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Butts only...

Thank you always for your support! It's really helping me.

I'm trying to draw more deeper fetish pictures in my own way.







Ah, I love the skunk girl so much~ Skunk girls always get me excited because of the danger of that extremely powerful stink. If a skunk girl farts, almost nothing can resist the stench~ The way you portray the gas effect gives represents that danger well! I love her design too, because it shows off a lot of her ass with the low pants and the skimpy thong. Your eyes are drawn to her most dangerous feature which makes that excitement even more exciting!


I also like the fart fume effect from the nurse. I feel like getting the effect just right so that it's a stinky fume but not an actual fart is a hard skill.


bruh could you go back to making same size view I kinda miss that style of art


I've started organizing my collection of your work by the character depicted rather than the Patreon upload date. It's amazing just how visually distinct all of your girls look. You're a wonderful character designer.

Lune d'Eau

THIS. The designs are always soo good, and its wonderful seeing designs return.