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Someone mentioned others might be more comfortable using mic or video during hangout streams if they weren't recorded. But some obviously enjoy being able to watch the streams they missed or rewatch a part they enjoyed. I wanted to gauge people's thoughts. If you never attend the hangout streams or watch them and don't plan to do that regardless of the poll outcome, please refrain from voting.



I'd prefer no recordings for hangout streams. Definitely yes for the others.


Streams are (currently) part of the patreon rewards that I’m sure many enjoy, but don’t always have the option to join because of where they live, or other commitments etc, so recording allows those people to engage with that content. Personally I’m not able to join because of the time differences, so recordings can be fun to listen back (but I don’t watch the hangout streams, only the ASMR ones), but if I were to join, I’d also prefer not to be recorded


I think it's great that you have them for interested patrons but I don't think I've ever taken part of one, much less viewed a recording of one afterward.


I always watch the stream recordings. I like the raw ASMR which is so often edited out, so actually they are a great variation.


I'm only specifically talking about hangout streams here 😊 The asmr streams will continue to be recorded.


Sometimes I feel bad for not joining the hangout streams because they're not really for me, but I don't have a computer anyway


Perhaps you could do both. Record some for those not present, and do unrecorded hangout streams from time to time for those that would participate otherwise but don't want to be recorded themselves due to public speaking anxiety/privacy concerns/etc.


That's a good idea. Building on that, perhaps you could try not recording the first few minutes and/or the few last minutes of the hangouts and see if the camera/microphone shy people take advantage of it. That seems like a good compromise.