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So it's time to start putting in your requests / suggestions for the exclusive content for May! On this post, please comment your video ideas! I will pick a couple roleplay ideas and a couple non-roleplay ideas and put them in polls for you to pick one of each!

If you see someone else has commented your idea, just give theirs a like instead of commenting it again!

Let's see what you got :)


Jorge G.B.

Napping roleplay with your french girlfriend (positive affirmations, kisses, face touching, cuddles and rain sounds)

Jorge G.B.

Lipstick application with kisses and mouth sounds


Maybe a bunch of terms of endearment and sweet sayings, always helps me sleep!!


Anxiety/racing thoughts distraction with face brushing, countdown, maybe positive affirmations?


Moving quickly past the mic like in your "Tingle Ghost Inside Your Head" audio but with SK, Left/Right side, breath sounds. But also mix in some anticipatory versions of each. Maybe even some kisses too since that seems to be a big one.


A guided sleep meditation…where you are somewhere doing something…..with the nature sounds


You are a mechanic fixing a robot, doing sensor calibrations (triggers up to you) etc then writing down the results. Or alternatively just scribbling sounds without roleplaying :)


A AI girlfriend roleplay. A futuristic setting in which you are an AI in our phone and you comfort us about our worries and say sweet words to us. Maybe you can do a napping/sleeping/breathing portion at the end where you mention that you know we like this despite you not being real.


Girlfriend roleplay where there is a storm and the power goes out. You light a candle and we huddle up close and you comfort is through the storm reminding us that you're here and aren't going anywhere and that you'll protect us from the storm ect.


Mermaid helps you recover from a shipwreck


Fabric scratching and skin sounds


face touching/personal attention kinda stuff ☺️ i.e. tracing fingers along brow or cheeks, either in a clinical fashion or romantic/tender I suppose


A follow up video of Maggie the peasant girl. Your last one was super fun and can't wait to find out how their relationship has progressed and what they're up to.


WWII French Resistance fighter takes refuge in an abandoned church and finds an injured American soldier. She tends to his wounds while faint sounds of battle are softly heard outside.


lens fogging / brushing

Kobe Xoxo

Two friends have a crush on you and want you to decide who can tingle you the best, each twin can do different triggers breathy whispers, kisses, voice cracks, etc. you could also use two of the fairy’s or fairy vs alien.


Bedtime girlfriend roleplay. We're trying to fall asleep together and you whisper ramble about the day and plans for tomorrow with various triggers mixed in like some sleepy yawns and different affectionate triggers like a gentle ear scratches and kisses, with a "nap" at the end.


Guided body relaxation, "relax your neck", "relax your shoulders" ect, shh, kisses, I love you, gentle ear scratches


Ear eating alternated with slow kisses

Rolling Thunder

RP. Having tea with a 19th century countess: (British, Russian or French) accent roleplay, whispering (chatting and gossip), utensil and tea set noises. Maybe some visual triggers.

Rolling Thunder

Visual triggers with latex gloves. Face touching and message, light triggers, following hands and objects with eyes and face measuring with ruler or measuring tape. Bonus points for awesome visual color scheme. :)


I would really like to see that green-haired demon from Tinglequest again.

Joseph G

Nurse cures your insomnia with whispering, close up breathing, scalp massage, and mouth sounds.


A pluck flick video would be very nice


Timing issues with work mean I never see the livestreams, so I'd like to see a classic type of video where you are just yourself. The roleplays are great, but sometimes you just gotta be you right? :) As far as triggers; unintelligible whispers, closeup, maybe tapping? And no touching the mic, ear rubbing/cleaning and the like aren't my thing.