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Hello all, I'm here to ask your preference. If you read the Lens I posted yesterday, you already know why I'm holding back from sharing any new piece/opening my online store. I'm drawing/working behind the scenes, but I'm still reluctant to promote my business publicly. I'm really glad to see my mutuals and followers on Twitter being so focused on activism right now and I wanna keep doing my part there as I can.
But I'd also like for my Patreon to be a place where you can ease your mind for a bit. And I do want to give you the rewards you deserve for your precious support. So, again, I'm here to ask for your opinion: would you prefer if I kept holding back here as well, so you could keep your focus on more important things? Or would you rather I started posting regularly again?
Thank you for reading. Stay safe and kind ❤ - Aira



I appreciate you asking. For me, this is my escape from the world when I need it. So, I do hope you'll be able to post again, but if you decide to hold back, I understand as well!


I think it’s important to keep creating, just in general, to give ourselves an outlet for our energies in a way that’s restorative while we also give energy to the world. I would totally understand if it’s fewer works, but I’d love to see something 💜


I understand needing that escape very well, and I'm really glad that this place can help you some. I'll seriously think about it, thank you for sharing your feelings with me 💞


Thank you for your sensitive input. I'll be honest, it's not been easy to be creative when my mind keeps drifting, but I also think your point is extremely valuable. I'll do my best to keep my batteries charged, and hopefully help yours as well! 🙏💗


Although I understand where you’re coming from, I would rather have you post regularly. The dollar is very expensive right now (1 USD = 6 BRL), but since I really love your art, I believe it’s worth it. However, if you were to stop posting regularly, then I would have to cancel my subscription... (if you didn’t stop charging yourself, that is, but I don’t know how you would feel about not receiving this money, especially under the current circumstances, so...). I’ll support your decision regardless and I think it’s great that you’re asking us. I appreciate your honesty. It just might not be possible for me to keep my subscription depending on what you decide. I wish the dollar wasn’t so expensive so I could keep it no matter the case. 😞

Peter Shaw

I understand your need to be involved with far more important things than whether Omega Deku can satisfy Katsuki and Kirishima when both of his Alphas get hit by a submission quirk, or whether Geralt will ever be the submissive, and instead do your part (however large or small) in events that are nation changing and will appear in the history books (unless the wrong side wins - which is **why** they're important). but every body needs an escape from reality sometimes, and that includes you! so just do as you feel best. I'm voting for post, so that we can give you emotional support (coz everyone likes likes) and you're not just dwelling on the horrible stuff. also... why not look at doing both? equality and justice themed fan art?


do what you feel comfortable with. but i do also think its important to have things to enjoy outside of the apocalypse. we are all at our limits and some nice art is really beneficial


Well, I wouldn't post at all, if I did I would pause payments for that month, as I usually do when I take a vacation on August. I'm still drawing pretty regularly, I was just thinking of postponing posting my art for some days, so that the number of artworks would be the same, just more... crammed? But I do understand if this would cause thinking it's not worth it anymore, especially if your economic situation isn't the best 😔 Please take care of yourself and do whatever is best for you 🥺


To be honest I would support either option, if you would prefer to hold back because you feel it is more respectful to do so and/or you are flagging emotionally/creatively then by all means don't stress over it (self-care is especially important with everything going on right now). On the flipside, if you would prefer to post because you feel it would provide a positive safe-haven of sorts for people then of course I'd support you in that as well because heck, the world is a shambles right now and positivity is in short supply. Thank you for asking us for input but personally I would be happy with whatever you decide to do 💖


I prefer leaving such themed art to artists who are living the actual oppression. They are surely more sensible and capable of talking of these matters than I am, and I prefer to enhance their works if I can. Thank you for your support, though! I'll seriously take your words into consideration 🙏


You are extremely kind, thank you so very much. I'm just not that great at prioritizing self-care even when I need it, but if posting could help some of you a bit, than it would be easier for me as well. I'll think about and treasure your words 💘


Oh, I see! In that case I wouldn’t mind waiting a bit. I was worried we wouldn’t get the monthly content! But since you’d still post it, it’s fine. 💕


I think if you feel the need for space, you should have it, especially right now. Creating takes a lot of energy and heart but I understand your position. For my own part, I feel all things ebb and flow and I tend to hang out and see how things go for a while. If you take a break or just post less frequently during this mad hour, I hope you can be well and have the space you need to create how you want. Take care of you. 💜


I feel like I'm very much reaching my limit. Maybe a little normalcy could be beneficial to you and me too... I'll consider it. Thank you again, sweetheart ❤


Thanks a lot for worrying about me. I'll try to take care of myself, but I also wanna do something for you all, without being insensitive. I'll see what I can do 🙏

ローラ (Laura)

Reiterating what others have said, I'd love to see more art (the world is pretty depressing right now, so an escape is good...), but only if you feel up to it. 💕