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So it's time to start putting in your requests / suggestions for the exclusive content for the month! On this post, please comment your AUDIO ideas! I will pick four ideas and put them in a poll for you to pick two!

If you see someone else has commented your idea, just give theirs a like instead of commenting it again!

Remember: This is for AUDIO ONLY. So NO VISUALS. Because it's AUDIO ONLY :D

Let's see what you got!


Joseph G

A spiritual sequel to the Witch's Sleep Spell audio, maybe a winter theme like Witch Thaws You Out with a mix of layered warm breathy sounds and "spell" incantations


An assortment of fizzing sounds! (Pop rocks, bubbly soda, the fizzies in the medieval cranial nerve exam, etc.)


Gloved ear massage. Maybe you could put gloves over the mics?


Breathy whispers, mouth sounds and yawning.


Girlfriend softly sings songs to us to help us sleep. (Hits from the 2000s could be fun)


Stargazing by a fire on a cold night, with kisses mixed in


Very close up slow and deep breathing

Rolling Thunder

Positive affirmations done ear-to-ear. Things like: "I believe in you." "You've got this." "Don't give up." and "You can do this."


i watched a Gibi video once that i really loved the idea of and would work REALLY well as just audio - it was sort of an exercise in the specifics of how your imagination pictures things, so to give a concrete and simple example, the first one was "imagine a circle" and then she'd ask questions like is it solid or just a ring, is it a sphere or 2D, what color is it, is there a background, is it close up to your face or far away, etc and you sorta had to think about and notice the details of how your mind pictured concepts differently from everyone else. i really loved that one and i think it'd go so well without the visual effect to distract your mind's eye.


Return of the reoccurring dream girl


Big Countdown with layered background triggers


Kisses, affirmations for falling asleep and good dreams, I love you's