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Status Effect: Hopeful (Mild) has changed to Hopeful (Moderate)!

And weren’t those just the most beautiful words he’d ever read.

Rob had expected there to be a whirlwind of activity after the voting had ended in his favor. Loud protests from Alessia, fierce debates on how to handle his integration into the village, maybe a thrown chair or two. Instead, they just started talking. Calmly, and rationally. All Alessia had done was shrug her shoulders and join in the conversation, apparently accepting that her wishes had been overruled and that it was time to get down to business.

It kind of pissed him off. His life or death had just been another bullet point on the docket for the Elders to tackle. He had to keep in mind going forward that they didn’t care about him in the slightest, and if at any point he fucked up too badly, their decision could be reversed at the drop of a hat.

“Might I speak with you, Rob the Human?” Elder Duran asked. It was an order phrased as a request; he was already sitting down next to Rob as he spoke. “I would like to alleviate any concerns you may be experiencing. Feel free to voice any questions you may have for me.”

Rob fully intended to take advantage of that offer. He had questions for days. “Honestly, I’d like to start with something I’ve been putting off for a while but wanted advice on how to proceed with before making a decision. I currently have 10 Unspent Stat Points and no idea what to do with them. Coming from a world without Levels-” Elder Duran’s eyes sparkled again when Rob mentioned that, which led him to believe an interrogation was in his near future. “-leaves me under-equipped to make big decisions regarding where I put my points. You have any advice for me?”

Elder Duran stroked his chin thoughtfully. The motion looked a little silly and came across as a tic that had carried over from when he actually had hair there. Do elves suffer from male pattern beard baldness? That would be a travesty. “Ah, yes,” Duran answered. “The noble art of minmaxing. I can understand your concerns.”

If Rob had been drinking something he would have spit it out. ‘Minmaxing’ was a D&D term about maximizing character stats in role-playing games, a term from Earth, so why did it exist in Elatra!? “If I may be so forward,” Duran continued, ignorant of Rob’s existential confusion. “Could you tell me your stat spread? It will be difficult to help you otherwise when you are already Level 10 and did not have a set build path in mind. If that is too much, I would understand, although revealing some general indication of your stat allocation will be necessary.”

Rob raised his eyebrows. “Is revealing your stat spread a ‘thing’ in Elatra? Keria asked what mine was five minutes after we met.”

Elder Duran sighed. “Of course she did.”

“Hey, I heard that,” Keira said. She turned away from the scolding Fareena had been giving her over the brand-new hole in the wall and crossed her arms at Duran. “I still don’t understand why people are so hung up on that. We can already Identity a person’s levels; there shouldn’t be any shame in sharing stats when knowing them could help us help one another with our build paths.” She stood up straighter and began speaking with pride. “Watch: it’s easy. My Strength is 55. My Vitality is 25. My Endurance-”

“55?” Elder Fareena interrupted. “Didn’t you recently proclaim that it was at 50, just one Level ago?”

Keira froze. “Um. Yes.”

Fareena narrowed her eyes. “You allocated everything into Strength. Again.” Behind them, Riardin seemed to be holding back a smirk.

“My build works very well,” Keira countered, more than a little defensively. “I’ve not run into any troubles thus far.”

“Your continued reliance on Danger Sense is a folly that will see you dead one day. Must you be so stubborn? A frontline warrior needs Vitality to survive a hit, Perception to heighten their senses-”

Rob looked away from Keira’s re-chastisement, sparing her the embarrassment of him bearing witness to it. “Well then. Personally, I don’t mind revealing my stat spread. I haven’t lived here long enough to have any hangups over social norms. So far I’ve got:”

Strength: 15
Vitality: 50
Endurance: 14
Dexterity: 15
Perception: 11
Mind: 21
Magic: 5
Unspent Points: 10

Elder Duran stared at him with a blank expression. “Forgive me if this comes across as insulting, but do you know how to put points into stats other than-”

“I know,” Rob muffled through his hands held over his face. “Stuff happened. A lot of stuff.”

“...I shall take your word for it.” Duran stroked his chin some more. “Your build presents a unique set of problems. I can’t recommend Magic; your level growth will slow from here on out, and to become a proper spellcaster it is necessary to invest heavily into Mind and Magic at the onset. That path is still feasible, technically speaking, but you will never reach the heights of others at Levels equivalent to yours.”

Rob sighed. “I figured that would be the case. No fireballs for me, I guess.”

“You seem downcast over that revelation.” Elder Duran leaned forward with a vibrant look on his face. “May I inquire as to why? Is Magic coveted on your world of origin?”

“A lot of people on Earth would give up an arm and a leg to be able to cast magic. No one can.”

Duran recoiled. “They would go so far as self-mutilation? Hmm...shocking, but understandably so. Magic is a cornerstone of society.” He inclined his head. “I express my sympathies for your world, which must be struggling heavily without magic’s boon to make life more livable.”

“Oh, we get by.” Rob would keep the wonders of modern conveniences to himself. Revealing the intricacies of so much as a toaster would result in an immediate interrogation that he didn’t have time for right now. “So, Magic is out. Is Mind worth looking at outside of that? Would it make me smarter?”

Duran considered that for a moment. “Yes and no. Aside from spellcasting, Mind is crucial to career paths that involve clerical duties, such as research, bookkeeping, teaching, or mathematics. Otherwise, it is much less important. Improving your Mind will turn your brain into a more powerful engine, and strengthen the acquisition and retention of knowledge, but it is no substitute for common sense.”

Translation: you can be a genius and still be a fucking idiot.

“Perception is a stat that I would recommend,” he continued. “It heightens your senses and increases your ability to notice details. The benefits may not sound as inherently enticing as being stronger or faster, but I can assure you that a strong Perception may make the decision between life and death. It is especially important to our Rangers, as it unlocks and improves abilities that they need to function. Should you go down the path of a Ranger – which I cautiously recommend, as it would help ingratiate you with the other elves – Perception will be vital to your success.”

“How would I go about becoming a Ranger?” Rob asked. “Is there a boot camp to sign up for? By ‘boot camp’ I mean heavy training involved.”

“Well, yes, that and changing your Class to Ranger.”

“……………..I can do that?”

Duran blinked. “Oh. Right. At times, it is difficult for me to remember that your knowledge base is starting from zero. Yes, you can choose a Class at our local facilities, and it will grant you newfound power and alter the course of your life. It is certainly not a decision to be made lightly.”

Rob carefully kept his face very, very neutral, lest he come off as a stat-hungry Human. “I’d like to consider those options later,” he said.

“Of course. As for your other stats – Vitality aside – Endurance is a stat that everyone needs, as it dramatically boosts your stamina, but is at the same time rarely prioritized. Unless you plan to be fighting hours-long war battles or marching nonstop for days, a moderate amount of Endurance will suit your purposes. Strength and Dexterity will both be vital if you go for a combat build. Those two more self-explanatory. Strength generally increases your damage and makes wielding heavy weapons easier, while Dexterity increases your speed, reflexes, and your proficiency with smaller weapons. One will be favored over the other, depending on your weapon of choice, but some points in both categories will be required.”

Rob considered all that for a moment. Nothing Elder Duran had said was surprising, although something was bugging him. “Quick question. Does increasing Strength make you faster?”

Duran shook his head. “No. Dexterity would be much less prized if it did.”

“Okay then. Allow me to present a scenario,” Rob began. “Imagine two Level 1 people. No stats spent at all. The first person has spent his whole life training his leg strength. He runs every day and trains with targeted exercises to strengthen his leg muscles. The second person is a homebody who hasn’t exercised a day in his life. Which person would be able to run faster?”

“The first, obviously.”

“Right. So why is it that increasing Strength, which would make your legs stronger, doesn’t also allow a person to move faster?”

Elder Duran blinked. “It simply doesn’t,” was all he offered in return.

Figures, Rob thought. For someone born and raised in this system, it’s an immutable and accepted law of nature. Water is wet, snow is cold, and Strength only increases strength.

As Rob gave thought to the bizarre universe he’d been thrown into, Elder Duran cleared his throat to draw his attention again. “If I may be so forward again – do you recall what your stats were at Level 1?”

Rob had spent so much time going over his Character Sheet when he first got here – the first day still held the record for most existential crises in a 24-hour period since he came to Elatra – that it would have been hard not to remember.

Strength: 13
Vitality: 11
Endurance: 9
Dexterity: 10
Perception: 9
Mind: 19
Magic: 5

The other conversations in the room died down as Rob read out his Level 1 stat spread. “Remarkable,” Duran whispered. Rob’s eyes swiveled to each person in turn, anxiety bubbling within him. The way they were examining him reminded him too much of the trial which had concluded not even half an hour ago. “Context, please?” Rob asked.

“Your stats are excessively inflated,” Alessia drawled. “A newborn starts with one point in each category. Stats are naturally accrued through life experience, but even so, a person of your age would have to be around Level 6 to have a stat spread equivalent to yours.” She grinned, showing teeth. “Perhaps you should rescind your lackadaisical policy on revealing your stat spread to anyone who asks. Our people will already resent you for your Fast Learner Racial Ability; this may very well make them despise you. Actually, on second thought, feel free to reveal it to whomever you please.”

Rob sighed. “Any idea why it’s like this? I can’t exactly complain about higher stats, but, like, why?”

“I have a theory,” Duran stated with a smile. The other Elders adopted long-suffering looks which went completely ignored. “Your home world has no Levels or stats at all, correct? Which means any self-improvements must have come intrinsically through great effort. I believe that when you were transported to Elatra and integrated into the system, it deigned to give you a stat spread representing your efforts on your home world, while still leaving you at Level 1, allowing you to reap the benefits of further naturally gained points and fast early level-ups all at once. Quite the boon, I must say.”

Fareena hummed. “A question, Rob the Human.” Were they going to call him that every time? “If those Level 1 stats are indicative of an average person from your home world, and they can’t raise them further with level ups, then aren’t they...well, weaker, than we are?”

“Yes,” he admitted. “By a lot. As an example, the best of our best compete in a worldwide competition every four years, and Riardin would outrun them all without breaking a sweat. And a woman of Keira’s build – by that I mean body type, not stat build – would break her back if she tried to lift that overgrown slab of steel she calls a sword.”

“Hey!” Keira protested.

“It’s a badass slab of steel, no worries.”

He looked back at Elder Duran and recoiled. There was a hunger in the man’s eyes. A hunger for the knowledge of an entire unexplored world, with his only source of information sitting right in front of him and at his mercy.

“Um, moving on,” Rob sputtered. “I think I’ll go with some combination of Strength and Dexterity after I take a look at the Class offerings. Unless you can guarantee I’ll never be attacked by a giant goddamn bear again, which considering my luck is bound to happen again sooner or later.”

“You will address it by its title as Lord of the Forest,” Fareena stated in a commanding tone. “A being of its age and caliber has lived longer than you or I, stalking under the boughs of Ixatan since the founding of our village, if not before.”

“It tried to eat me and Riardin.”

She grimaced. “The Infection corrupts all.” The elves adopted varying expressions of concern and sorrow.

At least until Elder Duran cut through the mournful silence with the tact of a bulldozer. “Another question, Rob the Human. At Level 1, your Mind stat was by far your highest, and remains your second-highest even with few ways to naturally raise it in the forest. Are you considered a learned man back on your world?”

“Not really, but only because I’m not unique in that regard. It’s extremely common in my world to receive prolonged education on a variety of subjects; history, science, math, ect.”

Duran’s eyebrows rose, crinkling his forehead. “Math, you say? It would be nice to have an extra pair of eyes to go over the ledgers. Can you multiply, say, 500 times 120?”

Rob took a bit to reason it out. “60,000”.

Passive Skill Gained!
Prerequisite: 15 Mind, successfully solve at least 50 worthwhile math problems.
Description: You know your times tables and everything. Your speed at solving math problems is slightly increased.

Mathematics Level Increased! 1 → 2

Mathematics Level Increased! 2 → 3

Mathematics Level Increased! 3 → 4

The effect was dizzying. Rob’s head swam as message after message appeared, each one bumping up his EXP and sending a jolt of joy running through him, and wait oh shit-

He opened his Character Sheet in a panic.

Status Effects: Melancholia, Leveling High (Mild), Hopeful (Moderate)

Rob breathed an internal sigh of relief. Still Mild. The four immediate Skill increases hadn’t affected him badly enough. It shouldn’t, as a Skill increasing didn’t give nearly as much EXP as defeating an enemy, but..

I really am going to have to worry about this for the rest of my life, aren’t I? It was a sobering thought. Leveling up and increasing Skills had been one of his few objective joys in this world. Now it was tainted; irreversibly so.

“Rob the Human? Are you well?”

Rob considered lying, but didn’t want to fall into that habit. If his lies were ever uncovered, the Elders would be tarring and feathering him before the day was out. “I just unlocked the Mathematics Skill and raised it to Level 4 immediately.”

The room goggled at him. “How much math did your schools make you do?” Fareena asked, incredulous.

Rob’s face fell. “I don’t want to talk about it,” he mumbled.

“One moment,” Duran said. He rushed off quickly – reminding Rob that old people were still going to be fast as fuck as long as they invested in Dexterity – and came back with a stack of papers in short order. “I assume you’ve read quite a bit?”

“Woke up on the first day with Speed Reading Level 2 already there.”

“Perfect,” Duran crowed. “Then this may work. You won’t be able to read Elven scripture, but Auto-Translate is a Skill that can be unlocked in those with a solid Mind stat who are also voracious consumers of literature. If I start giving you lessons on Elven lettering, it may unlock within short order and allow you to immediately bypass the rest of the learning process and grant you the ability to read Elven scripture right away.”

“That sounds fantastic,” Rob said. “I’d really appreciate it, actually. Will be hard to integrate into Elven society if I can’t read.”

Duran, to his credit, was a very enthusiastic teacher. Maybe a little too enthusiastic. His excessive fascination over the Earth alphabet that Rob transcribed ended up delaying the lessons for so long that Alessia of all people told him to get on with it. Duran showed Rob comparisons from English letters to corresponding Elven letters, which thankfully weren’t obtuse as the east Asian character systems of writing – Rob had never been great at comprehending them in Foreign Language classes. He had Rob write the letter comparisons repeatedly until he had a basic grasp of it, then gave Rob some pages to manually translate.

It took over an hour, but just when the other Elders were wrapping up their meetings, Rob finally experienced a change. The Skill hadn’t unlocked yet, but sometimes the Elven letters would morph into English ones before his eyes. Rob concentrated on the shifting letters, staring intensely as a headache mounted. He willed the other letters to change, but only a few did, the rest stubbornly holding strong.

“I think it’s working,” Rob said. “Some of the letters are changing, some aren’t, but the auto-translate is improving bit by bit.”

“It didn’t unlock all at once?” Duran wondered. “Curious. Keep me updated.”

“Will do.” The letters were swirling now, causing his headache to trend closer to a migraine. “Is it supposed to hurt this badly?”

“...It hurts?”

“Yeah. My head feels like it’s eating itself.” Rob looked away from the page as the pain got even worse, but the letters followed his field of vision, swirling in obtuse patterns as they rapidly shifted from English to Elvish.

“Rob,” Duran gasped. “Your nose.”

Rob touched his nose. It was wet and sticky underneath his nostrils.

3 localized Brain Damage received!


The letters swirled.

9 localized Brain Damage received!

“I’m guessing brain damage isn’t supposed to happen either?”

The room stared at him in shock. His vision started to darken.

23 localized Brain Damage received!

“So, Keira, can you do me a solid?” Rob asked in a lighthearted tone. “I think I’m about to pass out. Again. If you could make sure no one’s slit my throat before I hopefully wake up, that would be great.”

51 localized Brain Damage received!


AutoTr2#@#ate ERroR, Ov!)#@13rr!de, Direct Trr///rans\\nt Att!###@@(9d

Active Skill Gained!

Somewhere very, very, very far away, a coin was flipped. Once, twice, thrice. Each time, it landed heads, the smug face printed on its side leering up at the room, taunting.

Five voices groaned as a sixth one cheered.





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