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Hi everyone! I know it's still a couple days away, but Happy July 4th! This was such a great movie to watch to celebrate Independence day with you all! I've also never seen so many explosions in all my life. This one's going to be really hard to top haha.


Independence Day - Patreon version


Michael Pirretti

I'd recommend "War of the Worlds" if you are looking for more end of the world type movies. It has lots of explosions in it as well.

Anthony Donato

War of the Worlds really good movie that is underrated.

Raven Dark

This is such a great reaction, guys. So much fun. One of my favorite movies. This one was a massive juggernaut of a film when it released. I saw it when it first came out, and as good as the special effects look now, they looked far more impressive back then, especially when seen in a theater. At the time, it felt like I and a theater full of people sat there with our mouths hanging open for most of the film. I still remember seeing the tagline on the poster for the first time. "The question as to whether we are alone in the universe has been answered. On July 4'th, we'll wish we were." Since you asked for more 'End of the world" type movies: Deep Impact Armageddon The Impossible War of the Worlds 2012 Children of Men Intersteller I Am Legend (Will Smith, the pilot you saw in this film)