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Hello dear potatoes! As you might have seen on Twitter, I'm part of an upcoming project: BRAT, a zine dedicated to bottom Bakugou in all his glory 🧡

I got asked to draw the cover for it - it's always such a big honor to able to make the "face" of a zine, so I'm really excited!! I'm drawing a very bratty, very spoiled-looking Bakugou, and I can't wait to show it to everyone! I'll also draw another piece for inside the zine, featuring NSFW kiribaku, set in an AU you're getting familiar with: my original vampire story 👀 I'll let you wonder who is the vampire and who the human owner among the two until I'll be able to post the preview! I'm really pumped for this zine and I hope you'll appreciate it!! 🙏

The only "downside" of this is that doing two pieces for BRAT means I'll be busier in the coming months, and as you might have noticed already, I've been kinda slacking off in replying to your kind comments. The truth is that at the end of every day I'm Exhausted™. I'm also drained because I have to take care of my new puppy Athena, who's the sweetest girl but is still A Needy Baby 🤯 A Baby that doesn't let me work crazy hours anymore and forces me to breathe fresh air, which is honestly good for my health, but I still have to adjust 🙈 So, that said, I might have to cut an artwork per month in the next future, but to make up for it I'll make the other the best pieces I can 😤 AND I WILL REPLY TO THOSE COMMENTS, MARK MY WORDS!!!

Lastly, I'm about to open my online store again, for real this time! 🎉 And I have good news about the shipping!! From now on I'll partner up with a new shipping group, who will provide tracking info through all the journey and should even end up cost less than the one I've been using till now! I still have to do all the math but I'm pretty confident this will be a better solution for all of us 💖 I'm thinking of opening up again around the beginning of May, and for the first week I'll even hold a Sales Event with discount codes for everything!!! And the gift option available to all of you, of course 🥰

That's it! I hope I didn't bother y'all too much with all my talking. As usual, I wish you the best 🌸
Love always,




youre doing amazing please take care of yourself

Cheyanne Bennett

Thanks for the update! I can't wait to get the zine and see your awesome work!! We are all cheering you on! Also please say hi to your pup for me~ it's amazing to add a new member to your family, so enjoy it and take care of yourself~


Athena wagged happily when I delivered your greeting ☺💜 Thank you so much for your appreciation and support, you're truly kind 🙏

Peter Shaw

You just take care of yourself with that workload and your widdle pupper (photos? 💖) Aira! Looking forward to your Vampire KiriBaku - can picture both of them in both roles, and can't decide which one i'm rooting for!


<img src="https://c10.patreonusercontent.com/3/eyJ3IjoxNjAwfQ%3D%3D/patreon-comment/p4IjG23ugAqQ4ebAj1Z3BOPw3SWMbBi8DEoI1OOXV1gAEFOBdhD-Uu11j6mYeqJ_.jpg?token-time=1632096000&token-hash=3PqPAnUfr6uaz_wdu4pTHt1vBAA74iVoYBzas3FAgbw%3D">