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Update: suggestions are CLOSED! Vote now!

So it's time to start putting in your requests / suggestions for the exclusive content for June! On this post, please comment your AUDIO ideas! I will pick four ideas and put them in a poll for you to pick two!

If you see someone else has commented your idea, just give theirs a like instead of commenting it again!

Remember: This is for AUDIO ONLY. So NO VISUALS. Because it's AUDIO ONLY :D

Let's see what you got!



Scribbling sounds!


Bedtime girlfriend roleplay with a whisper ramble about plans for tomorrow with various triggers mixed in like yawns, gentle ear scratches, kisses, blanket sounds, and a nap at the end


Soft spoken guided relaxation "relax your shoulders, relax your arms, unclench your jaw" with layered mic blowing and kisses


Relaxing beach visualization and guided relaxation to put us to sleep with ocean wave ambience, some kisses, and a nap at the end


Extra sensitive whispering a story, like "you're walking down a trail, you hear a rustling to your left further down the trail...etc"


Sleepover audio with our crush, we fall asleep before she does and she talks to herself about how she feels without us knowing.


I'd love to see an anticipatory "RAWR" trigger audio!! 🐯


lazy lie in with girlfriend. Kinda like your morning affirmations audio but instead of saying it's time to get up you can say we don't have to be up for hours 😴


Forest walk visualization with ambient forest sounds and a fireside nap at the end


Ok good perfect

Adrian Mwaahh

Kisses with on your face, on your cheek, on your lips, on your neck, on your head, on your ears, on your chin etc, with breathing and walking around the mic so the listener doesn't know where it's gonna come from

Andrew Hopkins

There was this french girlfriend reads The Raven idea (I think last time?) that I am still 1000% behind


Humming kisses ear to ear and I love you's


Deep ear picking/cleaning with soft breathing, followed by deep ear licking once ears are clean.


An Australian accent audio where you read about your favourite animal. I'm imagining an ASMR Steve Irwin as inspiration.

Rolling Thunder

RP: The listener has been blindfolded by a fairy and taken to her home. Ambient sounds along with whispers about what you did wrong to get caught and what you must do to be freed.


Gentle ear brushing and close whispered pet names/terms of endearment like "sweetie pie" ect along with "I love yous".

Josh & Barkley

Personal reassurance, "don't be afraid," "I'll be with you all the way," that sort of thing.

Harry Cordell

French girl reading the Raven and somehow incorporate your caring dialog in it

Harry Cordell

If anyone can do it.Its You.


Anything gay.

Joseph G

encouraging audio, things like “don’t doubt youself” and “i know you will win”, with deep breathy whispers, mic scratching, and slow kisses


I would really love a “guided massage” where you’re explaining all the things you’re doing.


So there's this trigger I really like. I don't know what to call it other than like, "nothing words" or "hesitation sounds" or something. basically it's all the inbetween noises and words like "hmm, uhh um... like, yeah umm" etc. something about hearing those nothing words spoken softly and patiently just relaxes the heck out of me. I know this idea is a little different to the usual stuff but it would really make my month if you felt like including it somewhere


Or and hear me out... a dnd style story in the second person, as in “you enter the tavern and...” that would be super cool