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Hello my Softies and Galoshies! I thought it would be time for another life update.

So as some of you will remember, my cat, Isabel, has thyroid problems. We've been working with our vet to treat her. Her thyroid has been stabilized again after a dosage change. However, now we see that she has irreversible heart failure. We've started her on new meds to treat it. They said that if she responds well to the meds, we might get a year with her, maybe less.

She's been my cat since I was 12. I just turned 29. I love her so much.

So for now, she is getting lots of treats and extra cuddles (she was already being cuddled a million times a day, but make it 2 million!), and we're making sure to take extra pics and videos.

Despite everything, she is in no pain and acts just like the happy, relaxed kitty she always is. 😊

As for me, I haven't been sick in a while now. No more covid! I've been using my skills from DBT and so I've been pretty stable.

I've also been playing video games more lately! The two games I've really been enjoying are Dragon Age Inquisition and Eastshade! The former was recommended to me by a friend after asking for games similar to Skyrim. And then I found the latter on a Steam sale. I feel like Eastshade is the perfect game for me!

Well, that's most of what I've been up to. I hope y'all are staying safe. ♡ Thanks for reading this!




Much love to you and your cat. Stay safe.


Nice to see baby Isabel chilling being her happy self.


Big Isabel🖤 I hope she stays pain free and, if the deed does happen, it's nice and quick. Sounds like she's lived a long, happy life🖤


I can imagine. Have a good stream too!


She is the best floof


❤️ ❤️


Sweet cuddly kitty ❤ Wishing you all well!


I'm sure you've been a wonderful, attentive mom to Isabel, and you are so fortunate to have had such a long and joyful relationship with her. It sounds like you're doing everything exactly right and we'll be here to encourage both of you as she does this new treatment.


So glad you are feeling better! I am sorry about Isabel though, that's awful Bekah :( Sounds like overall you are really crushing it though, well done :)


Don't know what to say but to send you my condolences. Hope kitty has the best year of her life this year and after the year we just had, I hope the same for all of us.


I'm sorry to hear about your cat. Mine had a similar problem, except it was kidney failure. I hope she gets lots more cuddles and love for the rest of her life! Also, I'm happy to hear that you've been doing well lately.