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The first item on the docket was looking over his Character Sheet. Maybe it would have some clue about how he had come back from, oh, being atomized. And he was pretty sure it was ‘come back’ and not ‘survive’ - the sole system message in his log informing him that his Reconstitution was Complete was both telling and worrying.

‘Character Sheet’.

Character Sheet
Level: 23
Race: Human
Class: Berserker (LV 16)
Sub-Class: Crystal Bearer (LV 0)

HP: 803 / 803
Stamina: 220 / 220
MP: 50 / 50

Status Effects: Leveling High (Mild), Melancholia, Corruption (-7)

Strength: 28
Vitality: 81
Endurance: 22
Dexterity: 39
Perception: 21
Mind: 25
Magic: 5
Unspent Points: 0

Class Skills:
Berserker Rank 1 – Lifesteal
Berserker Rank 2 – Battle Fever
Berserker Rank 3 – Blood for Blood
Berserker Rank 4 – Rampage

Bound Items:

Half-Broken Dwarven Shortsword
EXP Share (Amulet of Allocation)
Ruined Ranger Trainee’s Garb

Active Skills:
Strength – Bulk Up (LV 3), Power Slash (LV 2), Grappling (LV 3)
Vitality – Do Not Go Gently (LV 3) (RARE), Lifesurge (LV 7), Not A Scratch (LV 7)
Endurance – N/A
Dexterity – Stealth (LV 1), Step of the Wind (LV 4)
Perception – N/A
Mind – Identify (LV 2), Recall (LV 1), Quick Thinking (LV 2), Auto-Translate (Elvish)
Magic – N/A

Passive Skills:

Human Racial Bonus – Fast Learner
Strength – Climbing (LV 2), Brawling (LV 3)
Vitality – Regeneration (LV 10), Tough Skin (LV 5), Poison Resistance (LV 6), Disease Resistance (LV 3), Platelet Party (LV 5), Vitamin D(efense) (LV 4), Regrow Limb (LV 3), Reflective Skin (LV 1), Push Through (LV 3) (DEACTIVATED)
Endurance – Deep Breathing (LV 2)
Dexterity – Swordsmanship (LV 6), Fleet of Foot (LV 3)
Perception – Foraging (LV 4), Hunting (LV 4), Heightened Senses (LV 1), Analyze Weakness (LV 1)
Mind – Speed Reading (LV 3), Diplomacy (LV 7), Arachnophobia (LV 3) (RARE), Mathematics (LV 4), Leadership (LV 1), Deception (LV 1), Melancholy Resistance (LV 3) (RARE) (Deactivated), ???
Magic – N/A

Rob decided to process things in order of ascending importance.

A lot of his Skills had upgraded significantly, especially the Vitality ones, due to the 20 points he’d put into the stat before the Blight walloped him. He’s also learned Regrow Limb, Reflective Skin, and Deception, so that was neat.

His stats had gotten a bit of a boost from the system making fun of him. The absolute cunt. Ruined Vitality’s nice even number.

Corruption didn’t sound so great. While he didn’t feel any different, the description made him envision that he was carrying a bit of the Blight around with him in his body. Hopefully decreasing his Max HP was all it did, and there weren’t any other esoteric side effects – although he wasn’t holding his breath on being so fortunate. If luck existed, he’d just used up a lifetime’s worth of it.

Bound Items were certainly new. It looked like everything he’d been carrying on his person when he’d...evaporated...had become tied to him. Wouldn’t ‘Bound’ imply that they would never leave his side? Cause he couldn’t find them anywhere. Thinking about them didn’t make them pop into existence, either. In the grand scheme of things, it wasn’t a world-ender, but he’d really appreciate it if he could get the Shortersword and the EXP Share back. The ruined clothes he could take or leave, depending on ruined they were. A loincloth would be mildly embarrassing, but clothes that were only half-shredded would be very useful to him right now.

And finally, the pièce de résistance:

Sub-Class: Crystal Bearer (LV 0)

What in the world was that? If Sub-Classes were a thing in Elatra, he would have heard about them by now. Keira or Duran or someone would have told him. And he’d never heard of a Class – Sub or otherwise – called a Crystal Bearer.

...I guess I did get bathed in the light of a shattered Class Crystal. In fact, its light got to me slightly before the Blight’s laser did. Okay, yeah, in retrospect, that certainly had something to do with it.

Rob gave his body a once over. He flexed his muscles, jogged in place, even sang a jaunty tune. As far as he could tell, it was his same old weird-as-fuck, stat-boosted Elatra body.

For once, he was really grateful that Elatra was a fantasy world. Souls factually existed here – he’d learned as much from a Duran lecture – which meant he got to skip the whole Star Trek Teleporter philosophical debate. There had been a continuation of consciousness that never ceased. He could sit back and appreciate that his soul had been placed in the newly identical body that the energy of the Class Crystal had cooked up for him.

After he died.

Because what else could have happened? He felt himself die. Saw his body ripped apart. There was no ‘Mulligan’ Skill on his sheet that let him come back from the dead. Either the gods took mercy on him – HAH – or the only other anomaly involved in the situation had saved him. Intentionally or unintentionally, he couldn’t say.

So yeah. No big deal. He was the same old Rob. His original body from Earth had been destroyed, but that was cool. Still had his soul. If he ever got back home he’d be greeting his friends and family as the Earth equivalent of a clone with a brain transplant, but it didn’t matter.

No existential crisis necessary.

Rob turned over his hand and started tracing the lines in his palm, wondering if they were exactly the same as before. Without a picture as reference, he would never be able to tell.

God damnit I said no existential crisis! Rob yelled at himself. At least wait until later.

With nothing else on his Character Sheet to puzzle over, Rob set out in search of the others. There weren’t any elves around nearby, and he couldn’t hear any fighting in the distance, which meant one of two things. The first option was that the Village had pushed back the Infected and were busy licking their wounds elsewhere. The second option was that they’d been overcome by the swarm, killed off, and Rob had revived to a ghost town after the Infected had made for greener pastures.

Rob sighed. Can’t I ever get to pick between two *good* options? He made a brief search for a pair of briefs, but didn’t feel like breaking into someone’s house and raiding their drawers, and ended up grabbing a fallen plank of wood and holding it over his shame as he journeyed forth. Some wood to cover up my wood. I am a comedic genius. And very close to freaking out if my jokes have devolved to that level.

Whether or not the elves yet lived, walking through a part of The Village with no one around certainly made him feel like he was in a ghost town. Or at least a town that had been struck by a vicious natural disaster. The circular line of destruction from the Blight’s final attack was similar enough to what a tornado would do. People’s houses had been devastated, their homes and worldly possessions erased from existence, while the houses just outside of the blast radius had gotten off scot-free. Random chance was a bitch like that.

Actually, in a roundabout way I guess I aimed where the laser was going to be. He grimaced. I really hope there wasn’t anyone hiding in the buildings that the attack destroyed. That’s not the kind of shit I can deal with right now.


Rob never thought he’d be so relieved to hear a group of Elves frantically yelling at the sight of him. Especially since they weren’t running away in a panic, just pointing at him with shocked expressions.

Especially the girls of the group. One girl had turned away from his attire consisting only of a single plank of wood, her cheeks blushing furiously. The second, to her credit, was trying to keep her eyes on his face, even if she wasn’t doing a very good job. The third was smiling and eyeing him openly, her gaze traveling down and up and down.

“So I don’t know how good any your Common is,” Rob began. “But I can get some clothes? And directions? Preferably in that order. I don’t think the rest of the Village is ready for this much Rob.”

The Village had won the battle.

Rob had no idea how they’d pulled that off. Before his untimely sort-of-demise, the Village had begun to resemble an animal carcass being overrun by ants mincing away at its flesh. It wasn’t like everything was back to normal – the amount of mourners he passed by outnumbered those who only looked the bog-standard amount of depressed. If someone wasn’t grieving, they were picking through a shattered house with a forlorn expression, or simply staring off into the distance with a vacant look on their face. The number of happy hugging families were too few and too far between.

But despite all that, people had survived. That was more than Rob expected ever since he first saw the barricade broken through.

His escorts led him farther into the Village, where more elves were congregating. It said something about how emotionally drained everyone was that most people didn’t notice him, and the few that did only stared with wide eyes and open mouths. There was one elf that locked eyes with him and nodded, but he’d already turned away while Rob was still in the middle of figuring out how to respond to the gesture. With a shrug, Rob continued following his entourage down the battered streets.

For their part, the elves leading him hadn’t said a word to him for the duration of the trip, which was fine by him. He was grateful enough for their assistance that he wasn’t going to subject them to the burdens of small talk. Most of their group had been fluent in Common and were suspiciously willing to help him. He’d expected at least a little pushback, but in retrospect, it had probably been difficult to ignore requests from a naked Level 23 man who had just appeared out of nowhere. It must have been the Earth-equivalent of a flasher armed with a gun popping out of a trash can. The elves – as unwilling as him to go burgling houses after a crisis – had scrounged up a long, front-covering cloak that went down to the knees, given it to him, and agreed to take him to where he wanted to go.

And more importantly: to who he wanted to meet.

Tension that Rob hadn’t realized he’d been holding poured out of him as he caught sight of Keira. She was speaking with some middle-aged elves, mild lines of exhaustion and frustration etched in her otherwise-perfect features. He knew he was the definition of biased, but at the moment, he’d never seen anything more beautiful in his entire life. And he wasn’t referring to her face or figure. Just seeing her alive and well was nearly enough to break apart the makeshift dam in his mind that he’d built to keep out his tears.

Rob exhaled and grinned wide. He knew that he had been worrying more than he should; if there was anyone he could’ve trusted to be enough of a badass to make it through the day, it…

...would have been Riardin, actually.


Rob dispelled his wayward thoughts and turned to his escorts. “Thanks for taking me this far. I won’t impose on you anymore.” His grin widened. “Mind putting in a good word for me with your friends? You can tell them you had several whole conversations with the Human and he didn’t try to eat anyone even once. Maybe leave out the part where I didn’t have any clothes, though.”

Their reactions were not what he expected. Outside of a brief smirk from the woman with the wandering eyes when he mentioned his initial state of dress, the group of elves were exchanging glances with each other in a specific way that reminded Rob all too well of college. They knew something that he didn’t, and were deciding if anyone should tell him, and were also hoping that if someone did have to tell him, someone besides them would be the one to bite the bullet.

“Nice meeting you buh-bye!” Rob blurted out before powerwalking away. No more revelations! No more! I have hit my quota on revelations! At least give me thirty seconds with Keira before more shit gets heaped onto the pile!

A mean little idea popped into his head. His self-control, which had resisted the clarion call of Leveling High, was powerless against the wiles of a harmless prank. Rob approached Keira from her blind spot and sent her a nonverbal Party Invitation.

Keira just about jumped a foot in the air. She whirled around so quickly that her waist-length hair slapped the elf she’d been talking to in the face. Her mouth fell open when she saw him walking towards her, a spring in his step and nonchalantly waving his hand.

Rob was surprised that she didn’t break the sound barrier with how quickly she barreled into him with a running tackle-hug. Keira babbled at him in Elvish as she squeezed the air out of his lungs. I completely deserve this, Rob thought, but I’d still rather not die twice in one day. Rob sucked in a thimble’s worth of air through his constricted chest and used it to say: “Ow.”

Her grip slackened enough for him to take a gasp. Keira released him, partially, no longer squeezing the life out of him, but with her hands still gripped carefully on his shoulders. Rob almost made a joke about how she always left him breathless – and considering how they first met, it was actually becoming a worrying trend – but was stopped by the look of utter relief and heartbreak on her tear-stricken face.

“I thought you died,” she sniffed.

“I thought I did too.”

He realized his error a moment too late. Forestalling the fountain of questions that were about to burst out of Keira’s mouth, Rob vigorously shook his head and pointed over at a secluded spot away from the elves and their Heightened Senses. Keira belatedly realized that they were making a bit of a scene, and quietly led Rob over with a hint of a blush in her cheeks.

The second they were out of sight, Rob wrapped her in a hug of his own. Not quite as crushing, but with no less warmth. “I’m so fucking happy to see you.”

He felt her smile into his chest.

A minute later, after they’d gotten all the hugs out of their system, Rob steeled himself and looked Keira in her eyes. “I know you have a million and one questions, and I’ll answer them. But first, I have to know. Who did we lose?”

An intense pang of guilt stabbed through him when his question wiped the joy off her face. She sighed, deeply, and answered him straight. “Aside from who you saw? Alia. Tarric. Elder Fensandoralpico. 100 Rangers. Both of the other two trainee teams. And around 3000 civilians.”

Rob sat down. An unpleasant combination of horror and relief swirled inside him. Horror at the death toll, then relief that no one else he personally cared about – aside from the deaths he was already aware of – had died. The two emotions were mixed into a smoothie of self-loathing as he chastised himself for caring so little about the nameless elves that they hadn’t been able to save.

“I knew about Alia and Tarric,” he said, when he found his voice. “Learned about them at the last minute.”

He searched for something else to say and came back empty-handed.

Keira sat down in front of him, putting herself at eye-level. “It’s not your fault.”

“I know.” Rob arched an eyebrow at her. “But don’t think I’m not aware that you’re feeling the same way I am. How about this: I promise not to blame myself if you promise not to blame yourself either. Deal?”

Keira smiled sadly. “What point is there in making promises that neither of us shall uphold?”

“Shit. Got me there.”

They took a few more moments to come to terms with...well, everything.

“How did we win the battle?” Rob asked. “Last time I saw, the Infected were kicking our collective asses.”

Keira perked up a bit. “After the Blight fired its last attack, its energies were spent, and it crumbled into flakes of nothing. That’s when things turned around. The Blight was the harbinger of the Infection; while its passing did not remove the disease, it did sever whatever control it had over the mutated animals. They went from working together and employing strategy – at least to a certain degree – to acting like more standard rabid animals. Large, mutated rabid animals, but less intelligent and focused. Some fled. Some fought each other. And even more collapsed on the spot, the Infection no longer able to sustain the shells of the ruined bodies it had hollowed out from the inside.”

Rob punched his fist into his hand. “So we actually fucking did it? The Village lives?”

Her expression turned downcast. “The Villagers live. The Village is dead. Even if we rebuild, even if the Infected never return, we would only die a slow and miserable death. Our plan is to take everything we can carry and leave within the week.” She closed her eyes. “Are you aware of what a Locus of Power is?”

“Never heard of it.”

Keira’s lips twisted into a wry grin. “I suppose you wouldn’t. It’s only something you have to think about if things have gone horribly wrong. Essentially: Loci of Power are the beating hearts of Elatra. They are invisible bastions of energy and life lurking just beyond the veil of reality. Without them, the plants wither, the ground turns to salt, and the air shifts to a fetid miasma. We’ve heard tales of it happening before, and the results persist to this day.”

A memory sparked in Rob’s mind: a map, spread out over Duran’s desk. “You’re talking about the Deadlands to the west?”

She nodded. “The Deadlands are named as such because every Locus of Power in that area was absorbed and tainted by the Blight. Just like the Locus of Power that the Village was built upon was. The change won’t happen overnight, but within less than a month our Village will be inhospitable, as will many miles of Ixatan spreading out from its center of origin.”

A shiver passed through her. “And before you ask: we don’t know what the Blight are, or what they want outside of wanton bloodshed and sucking the life out of our world. All we know is that their coming is heralded by impossible oddities.” She snarled. “We were complacent. The last Blight invasion took place many centuries ago. Not one person currently alive in Elatra was present when it happened. Perhaps the lull between attacks was purposeful; it left us with no one who thought of the Blight as a horrible reality instead of a disquieting chapter in a history book. If we’d been more vigilant, interpreted the signs for what they were...”

Furious tension built up in her, but a second later, it gave way to resignation. “The result would probably have been the same, honestly speaking. The only saving grace is that we managed to kill it before it evolved any further. What we fought was essentially an infant fresh out of the womb. Without Riardin’s sacrifice, it would be rampaging across the countryside right now. Reviton City might have already been in flames.”

Rob didn’t know what to say to that. Otherworldly monsters from beyond the ken of mankind were a lot more fun to deal with when they were on a TV screen in his living room.

Shifting pitch-black skin, screams of discordant sounds, claws of inverted light bearing down on him-

Yeah, he’d definitely had some new nightmares added to the rotation.

“Where’s the others?” Rob asked. He hoped that Keira understood what he meant by ‘the others’ and didn’t ask him to clarify. Because that would involve listing off their names, and leaving a few names off of said list, and he wasn’t ready to do that just yet.

Mercifully, she understood. “Zamira is with her parents, both of whom lived,” Keira answered. “I think she came out of this better than any of us, although I’d appreciate it if you didn’t tell anyone I said that. She’s grieving no less than we are, but she has parental support to fall back on. Orn’tol is with his sister Malika. He seems to oscillate between intense relief that she survived her ordeal and crushing guilt that he abandoned the front lines to save her. She’s doing her best to cheer him up, and I think he’ll be as okay as any of us will be, but if you could speak with him it would do him some good.”

Keira paused to collect herself. The topic seemed to be wearing her down, and Rob was regretting asking her when he could have cornered Elder Alessia or Elder Duran or...someone. Anyone else would have been better than forcing Keira to relive and recount the fates of those whom the Infected had torn from their lives.

“Vul’to is not well,” she stated. “He makes himself scarce most of the time and speaks few words when he’s present. Rob, if you have any suggestions at all, please voice them, because I don’t know what to do for him. I dealt with Men’ta’s death by distracting myself as best I could. Vul’to is spending all his time brooding, and while it’s brooding that may be deserved, I fear that it’s unhealthy for him.”

She punched her fist into the ground. “I might have been able to get through to him if we had more chances to talk, but everyone keeps asking me so many goddamn questions. For Lothren’s sake, I’m 45 years old and I’ve spent my whole life hitting things with a greatsword. Find someone with a three-digit age number and defer to them on matters of organization and group morale and supply trains.”

Rob raised his eyebrows. “Don’t take this the wrong way – seriously don’t take this the wrong way – but why are you so far up the chain of command all of a sudden?”

Keira grimaced. “Because we lost most of the high-Leveled people in the Village, and I’m the only one left of the three that faced the Blight and lived to tell the tale. Well, one of two left alive now that you’re back, anyway.”

She pointed at him. “Don’t be surprised if some people’s attitudes towards you are quite different than what they were before. Several hundred civilians in the shelter bore witness to our battle, which includes you distracting the Blight just as it was about to kill them. Twice.”

Her mouth widened into a smile that was full of teeth and bereft of joy. “Look at us. We survived the invasion, and both of us are more accepted among the Villagers. It appears that our little talk we had the day before the battle came to pass. Lothren listened to our prayers. The bitch.

Deathly silence fell over them. Rob wasn’t yet privy to all the subtle nuances of religion in Elatra, but he was certain enough that cursing out the gods was heavily frowned upon. It left him fishing for what to say next – was he supposed to agree, disagree, say nothing, or join in on the cursing? Lothren was the Elven god, so it might be one of those things where elves were allowed to talk a little shit but no one else was. After some deliberation, Diplomacy suggested that he stay perfectly silent, and he obliged.

“I believe you said you owed me some answers,” Keira eventually said, forcibly moving on from their prior topics. “If I may start with the one that will hopefully lighten the mood: what happened to your clothes?”

Rob blinked. The fact that all he was wearing was an elven cloak – kind of like a long jacket from Earth – had completely slipped his mind. He fought back the blush creeping into his face as he recalled how tightly and closely he and Keira had hugged each other when he only had one layer of fabric on and nothing else.

“Yes, well, you see,” Rob said, stalling for time until he re-organized his thoughts. “Would you believe that the answer to that question is explicitly tied to what happened to me?”

Keira narrowed her eyes. “I see,” she stated, sounding impatient. “Then answer this as well: why in Lothren’s name did you remove yourself from the Party? We thought you’d done so to spare us from watching your HP reach 0, but apparently, that wasn’t the case!”

She clenched her fists. “And answer THIS as well: where have you been since the ranks of Infected broke and ran? We’ve done little else except search for survivors since the fighting ended and we didn’t find hide nor hair of you! I went to the spot where the Blight’s attack speared through the Village like a javelin of otherworldly hatred and there was nothing there, not even the godsdamned Class Crystal! We were going to have to bury your idle scribblings left behind in your room and call it a grave because nothing else of you or your possessions remained to inter you with!”

She was getting more worked up the more she spoke. He couldn’t blame her; from her perspective, his actions had either been irrational or malicious. He’d been missing and presumed dead for at minimum a few hours – and more likely a few days – and hadn’t bothered to get in contact with anyone. Rob answered with the only thing he could think of that would deter her mounting tirade, speaking the words he’d wanted to avoid saying out loud, to others or to himself.

“I died, Keira.”

One very long explanation left them both silent and weary. Keira rubbed at her temples, shaking her head slowly back and forth.

“How do you manage?” She asked.

“Manage what? These devilish good looks?”

“I am requiring you to acquire a comb, a toothbrush, and a bath before you’re allowed to make jokes like that.”


Keira shook her head again, but a bit of the tightness had receded from her face, which meant his zinger had worked as intended. “How do you manage so much strangeness?” She continued. “I thought that you must have been born under an ill star to be kidnapped to a different world and forced to deal with an entirely different set of rules. Now you’re dealing with rules that not even we know anything about. A broken Class Crystal reviving you from death? A Sub-Class on your Character Sheet? Had your story come from anyone else, I would assume they were lying or deranged, but your complete inability to lie properly has the side benefit of making your statements unusually trustworthy.”

“Hey now, I can lie if I need to. I have Deception on my Character Sheet and everything.”

“What Level is it?”


Keira nodded in a matter-of-fact way. “Exactly my point. Which means I am forced to believe your recounting and interpretation of your tale, which frankly speaking, gives me a headache on top of the one I already had. And I’m not even the one experiencing your tribulations! It all seems so exhausting.”

Rob barked out a harsh laugh. “Oh yeah it is.”

“Then how do you manage?”

He said the first words that came to mind, but even as a snap response, they felt right. “Because I’m alive. As long as I am, I can keep walking forward. Will keep walking forward. Simple as that.”

Keira considered his words. “You know,” she said, with a teasing smile, “That would have been much more inspirational if you were wearing pants.”

Rob couldn’t stand it anymore. He was either going to start crying or start laughing, and he opted for the latter. Keira raised her eyebrows like he’d lost his marbles, but soon enough she had joined him, both of them venting out their pent-up adrenaline and worry and relief and sorrow. It was the laughter of those who had lived when by all rights they shouldn’t have.

But that was the thing: they had lived. 3000 people might have died, but that meant that 7000 had survived. 7000 that could still move forward and carve out a new future for themselves. There could very easily have been no survivors, just 10,000 rotting corpses in an empty city, but the worst had been avoided. The future was still open.

It wouldn’t be easy. Not for any of them. At times they would think that it was too much, that they should just give up. Sometimes the way ahead would seem unbearable, the next step an impossible task.

But they could – and would – take that next step forward.

Because they were alive.

All else would follow.


The Arc 1 Epilogue will be posted tomorrow.

Character and Skill Sheet:


Thanks for reading!


Mike G.

Good chapter, thanks!


Me thinks he's part class crystal now. :0 imagine. He absorbed the crystal as he died. So since we know that more crystal exist besides a class crystal. All hes gotta do is interact with others. And his subclass should level up🤔

Mike G.

And if he's wearing (or just bound to?) that sharing amulet, maybe it's enough for others in his party to interact with people? That would be a GREAT superpower for an introvert like me :)


Everyone talking about the crystal shard, but here I am thinking that it's lucky as hell that Rob kept the amulet (as a bound item, whatever that means for this system), it'll make things a lot easier for them later on and gain levels quickly.


Elves are quick to recognize lewdness.


okay , i'm dissapointed. i hoped keira would die