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Hey cuties! As you know, I'm a little behind on the behind the scenes vlogs ($5 tier perk) due to my short grief hiatus. I usually post the vlog the following month after the footage it covers. So all the videos made in June would feature in a vlog released sometime during July. The last vlog I posted was for December 2020. So the vlog I'm working on this month is for the videos in January 2021. For February, I did not take footage of each video due to prioritizing my energy towards making the actual content and not the behind the scenes features (since I was and am still in the grieving process but had the motivation and desire to make content for yours and my own sake). So I might have a bit of footage for a couple of the videos before my cat passed. I'll decide what to do with that depending on how much there is. 

Doing that, that would bring us up to date and so next month I'd be editing the vlog for March's videos. I hope that helps with any confusion about that perk! 



Don't worry about it! You had some hard times, we understand <3