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Band of Brothers: S1, Episode 8 (The Last Patrol) - Patreon Version


scott osborne

funny that you said about LT Dyke he was not a coward as bob shown he was more heroic his story was changed for more thrills In the series, Lieutenant Dike is portrayed as being an incompetent coward. However, in real life he performed many acts of heroics. For example, Dike was awarded a Bronze Star for his action at Uden, Holland, with the 101st Airborne Division between 23 and 25 September 1944, in which he “organized and led scattered groups of parachutists in the successful defense of an important road junction on the vital Eindhoven (sic)-Arnhem Supply Route against superior and repeated attacks, while completely surrounded." Dike was awarded a second Bronze Star for his action at Bastogne, in which "he personally removed from an exposed position, in full enemy view, three wounded members of his company, while under intense small arms fire" on 3 January 1945. In preparation for the 13 January 1945 attack on Foy, Belgium, E Company was attached to the 3rd Battalion, 506th PIR. Division Headquarters ordered the attack to begin at 0900 hours. During the assault, Carwood Lipton, at that time the company's first sergeant, described Dike as having "fallen apart." Clancy Lyall stated that he saw that Dike had been wounded in his right shoulder and that it was the wound, not panic, that caused Dike to stop. Dike survived the assault, and eventually returned to the rear in the company of a medic. Afterwards, he was transferred to 506th Regimental Headquarters to become an assistant operations officer. Dike then moved on to become, as a captain, an aide to General Maxwell Taylor, Commanding General, 101st Airborne Division. He later served in the Korean War.

scott osborne

WARNING WARNING TISSUES NEEDED FOR NEXT EPISODE this was the most tame episode sofar i case you did not spot it LT Jones was played by tom hanks son Colin Hanks


We do only have the words of the surviving men of Easy Company to go off, and they were wrong on some things like thinking Private Blithe had died of his wounds But it does seem to have been a pretty much unanimous opinion of the men of Easy Company that Dike was ineffectual.