chest that he was entirely unfazed by would unnerve her enough to keep the psychological advantage in his favor.

The Swordsmaster froze in place, her entire body going rigid as stone. Rob was just about to start questioning the mental fortitude training of the Seneschal’s Finest when he got a closer look and realized that her freezing in place wasn’t a metaphor. She struggled against the force holding her tight, eyes swiveling and muscles bulging as she pushed against her invisible cage.

“Human,” Elder Alessia said. Rob’s head snapped towards her. The Warrior’s broken body lay at her feet, his limbs twisted in angular direction, snapped bones poking out from under his skin. Behind her, Keira was putting the finishing touches on Audin, her greatsword spraying blood through the air as she swung it in an arc down at the Spearman’s prone form.

Rob looked away from the ensuing crunch and redirected his attention towards Alessia. Thin cuts and scattered dirt covered her traditional Elder’s robes, and sweat was running down her face, but on the whole she seemed in much better shape than he was. A quick glance at the Party Screen confirmed that her HP was nearly full, although she was nearly bottomed out on MP. Her hands were extended towards the Swordsmaster, a light purple aura emanating from the tips of her fingers, and at the rate her spell was draining what little MP she had left, she would hit mana exhaustion in less than ten seconds. Alessia tilted her head at Rob, and then at the Swordmaster.

“Right,” he whispered. Rob made his way to the prone Swordmaster. He averted his eyes from the panicked, pleading look on her face, and hefted his longsword.

One swing was all it took. He didn’t witness the act, but he did hear the sound of a small object hitting the forest floor.

Reached Level 30!
5 Stat Points Gained!

Berserker Level Increased! 24 → 25

Berserker Level Increased! 25 → 26

Headsmen Level Increased! 2 → 3

Berserker Class Ability Learned!

Berserker Rank 5 Ability:
Enmity (Active)
Description: Draw the attention of a single enemy. For the next 30 seconds, they will become temporarily enraged and focus their attacks on you. This effect can be nullified or partially resisted by a high Mind stat. Your damage against an enemy that does not nullify Enmity increases by 25%. Costs 50 MP to use. Five minute cooldown.
Prerequisite: Berserker Level 25

The joy tasted bitter.

Elder Alessia released her hold on the corpse. Rob quickly walked past it as it flopped to the ground, keeping it out of sight. The sight he ended up settling on might have been worse; Keira, tears streaming down her face, was repeatedly slamming her greatsword into Audin’s corpse. He was almost unrecognizable, and with each nauseating squelch of the greatsword, he became less of an Elf and more of a heap of blood and entrails.

“AFTER EVERYTHING WE WENT THROUGH!” Keira yelled at the pile of offal in a vocal cord-tearing howl. “ALL THE PEOPLE WHO DIED! OUR HOME, LOST TO ETERNITY!”











One final swing scattered the obliterated remnants of Audin around the area. Keira dropped her greatsword and knelt on the ground, fingers scratching her scalp and staining her vibrant silver hair with blood and guts.

Melancholy Resistance Level Increased! 3 → 4
Would you like to activate Melancholy Resistance?

The text hung in the air, waiting patiently for his decision.

He gave it thought.

Would it really be so bad? The Skill wasn’t permanent. He could leave it on for a minute, five minutes, however long it took to help him compose himself in front of a giant crowd of onlookers. Then he could flip a switch and be back to himself again. It wouldn’t be any different then, say, a stress ball. You squeezed it until you felt better, and then tossed it to the side.

Just for five minutes. Five minutes where he wouldn’t have to feel-


Fuck. Denied.

Rob slowly inhaled, filling his lungs, and then exhaled a rattling breath.


“Here’s the plan,” he said. All eyes except Keira’s turned to look at him. “I’ll make a break for the north. Head straight into the Humans’ old territory.” The voice that came out of his mouth felt alien; like it belonged to another person. “You guys tell the Seneschal that I had some hold on you. Blackmail or a hostage or whatever. Then-”

“It won’t work.” Elder Alessia shook her head. “Their Ranger is headed towards Reviton and will report our association with you. Even if he wasn’t, I doubt much would change. The Seneschal has already marked us deserving of punishment. Believe me when I say that he is a stubborn man.”

She glanced at the corpse of the Warrior and raised an eyebrow. “Of course, killing his men has made matters exponentially worse. Keira and I have leveled up from ‘unruly children in need of a spanking’ to ‘treasonous dissidents that must be hunted down and executed’, and you...well, your situation is about the same, truthfully.”

Rob’s lips quivered. “Then...then why did you...”

Elder Alessia narrowed her eyes at the Warrior’s corpse. She sneered, and a second later, spat on it. “Because they disgust me.”

A few seconds of silence passed. Alessia sighed. “I will have to gather all of the civilians and Rangers and address the situation. They deserve to know what they’re getting into. If they continue to Reviton City, they’ll be treated as second-class citizens at best. However, it’s a much safer bet than the alternative, which is to make a break for the empty Human territory to the north– but as a group. Traveling will be safer once we get out of Ixatan, but safer does not mean safe. Each man and woman will have to decide for themselves which path to walk.”

Ah, I see, Rob though. So the people who were just beginning to show me a modicum of kindness are going to get royally fucked simply by associating with me. Haha. Hahahahaha.

“Excuse me,” Rob said. “Be back in a bit.” Without another word, he took off into Ixatan, away from the Elves, running until he was well out of their range of sight and sound.

Rob stopped, teeth chattering. A second later, he made good on his earlier thought and emptied the contents of his stomach onto the forest floor. He expected tears to come, but they remained unshed. Instead, he dry heaved over and over again, his body trying to vomit up all the regret and guilt and shock that was sitting like a rock at the bottom of his stomach.

He thought of his parents, and Jason, and what they would think if they’d seen what he’d done.

Mamaaa...just killed a man...Rob thought in a singsong voice, his brain a mess of firing synapses. Put a knife against his neck, wrenched my arm back, now he's dead…

And then there was nothing; just a deep, bone-weary exhaustion that sunk into his soul. Rob laid back and stared above into the canopy of trees, listening to deafening silence as the passing seconds crawled closer to oblivion. He wanted to go to sleep, sink into the comforting unreality of dreamland, but knew in his heart that there was no point.

When he woke up, he would still be the same Rob he was now.


Changes, Character Sheet, and Skills List:


Thanks for reading!


Mike G.

Good chapter, thanks! They're in a bleak spot...

Lictor Magnus

I'm surprised he went for the kill like that. I figured someone else would strike the first blow.


Elder Alessia gave him a long speech back in the Village about needing to be prepared to kill, and Elder Duran warned him in a roundabout way that he might need to fight when they met people from Reviton. Even then, he basically had to turn his brain off to be able to go through with it. (Also, while Rob got the first hit, Keira was actually the one to initiate hostilities, which is what provided the distraction.)


So, here's some random alternate scenarios about how the fight goes down if it happens in different ways. If Rob doesn't immediately assassinate the mage, they would have lost in almost every scenario. The Advance guards are strong and would have overwhelmed them in a 4 v 3. Keira letting them know about the Blight also saved their bacon, as it made the Ranger retreat, and their chances of winning a 5 v 3 were zero. Rob loses 1 v 1 to any of the them unless he gets lucky. Would have had slightly better chances if he had full MP, but he had to use it all at the start. He did good holding out, though, as the Swordmaster was his worst matchup. She just straight outspeeds and outskills him and there's not much he could have done about it. Alessia also fought her worst matchup. She somewhat specializes in telekinesis, which is weak against Strength types like the Warrior, as they can muscle through it. She won because she was smarter and more skilled. Keira wins against any three of them, most of the time. She's actually the lowest-Leveled person there outside of Rob, and technically has less years of experience than the Advance guards, but they're a bit out of practice. She most certainly is not. Danger Sense is also busted, and she's also *pissed*. Overall, it wasn't the riskiest scenario they've been in. But winning without casualties was definitely a hat trick.


Damn, Rob is feeling like shit right about now, can't blame him either. First person he killed and feeling like it's his fault the people who defended him are in trouble...it sucks. Bright side though, crystal bearer is at level 2...so that's something.


I enjoy this chapter. But I feel that Rob's emotional state and his acceptance that he is gonna have to shank a bitch should be drawn out or telegraphed a teency bit more. It could even still be accomplished while keeping that sense of ambiguity you seem to be going for in this scene. There are a lot of ways to do so. Personal recommendation? After declaring his resignation, something to give us a beat to understand and/or feel his resignation along the lines of: They were never going to hear his side or give him a chance. They didn't care how many lives he saved or that he was a person. To them, he was just another human. He was going to be put down, and that was the end of it. Okay. Obviously that's just one of the many ways to change it. You can keep it as is, but his thoughts and feelings of resignation don't seem to be given enough time to sink in for the reader. At least for me. It makes his immediate jumping into murder a tiny bit too abrupt for me to get behind or be ready for.


well, that went better than I thought it would


i think the scene was perfect. no need to change anything for me.


Yeah that is a pretty good haul of oof you've got there author, hopefully our plucky and depressed MC doesn't off himself and gets it at least somewhat sorted out