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Hey everyone! So this video was a bit of an experiment. Because I was recording with the earphones with my phone, I was unable to hear myself as I recorded, but I hope that it still turned out tingly for you :D I cut out any parts that were too rough, so hopefully you should be able to enjoy the rough tingles without actually getting your ears blown out. xD Please let me know what you think!


[ASMR] Mic Nibbling :D (rough ear eating/mouth sounds, some whispering)

Hey everyone! So this video was a bit of an experiment. Because I was recording with the earphones with my phone, I was unable to hear myself as I recorded, but I hope that it still turned out tingly for you :D I cut out any parts that were too rough, so hopefully you should be able to enjoy the rough tingles without actually getting your ears blown out.



I REALLY liked this video. The sounds quality when you where talking wasn't as clear as usual (because you where using the earphone mic) but for what you where trying to achieve I would say... Experiment: Successful :)


Also as a side note when you brought up the 11:11 make a wish I checked the time and it was 11:20... so close.


Why, when I first saw the thumbnail , did I think you were flossing your teeth? 🤔🙄😬


Wow I know that these are broad in nature but how do you know own or haven't been sleeping and having a rough time?🤔🤔 sometimes I get surprised at how these come out when I need them lol. Guess it's like horoscopes they fit everyone