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Hello patrons! I wanted to announce that I'm going to be retiring the behind the scenes vlogs that were available on the $5 Galoshies tier. Only a very small amount of people on that tier watched them and they take several hours to make. I think it would be fun to add something instead that more people would get on board with. I will still be leaving up the old ones to be watched and I will still be doing behind the scenes pics and the occasional mini vlogs

Edit: I also plan to post occasional bloopers and outtakes now and then on the $5 tier! But just not the full vlogs for every video every month.

Instead I plan to add more frequent streams. Usually we have 2 hangout streams, 2 ASMR streams, and more rarely a gaming stream too. I will be changing this to having 2 additional streams. I will put it up to a vote each month whether these are 2 additional ASMR streams or 1 ASMR and 1 gaming stream. (Gaming streams usually can't be ASMR for me because I have a tendency to shriek in surprise over mundane things such as my pickaxe breaking in Minecraft LOL.) So that would bring us to 6 streams a month! 2 hangout streams, 3 or 4 ASMR streams, and possibly 1 gaming stream. 

Since each stream is 1+ hours long, that is a lot more content than what the vlogs were providing and it will be much easier on me as well! I really have enjoyed doing the behind the scenes vlogs for the past 4 years or so, but it's time for a change. 

If you are unable to make the streams, I always post the VoD of them so you can enjoy them after the fact. For those who are usually unable to make the streams due to work schedules, etc., please comment below what times/days would actually work for you so we can try to get more people included!

For those on the $1 tier, there are no changes for you at this time. <3

Thank you so much for understanding and I hope that y'all enjoy the upcoming streams!



Wooo!! Gaming streams!!!! I love it!


More free time for fun! For all of us! Good on you for the change softly!


Well, I am one of those who’ll be sad to see em go, but your reasoning makes sense. And more gaming streams would honestly be great, those are always a blast.


Dude, I loved those videos.


I know &lt;/3 But hours and hours of work compared with a very small percentage of patrons viewing them isn't sustainable for me.


I'm happy for more ASMR content with the streams, the talking n noises make for great sleeping noise to have on, I see the appeal of the vlogs and I have enjoyed them but I'm here for ASMR.

Temple of Aidan

I'm in Australia (GMT+10), so matching up hours is usually difficult. Sundays are generally the best bet.


Currently computerless so unfortunately the streams aren't a thing for me. But I'll still support ya nonetheless. &lt;3


The asmr and gaming streams are accessible on phones :) It's only the hangout ones that need a computer.


Oh awesome I'll definitely check them out then!


I would appreciate if we had more EU/ UK timezone friendly streams if possible. So in the week for me that would be 8pm GMT or BST. Hope this is possible. 🤗


Just no later than 5pm your time please 😂 that one is as late as I can handle haha. 3pm would probably be ideal for though.