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Keira and Rob were making their way to the ranger training grounds when Rob piped up with a question. “Out of curiosity, why did you choose the Warrior Class? What made you want to go all-in on greatswords?”


~Several Decades Ago~

Keira was knocked down as the others laughed at her. Her fists shook in impotent rage as frustration surged within. It’s not fair, she thought. Just because they’re a little older, and a little bigger, doesn’t mean I should be so helpless against them. I know I’m better than this! Mom and Dad said so!

That there were six of them and one of her made no difference. She knew that she would struggle to take even one of them down in a fair fight. They were old enough to start allocating stat points – under heavy supervision by their family – but that still didn’t give the other kids the right to laugh at her! There was one of each race in their vile, filthy group of miscreants: Elf, Dwarf, Dragonkin, Human, Merfolk, and Harpy. It was like the whole world had turned against her!

It wasn’t the first time she’d felt that way. Everyone kept saying ‘You have to be a Ranger, Keira’. ‘It’s the best Class for you, Keira.’ Well what if she didn’t want to be a Ranger? There were plenty of those already. The Village had Rangers as far as the eye could see! It shouldn’t be a problem if she wanted to pick something else. How could she be happy with herself if she didn’t follow her heart? That was what Mom and Dad had always taught her, but even they were hesitant when she told them her dreams. Mom and Dad of all people!

Nothing was fair.

Keira turned away from the group of miniature hellbeasts and stomped off as their laughter rang in her ears. Whatever, she grumbled. It’s fine. I’ll just give the training bag a beatdown until my fists are black and blue. That always makes me feel better.

That was when she saw it.

A large plank of wood had been left behind on the ground. Most likely, a Carpenter had been passing by and forgotten to take it with him. The ‘why’ didn’t matter to Keira; only that it was the most beautiful thing she’d ever seen. A room’s worth full of Light Orbs lit up in her head. The plank was a little bigger than her, which meant it was as exactly as big as them. What better way to even the odds than by picking on them with something their own size?

She skipped on over to the weapon of myth and legend and picked it up. Well, she tried to. Despite her efforts, straining every last muscle in her body didn’t so much as budge the hefty hunk of hewn lumber. And now the other kids were laughing at her. Again.

Something in her snapped. Keira took all the unspent stat points that she’d been saving up over the course of her entire life and viciously shoved them into Strength. The effect was immediate, her muscles condensing in an indescribably solid way. Keira belted out a very unladylike grunt as she put her back into it and lifted the plank of wood. It was still too heavy to pick up entirely, but she had just enough Strength to lift one end to head-level height and start dragging it over to the others. Who were no longer laughing. The Dragonkin kid – their de facto leader – gaped at her like she’d grown a second head.

“What-” was all he had time to say. Keira let out a war cry and put her entire body weight into a horizontal swing that slammed into the foul creature and knocked him flat on his face. The others scattered as their leader lay on the ground, moaning in pain.

Keira smiled wider than she ever had before. It was then, in that moment, that she knew for sure: this was all she ever wanted to do in life.

“...it wasn’t a decision I made lightly,” Keira explained to Rob. “Much consideration was put into the choice. Enough to make sure I would never regret it.”

Rob frowned. “Now I’m feeling a bit of buyer’s remorse. I know it’s important to pick a Class quickly so you can start Leveling it, but I didn’t even give myself a day to consider all the Class offerings before choosing one. Kind of irresponsible of me. Do you think I should head back and take a second look at them?”

Keira was glad that Rob was facing away from her. Otherwise he would’ve immediately picked up on how strained her smile was. “Oh, well, don’t worry. I’m sure it will be fine.”


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