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Hi, my dear potatoes. As some of you might know already, both my tumblr accounts, SFW and NSFW, got caught up in the purge. The NSFW one was a side blog of the SFW, and the SFW one contained a couple NSFW pieces I did before creating the side blog. That's why I have little hope to get them back. I'm in a dedicated discord server and I'm talking with other artists who got their accounts deleted, and some were deleted for good, because apparently now tumblr doesn't allow NSFW illustrations featuring underage fictional characters anymore - even if they're being aged up, as in my case. So you see why I'm pretty pessimistic at the moment.
I'm not gonna lie, I'm feeling kinda defeated. This is a pretty bad hit for me. It means I'm gonna have to create new accounts from scratch and rebuild a fanbase, in the hope to share my artworks with the fandoms I follow and, along the way, maybe welcome some new patrons supporting my art. So here's what's what I'm going to do, now. I've just created a TWITTER and paid for a key to PILLOWFORT. In the meantime, I'll keep posting on my INSTAGRAM and working on my pieces fo you. Setting up twitter is gonna take some of my time, so I apologise in advance if I'll post the pieces I promised you with a couple days of delay.
I'm going to wait a bit more for tumblr's answer, be it positive or negative. If I get at least my SFW blog back, I'll delete every hint of NSFW, and I'll keep it strictly NSFW-free, even of cropped previews. If I don't, I'm considering creating a new account, but strictly SFW anyway. Still, I have to say my love and faith in that site is dropping our by our, so we'll see if I'll really do it.

That said, I'm really grateful to have you by my side. You really give me strength and hope. Thank you for choosing to become my patrons, your support is unbelievably important to me.

I'll keep you updated on everything.
- Aira


Mix Berkaan

You're doing great sweeti