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So it's time to start putting in your requests / suggestions for the exclusive content for September! On this post, please comment your AUDIO ideas! I will pick four ideas and put them in a poll for you to pick two!

If you see someone else has commented your idea, just give theirs a like instead of commenting it again!

Remember: This is for AUDIO ONLY. So NO VISUALS. Because it's AUDIO ONLY :D

Let's see what you got!



Sksk sounds!


A visualization or a reading


Om nom nom and calling us random items both food and not food like that one video where we were a basketball


Safecracker audio. Trigger ideas: Unintelligible muttering, soft clicking noises from the picks/lock, brushing/tapping noises from cleaning the old safe, binaural audio from moving around to get a better look.

Jorge G.B.

countdown from 100 (with layered sounds like "shhhh" and "everything's gonna be ok")


Scribbling. A lot of scribbling. Even more than that.


Close breathy whispered pet names, like sweetie pie, ect. With gentle ear brushing and I love yous


The reading of some sort of book about animals in an Australian accent. Channel your inner Steve Irwin. :)


Arts & Crafts triggers w/unpredictable voices - like cutting paper, scribbling/writing, using tape, flipping through pages; maybe accents, singing/humming


You and your colleague who you like get locked in grocery store by accident. You stay up all night eating snacks off the shelves and reminiscing about good times you've had.


Two characters from your series ( Ophelia , or a two fairies ) have a crush and try to see who can tingle you the best. One side does trigger works and breathy whispers while the other one does kiss sounds and omnomnom


Relaxing beach visualization and guided relaxation to put us to sleep with ocean wave ambience, some kisses, and a nap at the end


Slow kisses and affirmations


Ear eating alternated with kisses


Goodnight kisses, sleepy night time ambience, affirmations for restful sleep and pleasant dreams, and a nap at the end


More breathing, sleeping and extra yawning directly in the ears🥱🥱🥱🥱 You are the only ASMRist that is great at this!


Girlfriend roleplay with triggers like kisses, I love you, breath sounds and the “kiss kiss kiss me” trigger you do! ❤️


I’d like repeated words and trigger sounds

Joseph G

Scritchens, kisses, shushing, and whispers for sleep. Reassuring whispers like “you are safe with me”, and “it’ll all be okay tomorrow”.


Heavy snowstorm causes us to be stranded freezing away from home. So we knock go to a childhood friend/crush who lives nearby, catches up and warms us up with blanket sounds, hugs, scritches, layered fire sounds, napping/cuddles to sleep


Positive affirmations and terms of endearment are always a win