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Hello everyone! 🌸 Are you doing fine? Me myself I'm busy as always! I just got accepted into yet anoter zine, and soon I'll be able to announce it publicly. Look out for it! *-*

Regarding zines, preorders for Pound Zero and The Soulmates Zine have ended succesfully! Thank you if you showed your support buying them, I assure you won't be disappointed! 💖
Instead, preorders for the NSFW kiribaku zine SEXBOMB are still on, till May 18! It's a zine filled with amazing contributors and love for this ship in every way, don't miss it out! 💣
In the meantime Please Bokuto-san is on its way to take form! Preorders for that will open in a bit, too!

Speaking of preorders... PREORDERS FOR MY  CHARMS will end in one week, on May 10. Please, check them out here, you might find them interesting! Or take a look at my whole shop, if you'd like. ;w;
Also, in two weeks I'll be attending one of the biggest cons here in Milan. I hope I'll be able to sell some of my goodies and meet new people! Wish me luck! 🤞

Last thing, as you might have noticed, last month I added a new reward for my 3$+ Salty Crispy Chips!  A Step by Step of a monthly artwork with some commentary on how I worked on it! Hope you'll find it interesting.  ✨


Now, as usual, to my Sweet Roasted Potatoes: please, comment here or dm me (here or on twitter) with your SFW requests. To my Spicy French Fries: the same with your NSFW (and SFW) requests! I'll choose among who didin't get any piece done for them in a while, but all your requests could very well end up in the poll, so throw them at me! ୧(ÒہÓ)୨

To my Smooth Mashed Potatoes: feel free to comment here or dm me with your suggestions for the poll, too!

Also, as a reference, here's my FANDOM & SHIPS MASTERLIST!

And to my Salty Crispy Chips: if there's a lineart of a piece of mine you'd like to color OR a particular step by step you wanna see, don't hesitate do let me know!

Love ya always 💕
- Aira


Rashel Izro

I'm gonna suggest Captain Marvel. Any version though I have a preference for a female version.:) And because it's May,...I haveto ask about A mermaid version of any character may be considered? Mermaid!Ami (Sailor Mercury)


Firefighter au kiribaku for the poll suggestion :0