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No video this week. Probably the last exclusive audio will be delayed. We'll see. Have half the behind the scenes vlog edited.

There's been a death in the family and I have just been sobbing. I need rest. I have 8 years of videos I've made for y'all ♡ I hope one of them can help you sleep this Wednesday. Take care of yourselves. Tell your loved ones how you feel.


John Riney

My condolences, dear - take all the time you need.


Shit, it's cool. Take care of you and yours fam. We'll be fine

Adrian E

Take your time.


I’m sorry to hear that, truly. I wish you and your family all the best


I’m so sorry for your loss.. please take all the time that you need :(


I wish there was more we could do for you. Just take whatever time you need, no worries.


Sorry for your loss, take all the time and care you need.


I’m so sorry to hear that. Take all the time you need ❤️ Even if we didn’t have a mountain of content to choose from (which we do), you deserve time to heal.


Bekah, take all the time you need. You do so much for us, you don't have to worry about missing uploads. As you said, you have made so much wonderful content over the years. My heart goes out to you and your family. Treat yourself carefully. 💖


So sorry, SG. Take care of yourself too.


Take all the time you need, we understand. You have my deepest sympathy, hope you and your family are all okay.


So sorry for your loss. Please be safe and take all the time you need.


Take all the time you need


I'm sorry for your loss. Take all the time you need, we understand


Sorry for your loss , My condolences to you and your family . Take care of what you need to do .


I’m so sorry. Sending all of the love I can to you and your family. This past year has been so incredibly awful in so many ways. I hope you’re able to find some rest this week, and I hope the memory of your loved one is able to bring you some unexpected peace and comfort this week.


Wishing you and you folks all the best. Take whatever time you need x


That's perfectly fine, take your time. We'll be here


I'm sorry for your loss sending my best wishes to you and your family.

Carlos Hernandez

So sorry to hear about your loss, my condolences to you and your family.


Take as long as you need. We’re all here for you

Rolling Thunder

I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope that you take as much time as you need to grieve and that you find comfort with those around you and within your family. Get some rest and know that we will be here waiting when you feel well enough to return. 🤍


I'm so sorry, Bekah. You take all the time you need, don't worry about us.


So sorry for your loss <3


Take as long as you need, we'll be here for you.

Frank Bartlett

You have been there for us for 8 years as you say, always remember we are also here for you if you should need it. Virtual hugs and comfort are always there for you.


Much love and hugs from me. May the memories of your family member support you through this awful. It's those stories and memories that keep their spirit kindled and alive. Celebrate their life instead of mourning their death. Just a different perspective from another who has suffered enough loss for a lifetime.


So sorry for your loss. Don't worry, take all the time you need.


Sorry for your loss


Sorry for your loss; please take all the time and care you need for yourself and your family.

Aaron Araujo

Sorry for loss, sucks to lose anyone especially when it’s already been a shitty time all over 😢


I’m sorry, I’m sending love.


I'm very sorry for your loss. I wish you strength. Thank you for reminding me to appreciate my loved ones.


My deepest condolences, Bekah... I wish you all the peace, comfort, and solace that you have given us, your devoted fans over the years. With love and virtual hugs, - Kevin <3


Im sorry for your loss Bekah. Take all the time you need to process and grieve. We will be here when you are ready.


Of course! Come back when you are ready! Sending love and virtual hugs your way!!!


Sorry for your loss and please take care of yourself. Take all the time you need don't worry about us.


Take all the time you need. I'm so sorry. Sending love ♥️


I'm so sorry for your loss! Take all the time. Rooting for you!


Take 2 weeks off and take your time to grieve


I’m so sorry to hear this. Sending you all my love and support, as others have said, take as long as you need. The reality is that you’ve already given us so much, you owe us nothing.


My sincerest condolences. If I can offer some advice, take more time than you think you need. We will still be here.


I'm so sorry to hear! You take all the time you need. Sending love and virtual hugs your way! *Virtual hugs*

Just Plain Joe

I'm so sorry. Take all the time you need. We'll be right here waiting patiently for you. Sending all the hugs!


We owe u alot and we hope u can be alright aswell as your family now.


Sending love


take as much time as you need


Take your time, sorry for your loss. Here's a suggestion for future schedule: Why not making a "refurbished" video once a week, where you revisit an older video of yours, maybe clean it up a little bit with your todays editing routine (just assuming that this changed over the years) and maybe even adding whispered overlays or something similar. Something like a retro series? That way you'd have one less video to shoot per week and make use of your 8 year fund of material :-) I would gladly watch that!


Take care of yourself


I'm so sorry for your loss. Please take care of yourself, and take the time you need.


I'm sorry, that must be awful x Take all the time you need x


Sorry for your loss. We will be fine here. Take all the time you need.


Really sorry to hear this, Bekah. Thoughts go to you and your family. You've done so much for all of us over the years, we'll be fine. Take your time and we'll see you when you want to come back.


Oh I’m so sorry to hear about your loss. Sending you all my positive thoughts and love, take all the time you need and take care of yourself.


Sorry for your loss. Sending my thoughts for you and your family.


Sorry for your loss, take care.


My condolences for your loss.


So sorry to here your sad news Becks.


I'm very sorry to hear this. My condolences go out to you and the family.


I just saw, Bekah. Sincere sympathy and big hugs